King's Bounty: Warriors of the North

King's Bounty: Warriors of the North

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Olaf's Journey
Por sethmage
Walkthrough area by area with the list of quests, locations and characters that Olaf can or has to interact. Also all the title achievements: where are they and how to get them.
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Tips and hints before the start
1. Randomness: King's Bounty games generate scrolls, items, troops you name it on the start of each game, what it means is there are no certainty of the particular items, scrolls, troops in preset vendor locations. Altho altars and wishing wells are always in the same places, they will however give different bonuses on each run. The same goes for enemies, with every new restart they will have different army composition, so bottom line the whole game is luck of the draw. That's why there is no point of asking where to buy (for example): Paladins, one run they are there next time they won't be. Some quests givers predetermined rewards in the form of item or scroll I will point that out if it's important or valuable.

2. Special Items: Most weapons/armor can be upgraded, I don't see a reason why not to do it, you get some experience and gold, although I have no idea how the game generates difficulty of particular item for upgrading. Sometimes you might... what am I saying, you will have to suppress the item, because if you don't the piece loses all it's attributes.
Hopefully you will get 3 items: Gladiator Sword, Banner of True Faith and Ancient Amulet, in description it says that after 50 victories you will get 10 runes of might, spirit and magic respectively, they must be equipped, well let me tell you right now the victories you do while upgrading or suppressing an item DO NOT COUNT!! Also one artifact “Ink +1 intellect” is actually part of one quest so do not destroy or give it away to Valkyrie. If you need to break some weapons or other equipment higher level gives more crystals and sometimes runes.
On the first island where the lighthouse is you can get “Raven Rind” in my opinion this is hands down the best item in the game. This Raven will write for you any wanderer scroll you come across. Let him “eat it” first :), if you get Ancient Knowledge scroll, start making lots of copies it's the best sure thing to get to level 70, scroll lasts 5 fights and gives you extra 50% experience (to write the scroll it will cost you 5 crystals). If you explore all of his lines you also get the permafrost scroll, and the icing on the cake here is if you ask him: Relate me a saga, O wise raven, your mana or rage will regenerate, this is great if you short on one of those and you want to start another battle, you can actually do this up to 3 times in the row, it will reset after a fight. You can also feed him the thorn sprouts that will reduce the time it takes to write a scroll for him.
On very few occasion you might not be able to pick up the loot from the ground because you are too far, you can try and navigate with the arrows on your keyboard to get closer.

3. Valkyries: you will end up with 5 of them, to level them up just left click on the item and donate, stick to the lower lever items since it doesn't make any difference anyway, 1 item to get her to level 2, two items to level 3, and four items to level 4, after that you need to complete quest to get them to level 5. This is the order the Valkyries should join you: Christa the Stunning, Gudrida the Fierce, Hilda the Warrior, Regina the Stone and Mista the Cloud.
All the ladies here have skills and passive abilities that can help you in the battle:
*Christa has Hand of Sorrow, she will resurrect 75% of your fallen army/ +x% from treasure chest
*Gudrida gives rage/ x amount of rage
*Hilda inspiration, +1 to initiative, +1 to speed and persistence of mind./ leadership
*Regina's Trembling Hummer, after the battle troops level 1-3 will be replenished to original size /+x amount to attack of 5 level units
*Mista's Bliss of Solitude; at the beginning of each round one of your troops sinks into berserk state, but you keep control over all your troops experiencing the battle madness./ +x amount to defence
Each of these abilities have different CD (cool-down) which you can further decrease by achieving the medal Favorite of Valkyries.
x Depending on level of the Valkyrie. If she is normal companion as opposed to senior, she provides only 25% of total bonus.
And the last thing, there is a level cup of 60 for the rage skills.

4. Quests & Shops: Some quests are given after certain event is triggered or Valkyries quests, they are in Miscellaneous section. Also I will not be holding your hand for every quest, but I will try to mention all of them, some are very simple so look them up in your journal, most of the quests are straight forward and just by reading your diary it's very easy to figure out where to go and who to talk to. In some cases you will have to make a choice which option to take, I assure you there are no consequences of your actions affecting the game, you might not get the achievement but that's pretty much all you'll miss out. At the end of every area I will summarize shops/vendors that have troops and/or equipment.

5. Scrolls & Spells: The reason why you cannot buy scrolls from the vendors is your book is full: open your spell-book, there are two numbers on the left side of the book, if the number in front of the bracket is bigger you won't be able to buy any scrolls, best way is to sell them, you can do that only in the castles. Even if the book is full it doesn’t stop from picking scrolls up from the ground, chests or receiving them as reward. To memorize spells you have to unlock particular school of magic. If you want to cast lower level spell hold ctrl for level 1, and shift for level 2
There are also spells you cast outside the battle, they are called Wanderer Spells, here is the list of what they do and how long they last:
* Ancient Knowledge +50% exp/5 battles
* Call Colossus: 5th lvl units equal to hero leadership
* Dragon of Chaos: Calls for the Dragon of Chaos, who fights on the side of hero. The power of the troop is determined by the hero's intellect and his creation skill (half of the value).
* Flaming Eyes: +10% leadership/ 1 battle
* Fortune's Smile: +15 crit/ 3 battles
* Gift of Stone: Increases number of runes to all troops to 3/ 2 battles
* Insane Rage: +30 rage/ 2 battles
* Magical Flow: +30 mana/ 2 battles
* Song of the Wind: Summons troop of flying or wind-loving creatures into the hero's army, if the army has room for it. The leadership of the new troop is determined by the hero's current leadership.
* Titan's Armor: +10 defense/ 2 battles
* Titan's Sword: +10 attack/ 2 battles

Tips and hints before the start (cont.)
It appears that I reached the maximum characters on the previous page

6. Initiative, Leadership and Morale:
Initiative: Represents the troop's turn in combat, the higher the initiative, the faster the troop acts. You can increase your initiative with skills like onslaught for example, also Hilda's ability will rise your initiative and speed for 1 battle.
Leadership: determines the size of your army, for example if your leadership is 2000 and the unit you want has 50, then 2000/50 = 40 units, or 1 dragon :). Every level up you get certain amount of leadership, also there are some skills and medals that will increase that as well, not to mention you are picking up those little flags.
Morale: Affects attack and defense:
* High +30% to base Attack and Defense; +40% critical hit chance
* Good +20% to base Attack and Defense; +30% critical hit chance
* Positive +10% to base Attack and Defense; +20% critical hit chance
* Neutral - no positive or negative bonuses
* Low -20% to base Attack and Defense; -25% critical hit chance
* Bad -35% to base Attack and Defense; -50% critical hit chance
* Critical -50% to base Attack and Defense; -100% critical hit chance
You can increase morale with some artifacts, regalia and skills, having the same race army also help increase morale, but at the same time some races hate each other (griffins and dragons, elves and dwarves, humans and demons, well everybody hates demons)
Bottom line the bigger number the better off you are.

7. Medals: Few of them have very vague description, here it is how to make most of them: Trapper, Gifted Warrior and Acolyte of Odin, what it means is this MUST to be a killing blow to the last unit of the stack. Favorite of the Valkyries: that skill is accessible thru conversation.

