Tactical Intervention

Tactical Intervention

40 ratings
How to be a Boss at VIP Escort!
By hazar
As this game has only just been released publicly, I thought I would create a simple guide showing some tips that will help you in my favourite game mode - VIP Escort.
Useful things that you most likely won't know
  • If you press E/action key (all of these keys are from the default settings) when next to the VIP, you will grab hold of him with one hand on his shoulder and another holding a pistol or SMG. This allows you to direct the VIP away from the terrorists instead of having him run around aimlessly. From what I've experienced, the player also acts as a human shield which adds another means of protection.

  • Whilst you're in a car, you can hold CTRL/crouch key to take cover inside the car, lowering your chances of being shot. This may be obvious to some people, but I didn't know this until I saw it in a video (after 2 hours of playing myself).

  • Again whilst you're in a car, if you press X/roll key you will switch seats within the car. This is useful if you, for example, spawn with a sniper rifle and want to sit in the front passenger seat.

  • Whilst driving a vehicle, you can only use your pistol or an SMG to shoot. Therefore it may be advisable that if you're planning on driving, you select to use an SMG.
Tips to not look like an idiot
  • Do not EVER drive if you have a high ping (anything above 100 is a no-go). The driving experience may be fine for you, but for the other passengers trying to shoot - it won't be enjoyable.

  • If you are driving an escort car and NOT the VIP car, do your best to ensure the VIP car is infront of you at all times. Your car is called an escort car for a reason - to escort (protect any bullets from the terrorists coming behind you).

  • If you are driving and are a counter-terrorist, make sure you know whether you're carrying the VIP or are merely just an escort. It's happened to me many times where I've been driving around looking for the VIP, discovering that he's sat on the back seat. This may be a bit of a silly tip, but make sure you know who's in your car.

  • This may be surprising, but more often that not, the drivers who are more careful and slow down at corners are the ones that are successful for their team. You can use the spacebar/jump key to pull the handbrake but I wouldn't recommend this until you're going into the extraction zone. There's nothing worse than an idiot who doesn't stop and just crashes into a wall - injuring all of his teammates.

  • When you're in the passenger seat make sure you use short controlled gun bursts at long range. There have been many times where I've been in pursuit of a vehicle and my passenger is trying to kill the enemy in front of us by holding down his left-mouse button. Control your recoil when you're at a distance.
To conclude
Thanks for reading this guide and I hope you've picked up some useful tips. With all the noobs from the new release and your skill from this guide, you should be top of the leaderboard every time!

Feel free to add me if you want to play!

Screenshots courtesy of Rock Paper Shotgun.
superpapinando 1 Nov, 2020 @ 5:36pm 
good ol times
RacistVeteran 9 Feb, 2020 @ 3:56pm 
this game was my main game when i was a kid
Four-Winds Eryl 30 Nov, 2017 @ 6:46pm 
i eat boiled hotdogs 16 Oct, 2015 @ 10:10pm 
cant say this is best guide, i drive with 180 ping and my passengers get headshot kills o nthe driver so clearly you need more experience:steamsalty:
#ActuallyRevolution 9 Sep, 2014 @ 4:01pm 
steelbruh 18 Dec, 2013 @ 1:08pm 
those are helpful things to know
tdoy 27 Nov, 2013 @ 10:14am 
Nice guide. Lots of useful tips. ;)
solokills 30 Oct, 2013 @ 4:43am 
have to agree on most of the stuff u said,great job only thing you said that disagree is u do not tap fire in this mode, its faster not to aim from the person but to hold down the fire button and blow the car up ,once again good job
Zeke 14 Oct, 2013 @ 11:58pm 
I have 200 ping always, but everything is fine.
Wang 13 Oct, 2013 @ 8:24pm 
Some cars are faster based on there model i believve. fastes one is the black car with the spoiler.