Pizza Game

Pizza Game

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A brief summary of the timelines in Pizza Game
By Supleted (Spek From Infinity)
When I had first brought the game, I genuinely did not expect the game to have such a comprehensive and interwoven lore to the story. Almost every character have a backstory, and are vaguely related to one another, either by work, social life or William-Sama. I have compiled a somewhat brief summary of the events that had transpired in the course of the game, and before the events of pizza game took place. Please note however that due to the massive amounts of information presented to us, the timeline is in no ways complete, and is subject to future edits. Please also be aware that this timeline will spoil some of the major plot twists that occurs in the game, and as such I shall give out a spoiler warning to you now.
Timeline: Before Pizza Game: unverified events
Sometimes before the events of Pizza Game took place:
-Florida (the most south-eastern state in the US) and the city of Seattle from Washington State (The most north-western state in the US) joined together and formed the conjoined state of Floridaddle
-ToMAThAN ArIMNaes (Tomathan Arimnaesenhauer Von Trapp, birthed by Momnaes and Dadnaes), bOrn March 9th (1977-1981) in GReEn CounTy IoWA, thE daYwas SuNny with 5mph WinDs and a 30% chANce of precipiTATION hE WEIGHED 9 OUNCES?!?!
-Arimnaes (Babynaes) was forced by his parents to become a “schoole boy” when he grows up despite his yearnings to go to space, not unlike his idol at the time, President Jimmy Carter.
-Arimnaes and Lillibean (Vanilla Bean)(demon), his childhood girlfriend, engaged in an altercation regarding carrots in their soup. Arimnaes made a promise to never be angry from that day forth.
-One day after the altercation of carrots, Arimnaes had gotten into yet another altercation with Lillibeans with regards to playing house or playing tag, thereby breaking the promise Arimnaes made the day prior.
-Shortly after, Lillibeans attended Babynaes’ birthday parties, and swore to not miss Arimnae’s futhre birthday parties. This promise was eventually left unfulfilled as Arimaes was forced to flee from his childhood home under extreme circumstances.
- On day after the Halloween prom, in response to baby Arimnae’s bizarre life choices and his utter failure in Arithmatism, Dadnaes eviscerated all the balloons in the entire universe. Balloons were no longer considered real from that day forth.
-Shortly after the eradication of all balloons, Arimnaes murdered Momnaes and Dadnaes with the power of bone given to him by Lillibean, and was forced to leave Lillibean behind as he fled his childhood home in fear of persecution.
-Sensei was banned from most churches.
-Warped Lamp was born in Tokyohai, an amalgamation of Tokyo and Shanghai, combined by Obama in order to save money. Tokyohaians speaks fluent Korean. Warped Lamp played as the bass guitarist in a band until his band members (rock guitarist and 32 drummers) either quit or perished in a tragic gardening accident. Warped Lamp was forced to play all 34 instruments with his hands and tentacles until she eventually moved to Floridaddle due to the police sending the Yakuza after her after suspecting her for the murder of his 32 band-mates.
-Warped Lamp Ironically obtained her lawyer’s degree.
-Gumballs, cards and Pizza was absent on the moon.
-The space Roobit moon empire’s primary mission statement involves signing papers and ensuring each roobit received their roobit snack daily, a task that can be accomplished by a vending machine.
-Roobit, princess of the moon roobit empire, befriends Roobinia, Roobinelle and Roob-Rub.
-In no certain time periods, Roobit’s mother (unnamed) would get into several altercations with Roobit that involves a broken fridge, Roobit’s weight, and embezzles the princess’s salary in order to purchase space cigarettes.
-An unnamed space Roobit has been convicted of wielding Sorcery. Roobit’s mother (the queen) and her council of elder roobits were outraged by Roobit’s empathy toward the magic roobit.
-Roobit descends to earth in order to learn the true meaning of justice.
-Kenzie Kenzington was murdered on Floridaddle university campus 2 months before the events of Pizza Game took place.
-Chris installs a self-destruct device in his well-insured café.
-Plungersei takes up residence inside of the community center toilet.
Keenanor and Baron Von Boo, along with unnamed bandmates, formed the music band “Secret Flower”
-Richardo inherits the power of the Sensei bloodline by having the ability to speak Spanish.
-Guy Manston obtained number 88 on the Floridaddle Giraffes.
-The Town of Eldred disappeared several months before the events of Pizza Game.
-Phoenix Wright, Dangan Ronpa, Jojo’s bizarre adventure, Fatal Frame, Zero Time Dilemma, Tokyo Drifter, League of Legends, Bruno Mars, Juliet and Romebo, Get Out (2017) were all legitimate media products that had been commercialized sometimes before October 30th, 2009
-The big Sensei bobsled team was sued by the Chicago Black Hawk for using its mascot, the Chicago Black Hawk. The big Sensei bobsled team was ultimately unable to deduce the motive for said lawsuit.
-Anti-Ambulance was approved for public service.
-Drake and Josh was filmed in front of a live audience.
Baron Von Boo's Timeline
Baron von Boo, heir in the noble clan of Von Boos went to pizza school after his father dismissed his notion of attending martial arts school due to “not enough punching numbers”. Baron would vow to impress his father by constructing the greatest Pizzastablishment ever found in these United States. However, in order to construct a pizza establishment, Von Boo would have had to have a degree in advanced robots. Prior to attending pizza school, Von Boo had obtained his robotics degree via a mail program back in prep school due to him being “at heart a villain”. He would then meet with Keenanor of a middle class family for the first time. They became friends despite their grade differences as Von Boo leaned of his way of life: Friendship, football “lin” the afternoons, lunches with girls. The duo would spend the next 16 years studying all 16 toppings on a pizza, a feat deemed as the second most vigorous education one could attempt (Martial arts being the first). During later encounters, Baron would recount his days at pizza school, and complain of the pizza school having gophers as mascots instead of pizza, his sibling Zacharie Von Boo convincing Baron to audition for Samuel Beckett, Kenny being cast as a lamp post in the school play, burying a deer that had ran into his car during hallows eve and being so enraptured by Ms. Francis (unknown occupation) such that Von Boo barely managed to retain his “top student” status. Baron Von Boo would become talented in all areas except Pizza Management, which ultimately made him unfit to construct the greatest Pizzastablishment of his dreams. Von Boo would eventually harbor a grudge against Keenanor, owner of Town Pizza, and would initiate a one-sided rivalry with Keenanor.
Timeline: Time-Verified events

