Killing Floor

Killing Floor

56 ratings
Frequently Asked Questions For Beginners
By Miiiiiiiiiiiiike
A compiled list of FAQ's for Killing Floor, easy to read and with a touch of humour to be a bit different from the other guides out there. Good for beginners. No technical support questions answered here.
Killing Floor
This game is a Co-Op Survival Horror Shooter game.

Meaning that it is a team game, so play as a team.
You must survive waves and hordes of enemies.
And it is Scary, blood, guts.
And you have guns.

You fight specimens/zombies/zeds. They want to kill you and come in a variety of shapes, sizes, strengths and weaknesses.
There is a boss one, during the final wave.
What difficulty should I play on? What about 'Solo' play?
I generally think it is best to start on 'Normal' Difficulty. Starting on 'Beginner' can set you in for bad habits. 'Normal' is indicated by two yellow bars on the left hand side of the server list for that server. Beginner is one Green bar, Hard is three amber bars, Suicidal is four red bars, and Hell on Earth is a red skull.

Stick to normal unless you are confident of your skills and are level 3+ before you move up to 'Hard'. But saying that there is no harm in trying and giving hard a go.

Solo, is generally only good to know the layout of maps, the locations of ammo boxes and the location of weapons lying on the ground. (Picking up these weapons and selling them gives you a huge financial boost).

Someone's Icon above their character is Gold. What does that mean?

It means they are level six with that select perk, the maximum level.

Do I need the DLC?

No, the game is very enjoyable without them. I do not have any DLC and with 260 hours I don't feel I miss out on much. I still like it when I can get my hands on some DLC weapons though :)
Ask a player to drop a weapon, but don't nag them.

I notice players healing themselves, how do I do this?

Default key is 'q'. Note there is a recharge time and using the syringe on yourself heals around 20-30 hp. It heals more and uses less juice if you use it on an ally.

That being said, how do I heal my friends?

Run up to them, and press 5 to pull out your medical syringe (the red one) and press the trigger button near a wounded ally. If you are a medic you can use alternate fire from a medic gun to fire a healing dart or throw a grenade which has a green gas that heals players.

Oh, so that's what the green gas was. I thought it was bad.

No, entirely safe and promotes acidolfilus Bifidus and a healthy intestinal system within your character.

Well, then how do I throw grenades?

The 'G' key. Grenade counter is bottom right corner. Be careful as grenades can hurt you. If you are surrounded, try not and throw grenades (unless you know you re doomed and take as many down with you.)

I'm about to die. Should I do anything?

Have your most prized weapon in hand, so you drop it once you die and can pick it up the wave after. Dying with your syringe or knife is most annoying, especially if you just bought an expensive weapon the wave before.

What If I pick up a friends weapon. What do I do?

Generally it is nice to give the weapon back. The backslash key is the default key to drop the weapon in hand.

Well, I died, what do I do now?

Try and grab your gun if you died with it, otherwise go to the trader and buy the best weapon you can buy with the money you have. If you only have 250 pounds, buy a Lever Action Rifle. Or grenades/armour if you are a medic.

What about money from teammates?
Don't expect too much, maybe 50 or 100 pounds from each player. You might have a nice teammate who gives 500 odd pounds. Buy a decent weapon which is suited to your perk.

How do I give money?

default key is 'B', it gives out a 50 pound stack, or whatever remains of your finances if you have less than 50.

I don't really understand the perk system. I just pick sharpshooter and away I go.

The perk system is an important part of Killing Floor. You can read up about the bonuses they give under the main menu "profile and achievements section". Generally stick to weapons that you perk excels in (At the top of the trader list)

I've only played as support specialist, yet I have level one medic, sharpshooter and demolitions. What's going on, is this a bug?

No it is not a bug. You can level up your other perks by fulfilling the requirements while in another perk.

For some reason I can weld wooden doors. Is that a bug?

No, just a funny thing in the game.

I'm a medic, and I find it hard to get money because I get few kills. What do I do?

