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Mercenary Full Plate
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24. Okt. 2019 um 8:55
4. Mai 2021 um 14:40
13 Änderungshinweise (anzeigen)

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Mercenary Full Plate

This mod adds a heavier version of the mercenary plate armor. It is essentially an unholy chest plate with the pauldrons and arm plates of mercenary plate, plus some armor for the back. It has slightly better protection than the unholy chest plate and covers 80% of the arms, rather than 25%, but is more expensive, significantly heavier, and has higher combat penalties because of all the extra bulk. The armor and its blueprint are sold anywhere the unholy chest plate is.

Version 11 Update:
-Balanced the stats on the armor pieces, making them more closely fit with existing armor in the game.

Version 10 Update:
-Overhauled the textures to be less glossy and also a bit less filthy.

Version 9 Update:
-Fixed most of the weird stretching issues, particularly in the chest/stomach/waist area of female characters (finally - Kenshi is so weird in how they do female armatures and fixing this took me ages)
-Further dirtied the armor

Version 8 Update:
-Added weathering effects to the armor's texture
-Reduced glossiness
-The shoulder straps now move with your shoulders
-Added dust storm protection to the helmet and a little acid protection to the chest and leg pieces
-Compressed the textures to reduce file size

Version 7 Update:
-Added faction colors. Since this might not be to everyone's taste, I added them as a separate patch, found here .
-This will probably be the last change I make to this mod, unless any major issues pop up, as I'm happy with it in its current state and tinkering can be all-consuming if you let it be.

Version 6 Update:
-Added pants and boots! Now you can collect the whole heavy set.

Version 5 Update:
-Added a helmet! The Mercenary Bascinet is now available, both as an item and a blueprint, at the same vendors where you'd buy the armor. It is statted as a heavy version of the visored helmet, and all that entails.
-Updated the armor's texture (again).
-Note that if you look up at the helmet from underneath, parts of the inside may look invisible. This is something I just noticed and will try to fix in the next update, but it's not a very noticeable thing.
-The helmet's base model was a free download from the lovely, which has plenty of good stuff I may use in future updates. All credit goes to them - I mostly just made it work with Kenshi.

Version 4 Update:
-Updated the textures to be a little more grey and a little less brown. Also added some high/low-lighting for more detail.
-Removed the worst of the clipping issues, particularly on female characters. Note that characters with particularly small waists or large chests will still get some weird clipping.
-Updated the icon to better reflect the new texture.

Version 3 Update:
-Female textures should now be working properly.
-Improved (hopefully) the textures all around to better fit the game's color scheme.
-Removed the legplates, since they were really just getting in the way.
-Added an inventory icon.

-Particularly strange body types may cause clipping
-I'm still working on implementing faction colors.
61 Kommentare
Big Tino  [Autor] 17. Juli 2024 um 14:25 
The blueprint can be bought off any vendor who also sells the blueprint for the Unholy Chest armor, which is most armor stores but it is randomized as to whether or not it shows up. If it's too hard to find, or if you want to add it to research or something, feel free to edit your version of the mod. Those things are easy to change in Kenshi and you should be able to easily customize where and how it shows up.
Archer 12. Juli 2024 um 11:08 
I can’t find a drawing for crafting or the armor itself, it’s crap and not a mod
Alkaris 19. Jan. 2024 um 7:07 
Agreed. If some dirtied textures from heavy plate hive armour took place on the plate parts, it'd be perfect.
Rivus 9. Okt. 2023 um 5:34 
Three big problems with this mod, the texture is pretty awful, the helmet is ugly, and the fauldrons are part of the leg's rather than the chest armor (which means you can't use the legs with any other chest armor).

other then that, it's pretty solid, just needs a touch up.
Rivus 24. Sep. 2023 um 23:51 
Wow! Awesome!
Ifellasleepwolf 16. Juni 2023 um 16:13 
could this armor be add in the research? make it easy instead of running to places to get it
Ifellasleepwolf 3. Juni 2023 um 9:53 
neet saves me time running to far places
Big Tino  [Autor] 2. Juni 2023 um 10:01 
It has a chance to be sold in pretty much all places that sell armor. If one shop doesn't have it, try another.
Ifellasleepwolf 1. Juni 2023 um 21:47 
could you make it where its sold anywhere with armor shop?
Big Tino  [Autor] 7. Mai 2023 um 10:33 
Sure thing. Feel free.