8. Battles & Bugs: So you decided to go with no-losses or that 1 mini-boss really casts some very nasty opening spell? Either way this is going to be try and error uphill fight. On starting two islands it's unlikely you have resurrect spell or enough maidens to bring back to life your fallen troops. BUT there is a way around it, if you change your army composition in any way, your enemy will cast completely different spell. Take some chances and replace that vikings with bears or snakes or hide 1 troop altogether.
Now something that everybody unanimously hates in every game; namely “bugs”. There will be some instances that certain events trigger hanging-up the game (that's polite word for crash), one of them is phoenix death/resurrection animation. The only way to bypass this is (read the above paragraph). Because of these crashes and sometimes you run into very unfavorable battle outcome I cannot emphasize enough save and save often F5 F5 F5
Nordlig Isle
Game starts on the Nordlig Isle, go to castle and pick Valkyrie's amulet from Tormund(Important Note! The amulet's skill (Vortex) will start leveling AFTER you pick up your first Valkyrie on the second island).

This is good time to start practicing your quick-save F5, many veterans are taking opportunity here to see what spells and equipment are at the beginning stage of the game, make it easier to get going. If nothing good is off the start then one can quickly start the new game, but if there are some good items then you hit quick-load F8 and start killing (that is what you going to do for 97% of the game). This “looking first” is mostly done by players who are going to try and beat the game with zero casualties (no-losses run), word of advice; abandon this idea right here and you will save yourself a lot of aggravations later. No matter what your style of play is you really should make friends with F5 and F8 and use them often.

Now depends on game difficulty you picked (easy, normal) you will see little yellow(golden) stars on your mini-map, these are some goodies for your picking, higher levels (hard, impossible) no such help. I would recommend against picking easy mode, since you can't change difficulty in mid game and easy mode is like playing chess with newborn.

Let's roll the dice then, on the courtyard you have very first side quest “Quarreling Friends” from Snorri Leatherbottom (his friend is Dorri Rustychain, it gets better later). When you will try and leave the castle area you will be stopped by Guttorm, he will give you an option for a tutorial, I strongly recommend to take it, even if by refusing you still get some experience, you will get a lot more loot if you go. Here you get your “Education”, at this point your leadership will increase and you get high level units, this is ONLY for the duration of your education when you leave you will get back your starting troops. Your first assignment here is to grab the beer, just before you enter the next area in the corner (on the right) there is stationery buried treasure, now go in and you can get your first kill – One-eyed. Next cave require some digging, it's very likely (no guarantees) you will come across 2 items that play minor role in the far future. They are nor related to any quests, you will finish the game without ever knowing what you missed, namely these two are: Clay Bowl and Old Shoes (they can be found in any area of the game), one avoids fight with one dragon another gives you a package which has troops that you can hire.
The last chamber with prisoner to kill has 2 buried treasures, now there is no talking out of this fight but if you keep stalling the inevitable he will give you 3 runes (one of each) and poison skull scroll. After finishing the necromancer you get your first title “Warden of the North

Turn left, eventually you want to get to Runolv the Wise, explore all the conversation trees, ask about herbs and he will give you 1 Mana and 1 Rage potion, ask about magic you will get 1 Fear and 1 Dispel scroll.

If you chose to solve the “Quarreling Friends” this only involves going back and forth between NPC's, another quest will open up to you “Sneaky Thief”, eventually you end up in Inconspicous Cave, in this little cave there are 2 buried chests, one directly behind Cristobal Grinmir. This is also good time to hit F5 since when you start conversing there is no turning back. After fight he can be found in the castle yard with a new quest for you “Lost Props”, but to solve that you will need a ship since that props (3 chests) are floating all around Nordlig island.

Hopefully by now you cleared most of the accessible area and you have to kill 4 undead leaders, first is just on the way to the castle Lisand(ghost), the 3 remaining are all in the snowy area Lame Hunchback(zombie) is standing in one place, the other two are walking in circles The Butcher(skeleton) and Count Amaud(vampire). When you kill them you get your second title “Eliminator of the Undead

After few more battles you end up crossing swords with Uludar Maritarius(he is in the Lair of the Necromancer, guarded by Ahriman who you have to fight as well), by far this is the most difficult fight on this island, and you can not skip it, next on your path to glory is your brother Eric. You probably were looking what achievements are there to get, one of them says “Defeat Eric with the Fewest Allies” THIS IS NOT THE FIGHT, hopefully you will stick long enough to get there. Important note, before you engage him thou buy everything you need from the castle, smithy and Runolv, because after the fight you cannot get in. That is not a big issue since all you need is leave the island and come right back and problem solved, however smithy will be permanently closed.

After telling Runolv about Eric's betrayal he gives you the charts for Vestlig Isle and the quest “Exile” appears in your journal, easiest quest in the game all you need to do is leave the island. Go to Sven Shipwrigh and get the ship (he will have a quest ”Quest for “The Mad Mullet”” the second time you visit the island. You will get this mullet in Demonis from Heksus) hop on your boat and sail all around the island picking up all the chests floating including the 3 containers for “Lost Props”, BUT what you really want is to get to lighthouse (top right corner on your map) to get that Raven Bird from Keld. He also will give you a quest “Chatty Companion” you can buy one on Isterreng island from Gregory the Smuggler at Smuggler’s Haven.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Tormund's Castle (Tormund/after fight with Eric, Gutorm Striker resides there)
2. Forge (Gutorm Striker, permanently closed after fight with Eric)
3. Soothsayers hut (Runolv the Wise, not available after Eric fight, opens after return)
4. Lair (Dranik)
5. Shipwright's House (Sven Shipwright)
6. Small hut
7. Lighthouse (Keld)
8. Abandoned Ship
9. House of Jotun (Accessible by flying only)
Vestlig Isle
The moment you leave the Nordlig you get your next title “Outcast”. Upon the arrival your journal is updated with new quest “Help the Vikings of Vestlig”. Try to navigate to the middle of the island where settlement is, there are 3 huts with troops, here you can get upgrade your army with the Jarls. Exit the settlement by the sawmill(then straight and to the left) and make your way up the hill, here you go, your first Valkyrie “Christa the Stunning”, there is also navigation chart for Island of Istering (Isterreng, depends where you point the mouse) and dig up the rune-covered tablet.

At one point during the Help the Vikings of Vestling quest you will have to talk to Alchemist Morrek, he will ask you to bring him 5 mushrooms, they are in Bombo Mushroom Cave just below his hut. Now you have the dynamite to blow the pile of rocks where the Runvald the Prophet is stuck, just ride close by and TA-DA I believe I can fly :). I wouldn’t recommend flying too much, because you will miss out on a lot of buried treasures. After talking with Runvald you end up with navigation chart to Fastland Isle and “Missing Soothsayer” quest. When you release Runvald, king Hauck the Wicked will temporary close the store for you, and ask you to talk some sense to Chukat, Gronnum (they are in Traitor's Hideaway, and they won't go quietly) and Taor (little island on west coast). When you take the potion from Runvald, go directly to Taor, now you can resupply your troops with him, before taking care of "business". After you complete “Help the Vikings of Vestlig” quest, you get “Conciliator” title.