Be a medic. You get money for healing people (on or off perk). You can also deal with some of the Zeds.

My medic gun only shoots bullets. How do I make it to heal?

Default is mouse 3, or the mouse wheel. (alternate fire) fires a healing dart. A message comes up on screen saying if you healed a player.

As a medic, I feel useless when versing those real big fellos.

Well, you are. But, the medic also gets improved body armour! This means that you can 'tank' some hits. Hopefully to save another fellows life and allow your team mates to kill the big guy.
It is handy to tank when a Fleshpound is attacking, if a demolitions is on your side he/she needs to be a distance away from it's target or the player will hurt him/herself. A salvo of grenades from the m32 grenade launcher will get the Fleshpound off your back.

What is a fleshpound?

These are the big guys, with metal spikes on the hands, and a amber or red light in their chest. They take a lot of fire power to kill, but are vulnerable to explosives. A number of head shots from a crossbow will pacify it too. They can rage, meaning that they charge at you and stop at almost nothing! Only attack them if you have the correct weapons to do so.

Well, what are the correct weapons?

Look, buddy, I'm running out of space here. But generally crossbows, m32 grenade launchers and high powered or rapid fire shotguns work well. On the lower levels at least.

What about the seven foot tall surgeons with chainsaws? They are not very friendly.

They are quite nasty. A good crossbow shot to the head or a hunting shotgun blast to the torso should finish em off. Also they deal less damage if you are still, more damage if you are trying to run away from them and they come slashing after you. They are called Scrakes.

Kinda like Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Speaking of which, how can I make my person talk?

Press the 'V' Key. and corresponding numbers to say something.
V 1 1 calls for a medic. It is useful to know a few off by heart.

Other phrases that character say such as "Oh gawd, chainsaw massacre time", and "Keep that B**** Quiet" are automatic responses that your person (or an ally) says when a Zed of particular interest spawns.

What is zed? I thought they were zombies? Why do they have no, you know, 'bits' down there?

They are 'specimens', clones if you like made by a scientist (the patriarch no less) in his quest to make the perfect soldier. I think, or am I getting confused with a movie? They have no 'bits' because they are clones, and they have no time for recreational activities, let alone nice ladies to take out on a date at the local hospital.

My person runs slow. Where is the 'sprint button'?

There is no sprint button, but you can run faster by running with your knife (careful don't trip now), carrying less weight, having 100% health. Berserker and Medic Perks also get speed improvements as their level increases. Jumping can also increase speed, just.

Then how do I jump?

Space bar of course!

Can I lie down?

No! No time for a sleep, you can crouch however, default key is 'c'.

I fell out the window in Offices? Where was the safety rail?

Well, it is a window so there should be glass. But it broke. Try not to fall out the window. High chance of death.

If we are suppose to be a crack team of commandos, why do we start with a knife and 9mm pistol?

The British Government is poor ok, it was either pistols or pepper spray.

Why does the trader not die?

Because, for all you know you are dead and in a dream being experimented by aliens.
FAQ's continued.
What is better, a Rifle, or an extra 9mm pistol?

Generally speaking, avoid dual wielding pistols, while you look cool in all you use up bullets very fast and it is harder to perform head shots.

You didn't answer my question!

The rifle is better!

Why do I see my grenades burst into a shower of sparks?

This is probably because of the effects of a sirens scream. They can make grenades completely useless by crushing them.

Why are the maps so dark?

To be scary, and reduce your chance of success.

I pick up presents, but I get nothing cool. Is that a bug?

Nice pun. No, presents in the maps Ice-cave and Evil Santas Lair are merely re-skinned ammo boxes.

Those black things that crawl on the ground, are very, very annoying. Any tips?

Crawlers, they are called. Yes they are annoying. A shot with most weapons will take one out. The higher powered pistols excell at this task.

I see flying crawlers in West London. Is that a bug?

Yes, they don't have wings/hoverskates. Imagine that, that would shut all those people up who moan the games to easy and want new zeds. "Fly my pretties, Fly!"

