319 ψήφοι
Fashion animation with pistol
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348.544 KB
22 Σεπ 2019, 12:44

Συνδρομή για λήψη
Fashion animation with pistol


About MOD

The mod replaces the standard walking and waiting animations with a gun and reloading the gun, and also replaces the standing waiting animation.

Mod compatible with mods:
The mod is not compatible with "New Animation" and other mods that replace the standard animation
(StandIdle.motion, StandIdlePistol.motion, StandReloadPistol.motion, StandWalkPistol.motion).

Before installing this mod, you need to unsubscribe from other mods that replace this animation.


О моде

Мод заменяет стандартные анимации хотьбы и ожидания с пистолетом и перезарядку пистолета, а так же заменяет анимацию ожидания стоя.

Мод совместим с модами:
Мод не совместим с "New Animation" и другими модами, которые заменяют стандартную анимацию
(StandIdle.motion, StandIdlePistol.motion, StandReloadPistol.motion, StandWalkPistol.motion).

Перед тем как устанавливать этот мод нужно отписатся от других модов, заменяющих данную анимацию.
10 σχόλια
real_m9ico  [Δημιουργός] 27 Σεπ 2019, 6:04 
English will be enough.)))
exxelll 27 Σεπ 2019, 5:14 
we need to speak in russian or english to communicate with this comrade or else he/she won't understand
睿聆 25 Σεπ 2019, 1:54 
睿聆 25 Σεπ 2019, 1:41 
睿聆 25 Σεπ 2019, 1:40 
Reariu 24 Σεπ 2019, 20:13 
I feel it lacks weight to her steps.:seriousboss:
real_m9ico  [Δημιουργός] 23 Σεπ 2019, 20:49 
Mods for animation and FPS compatible. This mod is for animation only.
Creamsicle 23 Σεπ 2019, 15:42 
so these mods are compatible with the FPS mod? that's awesome
real_m9ico  [Δημιουργός] 22 Σεπ 2019, 20:50 
This is a different mod. There are similar mods in the workshop. This mod does only replace animations.
Durge 101 22 Σεπ 2019, 20:12 
Does this mod also come with the first person aiming as well?