If you end up on the east coast there is a Whaler's Cabin the owner Marreli Whaler ask you to find “Jacket for the Whaler”. To get the jacket you need to ask Alchemist Morrek about his funny hat and be polite about it, he will want 5 thorn sprouts for it. It is actually possible to be S.o.L. with them on this island, you will get them later for sure. During your exploration of the land you will come across skeleton Empty Eyes, you have option to just kill him, but doing quest for him “Skeleton Ship” is much better since you get runes as the reward. Now, it is not ANY ship, it has to be from (Whaler's Cabin), to complete the quest just park the closest as possible to the Empty Eyes.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Stronghold of the king Hauck (King Hauck the Wicked)
2. Tavern
3. Blacksmith
4. Sawmill
5. Alchemist Morrek
6. Whaler's Cabin (Marreli Whaler)
7. Skeleton Ship
8. Runvald (Available after setting him free)
9. House of Jotun (Accessible by flying only)
10. Taor (Available after giving him potion from Runvald)
Fastland Isle
On the arrival you get “Invasion of Fastland” quest, get to the castle, after conversation with Ingvar Kopperrad you receive first piece of mask, the remaining 3 pieces are with Plague Grok (zombie), Marginel (vampire) and Plagorsh (necromancer), they are in the 3 burned villages (1 per village). Speak with Ingvar again for another quest, actually this is yours first bounty contract “Hardy Twohand” to complete that just jump on your boat, sail around and you will meet him eventually.

On your way out you meet guard Egil, he will ask you for fur and gives you “Beast Hunting” quest, this one is a little tricky, find the area with “arrow” made out of rocks and the bear army will spawn, you have to be on the ground (north-east of the Ingvar's castle).

On the northwest part of the island in the lighthouse there is Old Enund he gives you “Herring Love” quest, look on the map for small cellar icon, inside is Ulrika you get the herring from her and “Unhappy Ulrika” quest, the reward for it is random Wanderer Spell so it's worth it to complete. The amulet for her you get from Witch of Isterreng, Etteilla the Witch is INSIDE the “Smuggler’s Haven” on Isterreng island. When you give it to her she will lose it first time, you have to go back to small cellar to continue the quest, The Sea Devil spawns on the small island north of lighthouse.

Further exploration reveals Hakon with “Grandfather's Axe” quest, the axe is just above him in the smoldering village on the ground, after giving him axe back, talk to him again and send him to castle.

Now you can talk to Ingvar and tell him about remaining survivors to get the “True Honor” title, (Important note: if you speak with him AFTER you merge the mask you will not have the option to tell about survivors and you will not get the achievement)

By now you probably have all 4 pieces of the mask, you can talk to second Valkyrie chick (she is above the entrance to the Dark Cave) “Gudrida the Fierce”, she will merge all pieces together and you end up with her and new quest “Dark Portal

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Ingvar's Castle (Ingvar Kopperrad)
2. Blacksmith
3. Long House
4. Sawmill
5. Egil (After completing “Beast Hunting”)
6. Hakon (After completing “Grandfather's Axe”)
7. Old Enund (After completing “Herring Love”)
Island of Istering
The first NPC you see here is Simon Danziker and of course he has a quest for you “Missing Cabin Boy”, after you notify Simon of cabin boy demise he will ask you to kill the wolves, they will spawn close to that stone overpass. Inform Simon of your success and you get the “Snowy Mountain Pathfinder” title.

Smuggler's Haven is the place to go if you're visiting Istering. Talk to Gregory the Smuggler he will sell you the talking parrot for “Chatty Companion” quest and ask you for a favor “Picks for the Smugglers”. Just because quest says it "in the mine" don't bother looking for one. All you need to do is go to area not covered by snow (other that the cabin boy grave) and dig them up. With that out of the way Gregory gives you contract hit on “Rusty Hook” he of course can be found sailing back and forth along the coast of Istering.

In the conversation with Gregory pick the option *could I use your safe haven?*, in the basement you meet Henk Owleye and he has a problem: “Serpent Lake”, grab the vessel and explore. Next NPC you will talk to is Fatnose Joe, he ask you to solve “Drowned Gold”. Now this is what you do, there are 4 barrels floating marking the location of the treasure, hit F5 and see what every barrel has, you want take the gold last because when you recover that gold you won't be able take the rest of the loot from the remaining 3 barrels, contents are: 1 magic rune, 1 crystal and 100 experience. After returning to Joe you can share the loot or just pull the fast one on him and kill him (I would recommend the kill, you get ton of experience and nobody will miss him).

Etteilla the Witch is the reason why you came here in the first place, talk to her about “Unhappy Ulrica” she will give you a map, look at it and you will see the X marks the spot, it is in the northeastern corner of the island. To solve the “Serpent Lake” she wants her staff back, Toothless Jack has it (10 feet on the right from the Tavern), no amount of negotiating works with this guy, well he has to go down. After giving her staff back you get a great Snake Ring, you can upgrade it to King of the Snakes Ring - it's +5 to intellect and +3 to poison damage of all allied snakes. Turn in the quest to Henk and you get “Sea Dog” title.

There is one more sub-quest close to House of Jotun from Talking Bear and the quest title is “Talking Bear”, hmm, I guess developers were tired that day. When you ask Rezo to make the antidote for the bear you will have to watch his back and fight with Setrizel.

In front of the Cave of Frozen Tears you meet “Hilda the Warrior”, now it's time to bring all your might and magic, because you are going to meet the infamous SPIDER. This is one of the most difficult battles in the entire game, maybe even the most, you have been warned.

Now get out of the cave using exit the spider was blocking, find the missing brother Runorm and make sure you don't have any troops in your reserve slots. Congratulations you closed the portal.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Simon Danziker
2. Smugglers Haven (Gregory the Smuggler)
a). Tavern
b). Etteilla the Witch
3. House of Jotun (Accessible by flying only)
If you played King's Bounty: The Legend, this is carbon copy of the map, and if you look at the global map you can see Marshan Swamp as well,but you will not gonna go there, this part of the game is inaccessible. Also only from Greenwort you can travel to other islands.

You got drop right in the middle of three good vendors (God knows you need them) with the new title “Stranger”, talk to Prince Consort Guilford first and pick these quests from him: “The Heart of Ksaltotun”, “Staff of Starlight” and “Dragon Tear”, then talk to the good Doctor Parakrat to get “Stolen Drugs” and finally to Captain Renli, who has 3 quests, but you have to take them one at the time: “Cannibal-Killer”, “Catch the “Butterfly” and “Kill the Rebel”, get going. When you leave the courtyard you should see the Farmer Gorv with contract hit on ZervinjVengeance for the Cow” name of the quest and he's in the Crypt. After killing Zervinj talk to farmer again, he will move into crypt and will sell stuff.

