Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan

Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan

62 ratings
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan, 100% Achievement Guide, Collectable Locations and Full Video Walkthrough.
By anrkyuk
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan, 100% achievement guide, collectables locations and complete video walkthrough earning all achievements and showing, mini-game puzzle and hidden object game solutions and collectable locations.
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan has a total of 29 Steam achievements, of these 14 are story related and the remaining 15 achievements are missable, as for completion time, this is in the region of 3-4 hours.

  • There is an achievement for completing the main game on expert difficulty, the bonus chapter you are free to play on whichever difficulty you wish.
  • There is an achievement for playing the game without using the tutorial, if playing on expert difficulty (which you will need to do if you wish to 100% the game) the tutorial is disabled by default.
  • There is one achievement relating to watching the first 10 cut scenes (Movie Buff) of the main game, once the achievement pops you are free to skip them if you wish to do so.
  • Do not skip ANY of the mini-game puzzles during the main game (you are free to skip them in the bonus chapter if you wish to do so). There is an achievement for completing 4 in a row without skipping, another for completing all without skipping and another for completing one puzzle in less than 60 seconds. My video walkthrough at the end of this guide has time stamps for all puzzles with solutions should you require assistance with any.
  • Make sure to grab all 31 collectable sigils and 6 butterflies during the main game, a full list of locations of the sigils can be found in the Healer's Sigil Collectables chapter and the Butterflies Collectables chapter lists locations of the butterflies, my video walkthrough also shows all collectable locations. There are a total of 4 achievements relating to these collectables.
  • Do not use the hint button during any of the hidden object scenes, there is an achievement for completing 6 and another for completing them all without using hints and there are additional achievements for completing one scene in less than 30 seconds, another for completing a scene with less than 4 misclicks and another for locating 3 items in 3 seconds during one of the scenes.
  • During the main game ensure to interact (zoom in on and click on to get a narrative text at the top of the screen) any notes, letters, diaries, scrolls etc to earn the Scholar achievement, for me this popped around halfway through the main game.

There are two story related unmissable achievements specific to the bonus chapter.

The achievements listed below are in order of which I earned them during my playthrough.
Butterflies Collectables.
Please note, you only need collect (scare) 6 butterflies for the Entomophobia achievement.

Butterfly #1 (Old tower stairs).

Butterfly #2 (Tower prison wall).

Butterfly #3 (Tower prison wall).

Butterfly #4 (Garden).

Butterfly #5 (Royal arbour).

Butterfly #6 (Royal arbour).

Butterfly #7 (Royal arbour).

Butterfly #8 (Foot of the tower).

Butterfly #9 (Foot of the tower).

Butterfly #10 (Shed).

Butterfly #11 (Bigger island shore).

Butterfly #12 (Burned-down house).
Healer's Sigil Collectables.
Healer's Sigil collectable #1 (Guestroom).

Healer's Sigil collectable #2 (Palatial room).

Healer's Sigil collectable #3 (Queen's chamber).

Healer's Sigil collectable #4 (Tower prison wall).

Healer's Sigil collectable #5 (Castle hall).

Healer's Sigil collectable #6 (Old tower stairs).

Healer's Sigil collectable #7 (Garden).

Healer's Sigil collectable #8 (Royal arbour).

Healer's Sigil collectable #9 (Foot of the tower).

Healer's Sigil collectable #10 (Shoreline).

Healer's Sigil collectable #11 (Shed).

Healer's Sigil collectable #12 (Small island shore).

Healer's Sigil collectable #13 (Island grove).

Healer's Sigil collectable #14 (Bigger island shore).

Healer's Sigil collectable #15 (Burned-down house).

Healer's Sigil collectable #16 (Cavern).

Healer's Sigil collectable #17 (Basement).

Healer's Sigil collectable #18 (Bridge).

Healer's Sigil collectable #19 (Forest hut).

Healer's Sigil collectable #20 (Forest hut interior).

Healer's Sigil collectable #21 (Forest hut study).

Healer's Sigil collectable #22 (Forest).

Healer's Sigil collectable #23 (Castle gate).

Healer's Sigil collectable #24 (Courtyard).

Healer's Sigil collectable #25 (Campfire).

Healer's Sigil collectable #26 (Cemetery).

Healer's Sigil collectable #27 (Observatory).

Healer's Sigil collectable #28 (Dungeon).

Healer's Sigil collectable #29 (Castle Hall).

