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World of Warcraft - Western Plaguelands and Scholomance
Type: Video
Age Rating: Everyone
Genre: Game
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Category: Wallpaper
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1.094 GB
4 Jun, 2019 @ 2:27pm
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World of Warcraft - Western Plaguelands and Scholomance

In 1 collection by Ake
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Video from Everness - World of Warcraft

The area now called the Western Plaguelands was a beautiful forested farmland east of Tirisfal Glades stretching from Lordaeron in the west to the Eastweald in the east. The town of Hearthglen was the seat of the regional administration, while the town of Andorhal was the center of grain distribution in Lordaeron's northern provinces.

Knowing that the quickest way to spread the Plague of Undeath would be via the grain exported from Andorhal, the necromancer Kel'Thuzad and his Cult of the Damned infected the grain with the Plague, and set up four massive plague cauldrons in the fields of the area's four largest farmsteads. As Lordaeron collapsed, the farmlands and the forests began to die. The trees in the Plaguelands pulsate with tumor-like growths, and the needles of the pines are a sickly brown. With the Kingdom collapsed, the Scarlet Crusade attempted to salvage what little of their lands remained, taking possession of Mardenholde Keep in Hearthglen as a regional headquarters. Some time later after the fall of the Scarlet Crusade and the war in Outland, the fight against the Scourge was brought to Northrend and victory claimed by the Ashen Verdict, the town of Hearthglen was reclaimed by its former lord and the leader of Argent Crusade, Tirion Fordring; it now serves as a main base of operations and training ground for the Argent Crusaders in Lordaeron.

Despite being where the Plague took hold in Lordaeron, the Western Plaguelands were in surprisingly better condition (though still quite dead) than the Eastern Plaguelands. It may be one of the factors that helped the Cenarion Circle nurse the majority of this land to its former state.

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