Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

61 人が評価
BR 187 - Wiener Lokalbahnen Cargo (8Cars)
15.911 MB
2019年6月19日 0時57分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

BR 187 - Wiener Lokalbahnen Cargo (8Cars)

REV0 作成の 4 件のコレクション
(C) Cargo Trains: Sets and Props
102 アイテム
REV0's Emporium: Trains and Collections
638 アイテム
BOMBARDIER: Brand Collection
126 アイテム
- AUSTRIA: Vehicles and Props
31 アイテム
TRAXX 3 / BR 187 Wiener Lokalbahnen Cargo with ZACNS pack

Ahead of its time, the innovative TRAXX 3 platform's energy efficiency and proven ability to pull high train loads responds to the global freight market's demand for higher productivity, improved maintainability addresses customers’ needs for increased flexibility and availability.

As a part of collections:

Technical Details
  • Locomotive and Wascosa only ZACNS pack.
  • AUTO REVERSE: Engines switch positions in the direction of travel.
  • TRAILER VARIATION: Randomize trailers based on load.
  • 140km/h, 1.5m/s^2 acceleration
  • Custom and optimized LOD
  • Detailed textures
  • Cars are made by Change of Mind (✪ CV). custom LODs are added by me.

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Keywords for Workshop search: Bombardier, Traxx 3, BR 187, transport, train, cargo, AC3, Wiener, Lokalbahnen, Austria.