Are you ok? do you need a rest?

I'm fine, just a little dehydrated that's all.

I see players with a shotgun that fires burning pellets, but I can't find it under the Support specialist section? Is it DLC?

Hello, are you there?

Yes, I'm back. Just got a drink.

I see players with a shotgun that fires burning pellets, but I can't find it under the Support specialist section? Is it DLC?

This is the 'Trench Gun', it is a firebug weapon, but gains the penetration increases from the support specialist perk. It doesn't contribute to the support perk however, but the firebugs. No it is not DLC.

I shoot a zed's head off, but he still walks? What do I do?

Let him die, you've already used up a bullet, no need to waste any more. Sometimes they can still sneak up and attack you, but they die after about 5 seconds of be-headedness, so just be weary.

Can I level up my sharpshooter perk by shooting the heads off dead zeds?

I don't think so.

What about if it takes, 10 shots with a LAR to kill a scrake do I get 10 counts for the sharpshooter perk?

I don't think so, but you can try.

This is set in the UK right? Where is the Lee-Enfield Rifle and Sten Gun?

They can't include all weapons made, besides they are a-bit outdated.

Why are Hunting Shotguns and axes so expensive? Surely every manor house has one of them.

It's a game ok. Things are priced for balance reasons.

I see people mention 'sc', what does this mean, it is hardly a right time to talk about Starcraft.

sc means Scrake, those seven foot tall guys with chainsaws. It more or less means, Help! and watch out! I need someone who can take out this guy quickly!

My teammate is a DAR, why can't I heal him with the welder? Not very realistic.

Because it is just a skin, they are healed with syringe. A moonbase isn't all that realistic either.

To unlock the DAR do you have to do something to them on Moonbase, like you do with the dwarf axe?

No, you have to buy the DAR DLC pack from Tripwire.

That's a bit greedy.

Look, it is only a skin, you don't need it. Tripwire made a pretty good game for us and continues to offer support and cool events.


I'll pass that on.

Well I bought the DAR DLC anyway? Why does it not save between different games that I play?

You would forget stuff too if you were missing half your head and grew up on the moon, you loony goony.

I see people with the ZED gun. I can't find any pieces for it (Yes I checked the vending machine). What can I do?

The ZED gun is unlockable during the xmas events. It should come back again this xmas event. The latest weapons pack DLC has the Zed gun version 2.0.

Is it any good?

It is decent, and does it's task well. It even makes Sirens screams completely harmless!

Do you use it and what perks does it work well with?

Yes, I like to use it at least once each time I play. I like being the medic with it. You can slow Fleshpounds, tank some hits and it makes you a bit more usefull for final wave.

How much does it cost?

2000 Pounds! Quite expensive.

What does the term 'Trash' mean in this game?

The weaker zeds. Clots, stalkers, crawlers and gorefasts. Some perks are well suited to deal with trash.

I notice that the vans and trucks on Mountain Pass are branded as 'Fail', is this a real car brand in the UK?

I don't believe so. I think someone just doesn't like Fords.

The female character skins are very well, developed? Isn't that a little bit sexist?

Play Timesplitters: Future Perfect, those characters...

I have one weight block free, yet I can't get a second 9mm pistol even though the starting combo of pistol♥♥♥♥♥♥♥grenades is one block. Is that a bug?

No, not a bug. the second pistol has no flashlight, therefore no batteries so it is lighter than the first one, yet. erm. hmmm. umm. well. They just can't have it as one block ok!

What other weapons have flashlights/torches?

Shotgun, Combat Shotgun, Vlad the Impaler. I think that is all. The medic mp5 has one, but the batteries got corroded in the holder.

That isn't very good, where's the refund?

I'm pretty sure that when you are in a fight, you are happy with what you have?

I see youtube demonstration videos in Test Map. But I can never replicate their results in a normal game, why?

