Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Toronto Style Elementary School 2
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21. juni 2019 kl. 12.52
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Toronto Style Elementary School 2

I 2 samlinger av JSF-1
Toronto Collection
176 gjenstander
JSF-1's Toronto Schools
62 gjenstander
The second elementary school in my series of Toronto schools. This is a recreation of Bellmere Junior Public School (JK-6).

Bellmere Jr PS opened in 1965 and features a unique peaked roof design over the classrooms to give them a more "home" like feeling. The school was slightly redesigned in 1975 after a fire destroyed 4 classrooms and the original Library. As a consequence the Library was moved into the Gym and a new Gym facility was built on the sight of the former classrooms.

The facility includes 14 classrooms, 2 Kindergarten Rooms, Gymnasium with stage, and Library.

Cost to Build: $20,000
Upkeep: $320
Size: 12x8
Student Population: 400
1 kommentarer
Tristan 12. mai 2020 kl. 2.21 
Very very nice
Great Job
many thanks:steamhappy: