Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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How to be a PISS master!
By Jrat
You wanna know how to use "JARATE" like a pro?
Well here's how!
First you have to have "JARATE" i prefer strange but whatever "JARATE" you have is fine!
Step 1
You have the "JARATE"? Good! Now lets get started, first your gonna need a good loadout both weapon and cosmetic, but we're here to talk about "JARATE" not cosmetics anyway for a good weapon loadout i suggest this one: Sydney Sleeper, Jarate obviously and, Bushwacka, now lets get started! When using Jarate and Bushwacka you have to be smart and careful, with the Sydney Sleeper you can't headshot so i suggest just aim for the body for a better kill shot, now at close range i would always try and throw my Jarate at whoever i can if u cant escape then fight, if they are surrounded in yellow they have been "peed on" use other players like that to your advantage only use your Bushwacka at that time and atack them unless you can escape, if they are not yellow then shoot them with your Sydney Sleeper and attack with Bushwacka or run if you can from far away use your Sydney Sleeper at medium range attempt to throw Jarate and at close range use a combo attack. Thats all for now, be sure to follow and there will be more!
Simtovor 3 May, 2019 @ 5:13pm 

Alderex 1 May, 2019 @ 3:08pm 