Garry's Mod
Оценок: 31
[TTT2] Sheriff & Deputy [ROLE]
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Тип контента: Дополнение
Тип дополнения: Контент сервера
Метки дополнений: Развлечение, Ролевая игра
Размер файла
746.382 KB
10 окт. 2019 г. в 13:42
10 окт. 2023 г. в 8:56
Обновлений: 10 (просмотреть)

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[TTT2] Sheriff & Deputy [ROLE]

Alone against the dark he stands there frightened and thinks about the benefits of hiring a colleague.

You have to use TTT2 in order to use this role. Additionally using ULX for TTT2 is recommended. Report bugs concerning this role here[] and submit new role ideas here[]. A list of all currently available roles can be found here.


The sheriff is basically the same as a normal detective. He is visible to the other players, has a shop and fights in the innocent team. However he has a deputydeagle to hire a colleague. Like known from the jackal, he has to fire his shot on any other player to convert their role. The shot player will fight for the team of the sheriff now. His previous team doesn’t matter.

If the Sheriff dies, the deputy will die too (automatically)!

Plays best with:

Convars are variables that are introduced to allow server owners to customize the gameplay without changing the code. There are always a handful of convars automatically created by TTT2, that define the spawn parameters of this role and are found in ULX. Additionally there might be some role specific convars, which have to be set in the server config file.

Normal Role Convars (also found in ULX):
# enable or disable this role ttt_sher_enabled [0/1] (default: 1) # the percentage of players that are spawned as this role ttt_sher_pct [0.0..1.0] (default: 0.13) # the limit of players that spawn as this role each round, this overwrites the percentage ttt_sher_max [0..n] (default: 1) # the probability each round of this role being spawned at all ttt_sher_random [0..100] (default: 50) # the amount of players needed for this role to spawn ttt_sher_min_players: [0..n] (default: 8)

Alf21: creator of this role addon
Mineotopia: designer of the role icon
Комментариев: 16
Reispfannenfresser 27 апр. 2022 г. в 10:14 
What if the deputy was still loyal to their original team?

This would allow some nice plays:
- The Priest can help the Sheriff in their choice.
- Any evil team could trick the Sheriff into picking them.
- The Sheriff would have to be very mindful in general when choosing instead of just shooting the next best person who runs along.
faye 26 апр. 2022 г. в 17:32 
I'm saying the role negatively interferes with the entire premise of TTT. There's no counterplay or intrigue to roles like this at all IMO. If traitors have spent a few minutes setting up fun crimes and pretending to be someone they're not, it all gets thrown away because one of them just switched teams with the click of a button. It's no fun for the Innocents or the Traitors, and as I said just makes the game pointless.
Alf21  [создатель] 26 апр. 2022 г. в 8:18 
Rules? What keeps a Sidekick from killing their fellow traitors? The same. What makes you sure a deputy really is a deputy? Nothing, if playing with such other roles.
If it doesn't support your playstyle, this role is nothing for your group. But technically we are unable to interact with the player and let them forget what they have seen seconds ago...
faye 25 апр. 2022 г. в 21:53 
So what stops a new Deputy that was a Traitor from killing their fellow Traitors? The Deputy knows who their teammates were previously so it ruins basically the entire round. This role doesn't really make much sense
K4i 7 июл. 2020 г. в 3:38 
Ah perfekt danke 😅
Alf21  [создатель] 6 июл. 2020 г. в 13:35 
Ne stimmt alles so. So ist das mit dem Base- und Subrole-System :D Aber am besten einfach ausprobieren 😅👌🏻
K4i 6 июл. 2020 г. в 11:08 
Kurze Verständnisfrage ^^
Wenn ich dem Dete eine 30% Chance gebe, das er überhaupt auftaucht. Aber dem Sheriff eine 100%, dann hat der Sheriff ja trotzdem "nur" eine 30% Chance aufzutauchen.
Aber wenn ich das so einstelle, sollte doch immer wenn eigentlich ein Dete auftauchen sollte ein Sheriff auftauchen oder?

Also im Endeffekt will ich es so haben das der Dete immer direkt zum Sheriff wird und ich nie nur einen normalen Dete habe ^^

Das hab ich jetzt glaube ich komplizierter erklärt als es ist :D
Alf21  [создатель] 19 апр. 2020 г. в 3:02 
Wenn der Dete an ist, es nur einen geben kann und du den Sheriff auf 100% hast, dann kann es nur einen Sheriff geben (keinen Dete). Wenn du einen Dete und einen Sheriff haben willst, dann muss es 2 Dete geben können und einen Sheriff. Wenn du entweder einen Dete oder einen Sheriff haben willst, dann muss der Dete auf 100% und der Sheriff auf 50%.
Yuuki 18 апр. 2020 г. в 21:30 
Also wenn der Dete an ist, kann es trotzdem nur den Sheriff geben und es spawnt kein Dete, hab ich das richtig verstanden?
Alf21  [создатель] 17 апр. 2020 г. в 12:13 
Der Sheriff ist eine Subrolle (Nebenrolle). Wenn es die BaseRole (Hauptrolle) Dete nicht gibt, kann es auch keinen Sheriff geben. Der Sheriff ist quasi ein Upgrade des Dete. Also einfach beide gleich einstellen und das sollte gehen :)