Let's start with Remli (the order of the quests doesn’t really matter), kill the Cannibal and get the “Killer of Giants” title. Now for reclaiming the Butterfly, grab the waiting ship and cross the little strait, look who's here, it's your old friend Empty Eyes. Deal with him as you please since no matter what you do the ship you came with it's a goner. On the beach you will see Kitano, use the line “tell me about yourself” and you will get navigation charts for Western & Eastern Freedom Islands.

Now get to Renli and save before talking to him, accept the quest to kill Selmy Baros, do the deed and get the “Kepper of the Order” title achievement for your steam account (if you have one), now load the game and chose something along the lines: “I as a king's son believe that Salmy is right....” the reward is much better for warning him than killing, plus now he becomes the vendor too.

Stolen Drugs are in the Den of Thieves, even if you kill Tomard Kane the Bandits liar still will be open so again do as you want, the reward part is like this: if you kill Kane and tell the doctor the truth you get 2 might runes, lie 2 magic ones, if you let Kane live 2 spirit runes for the truth and 2 magic runes for the lie. After you complete that quest the doctor now has a lot more troops to chose from.

When you complete the Heart and Staff quests demonic portal opens to Demonis, also Guilford will have more troops for sale including dragons. Before you enter the portal make sure all 4(picture for the achievement is misleading) Valkyries have level 3, otherwise you will miss the Valhalla's Favorite achievement.

When you give the Dragon Tear to Guilford all hell breaks loose, this is the only fight when you win no-loss regardless of casualty you suffered during the fight, you get them all back afterwords. You get last Valkyrie chick Mista the Cloud, become “Enemy of the Kingdom” and all the reserve troops you had in the castles in Greenwort and Arlania went awol, I hope you saved before fight.

If you talk to Selmy Baros AFTER you get the “Find Allies” quest and use the line “We need to talk...”, you discover that Iron Richard is there as well and you can “Find allies amongst the Humans”, doing that the inventory of Selmy will restock with new troops and equipment, BUT if you going for “Defeat Eric with Fewest Allies” do not make alliance with Iron Rick.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Kronberg (Prince Consort Guilford)*
2. Chapel (Doctor Parakrat)*
3. Guardroom (Captain Renli)*
4. Hunters House
5. Kitano
6. Den of Thieves (Bandits liar/Tomard Kane)
7. Ghost Ship
8. Crypt (Farmer Gorv, after completing “Vengeance for the cow”)
9. Deserter's Refuge (Selmy Baros, only if you chose to warn him)
* not accessible after fight with Prince
Arlania (1)
First time in the Inn you will get approach by Messenger Kinnen he gives you chart to Merlassar Island and quest “Stone Statue”. Talk to Innkeeper Whistler, he gives you “Attracting Costumers” quest, there are 3 of them. NOW, remember when I was telling you to save the Old Shoes? Equip them now and talk to him again, you will get Mysterious Parcel, you can order from it almost every unit available (no dragons no demons and no animals), the downside is you pay triple the price, but it is in your inventory and accessible at any time.

Close to the inn by the bridge there is Walter the Soldier that will be your costumer, but first you need to complete his “Delayed Salary” you have the option to just give him the gold but you won't get his quest. After solving his problem talk to him again and send him to Inn. Second costumer Sergeant Heckler is directly behind the mine, same scenario, do the “Money for the Veteran” and send him to the inn. Make sure talk to innkeeper after sending costumers. Last costumer you will get later (Arlania 2).

Eventually you end up at the castle with Iron Richard, he will ask you to do “Reinforcements on the March” before gives you the gold to complete that lazy soldier task. Pick up two friendly wandering troops and drop it at Renli, now he has more troop selection.

Close to mine there is Yungem Needler, his partner Yanik disappeared on the way to Greenwort and you're asked to find him with “Missing Jewelry”, ask Guilford and he acknowledge his existence at which point Zombie Yanik spawns close to entrance to Arlania, put him out of the misery. Fly across the water to the Griffin Island, there is a Mansion with Volkan the Merchant he send you on the quest “Ice Hunt” to catch ice spider, it is in Cold Cave.

All is left here now is to take that Staff of Starlight, after fighting the three altars to drop the shield, Master Nilrem is in front of the tower, after defeating him you get “Wizardbane” title. At this point Archmage Rezo will not talk to you so leave him be.

I suggest now that you pick up all the loot and kill any and all wandering enemy troops because next time you gonna be here there will be some changes.

At one point you will be able to duel with Coach Expath in the Inn for 1 million gold, with the Ancient Knowledge spell on and maximum learning skill (maybe you have some boosting experience equipment) you looking at 25k exp. per fight, you can fight as many times as you can afford.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Inn (Innkeeper Whistler)
2. Jewelry Workshop (Yungem Needler)
3. Mansion (Volkan the Merchant)
4. Karradun (Iron Richard)
5. Ghost ship
Verlon Wasteland
Now you know where the 4th Valkyrie is.

Northwest is a hut with Hermit, he wants you to weed-out the “Hermit's Garden”, oblige him and if you had zero luck of finding thorn sprouts now you can buy it from him along with some animals (he will also give you Lava Hourglass as a reward). More exploration revels Captain Fintern he needs you to reclaim his ship from necromancer Sizolt, task name fits military mission “Ghost Ship”, after successful operation he now sells humans and maidens. Close to the ship it's another lighthouse and Roberto Bald wants “Oil for the Lighthouse

By now you probably run into Regina the Stone, she is “Damsel in Distress” all you need to do for her to join you is to find Prince Constantine, you have to look for him since his location changes with every run-thru.

Here is also you first Dragon den and I hope you brought along with you the Clay Bowl, you can do this easy way ...or not. Anyway same like with the shoes and parcel, if you equip it you don't have to fight dragon army, granted it's not big, but the option is on the table, if you chose not to fight you get 1 free black dragon egg. Either way now you can buy dragons, remember red and green dragons CAN be resurrected, but black and ice CAN'T (turn-back time spell doesn't count).

Ksaltotun is in northeastern part of the map in the castle, take care of him and you get “Dark Blade” title and of course his heart, if you haven't been in Catacombs yet, now is a good time. When you enter, you get quest “Labyrinth of Despair” you cannot get out until you turn the cup on the bedroom's table. Turn left and follow corridor, just after bedroom (with the cup) and before next big hall there is a small area with two torches on the left side on the wall, if you activate one, the secret room opens with some loot in it. Go to the last room and you will face Restless Spirit, IF you have heart of the Ksaltotun in your inventory, you can give it to the ghost and bring Ksaltotun back for another fight (more experience than fighting Restless), otherwise you fight with the ghost.

Also if you want to kill Runorm again he is in The Spider Cave.

