Battle Brothers

Battle Brothers

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Achievements Guide for Battle Brothers
By Coldhands
This is my first guide ever so Im trying to keep it simple. There maybe mistakes, typos or other errors.

In this guide I will try my best to explain how to get each achievement in the game, I will not be explaining how to keep your campaign alive in order to trigger the achievements. The achievements will be separated. The DLC achievements will be in their own parts and the vanilla achievements have been split into smaller sections.

I will not explain how to defeat the enemies required on some of the achievements since that is not the point of this guide, the battle brothers wiki has good tips on how to beat the enemies of the game.

Use ctrl+f to find specific achievements. I am also aware that many achievements will be earned just by playing the game but rng is rng so Im not gonna comment on any of that.

Feel free to comment if you think I could be more clear with some achievements or if they have changed since I completed many of them before the dlcs were available.

Vanilla Items, Relations, Company
Bling Bling
Acquire a named item by any means, get 1 from a champion, buy 1 from a settlement shop or get 1 as a lucky drop from wilderness camps. Named items have a slight orange/reddish glow to them and usually have a unique look aswell.

Tricked Out
Same as Bling Bling expect you need to gather 5 named items.

Sell 10 trading goods items. If I remember right you can just sell and buy 1 item back and forth with a settlement until you get this achievement. List of Trade Goods[]

Master Trader
Same as Trader expect you need to sell 50 items.

Back In Business
Get 5000 money by any means necessary and keep it until the achievement triggers.

Money Makers
Same as Back In Business expect you need 50,000.

Dragon's Hoard
Same as the other money related ones but you need 250,000.

Blood Money
Accept and complete any contract.

Trial By Fire
Pick the Rebuilding The Company origin. Accept the tutorial contract to kill Hoggart and then kill Hoggart and return to the employer.

Meddling With Nobles
Complete a contract for any of the noble houses. You need to get the ambition to gather 1050 renown and complete it before the noble houses will give you contracts.

Never Trust A Mercenary
Betray your employer in a contract. Some contracts have an rng chance for an event to appear where you betray your employer. Common contracts that have that chance include Escort Caravan and Return Item and during the War crisis the contract Privateering has an rng chance to betray your current noble house. List of Contracts[]

Broken Promises
Fail a contract. If I remember correctly you can accept a contract and then just abandon it. If that doesn't work there are some contracts that you can fail through an rng event or by failing to protect certain things. Some contracts that you can fail include Obtain Item, Hunting Hexen, Escort Caravan, Discover Location, Deliver Item. List of Contracts[]

Making Friends
Complete contracts for a settlement until you get to friendly status, to speed things up never haggle with them.

Making Allies
Complete contracts for a noble house until you get to allied status, to speed things up never haggle with them.

Making A Name
Just play the game. You get renown from winning fights, destroying locations on the map, completing contracts and ambitions. You lose a bit of renown daily, you also lose renown by retreating from combat, failing/canceling contracts or betraying employers. Don't pick Traders origin because you will get less renown from everything. Keep doing this until you get 1,000 renown.

Man Of Renown
Same as Making A Name expect you need 3,000 renown.

Stuff Of Legends
Same As Making A Name expect you need 8,000 renown.

A Full Company
Hire men until you have 12 in your roster.

Power In Numbers
Hire men until you have 20 in your roster.

Level up a brothers melee attribute stat until it hits 90. To get this done without having to go to veteran levels of grinding. I suggest picking a character with 57+ melee attack and 2 stars in melee attack.

Level up a brothers ranged attribute stat until it hits 90. To get this done without having to go to veteran levels of grinding. I suggest picking a character with 47+ ranged attack and 2 stars in ranged attack.

Old And Wise
Grind a character to level 11.

Survive to day 10 on any campaign of Veteran or higher difficulty

Survive to day 100 on any campaign of Veteran or higher difficulty

Survive to day 365 on any campaign of Veteran or higher difficulty.
Vanilla Deaths, Wounds, Endings
Bloody Toll
Lose a character in combat. Go into a battle and rush a character into the enemy line and have him get killed by the enemy.

