Shadowrun Returns

Shadowrun Returns

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Manic Monday
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Contains: Story, Props
Mostra gli oggetti etichettati con tutti i termini selezionati: Seattle, DeadMansSwitch
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19.147 MB
18 set 2013, ore 15:29
4 giu 2014, ore 16:02
15 note di rilascio ( visualizza )

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Manic Monday

You get up on the wrong side of the bed and your day develops like old junk in the noonday heat.

A story like only the Barrens could tell, filled with bashing, bad behaviour and bananas with 30% real banana inside.

You can choose the language in the game by clicking on your character.

New Characters starts with 90 Karma, I would suggest this, although importing is allowed

Recommended classes: Melee and Ranged combat.
There is no Matrix and it's not ballanced for Mage, Rigger or Shaman.

If you like it, please give it a thumb up. Thank you and have fun.

(I'm working on Ruby Tuesday, the sequel to Manic Monday at the moment. This may take longer then expected (I think about a month or two from now on), but keep your savegame for Manic Monday.



Du stehst mit dem falschen Fuß zuerst auf und dein Tag entwickelt sich wie alter Müll in der Mittags Hitze.
Eine Geschichte wie nur die Barrens sie schreiben kann. Voller Prügel, schlechtem Benehmen und 30%igen Bananen.

Man kann die Sprache jederzeit ändern indem man auf den Charakter klickt.

Neue Charaktere starten mit 90 Karma, das wäre meine Empfehlung, auch wenn Charakterimport erlaubt ist.

Empfohlene Klassen: Melee und Ranged Combat, jede andere Klasse sollte auch gehen, aber es gibt keine Matrix (bis jetzt) und Rigger oder Schamanen sind nicht ausballanciert.

Wenn es euch gefällt gebt bitten einen Daumen hoch. Danke und viel Spaß beim spielen.
Update 1.0
Final Release:
You should now have end credits in every language.
I will put no more work in this UGC because I'm working on the sequel.

Update 0.874 - 0.877
Mostly Bug fixing

Update 0.873
-Fixed a gamebreaking bug that I created with 0.87. Silas should work now as intended, same gotes to the other NPCs.
-Fixed some spelling
-Fixed some glitches

Update 0.87:
-No unwanted language swapping anymore
-Added Lonestar Signs (Credits by geeked, Thanks Chummer)

-If you want to change your language just click on your character, choose the language and load a new scene

Update 0.86:
-Translated to english
-fixed some dialogues
-minor bugfixes

-Übersetzt ins Englische
-Ein paar Dialoge überarbeitet
-Kleinigkeiten geändert

Update 0.85:
-Erster Versuch mit Leylines
-Beleuchtung z.T. geändert
-Man sollte jetzt überall vernünftig sterben können xD

Update 0.841: Fix um den Mod unter Steam endlich lauffähig zu machen

Update 0.84:
-Einen Bug beseitigt der den Fortgang des Spiels nach dem abgeben des Pakets verhindert.
-Sprechblasen zu Reaver hinzugefügt ^^

Update 0.83: unnötige Abhängigkeiten entfernt

Update 0.82 Charakterimport erlaubt.
Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (2)
13 feb 2015, ore 14:51
Poll: English or German
2 giu 2014, ore 14:40
Bug Reports
72 commenti
pop pop 14 set 2017, ore 12:41 
i dont know but for some reason i still remember this campagin for 2 years already. its not the best one i ever played but it stays in memory quite well and i like it.

thank you for making this mod.
apostrophejj 9 ott 2015, ore 12:47 
Should've read the readmen, I went rigger...
UGC started promising.
But the pacing seems off; difficulty ramped up quickly. Thugs pop around the city corners, and they certainly sting, with their burst rifles, always landing hits in the first round.
Quest resets, if you go in buildings.
No real characters in the city hub.
Succint text on the loading screens.
Poor or inexistent dialogue and char. descriptions.
Why was I shooting (dangerous) meth labs underground again? hunting for a drugdealer I know for half an hour?
Mr.Person  [autore] 18 apr 2015, ore 7:43 
I choosed the normal SRR Version of Manic Monday, with my own localisation system :(

Regardless, it's working.
Mr.Person  [autore] 18 apr 2015, ore 7:37 
it has been added a few hours ago.
Mr.Person  [autore] 18 apr 2015, ore 2:39 
I tried to use the localisation function to make it easier to go on with the UGC. I tried to rebuild Manic Monday for Dragonfall Director's Cut, but even I have a localisation it is not possible to get the german version to work.
So I will abandon Manic Monday an start an new project for Df:DC hopefully with companions und better gameplay.
GeeseFX 9 feb 2015, ore 22:03 
It's not bad, but #1 - No team, at all? And #2 - finish the campaign and #3, other than using the engine it's not really a Shadowrun adventure is it?

You could do a lot of work to improve this if you ever finish it. Start by IMMEDIATELY implementing having to hire a full team of runners for the very first mission in part 2.

And really other than an adept or a Street Samurai there's really nothing for any of the other classes to do but fight stuff. No need for a decker or anything.
pop pop 10 gen 2015, ore 13:32 
cool small campagin
djtrainwreckx 31 dic 2014, ore 22:00 
some good fights against druggies. nice job!
ZPD 2 ott 2014, ore 10:37 
Yo! I'm playing it and i've found a little bug. At first when you arrive to your flat after left the pack in the station. "Figure it out what happened" goal or something like that re-pop when you in and out of your flat.
mond.kind 21 set 2014, ore 14:54 
Habe ein Problem. Bin an der stelle wo ich den Dealer in die Kanalisation verfolgen soll. Jedoch läd der Ladebalken nur ca 20% und dann passiert nichts mehr. Habe mehrere Spielstände geladen und komme immer zum gleichen Problem. Irgendwer ne idee wie man das beheben soll?