Healer's Sigil collectable #30 (Battlements).

Healer's Sigil collectable #31 (Peacock lady's hideout).
Know the Ropes Achievement Guide.

Know the Ropes.
Play without tutorial.

The "Master Healer" achievement requires you to play the entire main game on expert difficulty and when you start the game on expert difficulty the tutorial is unavailable/disabled and so the "Know the Ropes" achievement pops after the first cut scene when starting a new game (on expert difficulty).
Health Inspector Achievement Guide.

Health Inspector.
Find a Healer's Sigil.

There are 31 Healer's Sigils to collect in the Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan main game (there are none in the bonus chapter) and this achievement pops after finding your first, additional achievements "Apprentice" unlocks after finding 16 sigils and "True Herbalist" unlocks after finding all 31.

For further information regarding this achievement and the locations of the sigils, please refer to the "True Herbalist" achievement guide chapter.
One Per Second Achievement Guide.

One Per Second.
Find 3 hidden objects within 3 seconds.

When playing a hidden object scene you must click on three of the items listed at the bottom of the scene within 3 seconds to earn this achievement.

This is a standard hidden object game achievement which is usually earned just pausing at the start of a scene and memorising the locations of three items before clicking on them all in quick succession. In Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan several of the scenes is so simple they can be completed in mere seconds making this achievement attainable without conscious effort.
Keep Calm Achievement Guide.

Keep Calm.
Prepare the Calming Brew.

This is a story related achievement that is earned as part of your natural progression during the main game.
Little Birdie Achievement Guide.

Little Birdie.
Get help from a Swallow.

This is a story related achievement that is earned as part of your natural progression during the main game.
That Was Quick Achievement Guide.

That Was Quick.
Finish minigame in less than 1 minute.

When playing one of the mini-game puzzles in Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan, you need to complete the puzzle in less than 60 seconds to earn this achievement.

There are 23 mini-games in the main game and a further 9 in the bonus chapter, of these there are 3 or 4 puzzles (if not more) that can easily be completed very quickly. If you want to get this achievement out of the way early or are at risk of missing the achievement I have added time stamps for my video walkthrough below for all puzzles where you can seek the solution in advance, to my knowledge the puzzles solutions in Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan are not random.

I assume that it should be possible to attain this achievement in the bonus chapter as well as the main game.
True Player Achievement Guide.

True Player.
Finish 4 minigames in a row without skipping.

To earn this achievement you must complete 4 mini-game puzzles, in a row, without skipping. If you are trying to 100% Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan you will need to complete all 23 mini-game puzzles during the main game without skipping. During the bonus chapter, you are free to skip if you wish to do so.

If you need help with any of the mini-game puzzle solutions I have added time stamps for all puzzles in my video walkthrough at the end of this guide.
Fresh Air Achievement Guide.

Fresh Air.
Enter the Garden.

This is a story related achievement that is earned as part of your natural progression during the main game.
Entomophobia Achievement Guide.

Scare 6 butterflies.

As well as Healer's Sigil collectables there are also butterflies that you are supposed to "scare" that are also technically collectables. When you click on the butterflies, they fly off, but after a short time they fly back on screen, don't worry if they reappear on screen, as long as you click on them it counts towards your achievement total, although clicking on the same butterfly only counts as one towards your total.

I only found 12 butterflies during my playthrough, but I recall during editing my video walkthrough that I overlooked at least one butterfly, and you only need to click on 6 of these to earn the achievement.

I have added screen shots of the butterfly locations in the "Butterflies Collectables" chapter of this guide and in my video walkthrough at the end of this guide I have added time stamps for the locations of all collectables.

Like A Wind Achievement Guide.

Like a wind.
Finish HO in less than 30 seconds.

There are 18 hidden object scenes in in the main game and a further 8 in the bonus chapter, during one of those scenes you must locate all the items listed at the bottom of the scene and complete the scene within 30 seconds.

I earned this achievement playing the 2nd hidden object scene without conscious effort, if you do miss this during the main game fear not, there are a couple of scenes in the bonus chapter that are among the easiest scenes I've ever seen in a hidden object game that take less than 10 seconds to complete.
Surgical Aim Achievement Guide.

Surgical Aim.
Finish HO with less than 4 mistaps.

There are just 18 hidden object scenes in the main game and a further 8 in the bonus chapter, during one of those scenes you must locate all the items listed at the bottom of the screen with no more than 4 mistaps/misclicks (a misclick is clicking on anything in the scene that isn't in the list of items to locate).