Welcome Back
You need to have a character get raised as a Wiederganger. Fight a battle againts a Necromancer and have a brother rush the enemy line to get killed, the Necromancer will soon raise him as a Wiederganger. Another way is to reach the Undead Crisis and have a brother die in a battle againts the Undead and get rng raised as a Wiederganger.

Tough Farewell
You need to lose a level 11 or higher character in combat. So grind a character to level 11 and then rush him into enemy frontline and let him get killed.

Time To Rebuild
You need to lose half or more of your roster in a battle. For example you have 6 characters in your party, send 3 or 4 if you wanna be extra sure into the enemy frontline and let them get killed. It seems you don't need to survive the actual fight so you can do this with Lessons Learned.

Have a brother get the Angry mood and then desert you. To get this quite fast just disband all but 1 brother WITHOUT compensation, sell all your food and waste all your money so you can't pay his wages. Put the game into fast forward until he deserts you. I suggest not picking Lone Wolf origin since the Hedge Knight will never desert you.

First Aid
You need to patch a bleeding injury in combat with a bandage. Give your brothers Bandages and engage and enemy with Cutting type weapons (axes, swords, claws, etc) and hope they rng you with a wound that can be Bandaged. I suggest fighting Wiedergangers since they are slow and often carry cleavers that inflict bleeding which can be bandaged.

Patched Up
Get any temporary injury in battle or through an event and have it get treated at a Temple in any Settlement that has one.

Field Hospital
You need 5 or more brothers with temporary injuries. I suggest you get 5 or more brothers, engage any enemy in combat and withdraw immediately and you should get a lot of temporary injuries. Rinse and repeat until you get enough injuries.

Scars For Life
You need a character to suffer a permament injury. I suggest getting a brother with the Survivor trait which gives him a 90% chance to survive when he gets killed in combat, send him into the enemy lines to get killed. If he survives he gets a permament injury.

Hard To Kill
As with Scars For Life, get a brother with Survivor trait, send him into enemy lines to get killed. Rinse and repeat until he has 3 permament injuries. You may want to save scum with this achievement.

To Fight Another Day
You need to flee from a battle. I suggest you begin a battle and immediately withdraw or move your brothers to the edges of the combat map and withdraw.

Lessons Learned
Lose a campaign. To keep things simple I suggest you begin any campaign that is not the Rebuilding A Company origin and engage the nearest moving thing and rush your brothers to enemy frontline and let them get killed.

Never Give Up
Repeat the process of Lessons Learned achievement in Ironman mode 10 times.

Early Retirement
Begin a campaign and immediately retire.

A Bitter End
Renown ≥ 1,100 and completed the 'Make Nobles Aware' ambition.

Leaving A Mark
One late game crisis ended.

Leaving A Legacy
Renown ≥ 6,000 and two late game crises ended.

Greenskin Slayer
Defeat the Greenskin crisis. Complete contracts where you kill goblins or orcs, kill parties that contain orcs or goblins and destroy camps that contain orcs or goblins during the Greenskin crisis.

Bane Of The Undead
Defeat the Undead crisis. Complete contracts where you kill undead, kill parties that contain undead and destroy camps that contain undead during the Umdead crisis.

Defeat the War crisis. Choose one of the battling noble houses and complete contracts for them where you attack other houses, feel free to attack parties or supply caravans of the other houses to speed things up.

Man Of Iron
Start a campaign in Ironman mode and beat the first crisis. I suggest picking War crisis to make this easier.

Complete all 3 crises on Ironman mode (your difficulty can be set to easy), I suggest picking War as first crisis since it is the easiest crisis to beat.
Vanilla Kills Part 1
Outnumbered, Never Outclassed
Engage and defeat an enemy force with 24 or more enemies. You should be able to trigger this even if the enemy force starts with less than 24 enemies. For example fighting Webknechts will spawn more from their eggs during the fight.

