Tower Unite

Tower Unite

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How To Race Inflatable Boats or just d!ck around with them
By VahidSlayerOfAll
Just a collection of everything i've found out about Inflatable Boats in attempts to make a race track and other things, like rocket league. Please feel free to message me about any other things people find out and i can add them to this guide.
BOATS, BOATS, and more BOATS!!! or whatever boats your float
How To Get Inflatable Boats Working
when putting boats from your inventory into your condo they may get stuck and will need to be dragged a small amount, you can also just copy and paste boats and they don't get stuck as much.
jump into your boat and just start running in any direction, they can't go over tiny bumps at all
each time you load into your condo every single boat will be stuck and needed to be dragged a small amount to get working again

Fans will knock boats back, make sure to put them so low the blades are just above the ground or they can knock the boat under the map.

Teleports are a little buggy.

when the teleport is infront of you the boat will hit it first and vanish unless you sit down right before you hit it.
you can also put them right under the map and sometimes you can teleport with the boat when its under the map, but siting down right before you hit is the best way

Trampolines will send you flying

Launcher Pads are buggy. i've found that decreasing the launch speed will make if pass through the boat but hit players. something you could set up to knock people off their boats or as a race ending.
setting the speed to 5500 made it knock the boat and player

Boats cant go off ramps, at all! it slows them down to an almost dead stop. any incline or decline kills speed or just gets the boats stuck

This is a GAINT Button, it can be used to launch boats and other things at mach speeds. have one person hold E so the button stays down and then set up a boat and have all the players hop in and let it rip. found that you can also punch people in morph balls flying, this doesnt work with other morphs or RC things

gems will slow down boats and can be used as bumpers so you dont fall off or just as a slow trap

Speed Crabs can knock boats around and make great pitfalls

Punching bags can be put on the ground with a fan under them to make pitfalls or overhead in a tunnel as something to bump into. Punching bags cant be shrunk or enlarged!!!

Barber poles work great as oil slicks, you enlarge them and move them like 95% of the way under the map.
Pillows also work

Automatic Doors can be used to cover up part of the track or used to make a hidden shortcut like i did

just found out about the Christmas TRAINS and they are now my favorite item.

i have yet to find the perfect size so they dont clip the boats and then i can make Kalimari Desert from the old MarioKart. you can ride on top of it when its huge, but you will clip the side walls
the train makes one rotation in the same amount of time no matter the size, The larger it is, the faster it goes!!!

Rocket League
it works pretty well, but you need to reset the boats and balls every time you reload the condo
My First Race Track

2nd this one i used speed craps teleports under the map and punching bags

this one is mostly fans and beachballs

made a bit of a maze, works really well
VahidSlayerOfAll  [author] 2 Sep, 2020 @ 7:57am 
heres my racetracks if you want to try them
BallsToYouMyGoodSir 19 Aug, 2019 @ 2:10pm 
that gif :lunar2019laughingpig: