Pirates, Vikings, & Knights II

Pirates, Vikings, & Knights II

77 ratings
Dealing with Archers
By Essyri
DISCLAIMER: Some information is old and no longer relevant with recent updates. Please keep in mind when reading.

It's the class everyone complains about the very most because he can potentially kill effectively from far away. Let this assist you in making you less likely to be that particular kill.


1: The following points below will not give you a constant victory rate because no matter how much you know in theory or from experience, it will always boil down to skill and situational events.
2: This guide will go from the point of view that you're on your own, cut off from the rest of your group or simply being the only one on your team, we all know already that teamwork is the ultimate key.
Know your enemy
The Archer is the second class on the Knight's team, he is a support class designed to deal damage to enemies from a safe distance. If accompanied by Heavy Knights as bodyguards, this long-ranged combatant can be one, if not the, hardest class to deal with.

Their strengths:
  • Effective at all ranges
  • Moderate rate of fire
  • Good support class
  • Excels against single, low-armored targets (ex. Berserker, Skirmisher)

The general weaknesses:
  • Low health and armor
  • Extremely low crowd control
  • Depends often on Heavy Knights for protection

Archers always like to stand in places where they can remain out of as much danger as possible. Near high elevations, around doorways in cover, just generally far away. Often if they're far away enough no one will want to bother to take a single archer down when there is much fighting going on elsewhere, and who wants to be shot down by an archer in the process of trying to take him down?
General strategies
Don't charge head on unless you either have to or if it's safe to do so. Predict the Archer's moves, where will he retreat to once he notices you're after him?

Winning or losing as any class against any class is and always will be purely situational. Any kinds of press-f-to-win doesn't exist, however you can always tip the balance in your favor some more to get that well needed advantage.
First off, an Archer is a ranged class so it doesn't need any explanation that his weakness is a big axe in his face. The problem we need solving is how you get close enough to actually do so.

The mind of an Archer
Archers love the open terrain, if there are higher elevations he can stand on, even better. The biggest thing you can exploit in an Archer's behaviour is that they will never look for specific targets unless they see any of the following:
- An enemy on low health (High priority)
- An enemy trinket carrier (Priority depending on ticket amount)
- An enemy chest carrier (High priority)
- A direct, approaching threat (Highest priority)
Anything else is just a source for points or specialfilling.

So unless you're stealing the Knight's chests, running away from a Knight-infested area after a losing battle, being the only one they happen to see in an area or trying to attack the Archer head-on, you will be much less likely to be targeted by an Archer.

- Avoid his line of sight
If there is a larger group fighting in the area, you can just simply slip away behind cover and the Archer will instantly start picking other targets, they often won't bother trying to chase you down if they have other pincushions to fill their specials with. Retreat around back and use the commotion as a distraction to get in close.

Here is a crudely overhead view of an area in tw_desertruin, showing a random battle between all three teams. Like I said, most maps allow you to run around a few obstacles to get behind another team which can be greatly beneficial. Be aware that some Archers might notice when you decide to pull this strategy, a good Archer can pick up alot of information in just a very short event. If he sees someone running down a certain path, he'll know where that player will end up and he can determine from there if that player will be a future threat or not.

- Keep in cover
If the enviroment allows it, move from cover to cover as you approach the Archer. If the cover is too far away from you, you can still move in such a manner it blocks his view on you, allowing you to approach much faster and safer.

Here's another crude illustration representing an area in tw_frostbite, showing a Pirate having two choices of which path to take when he's going to approach the Archer. The Archer has a long visibility down one end, but not over the other. The Pirate should then head up the stairs in order to more easily close in on his enemy.

- Strike when not expected to
The best time to ever deal with an archer, or any class for that matter, is when they have their backs turned to you and is currently focusing on another matter. Archers are more easily dealt with using this strategy because they often stick in one general spot when they're trying to shoot enemies. This ultimately leads to "tunnel vision" which increases your chances of a successful sneak attack. Alot of areas have cover you can sneak behind and circle around the other side, use them.

An overhead view of Pirate's base on bt_island. This area offers a player a huge line of sight and cover is very limited, but alas here you can also make use of a small path that leads behind where Archers usually like to stand and snipe away at the poor Pirates.
Class strategies
Fast & Light classes

The speed is excellent for catching up to retreating Archers and it allows you to often charge Archers head on. Note that light classes have weak armor and are also very effectively countered by ranged classes because of their low armor and inability to block projectiles.


His speed is near unmatched which makes him a very good choice to take down Archers, once you outmaneuver his teammates and get in close you can cause a good amount of damage to the Archer. Be sure to not get lost in your own attacks while confronting your enemies since the Skirmisher swings really fast.
Because of his speed, he is also able to close the distance much easier than other classes if you're approaching an Archer head on. Be sure to apply some good dodging and unpredictable movements as you will not have any second chances with your low health.
Use the pistol if the Archer tries to retaliate with his own sword, letting you quickly get out of his melee range and shoot away. At this point the Archer will probably switch back to his bow, then you get your sword back out and close back in.
Kegs are universal. Before the big fight you just toss one in to soften everyone up, Time carefully, if you throw the keg too early your enemies will be able to get away too quickly. For best effects, try to wait with throwing the keg until the fuse has burnt just past the barrel's hole which is when you have about 1-0.5 seconds remaining.
Groups of archers looooove a keg to play with, I assure you.