There Can Be Only One
Engage a force with a Swordmaster and kill him with a melee weapon. In the battle soften the Swordmaster up and then strike the killing blow with a melee weapon.
Tips on killing a Swordmaster[]

Engage a force with a Master Archer and kill him with a ranged weapon. In the battle soften the Master Archer up and then strike the killing blow with a ranged weapon.
Tips on killing a Master Archer[]

Hip Shooter
You need to kill 2 enemies with a ranged attack in a single turn with a single character. I suggest softening 2 enemies to low hp and then having a brother with a bow, good ranged attack + perks like Berserk, Killing Frenzy and Executioner use the Quick Shot skill to kill the 2 weakened enemies in one turn.

You need to kill 3 enemies with a single aoe attack. I suggest using a character with good melee attack and perks like Killing Frenzy and Executioner to make this easier. Soften 3-6 enemies up then have a character use a weapon that can strike 3-6 enemies in a single hit to kill the weakened enemies. Weapons that can hit 3-6 more enemies in a single hit is the Two-Handed Swords, Two-Handed Axes (excluding the Longaxe), Two-Handed Flails, Two-Handed Hammer (excluding the Polehammer) and the Warscythe.

King Of The Hill
You need to defeat another Mercenary company. Easier to get during the War crisis when you can find mercenaries that are hostile to you. Otherwise just engage and kill any force of mercenaries on the map but this will also make the employer of said mercenaries hostile to you including the noble house that owns the employers settlement. Tips on killing Mercenaries[]

Not So Noble
You need to kill a noble house party. Easier to get during the War crisis where you will get contracts to defeat other noble houses armies. You can also just engage one of the noble houses troops on the map if you find one though this obviously makes the noble house hostile to you. Tips on defeating a Noble house force[]

A Knight's Tale
You need to kill a noble house Knight. Easier to get during the War crisis. Engage any noble houses force on the map with a Knight in it then kill him in combat and remember doing this outside the War crisis will make the house hostile to you.
Tips on killing a Noble house Knight[]

Taste Your Own Medicine
Kill a Brigand Marksman with a ranged weapon. Soften him up anyway you want then finish the Brigand Marksman with a ranged weapon. Tips on killing a Brigand Marksman[]

Kill a Goblin Shaman. I suggest heading in to the wilderness and finding a goblin camp with a Goblin Shaman in it. Kill him anyway you want. Tips on killing a Goblin Shaman[]

Kill a Goblin Overseer with a ranged weapon. I suggest heading in to the wilderness and finding a goblin camp with a Goblin Overseer in it. You can soften him up anyway you want as long as the killing blow comes from a ranged weapon. Tips on killing a Goblin Overseer[]

Kill an Orc Warlord with a melee weapon. You can find an Orc Warlord in large orc camps in the Wilderness, through a contract or in a roaming party. It is easier to find an Orc Warlord during the Greenskin crisis. You can soften the Warlord by any means necessary as long as you strike the killing blow with a melee weapon. Tips on killing and Orc Warlord[]

How To Berserk
You need to kill an Orc Berserker with a melee weapon while under the buff of a Strange Mushroom consumable. You can find the Strange Mushrooms required for this achievement in a swamp settlement with a Mushroom Grove or get it as drop from a battle with orcs that have Berserkers in their ranks. You can soften the Berserker with any damage as long as the killing blow is struck by a guy in melee who has eaten the Strange Mushrooms during combat AND still has the buff on him. Tips on killing an Orc Berserker[]

You need to kill a direwolf with a melee weapon. You can find a direwolf through a contract or as a roaming party near forests. You can soften him up with any weapon you want as long as the killing blow is struck with a melee weapon. Tips on killing a Direwolf[]

Who Let The Dogs Out?
You need to have a wardog strike the killing blow on an enemy. For this you need to have a character with a wardog equipped. I suggest you leave 1 enemy alive and soften him up to low hp and then release the dog and let it land the killing blow on the enemy.