Should you find that you are approaching the end of the game and have not unlocked this achievement, my video walkthrough at the end of this guide has time stamps for all hidden object scenes where you can prime yourself in advance of item locations to ensure you do not miss this achievement.
Row Your Boat Achievement Guide.

Row Your Boat.
Prepare the swan boat for the journey.

This is a story related achievement that is earned as part of your natural progression during the main game.
Movie Buff Achievement Guide.

Movie Buff.
Don't skip the first 10 cutscenes.

From the start of a new game do not skip any of the cut scenes until this achievement pops (which will be when you arrive at the small island shore).
Otter Friend Achievement Guide.

Otter Friend.
Get help from an Otter.

This is a story related achievement that is earned as part of your natural progression during the main game.
Buried Secrets Achievement Guide.

Buried Secrets.
Open the Passage to the Forest Cavern.

This is a story related achievement that is earned as part of your natural progression during the main game.
Apprentice Achievement Guide.

Find half of all Healer's Sigils.

There are 31 Healer's Sigils to collect in the Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan main game (there are none in the bonus chapter) and this achievement pops after finding your 16th sigil, additional achievement "True Herbalist" unlocks after finding all 31.

For further information regarding this achievement and the locations of the sigils, please refer to the "True Herbalist" achievement guide chapter.
Scholar Achievement Guide.

Discover 20 clues (diaries, letters, etc.).

This achievement unlocks after locating/reading 20 "clues" which take the form of scraps of paper, notes, diaries, scrolls, letters etc, etc, etc during the main game.

For me this achievement popped about half way through the main game, as a precaution ensure to click on the "clue", not just zoom in on it so that a narrative on the item appears at the top of the screen.
Eagle Eye Achievement Guide.

Eagle Eye.
Finish 6 HO in a row without hints.

If you are trying to 100% Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan, do not use the hint button during any of the hidden object scenes in the main game (you are free to use hints in the scenes in the bonus chapter) and after the 6th scene in the main game this achievement will pop.
Save The Child Achievement Guide.

Save The Child.
Find the kidnapped prince.

This is a story related achievement that is earned as part of your natural progression during the main game.
Kindred Spirit Achievement Guide.

Kindred Spirit.
Get help from the Forest Spirit.

This is a story related achievement that is earned as part of your natural progression during the main game.
To Dungeons Deep Achievement Guide.

To Dungeons Deep.
Enter Dark Castle Dungeon.

This is a story related achievement that is earned as part of your natural progression during the main game.
Forgotten Story Achievement Guide.

Forgotten Story.
Witness the stories through the golden feathers.

This is a story related achievement that is earned as part of your natural progression during the main game.

There are a total of 7 golden feathers that have to be located in the game and each feather has to be placed in a small shrine which furthers the story with a cut scene and unlocks items required to progress.
True Herbalist Achievement Guide.

True Herbalist.
Find all Healer's Sigils.

There are 31 Healer's Sigils to collect in the Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan main game (there are none in the bonus chapter) and this achievement pops after finding your 31st and final sigil.

I have added screen shots of the sigil locations in the "Healer's Sigil Collectables" chapter of this guide and in my video walkthrough at the end of this guide I have added time stamps for the locations of all collectables.

Skip? Never! Achievement Guide.

Skip? Never!
Finish all minigames without skipping.

To earn this achievement, complete all 23 mini-game puzzles during the Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan main game without skipping any and after completing the 23rd this achievement will pop.

If you get stuck on any of the mini-game puzzles check my video walkthrough at the end of this guide which has time stamps of all puzzles along with their solutions, to my knowledge, Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan does not have random solutions to its puzzles.
No Crystal Ball Achievement Guide.

No Crystal Ball.
Finish all HOs without using hint button.

To earn this achievement, complete all 18 hidden object scenes during the Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan main game without using the hint button and after completing the 18th this achievement will pop.

If you get stuck on any of the hidden object scenes check, my video walkthrough at the end of this guide which has time stamps of all scenes along with their solutions, to my knowledge, Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan does not have random solutions to its hidden object scenes.
Save The Day Achievement Guide.

Save The Day.
Finish the game.

This achievement unlocks during the final cut scene of the main game, regardless of any other factors.
Master Healer Achievement Guide.

Master Healer.
Finish the whole Game on Expert Difficulty.

This achievement unlocks during the final cut scene of the main game if you complete the game on expert difficulty, you can play the bonus chapter on whichever difficulty that you wish.
Sheriff Achievement Guide.

