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Build & Share Guide to all.
Από Voidstatic
This will be everything you need to know about the B&S or Build & Share contest, from basics and beyond.
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What is the B&S Contest?
The Build & Share or B&S contest is a thematic contest that runs bi-weekly so you have two weeks from monday to monday. First part of this guide will be the layout showing what to expect on the forums, I shall go into depth about each part including how to enter, where to get links and whatever else we have been asked about.
The Layout
Build & Share Contest # -

Build & Share Information

This is a bi weekly contest starting from the monday posted and ends 2 weeks on a Monday. We do not expect jaw dropping builds, but expect an attempt at making something very suiting to the contest. Please have fun with the builds, and know this is to challenge you and build things you have never done before.

The Contest Duration:
Monday September 30th from 9am-11am CST.

The Theme of the Contest:

insert theme text describing what the theme is this time around, and what is expected

(Please copy and paste this is required to submit)

Challenge #:
In-Game name(optional):
Build Name:
Entry Details:


All entries must be original work done by you. Participants submitting another builder’s work will be disqualified from the current challenge. No blueprints by another person may be used unless it is part of the challenge. However, you can certainly use your own bp's in your building process. Entries must adhere to the theme and have some effort put into them but we encourage even if you cannot build as well as some to enter your work.


-3-10 Screenshots. (Please ask if you don't know how)
-Please feel free to add a link to an Adventure or workshop item showing off your build.
-Please do not use alt accounts to enter multiple times.
-Rules may be added as we go along if we find they are needed to keep everything fair and running smoothly.

B & S Discord Channel:

For the main B&S page for their world and old contests, please join if you have ideas for future contests or cannot enter due to a restricted steam account.


The prizes will be awarded on a lottery system. Your submitted build will be your lottery ticket and we will draw names at the end of the 3 weeks. Each participant will have one submission to the prize lottery. However, you may submit as many builds as you wish. Prizes will be provided by our generous developers, Playful Corp.

We have five - 500 - coin bundles for prizes, so if you'd like a few extra coins to jingle about in your Creativerse pocket, get to building!


This is a fan run challenge. Playful Corp has offered to provide prizes, but otherwise will not be involved in the administration of the challenges. We are hosting these events solely as Creativerse players and fans.


We use this handy dandy online app to determine the winners:

First Section: Information
So to start as I explained in the start this a is bi-weekly contest, it will run for 2 weeks starting Monday when it is posted and end the second Monday following. That very morning when the winners are announced the next one goes up and the cycle continues. Now 2 weeks is plenty of time to get some builds out, we don't ever expect a player to do a jaw dropping, stunning builds. Its expected to put some effort into your work, and to not use another players build (Even if given permissions we need to know from the other player). Originality and creativity is very welcomed. If the theme isnt something you have done before and is out of your comfort zone its really welcomed to try the theme out. A contest will challenge you to do something new and always remember to have fun with it!
The Theme
Each contest will have a unique theme to it, sometimes it may repeat some old ones such as holiday themes. They will challenge you at times, some being easy some being hard and entries will be judged if they fit and you will be notified quickly in case.
The Entry Form
This is perhaps the most important part to entering the contest. If you are sharing the build and not wanting to enter the contest itself just state your "sharing" it. If you are wanting to enter the contest you want to copy the form this is required. Entering the contest number seen at the top of the contest as example #57 - Gothic Inspirations. The in game name is optional if you leave it blank I will use your steam name if you win.

Now fun part, the build name if your build has a certain name such as Gothic cathedral. A name can define what you made if you want us to be 100% sure what you did. The Entry Details are where you would define what you built, example for Gothic Cathedral could be; its an amazing Gothic inspired cathedral with vaulted ceilings, stained glass windows and a touch of spookiness hiding in the corners.

The links and workshop section is where you would share your adventure link or a blueprint. How to do so is simple. When you capture your build in the game do the usual of name, description and publish. Go to your workshop from your profile in steam > right click > copy page url. Then go to that section of the entry form and paste it into the section and boom you have a link to the blueprint. Adventures are easier, once published you will have an option in site to copy a link to it, then just paste it into the area and put a name of the adventure in the build name if its different so players can run it themselves.

What to submit is easy, 1-3 screenshots which you can do via steam f12 and go into steam itself, top left into view, screenshots and upload the ones you want then go to your profile and copy each to the form. Or add them to the blueprint itself but I wont be going into details for that on this one. Links of the adventure or blueprint are a must. Entering on multiple accounts is not welcomed at all.

The discord is also free to join and submit ideas for future contests, to submit via the discord which all you have to do is ask how, asking questions about the contest and anything else.

Now the B&S if you enter does have a prize which is 500 coins given by playful, they are not in charge of this contest since its fan run. The winners are chosen by the wheel which is random, an entry is basically a ticket or raffle.