Power Of Music
You need to stun an enemy with a lute. I suggest picking the peasant militia origin since you get a guaranteed lute. Engage an enemy in combat and successfully use the Knock Out skill on an enemy.
Vanilla Kills Part 2
Kill a Necromancer. Easier to get during the Undead crisis. You can find a Necromancer in a roaming party or at an undead location. Settlement can also give out a contract to retrieve an item where you get to fight a necromancer. Tips on killing a Necromancer[]

Overcoming Fear
Kill a Geist. Easier to get during the Undead crisis. You can find a Geist in a roaming party or at an undead location. If you can't find one there is a guaranteed spawn at the Watermill legendary location once you complete the necessary requirement for it (Watermill requires the Beasts & Exploration dlc). Tips on killing a Geist[]

Restless Dead
Kill a Fallen Hero. Easier to get during the Undead crisis. They can be found roaming around or at an undead camp. If you can't find one there is a guaranteed spawn at the Watermill legendary location after you complete the necessary requirement for it (Watermill requires the Beasts & Exploration dlc). Tips on killing a Fallen Hero[]

Back To The Grave
Kill a Necrosavant. Easier to get during the Undead crisis. They usually exist as either a roaming party or in an undead location that has the word Hemovore in it. If you can't find one there is a guaranteed spawn at the Black Monolith legendary location. Tips on killing a Necrosavant[]

Walking Statue
Kill an Ancient Honor Guard. Easier to get during the Undead crisis. They can be found in a roaming party or in an Ancient Undead camp. If you can't find one there is a guaranteed spawn at the Black Monolith legendary location. Tips on killing an Ancient Honor Guard[]

Kill an Ancient Priest. Easier to get during the Undead crisis. They can be found in a roaming party or in an Ancient Undead camp. If you can't find one there is a guaranteed spawn at the Black Monolith legendary location. Tips on killing an Ancient Priest[]

Rest In Pieces
I suggest using a veteran party for this one and save scumming. First you need to find the Black Monolith legendary location. Once you start the event at the location you will face a massive amount of Ancient Dead enemies in this battle so prepare accordingly. Once you manage to defeat the enemies you should get the achievement, loot the named item just in case. Tips on defeating Ancient Undead forces[]
Beasts & Exploration
A Colorful Band
Paint a shield. Find the item called Paint Set from the Marketplace or the Armorer or craft one yourself at the Taxidermist with 1 Black Paint, 1 White Green And Yellow Paint, 1 Orange and Red Paint. Once you have the paint set equip a brother with 1 non named basic human shield, select the brother and then right click the Paint Set item or drag it to the equipped shield. Info on Paint Set[]

I Made This
Craft any item at the taxidermist. A list for the items can be found at the Battle Brothers Wiki but you should be able to craft atleast 1 item after you have slain and looted any monster items. List of craftable items. []

Scrambled Eggs
Kill a Webknecht egg. I suggest bringing a falcon in for this one. Find the Webknecht monster either through a contract or as a roaming party on the world map. Engage them in combat then use the falcon to scout the map. This should help you locate a Webknecht Egg unit. It is a static unit that spawns Webknecht monsters around it. Rush the Egg with some brothers while others hold off any other Webknecht monsters. Tips on killing Webknechts []

Chopping Wood
Kill a Schrat. Find the Schrat monster either through a contract or as a roaming party on the world map. Tips on killing Schrats []

Sleep Tight
Kill an Alp. Find the Alp monster either through a contract or as a roaming party on the world map during night time. Tips on killing Alps []

Bag a Hag
Kill a Hexe. Find the Hexe monster through a contract or as a roaming party on the map. If you can't find one there is a guaranteed spawn at the Witchhut legendary location. Tips on killing Hexes[]

Nothing Personal
You need to have a charmed character kill a non charmed character. This achievement "might" need some setup. It seems that the description might be misleading or there might be a bug. Some people have said they can get this achievement by killing one of your characters that is being controlled by a hexe. The "main" way to get it is to a have brother with good stats and weapons but weak resolve get charmed by a hexe while standing next to a weak freshly recruited brother with no armour. In order to get started you should find a hexe through a contract, as a roaming group on the map or in the Witchhut legendary location. Once the battle begins allow the hexe to charm the good brother, after that he should make short work of the fresh recruit before the charm debuff ends. Try to make the good brother and fresh recruit stand apart from others to make sure there are no distractions. Notice that the Resilient perk will reduce the charms duration to only 1 turn.