For the fans of the original KB:L there is a Stash hut and the occupant is Rotten Hake, his girlfriend was a zombie when we saw him last time.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Tavern
2. Hut (Hermit)
3. Dragon
4. Stash (Rotten Hake)
5. Roberto Bald
6. Captain Fihtern (After completing “Ghost Ship”)
This is also part of the KB:L area, what worse is that you can't go to northern part of Demonis

Here you meet Xeona in the Gehenna/Hell castle, the best looking chick in the game (imo), she will progress your “Dragon Tear” quest, but of course we have to do some errands for her first. Out of 4 demons two you will have to fight; Krans and Lenderkhat, when you get all the signatures you get the “Demon Conqueror” title. Unfortunately she doesn’t have the tear so one more fight this time with the dragon Rikshenassitrax, when the dust settles your new title is ”Gambler”. If you ask Xeona “Tell me about Bill Gilbert”, she ask you to bring her “Diabolical Apple”, you can buy it from Innkeeper Whistler in Arlania

Another NPC sitting with her is Heksus, you can buy that piece of the ship for “Quest for “The Mad Mullet”” (you can bargain if you want), he will also give you map to find “Treasure of Antiquities”, the location is in Hades by the stone bridge close to the portal you just entered.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Temple of Delights
2. Gehenna (Xeona and Heksus)
3. Flaming Paddock
4. Demon Lurf (After completing “Free the Demon”)
All the dudes you need the signature for the “Dragon Tear” quest are here. It's very likely you will have lava stone by now, Himerius will take that from you and sign the contact without much of a fuss.

Eventually you run into Arton who wants you to take care of Zahar who is “Elementals Against Experiments”, but when talking to him you have an option to turn against Arton, bottom line here is: if you side with the Demon-Mage you get “Elemental Overlord” title and some gold, if you side with Zahar the elemental you get “Lord of the Flames” and runes as a reward, your choice, I recommend to kill Arton. To get both achievements, of course you have to save, preferably before talking to anyone.

Tricky Lamend is truly unbeliever and wants to see “Ice for Imp”, that piece of ice is on the little island covered all by snow south of the map on Fastland Island.

If you look at the map you will see a portal to New Kordar, it's not there yet, you will have opportunity to open that later.

If you enter Hades after receiving “Find Allies” quest your journal will update “Make Peace with the Demons” if you aiming to go for the “Defeat Eric with Fewest Allies” achievement, do not make that alliance. On the other hand if you choose to make the peace you get the achievement “Demon Talker” talk to Xeona.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Scarlet Tower
2. Blood Pentagram x2
3. Stone Maw (Himerius)
4. Tricky Lamend
5. Steel Stronghold (Krans, after getting treaty signed)
6. Black Tower (Eyntz)
7. Magic Tower
Western Freedom Islands
Talk to Kitano in Greenwort and use the line tell me about yourself and you will get navigation charts for Western & Eastern Freedom Islands.

This is another paste and copy area from KB:L. These islands have no main quest lines and are completely optional, you coming here for achievements and experience.

Well Tortuga it ain't, that castle in front of you it's the Governor's Palace with Master Burg, going there put you right in the conversation (I told you about F5 before you do anything stupid), you can pay the tribute or suppress the box, you can fight him too, but you won't get the quest “Custom Duty”, chose fighting the box, you will end up with a lot more loot.

In front of the castle there is Gard Lai Olda who really wants to be “A True Pirate” and as we know all pirates have parrot, eye-patch and wooden-leg. Parrot can spawn in any area so keep an eye for it, the eye-patch John the Pinto owner of Blue Pear Tavern could make you one or you can actually find the real eye-patch in the box. Sadly you won't be chopping off any legs and the final part of the quest is just to spread the rumor how great Gard the pirate is, that is done at Blue Pear Tavern on western islands and Hhaar's Tavern on eastern islands.

Follow the path and you end up at the Studio with Ay Vaz's the Orc, he has an artist block and can't finish “Ay Vaz's Masterpiece”, sink three ships for him and you get “Patron” title. You can buy some artifacts now too. Further the path there is Bird of Happiness Tavern, and Oglym Longtongue initiates “Search for the Bird of Happiness”. The bird is on eastern islands close to Hhaar Tavern, when you talk to it, the mine entrance becomes accessible. Inside there is a dragon Glaumus Dazzling, again no matter what you say you gonna fight and he has all dragon army, after victory you will have an option to banish him or make a deal, obviously the deal is better since now you have a vendor with high level units plus some items. Regards of your choice you get the “Myth Buster” title

Close to tavern there is Sha Hong's Castle with “Feast of the Spirits”, all you need to do is just stand close to these totems. As your journal says, first is on cemetery close by and the other two on eastern islands (one is between Sirus and Pirate House, the other totem north of Red Corsair). After returning for reward expect the battle, after victory you get transported to underneath the castle where you have to kill Sha Hong, he really likes armageddon spell.

The occupant of House of Flying Axes is Fed the Axe and he has a “Black Mark” to be deliver to Ural Poor-Sat in Old Mill, you can do as many runs as you please and you get 100g for every run. To end the quest tell either of them to kiss your black spot. There should be a third stooge with the name Puro Lator. On the same island there is Dead Jimmy, he wants you to feed his “Catfish”, he forgot to mention that you are the main course. After coming out of the hole you can deal with him any way you want (I usually kill him) and still get 2 might runes. Pen Or has for you “The Wanderings of Odis Or”, there is two options to finish here, if you choose to reunite them you get gold and random item, if not then you get runes and random item.

In Pirates Cave you meet Captain Tigg and he wants you to join “Coastal Brotherhood” all you need to do is free the imprisoned pirates. You can buy their freedom for roughly 15k from Master Burg or go directly to prison entrance and talk to village idiot Healthy Zogg, either way you go inside. The only difference is if you didn't pay there will be 1 or 2 guards inside. After completing that quest you get “Friends of the Pirates” title.

Before Hagyr Bigaxe gives you “Dead Men can't be Pirates” quest he wants to test you with little friendly fight, it's not that friendly. After kicking his bottom it's time to visit the Eastern Islands and see that Sirus Pale. After returning for reward you get “Strong as Hagyr” title

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Governor's Palace (Master Burg)
2. Blue Pear Tavern (John the Pinto)
3. Bird of Happiness Tavern (Oglym Longtongue)
4. Eatery
5. Orc Shop
6. Hagy's Castle (Hagyr Bigaxe)
7. Studio (Ay Vaz's the Orc, after completing “Ay Vaz's Masterpiece”)
8. Pirate Cave (Captain Tigg, after completing “Coastal Brotherhood”)
Eastern Freedom Islands
Ahchoo Godbl has a “Special Offer”, these kegs are reward for winning the battles, but also you can buy them from various vendors. To complete the quest you have to say you have had it to carry these kegs. Dirty Arry is in the Pirate House and he will share with you “Pirate Treasure”, all 3 containers are in Underground, after completing the quest he will have new items for sale. Moving on to Sea Dog or Sea Wolf depends what paragraph you reading he wants “The Sailor's Revenge” on Red Corsair.