Protect the spirits.

This is the first of two related achievements that is earned as part of your natural progression during the bonus chapter.
Dragonslayer Achievement Guide.

Deal with a dragon once and for all.

This is the second of two related achievements that is earned as part of your natural progression during the bonus chapter.
Main Game Walkthrough Part 1.

Video contains...
@ 0:43 = Movie Buff achievement start.
@ 1:36 = Know the Ropes achievement pops.
@ 1:49 = Healer's Sigil collectable #1 (Guestroom).
@ 1:49 = Health Inspector achievement.
@ 2:07 = HOG #1 (Guestroom).
@ 2:07 = One per second achievement.
@ 3:49 = Scholar achievement start.
@ 5:07 = Healer's Sigil collectable #2 (Palatial room).
@ 5:41 = Puzzle #1 (Mixing the brew/potion, in the guestroom).
@ 5:41 = Keep Calm achievement.
@ 8:00 = Healer's Sigil collectable #3 (Queen's chamber).
@ 10:37 = Puzzle #2 (Connect the wheels puzzle, in the queen's chamber).
@ 12:06 = Butterfly #1 (Old tower stairs).
@ 12:13 = Little Birdie achievement.
@ 13:04 = Butterfly #2 (Tower prison wall).
@ 13:08 = Butterfly #3 (Tower prison wall).
@ 13:13 = Healer's Sigil collectable #4 (Tower prison wall).
Main Game Walkthrough Part 2.

Video contains...
@ 0:12 = Puzzle #3 (Coloured gems puzzle, in the queen's chamber).
@ 0:12 = That was quick achievement.
@ 0:44 = Puzzle #4 (Picture story puzzle, in the palatial room).
@ 0:44 = True Player achievement.
@ 2:47 = Healer's Sigil collectable #5 (Castle hall).
@ 3:26 = Healer's Sigil collectable #6 (Old tower stairs).
@ 4:20 = Puzzle #5 (circular piece picture puzzle, in the Castle hall).
@ 4:20 = Fresh Air achievement.
@ 6:20 = Butterfly #4 (Garden).
@ 6:25 = Healer's Sigil collectable #7 (Garden).
@ 7:07 = Butterfly #5 (Royal arbour).
@ 7:11 = Butterfly #6 (Royal arbour).
@ 7:11 = Entomophobia achievement.
@ 7:17 = Butterfly #7 (Royal arbour).
@ 7:49 = Healer's Sigil collectable #8 (Royal arbour).
@ 8:45 = Healer's Sigil collectable #9 (Foot of the tower).
@ 9:08 = Butterfly #8 (Foot of the tower).
@ 9:13 = Butterfly #9 (Foot of the tower).
@ 9:26 = Golden feather #1 (Foot of the tower).
@ 9:54 = Healer's Sigil collectable #10 (Shoreline).
@ 10:58 = Butterfly #10 (Shed).
@ 10:58 = HOG #2 (Shed).
@ 10:58 = Like a wind achievement.
@ 10:58 = Surgical Aim achievement.
@ 11:30 = Healer's Sigil collectable #11 (Shed).
@ 12:51 = HOG #3 (Guestroom, behind the secret door).
Main Game Walkthrough Part 3.

Video contains...
@ 0:13 = HOG #4 (Garden, base of the statue).
@ 2:50 = Golden feather story #1.
@ 3:54 = Puzzle #6 (Triangle picture puzzle, foot of the tower).
@ 6:50 = Row your boat achievement pops.
@ 7:19 = Movie Buff achievement pops.
@ 7:57 = Healer's Sigil collectable #12 (Small island shore).
@ 8:17 = Golden feather #2 (Small island shore).
@ 8:47 = Healer's Sigil collectable #13 (Island grove).
@ 8:57 = Golden feather story #2.
@ 10:13 = Puzzle #7 (Untangling the rope net puzzle, at the island grove).
@ 10:57 = Otter Friend achievement.
@ 11:12 = Healer's Sigil collectable #14 (Bigger island shore).
@ 11:16 = Butterfly #11 (Bigger island shore).
@ 12:41 = Butterfly #12 (Burned-down house).
@ 12:46 = Healer's Sigil collectable #15 (Burned-down house).
@ 13:14 = HOG #5 (Burned-down house).
Main Game Walkthrough Part 4.