Famed Explorer
Find 10 legendary locations on the map, most likely to spawn in the wilderness area of the map but can be found in any location not yet scouted on the map. You don't need to complete the legendary locations you just need to find them. The legendary locations are called Ancient Statue, Ancient Temple, Ancient Watchtower, Fountain of Youth, (randomly named) Goblin City, Golden Goose, Monolith, Unhold Graveyard, Watermill, Witchhut, Stone Pillars, (The following 2 locations are only available with Warriors of the North DLC Icy Cave and Hunting Ground (unlocked after completing the Icy Cave)). Legendary Locations Info[]

Memory Loss
You need to use a Potion of Oblivion and to do that you need to craft a Potion of Oblivion at the Taxidermist. To craft this item you need to gather 1 of EACH of the following items: Poisoned Apple (from Hexes), Unhold Heart (from Unholds), Nachzehrer Brain (from Nachzehrers), Poison Gland (from Webknechts), Heart of the Forest (from Schrats), Petrified Scream (from Alps), Kraken Tentacle (from the Kraken). After you have crafted the Potion of Oblivion use it on any brother with used perk points. Info on the Potion of Oblivion[]

Beast of Beasts
Kill the Kraken. I recommend a veteran party, time and save scumming for this one. You have to find the Stone Pillars legendary location. Then you will need to bring the woman at the location a certain amount of Unhold Hides (which drop from the non winter variants of the Unhold monster) and Shimmering Ashes (which drop from the Necrosavant ancient dead). The required amount of items seems to vary. The highest known amount to me was 15 of both items and the lowest was 2 of both items. After some testing it seems like you will need to bring 2-3 more of the item wanted than you currently have in your inventory, this is pure speculation so take it with a grain of salt. After you bring her the Unhold Hides she will ask you to bring her the Shimmering Ashes and after that she will summon the Kraken and after defeating it you should receive the achievement.

Reproach Of The Old Gods
"Craft" a named sword. I recommend a veteran party, time and save scumming for this one. You need to locate 2 legendary locations for this one. First is the Watermill and the second one is the Stone Pillars. The old man at the watermill will tell you to find a blade for the hilt he has (you don't actually have to come here at all until you have the blade). The blade will be earned after you defeat the Kraken at the Stone Pillars. Look up at the "Beast of Beasts" part for how to summon the Kraken. After you have defeated the Kraken and gotten the blade go back to the Watermill and engage the old man in combat againts him and his undead. After winning the fight loot the sword and you should get the achievement.
Warriors of the North
Too Stubborn To Die
Begin a campaign with the Lone Wolf origin and grind your starting Hedge Knight character all the way to level 11.

Human Wave
Begin a campaign with the Peasant Militia origin and hire men until you have 25 of them in your roster.

Give Me Back My Legions!
Lose your campaign to Barbarians. Begin a campaign and rush to the snow area of the map and either find a roaming group of Barbarians or a Barbarian camp then rush to enemy line and get killed.

Friend Or Foe
You need to have an Unhold go wild in a Barbarian army. In order to personally get this achievement I had to engage a large barbarian camp with the Winter variant of the Unhold monster however some people have said that the "default" version Unhold worked for them as well. Once you engage the barbarians you will notice a Beastmaster barbarian. You need to kill him in order to make the Unholds in the barbarian army go wild. If there are 2 or more Beastmasters you might have to kill them all before the Unholds go wild. There is some uncertainty to this achievement in regards to what actually triggers it. Some have gotten this with beastmasters still alive or fleeing.

King Of The North
Kill a barbarian king. To get this achievement you need to get a contract from one of the noble houses to kill a barbarian king. The contract will give you general directions to find the king. After finding him engage him and kill him in combat.

Give Me That!
You need to kill a champion. Champions are named enemies with a skull on their name. The champions are very clearly stated in the Prepare For Combat screen as a separate enemy unit with a skull and in the battle screen they also have a skull on their pedestal and next to their health bar. They are easier to find in the wilderness area of the map in large enemy camps. You might sometimes face some through contracts or just roaming the map.

Putting Down A God
Kill the Ijirok. I recommend a veteran party, time and save scumming for this one. To get this achievement you first need to find the Icy Cave legendary location in the snow area of the map. After that you battle a barbarian Madman in the cave in a 1v1. Once you have completed the battle the game will spawn a second legendary location called Hunting Ground on the map that you need to find which I have so far only found in the tundra regions of the map. There you will engage the Ijirok and kill him to get the achievement.

