Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

327 人が評価
Swanky Street Temperate
Assets: Road
7.676 MB
2019年5月26日 10時51分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Swanky Street Temperate

MrMiyagi 作成の 4 件のコレクション
Campus Global Build-off Assets
523 アイテム
Swanky Streets: Fancy Shopping Promenades
12 アイテム
Campus Global Build Off Less DLCs Save Game
584 アイテム
Town of Sunset Harbor Build-Off Assets
540 アイテム
**3 extra Items required.**

By request, Swanky Street with temperate street trees - A fashionable street for locations like a tourist / entertainment district, a beachside promenade, fashion High Street, etc.

- Beautiful road model by Urbanist does not require decals for the cobblestone design. Well-made model that has natural transition from it to other regular roads (with the exception of highways, a normal issue).

- Only includes a ground level version so that it is a low file size, saving space for you to have more other workshop items. For any bridges, tunnels, or elevated, use a different road.

- Normal game behavior - no crowds of people hanging out in one spot, set to normal small road speeds, i.e. vehicles do not crawl along at turtle speed, on purpose. The advisable method of controlling speed would be using mods like Speed Slider or Traffic Manager to reduce all your roads, including this, to your desired speeds consistently. Otherwise, this road would be at glacial speed, whereas your other small roads/alleys will be your desired more realistic speed.

Thanks to Urbanist for allowing me to use his road. See more Urbanist items here

Thanks to pdelmo for the Leafy Street Tree

Thanks to Ben Tracker for the street tree grates

Thanks to Avanya for the help in making my Art Deco travel poster illuminated street ads

12 件のコメント
moussa3207 2024年8月12日 14時29分 
love this! can i remove the ads tho?
BIT24 2022年8月29日 6時10分 
can you do this or another road with pavé one way? I need a 1 way 2 lane pavé road for the center of my european city
MrMiyagi  [作成者] 2022年7月17日 8時08分 
Hey there, I don't remember, but I imagine I would make it so that pedestrians are only on sidewalks. I envision it as still a street, just made up to look fancy for a central shopping / entertainment area.
Tun Sri Musa 2022年7月17日 5時01分 
Hi. I have a question. Is this road has the same function (Vehicles only using the middle of road and pedestrians using whole road) like Urbanist's road this road based on? Thank you for your attention.
MrMiyagi  [作成者] 2021年7月1日 8時05分 
@baronjutter excellent point - I didn't mention that. It is two lanes of vehicles only. No parking or bike dedicated lanes (also, dedicated bike lanes would make this require the DLC After Dark). When I use this street, I place side streets that have parking on it. Kind of makes sense with this kind of style of street.
baronjutter 2021年6月30日 21時24分 
What's the parking and bike situation?
MrMiyagi  [作成者] 2019年6月8日 10時20分 
@Ferry, click small roads, then scroll to the end of all the regular roads. This one will be one of the last roads on the list. All default game roads come first, custom roads will be at the end.

@CattingCat np! The buildings closest to the camera are from the Hansa building set, made by Andrii Kit, altered a little by me and republished with permission

and the rest of the image are from the Renaissance building packs by Titan. Everything he touches is golden in my eyes :D There's enough to make an entire city with that style. Pick and choose from here:
CattingCat 2019年6月1日 0時43分 
Thank you! What building are those in picture 2?
微信转账300块 2019年5月31日 1時57分 
How to use it?
Preußens Gloria 2019年5月28日 1時35分 
Well done mister Miyagi :)