In Titan Museum there is an orc Herm Atage and he wants to be “Museum Attendant” however you solve the quest Amely Medan will sell you elven units. You will come across Dead Man Chest, I think this is one of the removed quests, all you do is fight the guardians of that chest and even reward if any never is mentioned again.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Happy Troll tavern (Ahchoo Godbl)
2. Country Store
3. Hhaar's tavern (Hhaar)
4. Pirate House (Dirty Arry)
5. Titan Museum (Amely Medan, after completing “Museum Attendant”)
6. Old Mine ( Glaumus Dazzling, after completing “Search for Bird of Happiness” and making a deal)
Arlania (2)
You wake up in Arlania and it's repopulated with elves, but on the bright side you get the final Valkyrie Mista the Cloud. You can cut your way straight to Archmage Rezo tower and speak with him, but doing that you miss out on a lot of experience, since when you liberate Rezo all elven units become friendly (waste of experience if you ask me, better kill everything, your reputation cannot sink any lower). After chat with Rezo you get the main quest “Stop Guilford” and new title “At Home Among Strangers”. Now you have to kill 4 undead mobs, they are just behind Rezo's tower on the beach, where the ghost ship was. When there are all dead report your success to Rezo and you get update with two new main quest-lines: “Find Allies” and “Alliance with Elves”. Now is a good time to mention “Talking Bear” quest as well. You can check the Guilford but your brother Eric is in the way with some friends of his, feel free to talk him.

At this point you can go and chat with Las Ksaring who moved in to the Karradan (Iron Richard residence), to progress elven alliance you need to find his daughter Ele Taera, let me tell you something, this part of the quest (along with talking bear) single-handed costs you 200 points from your final score if you want to save her, anyway she is inside Griffins Underground. Save before talking to her, now you have two opinions here, first you can tell her that she is immortal and she doesn't need stinky antidote, that will lead to the confrontation and you have to kill her for which you get “Heart of Flint” title. If you choose to help her she will give you the charts for Melassar, but since you already have this, you will get some wanderer scroll, if you don't like the scroll you can reload and try for different drop. Herbsage Irwin tells you that he needs a venom from the spider that bit her, that spider is in that cave so look in every niche.

By the watermill you meet Ron (that will be your final costumer for “Atracting Costumers” quest but first of course he asks you for help “In Search of the Treasure” feel free to negotiate percentage, he will go down to 50/50. Map looks familiar doesn't it, it's that little island in Verlon Wasteland. Don't forget to talk to him after you completed his quest and with innkeeper as well.

There is another quest here given by Lin Erlan (he is by skull like structure), he wants you to go into Moonshiner's Hideout and kill “False Necromancer”, As it turns out it is just regular human, Dort, and he likes to dress up as necromancer, you can kill him or not. Not is a better option since you getting extra item, plus he also becomes a vendor. Of course you will lie to Lin, but by now you are good at it.

After getting antiserum for Ele, talk to Las Ksaring, but he will send you to “Find Queen Amelie” somewhere in dwarven territory. Talk to Lin Therian in front of the mine and he will let you inside Creiston Mines.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Inn (Innkeeper Whistler)
2. Jewelry Workshop (Yungem Needler)
3. Mansion (Volkan the Merchant)
4. Magic Tower (Archmage Rezo)
5. Moonshiners Hideout (Dort, if you chose not to kill him in “False Necromancer” quest)
6. Karradun (Las Ksaring, after receiving quest “Find Allies”)
You don't have to come here if you killed Ele Taera, otherwise welcome to the biggest shopping center in entire game, every building (almost) sells something.

First NPC is a little boy, Melfin, with his mind set on “Expedition” , the crew is easy to get, supplies from Saldebar and the ship you can buy from Drinren. Saldebar has something for you to do as well to deliver “Package for Drinren” she is in Pirate's Lair. Might as well grab all the quests here, Edwin from Roots and Crows Tavern asks you to go for “Dragon Hunt” (in reality it's only a dragonfly Scotio), and to fix “Elven Lighthouse” problem. Gvenvinn hires you for a “Bear Hunt”, Murdock.

Going south from the city you end up at Druid Albertil place, he moves forward the “Stone Statue” quest, now you just fly to the closest island from his place, kill the pile of rock and come back. This will open another quest “Spirit of the Forest”, since Scotio and Murdock they are in no mood for talking, that leaves Shatha the snake, she will give you amulet, bring to Albertil and you get next quest “Audience” and one of Eltranvir. Shatha also has a problem of her own “Loggers”. Go to Baron Bryude you can just kill him right there or go to talk to Kael-Shot about permit.

Ent of Melassar wants you to plant babies trees in “The Ent's Heritage”, the place you need to put these seeds looks like pile of crap. On Nordlig is on south side of the island close to rune altar and the little wooden bridge by the trees. On Vestlig is close to Runvald the Prophet. In Verlon Wasteland it's where you crossing that little stream from the lake and in The Riftlands by the Witch's house.

Now sail to Drinren, she will ask you to kill “Brutus the Traitor”, refuse the first time and then agree, if you agree right away she will not trade with you! Kill Brutus and buy that ship for Melfin and you can hopefully trade with her. For you trouble you get another Eltranvir.

Get shopping done at Battle Mage Barracks (that's Gvenvinn) because when you ask Kael-Shot for audience with the king, she will not speak with you again. The final Entranvil you get from Edvin, assuming of course you did his tasks. With 3 Entranvils, Kael-Shot let you into Castle Merlassar to see the King (F5 again), he has “The Kings Dying Words”, move the torch in library, kill Gvenvinn (she initiates dialog) and report all that to Kael-Shot for which you get the “Blademaster” title.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Large Store (Saldebar)
2. “Roots and Crowns” Tavern (Edwin)
3. Second-hand Book Shop (Bookseller Sin Erran)
4. Healer's House (Herbsage Irwin)
5. Workshop (Artist Mal'ir)
6. Jewelry Shop (Es'Tariel)
7. Battle Mage Barracks (Gvenvinn, not available after asking for audience with the king)
8. Castle Tiriit (Kael-Shot)
9. Druid home (Druid Albertil)
10. Druid hut (Nilsir the Druid)
11. Magic Tree
12. Hunter's Hut
13. Witch's House
14. Fairy House
15. Water Lily
16. Knight’s Tent
17. Pirate’s Lair
a) Pirate Store
b) Lair of Pirate King (Drinren, after completing “Brutus the Traitor”, BUT refusing first time to kill him)
18. Lair of the Dragon (after completing Hilda's “Hunt the Dragon” quest)
New Kordar
You enter the Creiston Mines, there is nothing of interest here, on the way to New Kordar you meet Rothar who has nothing important to say either.

Lots of buildings here, unfortunately half of them are empty, cross the bridge and you meet Tiny Johar, later for 1 million gold he can tests you. After descending first set of stairs you see Archon Runsage, he has the “Hammer from Havens” you need to fight the goblins for it, depends on your level and difficulty of your game that fight might be interesting. When you defeat the little buggers you get the “Heavy Striker” tittle, and some hammer. This dude is special since he can exchange your runes, of course it is not 1:1, but still by now you definitely have one kind of runes in excess. His neighbor is Chronic Brassface(Br is silent) and he has “Vampires in the Basement”, kill the Margrave Elias and you can buy stuff from him now.

