

154 ratings
How to Outsmart Gunpoint Guards
By hot boymoders at your local ikea
A guide detailing how to outsmart the guards in the game Gunpoint.
Have you ever wondered exactly how the guards in Gunpoint think?
Well, this is your chance to find out! You'll learn how to outsmart, out-think, and outmanuver them!
Guard Types
This section details the three guard types!

Normal Guard

This is your basic guard type. No special attributes or abilities.


This is the Enforcer. He cannot be knocked down if he is jumped on, he will instead be pushed back a little ways; meaning the only ways to kill him are:
1. Shoot him
2. Knock him out a window
3. Electrocute him
4. Kick a door into him


This is the pro. He can see in the dark, and will shoot you even if you are pointing a gun at him, unlike the other guards. Hard to take on, approach with caution.
Basic Guard Behavior
So, you've come up against your first guard! That's great! But how do you approach him? Well, all guards follow a simple behavioral pattern:

1. When a guard hears a noise(breaking glass, gunshots, etc.) on the same floor as him, he will go investigate.
2. If a guard sees you, he will immidiately shoot.
3. If the lights on a floor are turned off, a guard will walk to the nearest lightswitch in his line of sight and attemt to turn the lights back on. He will then continue to patrol the floor.
4. After a guard moves from his original position for any reason, he will begin to patrol the floor.
5. If a guard sees you moving up to another floor via a stairwell, he will follow you up the stairs. If he sees nothing on the next floor, he will go back down the stairs.
6. If a guard sees you jump out of a window, or otherwise out of his sight, he will run to where he saw you disappear.
Sneaking Past The Guards
If you've bought this game, chances are you want to sneak past something. Here's how you can easily sneak past any guards.

Step One: Turn off the lights
When the lights are off on a floor, the guards' vision is greatly reduced. These are the ideal conditions for sneaking around in, as you can sneak along the ceiling without guards noticing you. The ceiling is the ideal way to sneak past guards, as it's easy to stay out of their line of sight. Note that if you walk into a guard's normal line of sight when the lights are out, he'll ready his gun and shoot you faster when he sees you. This doesn't count towards the "witness" bar.

If you can't shut the lights off, go to step 2.

Step Two: Lock the Guards in a Room
Getting a guard to rush into a room, then shutting the door behind them is a great strategy for getting rid of guards.

If the guard isn't patrolling, attemt to lure him into a room by making some sort of noise, then shut the door as they run into the room.

If niether of these options are available, then proceed to the next section.

Knocking out (or killing) the Guards
So, you either can't or don't want to sneak past the guards. There's a simple solution: jump on them, then punch them in the face. Of course, it's not as easy as strolling up to a guard and knocking him out. Note: all of these methods will count towards your violence bar. The only way to kill a guard without affecting your violence bar is to kick a door into him(that's totally nonviolent, devs).

There are a few ways to knock out a guard:

Sneak up Behind him
This is the simplest method: simply sneak up behind him and jump on him.

Hit him with a door
This method is very hard to pull off, but it is possible.
To hit a guard with a door, you must allow him to see you. When the guard tries to shoot you, jump out of the way. Once he's near the door, jump back down and close the door with a switch. Once he's right outside, hit the switch again.

Or, you could just use the gatecrashers to kick a door into him.

Shoot him(Lethal)
Simple: shoot him with the revolver.
If you point the revolver at a guard while he's looking at you, he'll draw his gun, but won't fire. If you get too close, he'll shoot you. This is useful if you want to get away from the guards, but don't have any other way to sneak out.
One notable exeption to this is the "pro" guard type; he'll simply shoot you, even if you point a gun at him.

Zap him with a power socket
Simply do something to make him patrol(such as opening the door, letting him see you, and closing the door.)
Then wire something you can use to a power socket. When he's near the socket, activate whatever you wired to the socket.

Prankspasm him
If there are no available power sockets in the room, and you have the prankspasm, then turn off the lights in a room. Wire a switch near you to any socket, then to the lightswitch in the guard's room, and when the guard tries to turn the lights back on, zap him.

Knock him out a window
Get him near a window, and jump into him with a powerful jump to knock him out.
This is lethal if you jump out on top of the guard.

Hit him with a vault door(Credit: Ghetsis)
This trick requires the revolver. It's a bit hard to explain, so watch this video:
Note that it is lethal, and can kill you as well if you're not careful.

Make him fall through a trapdoor(Credit: Kill-Cam Celebrity)
Anytime a guard is on top of a trapdoor, he will be killed if you open the door when he's right on top of it. If the guard is on the edge, he'll teleport back to solid ground, so only open it when he's in the middle of the trapdoor.

If the fall is only one story, it will only knock the guard out; any more than that and he's dead.

It's worth noting that you can rig trapdoors to motion sensors to make guards trigger the trapdoor.
Making the Guards Work For You
The guards' programming can help you greatly.

Getting guards to break windows
This is a very simply technique.
1. Climb up to a window that a guard is looking out. If he isn't, try to make him patrol.
2. Climb up enough so you're barely in the guard's line of sight(If you move your cursor in front of him, it will turn red if the guard can see there.)
3. When the guard shoots at you, quickly slide back down the building.
4. If you die, repeat until the deathfluke makes the guard's shot miss.

Tada, a broken window that you can climb into!

Getting guards to shoot other guards
With the longshot, wire a guard's gun to a switch. Get him to patrol, and when he's facing the guard you want him to shoot, flip the switch.

Making guards hit themselves(Credit: Iron_Rogue)
You can trick a guard into hitting himself with a door by wiring the hand scanner he will use to the hand scanner on the other side and then into the door, tricking the guard into hitting himself in the face. This works great when the door is between him and a lightswitch, as he will try to open the door to get to the switch.
The setup:

And the result:

The circut for this:

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Jacobella 23 Jan, 2021 @ 9:50am 
Very nice
kusdyfnkbdhjsfhkjbh 1 Jul, 2018 @ 6:58am 
Enforcers can also be knocked out by gatecrashers.
Ky / Nas 10 Jun, 2018 @ 11:45am 
I connected the cameras on a workshop mission to the wrong alarms and had one guard running back and forth going insane for about an hour.

When he innevitably died, I turned the lights on and fixed the wiring to comemorate that poor, poor guard.
Blame My Teammates 16 Dec, 2017 @ 12:27pm 
On a mission with vault doors, I crushed a guard in the vault door.
Sly-Scale 25 May, 2017 @ 9:42pm 
Some taller rooms are tall enough that a "single story" fall is too much for Enforcers, Guards and Pros to survive.
Fanciful Spoon 11 Dec, 2016 @ 6:28pm 
Something I didnt learn until just recently is that if there is a guard at a stairwell door, and you're at another stairwell(like on the floor below for example) and you quickly use the stairwell just as the guard gets to the door, it will switch your places, and he will be totally shocked/confused, and continue patrolling on the floor you switched him to.
Toaster Turtle 23 Oct, 2016 @ 10:29am 
if you want a guard to beak a window, climb the wall right below the window and jump up, if you adjust the angle you can even pounce on him when you come down
Cocoa Puffs 27 Sep, 2016 @ 5:02pm 
♥CrystalNep♥ 25 Aug, 2016 @ 12:07pm 
another way to get guards to patrol is to jump on them then gtfo WITHOUT punching him.
KingNullpointer 22 Aug, 2016 @ 12:51pm 
I figured out the hand sensor trick, and it is my favorite way to knock out guards. And, if you turn the lights on/off, the guard will begin to patrol (normally)