Old man Pizza, founder of the Town Pizza, was murdered by “VBF”. While it is heavily implied that Arimnaes was the killer, it would have been impossible as Arimnaes had only received the power of bone 1 year after his murder.

On October 30th, 1979, Lillibeans invites Baby Arimnaes to the Halloween Prom. Arimnaes rejected the proposal on grounds that going to the prom with a female would jeopardize his chances at playing b-ball. Lillibean then convinced Arimnaes to take him to the prom in exchange for Arimnaes obtaining the power of bones, an ability that would eviscerate individuals to piles of bones. Failure to uphold this agreement would void the agreement, forcing Arimnaes to return his power of bones within 30 years time, on October 30th, 2009.
Babynaes failed to uphold his side of the agreement, resulting in Lillibean waiting in the rain for 8 hours for Arimnae’s arrival, and was ultimately taken to the prom by Skeevy McPeanuts at 3AM, at which time the prom was long over. Lilliebeans then conceived Sav with the help of Skeevy Mcpeanuts. Sav would later come to refer to Lillibeans as MOTHER, and harbors an extreme hate for her.

Some time in 1979: Mcirosoffit was founded one block away from Town Pizza, next to Chris’ Café.

1986 (or 1968 according to Sensei’s foggy recollection): the big Sensei bobsled team suffered a fatal defeat and lost their chance to obtain the golden bobsled Pulitzer at the big FLordaddle Bobseld Tourney when Sensei’s hidden jealousy for his brother’s inherited bloodline manifested into Sensei’s foot “accidentally” tripped over their bobsled. Sensei then embellished the story by claimed the bobsled tripped over Sensei’s foot as they were going over “The Big Bump” during the race. The façade continued for 23-41 years despite the lie doing very little to actually embellish Sensei’s fault in the situation.