You are either a worse player, or the test map is all that 'nice in theory' talk. You never actually get a situation when in a normal game where it is like the test-map are.

So you don't like test maps?

It's stupid when people talk about them, and say stuff like "This perk can deal with this, my test map proved it so", why, because the a normal game isn't like the testmap. It's like car manufacturers and fuel economy ratings. The lab they do the tests in, or the 'theoretical' maths behind fuel consumption is impossible to get in real world situations.

Is it a good idea to camp or keep moving in the game?

Either or, but do it as a team. Don't be that one guy who is so focused on shooting a clot when the rest of the team leaves you. Likewise, don't keep running off from the rest of the group, or running away from them if you are being attacked. Medics really can't be bothered running to catch up to one guy, heal him, only for the rest of the team to die.
FAQ's Continued...
So it is a bad idea to go lone wolf?

Not a bad idea, I do it. But at least on harder difficulties and in later waves, stick together. I also don't like it when a high level player goes lone wolf, takes a good share of the kills and offers no cash. I try and offer some cash if I have taken more than my share. I just find it annoying when level 6's join a normal game and generally offer no real help to the new players. Level 6's should be on harder levels. (Yes I still linger in normal games as a level 6 but I try and be in the bottom few players for kills).

There is a flashing set of tubes on the ground making a beeping sound. Is it a bomb to blow up the facility in case we fail our mission?

You're right, it is a bomb, but a pipebomb. These are mines which detonate when a certain mass of Zeds have gathered around. One bomb can kill a fleshpound with ease.

So will it hurt me, If it blows up?

Only if it is yours, you will most likely die if you are close. If your friend placed it and a fleshpounds a raging at you, stand on the pipe, or a bit back and let it blow the fleshpound to smithereens.

To smithereens?

Yes, it was a cheat code in Age of Empire II.

Where should I put pipebombs?

Pipebombs detonate if placed on the side of a welded door that the Zeds are not on. As in, when the zeds destroy the door your pipebomb goes too. Put pipebombs in narrow chokepoints, and maybe one in the middle of your camping are as a fall back place when the Fleshpounds come a raging.

What makes them detonate?

Sirens screams can prematurely detonate a pipebomb. But it doesn't blow up, just kinds dies and is a waste. Husks also aim for pipebombs with their cannon. Once a critical mass of zeds are on/near a pipebomb it explodes after a series of rapid beeps.

Should I buy armour? Is it worth it?

Generally only get it for last half of game. It can make you sloppy, loose your armour as you think you are action man and therefore having to buy it again. It is bet to be on your toes and spend the money on something else.

I can kill a gorefast with one shot, but othertimes I cannot, how come?

The more players there are, the more health the zeds have and the more that are spawned.

When is the best time to leave a game?

Generally during trader time. Give out your money, either sell or drop your weapons and die with your pistol so maximum gains can be made from your corpse. You also won't be contributing to the health or numbers of ZED's next round. There is nothing much worse than a player leaving in the first 5 seconds of a new round.

What about entering a game?

As a rule I don't join a game if it is already up to wave 8. I might stay if they do not have a medic as medics are always useful and when you are higher level medic you spawn with armour and medic gun. There is now a wave indicator in the server lobby screen, so a player knows exactly what wave the server is currently on.

Sometimes I fire a grenade from a grenade launcher and it doesn't explode why?

A safety function. You can kill a zed at point blank range with the shear force of the grenade. it doesn't detonate so you shouldn't kill yourself. Becareful, as if you hit a wall or the ground it will.

My screen goes all blurry sometimes, and is covered in yellow stuff. What is that?

Bloat vomit. Those fat guys, with the meat cleavers vomit on you. It hurts, and is deadly. Avoid it as much as you can. Also avoid running through the recent explosion of a bloat as the vomit will hurt you then too.

Well sometimes it is blurry, and there are no bloats. Why?

Probably due to Sirens screams. They can make your head explode.

Sometimes I see a weapon on the ground, then next time I look it changes, what's up with that?

