Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

197 rating
Toronto Style Elementary School 8
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16 Jul 2019 @ 8:28pm
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Toronto Style Elementary School 8

Dalam koleksi 2 dari JSF-1
Toronto Collection
Item 176
JSF-1's Toronto Schools
Item 62
The eighth Elementary school in my series of Schools from Toronto. This is a recreation of Thomas L.Wells Public School (JK-8).

Thomas L.Wells PS is one of the newer ones to the City having opened in 2005 and was designed by "Baird Sampson Neuert Architects Inc". Being a modern school it features many "Green" initiatives in its architecture being certified LEED Silver. This combined with large windows to maximize natural light, solar panels, and more efficient heating and cooling systems.

The facility features 21 classrooms, 3 Kindergarten rooms, 2 Science Labs, Double Gymnasium with stage, and a Library.

Cost to Build: $20,000
Upkeep: $320
Size: 9x7
Student Population: 700
2 Komentar
sebesams 19 Jul 2019 @ 2:12am 
Amazing how many releases you do lately! Thanks!
albertofuji 17 Jul 2019 @ 9:02am 
Another great asset. Thank you for sharing