Shortly before Monday, October 30th, 2009: Lillibean, now grown up to be the town hobo William-sama, wanted Arimnaes to return his power of bone voluntarily before the deadline, so he used his magic to put the town of Floridaddle into an eternal time loop, in order to persuade Arimnaes to do the right thing. Since it is now past Columbus Day (October 12th) William-Sama had to refresh his Power Beacons, and he chose to store his demon soul into 5 brand new Power Beacon (TM): Kiane, Warped Lamp, Arimnaes, Keenanor and Senei. These beacons would serve to be William-Sama’s strength and weakness.

Meanwhile, Arimnaes, inside the time loop, managed to discern William-Sama’s weakness being the 5 individuals who unknowingly harbors William-Sama’s soul. Through trial and error, he had discerned 4 out of the 5 individuals with his demon meter, while mistakenly believed Chris was the fith and final beacon, as the demon beacon went down when he killed Chris, due to him being a demon. He then sets out to destroy all 5 souls in order to weaken William-Sama and break the time loop placed upon him. The events that transpired in Pizza Game ultimately began.
Timeline: Monday, October 30th, 2009
Monday (October 30th, 2009) 3PM: Kiane arrived at Mcirosoffit Reception, and chatted with Nancy while Arimnaes was pre-occupied desecrating an older version of Kiane in his office located on level 888. Arimnaes would then descend onto the reception and inform Nancy of Kiane’s recent employment, introduce himself to Kiane as “What’s Left of Arimnaes” and strip both employees of their pay for the day in order to give himself a bonus for putting up with the proletariat. At that moment, Sav would have broken into Chris’ restaurant and changed the calendar so that It will reflect October 31st on October 32nd. He then arranged for the 4st ever Floridaddle Podunk Poemdunk with Chrisanthemum to take place on October 31st. Multiple magazines featuring guns, as well as Mr. Arimnae’s completed only child survey would have been sent to the Café, where as Sav’s poetry slam posters would have ended up in the garbage can of the front reception of Mcirosoffit. William-Sama is currently indisposed at this time.
Later that afternoon, Kiane would have fled the Mcirosoffit office in shame, and would have skipped her tab at the café and encounters Warped Lamp (which she mistakenly referred to as Marped Lamp) for the first time, possibly trashing him in the process.
Later that Evening, Kiane, Wapred Lamp, Student 1, Student 2 and Student 156 would have attended Sensei’s driving ed class. Kiane would later return home and order a Pizza from Keenanor, and avoids paying for the pizza.
Chief Stabby is now aware of the time loop that took place in Floridaddle and is desperately trying to undo the loop before the next cycle could happen.
Timeline: Tuesday, October 31st, 2009
Tuesday Morning (Ocober 31st, 2009) Sensei’s driver’s ed class would be moved to 9AM in observance of the night of the dead. At this point, Sensei would wink uncontrollably in an attempt to break the world record for winking, possibly destroying the school in the process. Warped Lamp would be preoccupied making up 7 fake mysteries around the school in order to impress and date Kiane. Regardless of Sensei breaking the world record, he would be planning for his family reunion at this time.
Sav would masquerade himself as an English student teacher at the local schoolversity in order to stay close to Chris without alerting him to his presence.
Meanwhile, Arimnaes would have stored old Kiane’s remains in his copy machine and invite the new Kiane to a presentation with regards to Mcirosoffit’s logo choice, as well as stripping her of 3 years of pay. They would later stroll into Town Pizza, where he mistakenly assumed he would obtain a free lunch by inserting his calling card into the venue’s gumball machine. Kiane would subsequently be fired for good, prompting her to break into the serial killer’s home in a vain attempt to get her non-paying job back.
Keenanor would have been confronted by Siv Illian and Roobit in regards to a typed letter sent to the civilian patrol force. The letter had Keenanor’s name as the sender and warns of an impending murder in Town Pizza, allegedly perpetrated by Keenanor.
While Kiane was away, Johnny would have given away Kiane’s magazines as well as her uncle’s fine China in an attempt to placate trick-or-treaters.