The weapons on the ground are found in weapon spawn locations. There are a decent number of them on each map and can give you a huge boost. If you are a sharpshooter lets say wait until the weapons cycle from a pistol/rifle to a machete, axe or bullpup to get even more bang for your buck. It can take a while, so don't count on it.

What sort of weapons are found in these locations?

9mm pistol, handcannon, LAR, bullpup, shotgun, machete, fire axe and kevlar.
Axe is worth 750 to a non-berserker, a machete is worth 375 and weighs only one block. You can get 2 handcannons for four blocks adding to a total of 750 pounds. Aperture and Ice Breaker have special weapon spawns.

Regarding ammo boxes, who deserves them the most?

I tend to let sharpshooters when equipped with m99's pick them up, or demolitions players as pipebombs and m99 ammo is expensive.

So does that mean I should leave them if I only have a 9mm pistol?

Yes, have a look at players around you. 9mm bullets are cheap to buy, bullets for other weapons are not.

I see body armour/kevlar vest on the ground. What should I do with it?

If you have more than 30 armour, you don't really need it. Call it out to your teammates, with "Vest here", someone who feels they need it will come and get it. If you're a medic it is not a bad idea to get the vest.

That seems silly. Medics already get cheaper and stronger armour, why should they get it It's like letting a sharpshooter pick up a handcannon, they won't get much money for it.

A good medic will use that vest to save other players life and tank hits from larger specimens. It is more or less an investment that the team makes.

As a medic, is there a quick way to see how much health my teammates have?

Yes, default key is 'F1', this brings up the players names, perk selected and associated level, health, money and ping.

Help! I can't move why is that?

You might have chat enabled by pressing 'y' or 'u' sometime. Press enter to clear the letters and regain control.

Also, a clot may be grabbing onto you. Jumping can make them loose their grip, on the lower levels at least.

So that is why some people say "wadsdwwwwwads".


I press the '`' key on my keyboard, what does this bring up?

It is the console. It allows you to look back over chat and change some things. Such as weapon keys, how much money you drop etc.

Are the biggest and most expensive weapons the best?

Yes and no. In most cases weapons like the m99 AMR, LAW, AA12 shotgun, Husk cannon and claymore sword are outclassed by the other weapons avaiable for that perk. The extra money needed to fork out for a m99 is not worth it when a crossbow does the job fine. AA12 is useful, but only if you have excess money. It is better to have 6 supports all with shotguns that one support with a AA12.

Sometimes scrakes stand still and their head moves from side to side. What's up with that?

The scrake is 'stunned', that is exactly what it says it is. The scrake cannot do anything for a set amount of time, allowing players to take it out.

How can I stun a scrake?

Alternate fire on the more expensive Berserker weapons work well, aim for head. I think you have to be a highish level to accomplish this. Check out the KF Wikia for more information about the beserker perks and what it gives you at set levels. Crossbows can stun it (you will most likely kill it on lower difficulties). Lever action rifle (high level sharpshooter) and Husk cannon (charged shot) can also stun a scrake.
FAQ's Continues...
So what should I do if it see a stunned scrake?

Depends what you are, but generally the player who stunned the scrake will finish it off, such as a berserker or sharpshooter. If you are a Support, Medic, or even firebug you might want to keep your eyes open and throw in some of your fire-power if the scrake breaks it's stun and attacks your team-mates.

So does that mean that only berserkers and sharpshooters can deal with scrakes?

No, most perks can deal with them well. A support with a hunting shotgun, combat or AA12 will make quick work of one. A firebug can take on out with sustained fire from the flame-thrower and I have had success while with a mac10. Husk cannon works well, but it is expensive and flare revolvers, well not everyone has them. As a rule, demolitions are not well suited to killing scrakes despite their explosive weaponry.

What are the different ways in which zeds 'rage'?