An exceptional choice to tackle archer, same general strategies like the skirmisher can be applied here as well. Both weapons are good choices but the axe&sword combo is preferable when you take on slow, low-armored targets, -especially- when sneaking up on them.
A good thing to note, while you're under your special's effects you will, among other great benefits, run faster than a skirmisher. This is an excellent time to go after Archers who will often panic and hug their Heavy Knights for protection, while that not being a good thing you can at least be certain how dangerous a berserked Berserker is.
If necessary, go hunt other classes to get a special going, then go after the Archers.

Medium classes

Medium classes have the average speed, Archer being one of them. Because these classes has the same movement speed it can become a little bit harder to catch up to Archers. This is where you will have to start cutting corners or focus more on the ambushing strategies.

The spear, thanks to it's long reach and focused strikes, is a very reliable weapon against single targets, Archers are no exceptions. While they may keep a fair distance away from you, you will have an easier time catching up in the corners earlier because of your long reach.
Your Javelins are also very effective, even though you can only carry three of them max you only need to land two good throws to kill an archer from full health, so even if you just land one the Archer will be very injured.
The shield and seax breaks after just 2-3 arrows, it is better to use when you're retreating on low health from an archer. Offensively, the shield may be better used to bash stronger melee classes like the Heavy Knight.

Although considered as the current Pirate tank class, his average speed and health may land him well in the medium class zone.
Most people who play the Captain likes to do this:
1: Toss the bird out which dies a second later
2: Shoot the blunderbuss from mid range or further
3: Start cutlassing
Because of the extraordinary damage the cutlass can deal, Archers will be taken down really quickly once you get in close enough. It's especially vital that a Captain approaches Archers outside their field of vision, don't open the fight with the parrot or the blunderbuss as you risk blowing your cover and will have a harder time getting in close to deal the last amount of damage with the sword.
The parrot is ideal if you've already been spotted, letting you close the distance without worrying about any arrows for just a short while.

He is more than capable of being a proper rival to the Archer, the reason people favor the Archer over the Sharpshooter is because the bow is universal, it can be used at any range, deals a good amount of damage and you can easily see where the arrows travel. It's harder to master due to having to lead targets depending on distance and the direction your enemy travels.
The Sharpshooter's pistol is very reliable, being a hitscan weapon any target leading isn't necessary and you only need to land four shots to get a special. Unlike the bow, the pistol has a limited range and slight inaccuray penalty, making him most effective to close-mid range.
Use the rifle when you catch the Archer off guard so you can lead him more easier, use the pistol if you're having an active battle.
Remember, neither class is dominant, it simply boils down to accuracy and dodging.

Slow & Heavy classes

Your slower speed makes it more vital that you make use of ambushing techniques and corner-cutting more than any other class. In terms of class balance, tank classes aren't supposed to have an easy time fighting ranged classes.


Your sword and shield is more reliable when approaching an Archer as a Huscarl because it can take more hits and even though it will break eventually after enough hits, if there are other people that can potentially ruin the Archer's day, an Archer will -not- go through the trouble of breaking your shield with so many arrows. If you have a shield going he just might get coaxed into getting his sword out, this is when you either switch back to your big axe or use the bash and strike combo.
Your throwing axes are excellent in this scenario as well, you can take more arrows than he can take axes so taking a few hits is acceptable if you end up taking him down. People think that throwing axes are harder to use than the bow, but remember that the axes function just like the bow, it just travels slower, travels less distance but does more damage per shot.


Above all, always remember that if you can't catch him, don't bother chasing him. It's vital to know when and when not to strike, when the battle has been lost before it's even started. Retreat if you have to, if the archer is feeling overzealous he'll try to come after you, wait around a corner and greet him with some heavy armaments.
Final notes
Like I said, no matter how superior you are, there will always be times when ranged combatants will give you trouble. It doesn't just apply to Archers either, any class can be dominating if played by the right player.

You'll just simply have to give it time to get yourself comfortable with the controls, with each class, learning map layouts and so forth. Be sure to pay a visit to www.pvkii.com and head into the forums if you hunger for any more tricks or techniques, there are ton of members who would gladly share their knowledge to you if you ask them.

Thanks for reading.

~ Densh
Christmas-Easter-Samurai 10 May, 2022 @ 3:01pm 
Nice guide but it doesn't work against Chad Archer's who have been playing with minimum 10 years experience like myself.
mr balls  [developer] 14 Mar, 2022 @ 7:51am 
🍥 8 Aug, 2019 @ 9:33am 
69 ratings hell yeh bro now pass the blunt
Epicas 18 Dec, 2018 @ 10:51pm 
wow, time to learn more about archer, GG.
Essyri  [author] 11 Nov, 2018 @ 6:17am 
It was not in my plans, this guide is five years old and most of the tips don't necessarily apply anymore.
John190_homicidal_maniac 11 Nov, 2018 @ 5:48am 
So when is Bondi gonna be added to this guide?
<•••> 23 Jul, 2017 @ 7:03am 
Cool pictures bro)
Momo 12 Mar, 2017 @ 1:27pm 
Essyri  [author] 12 Mar, 2017 @ 1:17pm 
Guys, take that elsewhere.
Momo 11 Jan, 2017 @ 12:46am 
This works great in practice. Well done!