Coming down the second set of stairs you meet Engineer Granik and his “Steam Tentacles” were highjacked by undead. The last stop here is Korn Digor who resides in Kirasar, he ask you to kill 5 undead advancing units, they are in that little maze north of the map (so are the “Steam Tentacles”).

Go though the gate and start killing, the five units are: Aurelius(necromancer), Whisperer(ghost), Rotten Finger(zombie), Drelahal(vampire) and Malefik(Death Knight). While exploring you will run into Freolina and she is “Trapped Demoness” she wants you take care of Frod Strongblow (if you run into Frod first his quest will be “Dwarven Love”, same conclusion), long story short you will end up fighting Freolina, when you kill her, she drops portal to Hades. Near Frod is Charlie-4 he is “The Druid and the Flower”, Engineer Granik has the oil. By now you run into Tori Hanson and he is “Lost Boy”, his mother Betty Hanson is in Grotland village.

When you come back to Korn Digor and report that you killed these 5 undead units you get “Border Guard” title and “Alliance with the Dwarves” quest. Now look at the map, two new portals are available: The Riftlands (south) and Grotland (north), visit both of these location before talking to anyone.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Shop (Chronic Brassface, after dealing with “Vampires in the Basements”)
2. Alchemical Laboratory
3. Tavern (Tavern-keeper Reveller)
4. Research Laboratory
5. Kirasar (Korn Digor)
6. Archon Runsage (runes exchange)
7. Charlie-4 (after completing “The Druid and the Flower”)
The Riftlands
When you crawl out of New Kodar you can't miss Loki, and to talk to Asvald you need to get thru him, he is another big boss where you cannot use your Valkyries abilities during fight, but he is much easier to dispatch. After you defeat him, you get “Friends of Giants” title and open road to castle. You also get the final medallion skill.

In the courtyard you see Torfin the Just, after conversation you have: “Alliance with the Vikings” quest. Now you can talk to Asvald, he gives you map to Grotland (but if you followed my direction and you visited that place before you get another wanderer scroll). Talk to him again and he will ask you to search for “Heir to the Throne”, sail to Fastlands and find floating chest with Odin's Flag (this has to have “quest item” description NOT artifact). Now go to Torfin since he has some tasks for you, or more like contract on “Royal Robber” and his name is Arthur Graber but you need evidence that it was him.

Visit lighthouse, inside Ratmir has problems of his own since he is “Plundered Stylist”, these 5 ornaments are: 3 on Vikings mobs, 1 in the tree cache right by the wooden bridge and the last one is in one of the chests floating in the sea. He also gives some useful information about Arthur, so now you can go and kill him. When you do the deed new quest opens up “Stolen Silver” and you also get Black Spot quest item. Now no matter what you say to Torfin he will complete the quest and will have another contract for you: “Werewolf Killer

Show that Black Spot to Ben Gorefiend and he will ask you to deliver the package to Gregory the Smuggler (Istering), new quest: “Black Spot”. You have now multiple options and they all suck: you can try and open the box, that will lead to goblins fight and you will get some item, but you fail the quest. You can go to Torfin and tell on Ben, he will then tell you to deal with Ben, now you can kill or let him go, but again that's fail, so just deliver that box and be done with it.

In Soothsayer's hut, Johan wants you to find “The Sorcerer's Pet Frog”, this will be traveling back and forth between him and Red Hestra the witch, and then will open up another quest “Twilight Love”.

By now you should have all the ornaments, take them to Ratmir and he is so grateful that he will make “Luxury Outfit” for you, just bring him pattern from Heksus, Demonis and silver plates from Yungem Needler, Arlania.

Two more places to visit are Abandoned Mine and Catacombs of Despair, there are only mobs to kill inside, but remember, sometimes from the weakest mob you get that one drop you were praying for.

Note: The Riftlands and New Kodar are the only places I noticed the mobs were re-spawning.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Witch's house (Red Hestra)
2. Soothsayers hut (Johan the Soothsayer)
3. Ben Gorefiend's Ship (not there if you tell on him to Torfin)
4. Lighthouse (Ratmir, after completing “Plundered Stylist”)
5. Egilstadir (Asvald, after taking care of Loki)
6. Torfin the Just (After talking with Asvald)
Gutar Dodger is the first NPC you probably run into here and his problem is “Vitamins for the Miners”, find Drotar the Scientist, he will move the quest, if you ask him about his job he will tell you to bring “Paper for the Professor” (I hope you kept that Ink(+1 intellect) artifact because you gonna need it now). Next on the agenda for professor is “Self-recording Apparatus” with that out of the way, now he wants “Dragon Informant” any dragon will do. Close by is also Bruce the Tosser he is the “Hammer Thrower” but he has no hammer, your job is to find it (ask Stator).

Just across where you found the boat, there is a little island with Stator Fizzledowser and he needs help with his new invention “The Driller”. At some point of the quest you will be asked to bring worm gear (from Gutar). Now here the multiple options arise. If you chose to bring real gear you end up killing Gutar. If you bring fake gear there are another two options: a. Convince Stator that the Driller is bad idea for Dwarven community and he should abandon it, he agrees with you and end of story. b. Just give the fake gear to him and watch the sparks fly, in this scenario you will have to fight the Driller and he is one of the big-bosses, which means you cannot use Valkyries abilities. In any event if you chose to use fake gear come back to Gator for reward and he gives a contract hit on “Rod Rotmouth” he is in the Maruder's Cave, south-west corner of the island.

But your main goal is the village/settlement, (Betty Hanson, mother of “Lost Boy” is here as well) here is the dude Urfin Krushmor walking around and looking pissed, he is THE guy who you need to talk to, to get moving main quest-line, but no amount of good intentions to spare the man works, he's just asking for it. After you put him to the ground, find Supervisor Makintor(Keeper's House) he will give you proposal for Asvald, when you present him with that document he will give you navigation charts to Iceland Isle. Go now to New Kodar and speak with Korn Digor and he will tell you about infestation with ice dragons.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Gutar's Shop (Gutar Dodger, not there if you kill him...Duh)
2. Village Smithy
3. Oira's cottage (Grumpy Oira)
4. Drotar's Laboratory (Drotar the Scientist)
5. Stator's Workshop (Stator Fizzledowser)
6. Workshop
7. Hermit's Cottage
Iceland Isle
Up the hill from where you arrived there is griffin Sirran and he ask you to deliver jewels to Massalatrix as a payment for protection “Under the Dragon's Wing”, inside the cave The Peak of the Ice Dragon here are 3 ice dragons: Assintotar, Furisitrax and Sanniritas these are the dragons you have to kill for Korn Digor, these fights aren't easy since you have over 100 dragons to kill, and at no point you can really cc (crowd control) the dragons, especially when black and ice ones are immune to most of the magic spells. Report your success to Korn then go to Asvald, you will be witness to historical peace signing treaty and you get your final navigation chart for Tungsinn Island.