Voice of Davkul
One of the most annoying and time consuming achievements in the game. Begin a campaign with the Cultist origin. You will have a few Cultist Brothers with a level 1 candle buff. You need to raise this buff to level 6. In order to raise the level of the candle you will need to wait until you get an event where you have to choose between 2 brothers of which the one chosen will be sacrificed and killed. This has a 50% chance to raise the level of the candle buff of all Cultists brothers. The event has a cooldown of 20 days but it competes with other events which means it's not a guaranteed every 20 days event. There is some speculation that the level and experience of the brothers might affect their chances to be chosen as sacrifices, I have not tested this but feel free to try it, cheap Indebted from the southern cities are probably the best for this.

So you need a steady supply of brothers that you can sacrifice and a lot of time. You should name your brothers in order to make sure that you don't accidentally sacrifice a high candle level cultist, for example the ones that you sacrifice are named Sacrifice and the few high level candle brothers are named Level 3 or Level 4 in accordance to the level of the candle. You need to save and load up the campaign or otherwise the sacrifice event won't register the new names of the brothers. Once one of your Cultist brothers hits level 6 with the candle buff he will get a new skill and you should receive the achievement.

Blazing Deserts
In this achievement you need to find the southern city-state that has the Arena building in it.
Once you find the correct city with it you need to enter it and you are given 3 collars to give to three of your brothers. Once you have equipped 3 brothers with the collars you enter the arena again and this time you will fight a random battle that might can have almost any type of enemy. Then you need to win said fight. You can only enter the Arena once per day whether you win or lose.
Once you win 10 of these battles in a single campaign you should receive the achievement. To my testing it should not matter if you lose battles between the victories and you don't need to win the 10 fights with only the 3 brothers you used the first time.

Cultural Misunderstanding
Win the Holy War crisis. I suggest you pick the Holy War as the first crisis, when it begins complete contracts to either faction and kill the opposing factions parties.
This one took longer than expected for me personally. Problem was with the generation of contracts for this crisis, especially when I sided with the southern city-states.

Under New Management
Complete a contract to capture a holy site during the Holy War crisis.
Again this was personally a problematic achievement due to the scarcity of contracts during the Holy War crisis.

Burn Them All!
Kill an enemy with the Fire Pot item. Soften any enemy up to low hp then land the killing blow with the Fire Pot impact, to my knowledge if the enemy dies to the dot applied that is called On Fire it should trigger the achievement. You can get this item either by crafting it at the Taxidermist, buying it from one of the southern city-states or looting it from defeated Nomads. Information on Fire Pot[]

Kill an enemy with the Deathblow skill of the Qatal Dagger. Soften an enemy up anyway you want then use the Deathblow skill to land the killing blow on them. You should be able to buy one from the southern city-states, loot one from certain enemies or even get it when hiring a brother in the southern city-states.
Information on the Qatal Dagger[]

Hit 4 or more enemies with a single shot of the Handgonne item. You can get a Handgonne from a Gunner enemy or by buying it from a southern city-state.
This achievement might be a bit difficult without preparation. I suggest picking a brother with a very good ranged attack. Pick a fight againts enemies that have low ranged defence ratings like peasants. Try to poison and/or net 4 enemies in a bunch and then fire at them with the Handgonne.
Information on Handgonne[]

Campfire Company
Hire a non-combat follower. To unlock your first slot for a non-combat follower you need 250 renown. Even if you rush this renown and don't do much you should by default be able to hire The Scavenger.

Full House
Hire a non-combat follower on all 5 slots. For this you need to reach 3350 renown to unlock all 5 slots, then you need to hire a non-combat follower on all 5 of these slots. The followers have different requirements to unlock then and if by the time you reach 3350 you haven't unlocked at least 5 of them check the link for how to unlock them.
Information on non-combat followers[]

Dance Off
Kill a Blade Dancer. You should be able to find a Blade Dancer when fighting against the southern city-states during a Holy War or as an enemy in a special Arena fight. I have personally not found this enemy any other way so far.
This is probably the hardest unit on its own in the game, I suggest using poison and nets to make him more manageable.
Information on Blade Dancer[]

Stone Mason
Kill an Ifrit. You should be able to find an Ifrit in the southern deserts or by getting to contract to hunt some down.
Tips on killing an Ifrit[]

Friend of the South
Complete contracts for a southern city-state until you get to allied status, to speed things up never haggle with them.