Fleshpounds rage under two circumstances. Firstly, they rage as they can see you for around 10 seconds or longer. So try and break sight with them if you are kiting. They also rage once they have taken a set amount of damage in set amount of time. They take a while to rage, throwing their arms in the air, screaming and their light turns red, which may give you enough time to kill it, or reload and get ready to face it. Scrakes rage after loosing half their health on lower difficulties, and 1/3 health on higher difficulties. They just come running straight away, no shouting etc.

So that means scrakes are not that important to kill?

They are, but in a kiting situation you can mostly outrun them. Given that they only rage when they are attacked there is no reason to prematurely attack them. Attack them when your team is ready. If you have a camping strategy going on, it is best to take them out quickly.

What does 'Tanking' mean?

Tanking means that you be a tank, a great big strong thing to protect your team mates from the zeds. Just like a tank does in battle today. Medics are best suited to tanking as their perk enhances body armour. It means that medics can take a lot more damage from zeds before dying and can move in between a wounded friend and a raged zed.

I shut a door by pressing 'E', but the zeds just open it again. How do I lock it?

Pull out your welder. The yellow tool by pressing '5' twice. Then with the trigger button aim it at the door and weld it up. The door health is out of 100% and there is an energy counter for the welder in bottom right corner. If a door falls to 0% health it blows open and cannot be repaired for the rest of the round. the door resets when trader time commences. This is also how you repair the yellow breaker boxes in Steamland Objective Mode.

I play Berserker and have real difficulty killing crawlers with melee weapons without being hit. Is it possible to kill crawlers without being hit?

Without giving too much away there are two ways that I use. Either, wait until the crawler jumps, then when it is jumping quickly run backwards to dodge it. Then run back towards it to kill it before it has time to react to it's failed leap-attack. The other way is to perform a slash attack with your melee weapon just before the crawler is going to jump. That way you can kill it mid air! Hoorah! Otherwise just shoot em, don't muck around when situations getting tight.

Well, I think I'm outa questions.

So am I.
Final comments
Oh, hold on, one last quick question. What quotes do you think apply to this game?

You're only as strong as the weakest member (so help them out, with guns, money tips and tricks.)

Keep Calm and Carry On. Being British and all.

Be sure to check out the other guides all over this community hub. deadpixels is well rated and has good information.

Apologies to Americans and other people with spelling. Such as 'Armour' and 'Humour' and any other word that is spelled differently within the English language.
Pixxel Wizzard 2 Jul, 2015 @ 6:12am 
Great guide! I enjoyed the format of a mock Rolling Stone interview and it was good for a few chuckles too. Good info for new players, also. Cheeers!
Fractal-Ryft 12 Jun, 2015 @ 8:34am 
Very nice guide. It helped me out, and I know it will help others.
Neil 24 Oct, 2014 @ 2:47pm 
Thank you! it was fun to read! lot of useful informations even for veterans!
tipakay666 1 Aug, 2014 @ 6:53pm 
Easy and fun to read! Thanks dude
DHIWE_CPAHOE 13 Jul, 2014 @ 5:30am 
move all "chat keys" away (mine on Enter - most obvious thing), so u'll never see
###: wwwswswsadwdasdawdasd
#### was killed by clot
DHIWE_CPAHOE 13 Jul, 2014 @ 5:28am 
Thing to add:
after being hit by husk/bloat, heal as fast as u can to stop burning/melting and save ur hp/armor/mana
Berk 12 Jul, 2014 @ 2:34pm 
Great stuff, thanks.
Miiiiiiiiiiiiike  [author] 3 Apr, 2014 @ 2:03am 
I'm not sure...
Flowers 2 Apr, 2014 @ 10:05am 
yeh but i try to fire it but when i am scooped in with it put me in hip-fire
Miiiiiiiiiiiiike  [author] 31 Mar, 2014 @ 2:36am 
Point and shoot. You can't fire the LAW from the hip, and it is best if you can make it to detonate on a wall behind the specimens you are aiming at so the explosion gets them.
Practice with it and see if it is your sorta weapon. It can also be used to stun scrakes.