Mr. Arimnaes would have signed up for the4st ever Floridaddle Podunk Poemdunk fully aware that Sav had sabotaged the calendars in the café to make it appear the poemdunk takes place on October 32nd. Chris would be confused as to why several patrons are gathered in his store, slinging rhymes.
Timeline: Wednesday, October 32nd, 2009
Wednesday (October 32nd, 2009)
Warped Lamp posted two advertisements in the newspaper, recruiting for a cool basketball dude and a ghost hunter. Mr. Arimnaes would later show up the next day for both events.
Sav would show up at Chris’ café for the supposed poetry slam, only to corner Chris in an attempt to eradicate him so that he may summon a creature known as MOTHER, defeat said creature, and revive David Bowie. Mr. Arimnaes arranged for an anti-ambulance to arrive to the scene.
Sensei would perish in the back alleyway of Town Pizza at the hand of Mr. Arimnaes (Or potentially Keenanor and his army of meat clones and meat Karate Lessons). His remains would be stowed away inside the dumpster behind Town Pizza, to be discovered by Baron Von Boo as he makes his escape from Town Pizza. Sensei’s #4 medal would be left outside the dumpster. Keenanor, Arimnaes and Baron Von boo would become the primary suspects for this murder and will be led away by Siv to be interrogated at Mr. Arimnae’s mansion.
Timeline: Thursday, November 1st, 2009
Thursday (November 1st, 2009)
Mr. Arimnae’s whereabouts: Mr. Arimnaes was in his office during Chris’ route, he was hanging around Town Pizza alley next to his Mcirosoffit office building in Warped Lamp’s route, he presumably was in his office during Sensei’s route, and he was forcibly confined to his house during Keenanor/Roobit’s route. Therefore, it is safe to assume that Mr. Arimnaes was no where near the community center (or the charred remains of the community center) on this day.
Sensei’s remains would have been disposed into the trashcan behind Towns Pizza at this time, where Kiane would mistake them for Spaghettis during Warped Lamp’s Mystery #5 ghost hunt.
After suffering a near-fatal defeat at the hands of Sav, Chrisanthemum resolved to strengthen himself by stashing away his souls into five separate zucchinis, to be stowed away in places of power (the printer at Mcirosoffit, the zucchini display at the grocery store, the Jukebox at Town Pizza, the magical toilet capable of holding enoumous powers inside the community center, guarded by plungersei, and the café/Kiane.
Sensei, Warped Lamp and well as Kiane would break into Mr. Arimnae’s house in what they assumed to be Sensei’s “Learnplace”. Sensei would then confront Arimnaes, who proceeds to blow up his own house, killing only himself in the process.
If nothing is done, Keenaner and warped lamp would fall prey to Arimnaes next, Keenanor’s skin worn as a suit by Arimnaes.
Timeline: Friday, November 2nd, 2009
Friday (November 2nd, 2009)
Sensei hosts his family reunion as Ricardo confronts Sensei with regards to the bobsled accident in 1986 (or 1968). Kiane ultimately resolved the issue by threatening to eliminate Sensei’s bloodline, thereby ending the feud.
Kiane would also have challenged Mr. Arimnae for her job back with a rousing gme of Go, spectated by Sensei and Brain.
Kaine would have also teamed up with Roobit, his roommate Johnny the mathmatician as well as Keenanor in order to hunt down Arimnae in space.
Chrisanthemum would either defeat Sav the demon hunter, or fool Sav into unleashing his 10-minute long David bowie inspired dance move, and active his 30 second Café self-destruct switch, saving himself from certain doom.
A trial would be held about Arimnae’s recent murder of an older Kiane, however the trial itself was a ruse for Arimnaes to charge up his bone cannon in order to eviscerate Kiane, Keenanor, Chris, Warped Lamp and Sensei. His plans were foiled by William Sama, as he took back his bone powers and decided to eradicate all of Floridaddle due to the massive corruptions brought about by the prolonged time loop. However, thanks to the help of Sav and all of the important characters of Floridaddle, William-Sama decided to spare the inhabitants of Floridaddle. It is virtually impossible to get though the last section without getting spoiled on the true Mastermind of Zero Time Dilemma during this final boss battle.
Kiane later went out with Chief Stabby, and the entire story was revealed to be a fan-fiction masqueraded into a book report for the class Mr. Arimnaes actually teaches.
mhinthorn2 15 Aug, 2022 @ 6:00pm 
THank god that you complied all the events leading up to this game. My family is saved
PHREAKY 19 Nov, 2021 @ 7:21am