Video contains...
@ 0:04 = Puzzle #8 (Maze door lock puzzle, bigger island shore).
@ 0:04 = Buried Secrets achievement.
@ 1:29 = Healer's Sigil collectable #16 (Cavern).
@ 1:29 = Apprentice achievement.
@ 2:49 = Healer's Sigil collectable #17 (Basement).
@ 2:54 = Golden feather #3 (Basement).
@ 3:21 = Golden feather story #3.
@ 4:14 = Scholar achievement pops.
@ 5:04 = HOG #5 (Cavern).
@ 5:39 = Puzzle #9 (Three pearl rings puzzle, in the basement).
@ 6:51 = Healer's Sigil collectable #18 (Bridge).
@ 7:00 = HOG #6 (Bridge).
@ 7:00 = Eagle Eye achievement.
@ 8:58 = Puzzle #10 (Animal footprint puzzle, at the bridge).
@ 10:39 = Healer's Sigil collectable #19 (Forest hut).
@ 10:48 = HOG #7 (Forest hut).
@ 12:13 = Healer's Sigil collectable #20 (Forest hut interior).
@ 13:06 = HOG #8 (Forest hut, again, 2nd time).
Main Game Walkthrough Part 5.

Video contains...
@ 1:15 = Puzzle #11 (Rotating circle picture door lock puzzle, in the forest hut interior).
@ 2:49 = Healer's Sigil collectable #21 (Forest hut study).
@ 2:57 = HOG #8 (Forest hut study).
@ 3:44 = Save the child achievement.
@ 4:26 = Golden feather #4 (Forest hut interior).
@ 5:24 = HOG #9 (Bridge).
@ 6:48 = Healer's Sigil collectable #22 (Forest).
@ 6:57 = Golden feather story #4 (Forest).
@ 7:47 = Puzzle #12 (Hidden elements in picture puzzle, in the forest).
@ 9:24 = Puzzle #13 (Rotating disc picture puzzle, at the forest hut).
@ 13:45 = HOG #10 (Forest hut study, again, 2nd time).
Main Game Walkthrough Part 6.

Video contains...
@ 1:48 = Kindred Spirit achievement.
@ 2:05 = Healer's Sigil collectable #23 (Castle gate).
@ 2:23 = Puzzle #14 (Forest shirt maze puzzle, in the basement).
@ 3:08 = HOG #11 (Castle gate).
@ 4:04 = Puzzle #15 (Gate lock puzzle, at the castle gate).
@ 6:16 = Healer's Sigil collectable #24 (Courtyard).
@ 7:07 = Healer's Sigil collectable #25 (Campfire).
@ 8:28 = Puzzle #16 (Glass window picture puzzle, at the campfire).
@ 10:16 = Puzzle #17 (Resonating crystal puzzle, at the campfire).
@ 11:18 = Healer's Sigil collectable #26 (Cemetery).
@ 11:27 = Golden feather #5 (Cemetery).
@ 12:12 = HOG #12 (Cemetery).
Main Game Walkthrough Part 7.

Video contains...
@ 0:01 = Puzzle #18 (Fixing the elevator puzzle, at the cemetery).
@ 4:13 = Healer's Sigil collectable #27 (Observatory).
@ 4:28 = Golden feather story #5 (Observatory).
@ 8:05 = Golden feather #6 (Observatory).
@ 8:31 = Golden feather story #6 (Observatory).
@ 9:24 = To dungeons deep achievement.
@ 10:16 = Healer's Sigil collectable #28 (Dungeon).
@ 11:08 = HOG #13 (Dungeon).
@ 11:44 = Puzzle #19 (Rune puzzle, in the dungeon).
@ 13:36 = HOG #14 (Dungeon, again, 2nd time).
@ 14:12 = Golden feather #7 (Dungeon).
Main Game Walkthrough Part 8.

Video contains...
@ 0:10 = Golden feather story #7 (Observatory).
@ 0:10 = Forgotten story achievement.
@ 1:47 = HOG #15 (Castle gate, again, 2nd time).
@ 2:41 = HOG #16 (Cemetery, again, 2nd time).
@ 3:51 = Puzzle #20 (Ingredients puzzle, at the observatory).
@ 5:20 = Puzzle #21 (Road between castles puzzle, at the cemetery).
@ 6:19 = Healer's Sigil collectable #29 (Castle Hall).
@ 7:23 = Healer's Sigil collectable #30 (Battlements).
@ 8:26 = Healer's Sigil collectable #31 (Peacock lady's hideout).
@ 8:23 = True Herbalist achievement.
@ 8:34 = HOG #17 (Peacock lady's hideout).
@ 9:46 = Puzzle #22 (Remove the spell puzzle, in the peacock lady's hideout).
@ 11:27 = Puzzle #23 (Story picture puzzle, in the peacock lady's hideout).
@ 11:27 = Skip? Never! achievement.
Main Game Walkthrough Part 9.

