208 évaluations
How to fight against Capitalism
De Sterzo
This guide will help you against capitalistic plumed knights that laugh at you only because you are poor
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Some introduction notes
Duing medieval years everybody notice only the fabolous battle of glorious knights. Nobody remember that they need to eat something to fight and the things they eat arrived directly from us farmers.

Now we are very annoyed about this so pick up fork and let's fight plumed virgins!

Chad Loadout - Mind
The mind of the Farmer (Perks)
Thanks to our routine at the farm, we achieved while working those useful perk
  • Friendly - Our comrades can't get damage by our fork
  • Fireproof - 12h under the sun a day reinforced our skin against hot temperature
  • Tenacious - On work we often wound ourselves and we learnt how the heal faster
  • Paesant - Farmer fighters require farmer solutions


Chad Loadout - Weapon
Fighting Tools
Let's go directly on the point: we are poor. We don't have a decent sword or something like that, we must bring on the battle our farming tool.

The Fork
This is my favourite weapon and is really useful because it has decent stat and can deal quite damage. The fantastic quality of the fork is that it can be used as crouched weapon on horses.
Yes carrots were a thing of the past, fork knights are arrived.

The Pan
A classic. Personally I don't use it, it is a quite good weapon but when someone see it, he thinks it is a meme build. We are seriously trying to fight plumed knights so meme are good but not that good.

Carving Knife
This is absoloute a meme. It isn't good at all, it even can't even interrupt enemy attack. I advice to bring it as a side weapon or a throwable. Maybe better using rocks.

Chad Loadout - Armor
Working Abit
After a fantastic day in the farm you have to fight against an army that want to pass through your camp regardless ruining your hardwork. No time to change, go fighting dressed as you dress while working.

Here is my example

Remember to use something you don't care much about because the farm is dirty and can ruin it. Also avoid metal things because knights have metal armor and we hate knights.

Things that you must do
Usually bards are not poor, at least not as us farmer. But they don't laugh when they see you, instead they can play some beautiful song that invite you to fight better. Virgin knights often try to kill bards because they consider them useless in the fight. This mean that protecting bards now is not only for the love of the music, but also as a protest against fatty knights.

Plumed Helmet are the cosmetic that reppresent the most what a virgin is. They are the most expensive helmets in the game that can cheaply replaced by the same helmet without the plume. But fatty knights need to manifest their money buying them and that plume is exactly what will receive all our rage.

When you see a plume like this
You have to throw at him anything you find on the ground. If you have only your pan, throw it on his head anyway and then fight him as much as you can, because it is a shame to every farmer on earth.

Before we mainly spoke about Frontline/Invasion, but the game also offer us the Ranked Duel mode.

The build for duels is exactly the same as the FL build. We don't need anything more, we come directly from the farm to break some head of the high society.

Very very simple: when you manage to defeat a knight, C-C-2 and laught at him.
He defeat you, C-4 and insult him. Nothing more easy than this.

Secret Power of the Fork
This is a secret that nobody know, our fork is completely rusted. Yes a rusty fork in medieval times.
In this time that everybody are anti-vaxer. An absoloute win.

The Final Sentence
This is what you have to do when the most tragic thing happen: when a knight defeat you 5-0 and he say gg.
Obviously you don't say gg, but The Sentence:

"and other fantastic things capitalistics say after laughing at farmers".

This will completely destroy their brain and they won't say anything more. They should realize they won only because they have a weapon studied for war against you that only have a farming tool.
This will remove all the satisfaction they achieve winning against you and you don't have to feel like a loser because you know you win in their capitalistic mind. Now is gg.

37 commentaires
Spartan 22 juin 2023 à 18h40 
USPS Mailman 10 juin 2023 à 21h05 
honestly, all you have to do to fight against capitalism in 2023 is to just shop somewhere else instead of walmart and amazon, it's that simple. :agathacross:
PoorUglyPeasant 15 mai 2022 à 21h55 
Na a real peasant uses either the frying pan or the sledgehammer, in some cases the scythe, but he never, and i say never, forgets to bring rocks to the fight.
DerRitter 20 avr. 2021 à 20h19 
virgin peasant
grrr 26 mars 2021 à 15h07 
yoo is taht tha real meow zedong?? big fan!
Sekto 5 déc. 2020 à 4h13 
my trusty shovel has felled more than a couple plume bois i rec giving it a chance
nudle 30 aout 2020 à 10h52 
what about scythe
Goglgam 6 juil. 2020 à 5h37 
the plumed knights and peasant must ally against the horned helmets for stability of the socialist realm.:mhpatchie::mhseymour::terminated:
Slingshot4 19 févr. 2020 à 19h23 
need peasant weapon only server or knights vs peasants
grrr 5 févr. 2020 à 5h44 
thanks for spreading communism in the medieval era!