Hey! This is Library!

Defeat the Lorekeeper. I recommend a veteran party, time and save scumming for this one. You need to find the Sunken Library legendary location. The location should appear somewhere in the deserts where the southern city-states exist. Enter the location and win the ensuing battle.
alex.vksh 10 Feb @ 2:54am 
A note on 'Who let the dogs out?' achievement:

It only warks with wardogs .It does not work with warhounds . That is totally different from wardogs, yeah. For example, Northern raider origin gives you a warhound.
Hemito 15 Mar, 2023 @ 12:20am 
That is, it makes no sense to put above the veteran?)
Melewda 6 Oct, 2022 @ 12:42pm 
Hello! What do you mean by 'If you play the game "normally"'?
Ironman? What difficulty for Economics and Battle? Specific starting funds? No random?
Pokemon Sapphire 4 Sep, 2021 @ 9:51am 
So for the friend or foe achivement with the unhold going wild, the first fight i did i killed all the beastmasters first and then the rest and no achivement. However the second time round im chipping away and didnt even kil a beastmaster yet and killed 1 unhold and almost killed the other 2 and the achivement popped up. Maybe because the beastmasters were alive but fleeing? Or because the unhold was injured and very low health? Not sure but i got it. Also they were the winter armored unholds. and a roaming party not a camp.
Handy 7 Apr, 2021 @ 6:24am 
On Voice of Davkul, I like to go south and pick up some Indebted. They are cheap and they have no wages, so if you can manage it, just carry around 3 of these guys and you are guaranteed (I think) to get one of them as the sacrifice choice. I just leave them in the rags/no helmet they come in and don't have them fight at all. This way they are lowest on the XP ladder and you don't have to name them crazy things: if the guy is wearing armor, you don't eat him. Pretty monstrous, but you're playing as a cult of a dark god, so... gotta break some eggs, I guess.
Coldhands  [author] 13 Jan, 2021 @ 11:46pm 
Thank you for the tips man. I don't have time to do a new save to clear the fight atm but when I do I'm sure those will be helpful.
Dwalers 13 Jan, 2021 @ 3:11pm 
Previous message might contain Intel that could help or ruin your 'this is library' fight
Dwalers 13 Jan, 2021 @ 3:10pm 
*** *** (sort of)
Did the 'This is Library' achievement today, took me all of about 32 turns with the hedge knight start, so I was limited to max 12 units. 1 got terror routed and didn't recover but the rest were fine, total of 156 kills. As a tip I'd say take heavy armor, Shields don't help vs screaming skulls but thier explosive radius is only 1, take like 4 archers with war bows and 2 Knights (with javelins -) to take out the respawn urns (- if they are elevated) , it should be a breeze after that, just kill the lore keeper after you did a round clearing the respawn urns and clear out the remaining troops, shouldn't take you 30+ rounds like me if you do so.

The lore keeper can do 4 actions a turn, these can be;
Lightning strike
Raise dead
Summon clone (shares the other abilities, dies in 1 hit, arrows work)
Summon screaming skull (they explode)
Wither (no idea what this does)
KynQ 4 Oct, 2020 @ 11:08am 
I just got "Friend or Foe" without having to kill any unholds. There were two beast masters whom I killed at round 1 and 2, at round 4 the achievement popped up. The camp was 12 thralls, a drummer, two beast masters, two normal unholds and two white unholds.
citreneking 30 May, 2019 @ 7:52am 
A bit of clarification, to get the "Friend or Foe" achievement, all you need to do is slay a barbarian armoured unhold. The regional variant of the unhold does not affect your ability to unlock the achievement, or as it seems. As far as I've understood, the post is correct. And it's good to see the community coming together to make the thread the best that it can be. Nice work guys!