Video contains...
@ 0:01 = HOG #18 (Peacock lady's hideout).
@ 0:01 = No crystal ball achievement.
@ 2:22 = Save the day achievement.
@ 2:25 = Master Healer achievement.
Bonus Chapter Walkthrough Part 1.

Video contains...
@ 0:54 = HOG #1 (The gate).
@ 2:50 = Puzzle #1 (Sorting the candies puzzle, in the square).
@ 5:30 = Puzzle #2 (Rotating tile picture puzzle, in the square).
@ 6:43 = HOG #2 (The hall).
@ 9:06 = HOG #3 (The gate).
@ 9:36 = Puzzle #3 (Light beam puzzle, in the hall).
@ 10:04 = HOG #4 (The hall, again, 2nd time).
@ 10:58 = Puzzle #4 (Sliding key door lock puzzle, at the gate).
@ 10:58 = Sheriff achievement.
@ 13:01 = HOG #5 (Faeriefolk tree).
Bonus Chapter Walkthrough Part 2.

Video contains...
@ 0:02 = Puzzle #5 (Chronological picture story puzzle, at the stone face valley).
@ 2:45 = Puzzle #6 (Chess puzzle, at the house's porch).
@ 3:53 = Puzzle #7 (Sliding knob puzzle, in the living room).
@ 5:49 = HOG #6 (Faeriefolk tree, again, 2nd time).
@ 7:36 = Puzzle #8 (Ant maze puzzle, at the Faeriefolk tree).
@ 8:35 = Puzzle #9 (Closing the flowers puzzle, at the house's porch).
@ 12:09 = HOG #7 (Forest meadow).
Bonus Chapter Walkthrough Part 3.

Video contains...
@ 1:29 = HOG #8 (Forest meadow, again, 2nd time).
@ 2:28 = Dragonslayer achievement.
Complete Video Walkthrough Playlist Link.
For anyone with problems viewing the embedded videos in this guide (such as those in China having to use a VPN to watch videos on YouTube) here's a link to the playlist...
Other 100% Achievement Guides.
I hope you found this guide of help, all comments, suggestions and criticism (constructive) is gratefully received.

An A to Z list of my Steam achievement guides and walkthroughs can be found @
If you would like to get a notification in your activity feed when I post a new guide, just click the "follow anrkyuk" button on my profile guide list...
Doctor Long 92 4 Dec, 2024 @ 5:41am 
Giving A Award For Your Hard Work Please Accept My Friend Invite :fh4race:
Steven5092 30 Jun, 2023 @ 12:37am 
Thanks for the Guide, but one thing i have in Mind. There are 2 Screenshots from the Butterflies, you just could have used 1 from each Screenshot instead. In that are that 2 Butterflies, and in the others are 3, you could have shown it in 1 Screenshot instead. ;-) But still, big Thanks to you. ^^
Ran_Sophia 12 Aug, 2022 @ 7:49am 
Great walkthrough. :steamthumbsup::GoldenApple:
Jmi 28 Nov, 2021 @ 4:26am 
Thank you! :RedishRose:
钟勋 3 Oct, 2021 @ 9:26am 
要掉小珍珠了喔 12 Mar, 2021 @ 11:04am 
This is really helpful,i have played 4 times to look for all the healer‘s sigil,but still cannot find the last missing one. Thanks to your marvelous guide,i made it. Thank u:steamhappy:
863194875 16 Feb, 2021 @ 6:48am 
Thank you!
thegrandgame 27 Jan, 2021 @ 2:51pm 
thank you for the guide!
johnafirth 21 Dec, 2020 @ 2:19pm 
I restarted and it worked exactly the way this guide shows. First issue I've had with one of their games, after playing quite a few.
anrkyuk  [author] 17 Dec, 2020 @ 11:18am 
johnafirth, I would look for a Switch specific guide as it is not uncommon for hidden object games to differ slightly on each platform. It is also quite common for hidden object games to have a Steam version which differs even the the Big Fish PC variants.