When you done with extortion quest, Sirran has aggravated robbery and kidnapping in mind for you, to steal “Royal Egg”, but before you accept it you have a choice to make with whom to side. If you side with the griffins you will fight Kilaterax for that egg, and you get “Friend of the Griffins” title, but Massalatrix is no longer in the caste, and Sirran leaves too, meh. If you side with the dragon to “Save the Royal Eggs”, you have to kill Sirran the schemer, you can refuse to get involved, but you fail the quest. Reward for this kill is usually couple of scroll but most of the time you get geyser spell which is normally hard to obtain, and you also get the “Defender of the Ice” title. Later Massalatrix ask you to serve “Dragon's Dinner”, Matti the dairymaid provides the cow, after you lie (surprisingly you don't have to kill her) and bring medicine for cow's “long” trip (digesting system of the dragon) from Johan (Riftlands).

When you get to the castle Ignotorrilaystr, Avran gives 2 killing contracts: “Rustyleg”(sailing) and “Dragon Necromancer” (he is in the Deep Cave). On the little island on east coast there is Yari the Fisherman and he has the “Cursed House” with the Cursed Ghost, you can kill or help him, either way Yari now can sell you stuff. There is also very tiny island (so small that it isn't on the map) northwest with happy feet Thrvald, he sells crystals and runes.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Ignotorrilaystr (Avran)
2. Griffin Stronhold (Sirran, he's gone after “Royal Egg” or “Save the Royal Eggs”)
3. Matti the dairymaid
4. The Peak of the Ice Dragon (Furiset – Massalatrix, not there after “Royal Egg”)
5. House of Yari the Fisherman (Yari, after completing “Cursed House”)
6. Thrvald the penguin (runes and crystals)
Tungsinn Island
Starting location is near to a viking village, get out through the gate and fallow the path north until you get to Fronta's tent. Talk to Fronta and she will complain about her husband Uch-Ygyr being cursed, of course by now you know what's coming. Read the quest-book and follow it's steps, when you complete the quest “Alliance with the Vikings” new title for you is “Jarl Protector”. Now you're ready to confront Guilford and his cronies, good luck.

If you want to stay and explore then find The Orcish Artist Laka and she will ask you for “Lute for Laka”, after delivery Baradok from the tavern wants somebody for his establishment to sing, so maybe “A Star is Born”. You hit a snag with the shoes since Yodur the Merchant has a “Thief Shoe” problem, Zadok Hardnose is sailing with your shoes. Knur the Warrior wants only that you will “Fly the Banner” a top of Three-horn Moon Citadel for the dress, kill Kraag Rottenteeth for it. And the last item Cat Collar you can get from Hallotta the Herbalist, however nothing is easy on this island and you have to bring her first “Root of Evil”. The last on the list here is Derrek the Poacher who is “Luckless Hunter” after that is done and you still want to kill something go to the Gloomy Cavern, just higher difficulty mobs.

Troops & merchandise vendors:
1. Ragista (Knur the Warrior)
2. Blacksmith
3. Yodur's Shop (Yodur the Merchant)
4. Baradok's tavern (Baradok)
5. Lodge (Derrek the Poacher)
6. Hallotta's hut (Hallotta the Herbalist)
7. Uch-Ygyr's tent (Uch-Ygyr and Fronta, after removing curse)
8. Three-horn Moon Citadel (Sigur, after killing Kraag Rottenteeth for “A Star is Born”)*
* if you killed Kraag and you didn't take the “A Star is Born” quest, the “Fly Banner” might not get completed
After killing 100 Vampires Van Tallinn appears with the “Monster Hunting” quest, Ghoul is on the right side of the Guilford residence in Greenwort, proceed at your leisure. After killing the Ghoul, Van Tallinn shows up, gives some reward and tells you about next target, The Dark Lord on Vestling. The last target is dragon Necrotix, kinda disappointing finale you don't get a title only some crown.

At some point you might end up with Lava Hourglass, select *talk* and Demon Lurf will answer, since you going to Demonis might as well complete “Free the Demon” quest, he will become vendor when you set him free. Follow the path north from Xeona's castle and you came to pretty much highest peak you can walk on, then release the Lurf, for doing that you get “Astral Rider” title

To get Valkyries to 5th level you have to complete the quest for them:

Christa the Stunning quest is... well she wants just a million gold, and for that you get “Beloved of the Gods” title

Gudrida the Fierce quest is “Wrath of the Greenskins” you have to go to the viking island and kill 10 orkish units, they are moving around so do the fly by and look for any “red dots”. Vestling and Fastland there are 3 units and Nordlig has 4, the 4th is wandering by the lighthouse. For completion of that quest you get “Black Death” title

Hilda the Warrior quest is “Hunt the Dragon”, Veritory the Bloody is on Merlissar island in the Liar of the Dragon, after killing him you get the title “Dragonslayer”, you can buy dragons from here afterwords.

Regina the Stone quest is “Army of Giants” all you need to do is pick up any level 5 creatures and talk to her, afterwords you receive “Lord of the Giants” title.

Mista the Cloud quest is “Armor of Tyr”, ask her where these items are and she will name two islands, most likely Riftlands and Isterreng. Very likely the mob on Istering is by Talking Bear, and on Riftlands with Necrotix, after dispaching them and giving shield and armor to Mista you get “Equal to the Gods” title
56 comentário(s)
Neo 12 de fev. às 12:02 
the game crashes when i try to rotate the camera
does anyone know how to fix it?
Aniki 23/jun./2023 às 5:40 
christa hand of sorrow doesnt "ressurect' units it supose to give u the 75% gold amount of the killed troops in the next battle but its bugged and actually gives u like 9%
rauschrick 30/jan./2023 às 23:05 
actually funnily enough i found him, he was in his retreat in the hole behind the castle you first come across in the western freedom islands my bad.
rauschrick 30/jan./2023 às 23:00 
Hello great thread I would just like to know where Odis or in the Wanderings of Or quest is, cant find him.
Talana 💃 30/nov./2020 às 15:10 
About the bugged quest in Grotland , where even though you have the papers and the ink, you are unable to give it to Drotar.
I thought I`d try something that sounds silly, just to see if it might be an issue. I had two bottles of ink. So I destroyed one .
Then I tried again - and this time it actually worked just fine !
Kreddi 10/jun./2018 às 12:21 
Is it a viable strategy to pick up items that costs 3000~ gold to feed the Valkyries? I've just discovered the third island and have 100K in the bank, so investing 3-4K gold to level up the Valkyrie seems like a good use.
sethmage  [autor(a)] 9/jun./2018 às 22:55 
Sorry, that I don't know
Kreddi 9/jun./2018 às 22:47 
Ahhh I see, thanks for your comment.
On a side note, do you know if using the console for cheats deactivate achivements?
The whole running back and forth for ships kinda get to me
sethmage  [autor(a)] 8/jun./2018 às 18:08 
@Kreddi; No, i did finished it before the the I&F came out. There are some minor and major changes, little spoilers....
for example you don't get flying horse on the 2nd island (you get it much later) and you get map to elven land before first boss (Spider)
Kreddi 8/jun./2018 às 17:26 
So just to be sure, this isn't tailored for Ice and Fire?
Even if it isn't I'll be using your guide for my playthrough, it looks vert indepth and handy!