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17 apr 2019, ore 5:58
11 ago 2019, ore 14:07
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Notice of current status of mod development

Development of this mod is currently on hold, and I've given permission to RustledJimm to incorporate whatever parts of DialoguePlus he likes into Dialogue Expansion Project, so check his mod out here!

Hi, welcome to DialoguePlus+!

This mod aims to add more variation in dialogue you encounter around the world of Kenshi, and tries to keep it all serious & lore friendly. You should hear more variation in bar chatter, in raids, attacks, et cetera!

It also aims to tweak and fix any typos or grammatical errors left behind by the development team, and expand on existing wordswaps functions to give more variation even in vanilla dialogue.

I've lost count of lines, but I believe it's around or above 1000 lines now added to the game.

Open to queries and suggestions, if you want a conversation I'm Chime#9999 on discord or you can just add me here on Steam. I am more active on Discord, however.

Areas currently expanded upon:
  • Bar Dialogue added to the Holy Nation bars. Around 250 lines, with plenty of variation and wordswaps!
  • Generic Bar dialogue added to most non HN bars.
  • A somewhat comedic variation on player characters screaming about Acid Water.
  • More biome comments added to: Darkfinger, Deadlands
  • Small addition to Flotsam Ninjas.
  • Variations added to the "Attack" dialogue, specific to certain conditions your characters may have.
  • More band of bones shouting.
  • More local variation added to bars in the Hook.
  • More bar chatter added to Mongrel.
  • New slave intro.
  • A little more variation on swamp ninjas.
  • More wordswaps.
  • More dialogue!

Should be fine with all other mods!


Prefer using NexusMods? Find DialoguePlus on the Kenshi Nexus here![]

Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (2)
5 ago 2019, ore 13:25
Suggestions and Requests
19 gen 2020, ore 1:04
Bug Reports
133 commenti
Sae  [autore] 4 gen, ore 19:06 
I'm not spanish and I don't speak spanish, so any translation of the mod contents is left to other people to pick up. As with the Russian and Chinese translations, any folk who want to translate, have my blessing to do so as they wish.
Sergiazoss 4 gen, ore 17:48 
hay alguna traducción?
Sae  [autore] 4 dic 2024, ore 15:35 
@Legs Don't worry, I'm also from the UK. You're good on that front.
Legs 4 dic 2024, ore 15:26 
I hope by typos and grammatical errors, we don't mean: "Armour" or "Bleedin' 'ell!" :SIandIITom:
No Mic Tweetus 16 mag 2024, ore 11:18 
Does this do anthing for south hivers?
Shovelmaster88 25 gen 2024, ore 6:32 
Seems to be the reason to crash the game when talking with the shopkeeper from this mod if used with UWE. Just for an info guys :)
ALT 14 nov 2023, ore 7:43 
Thank you bro. Its very cool.
Sae  [autore] 25 gen 2023, ore 6:16 
@Goose As I recall, it should be fine to add mid play through as it only adds lines to dialogue packages.

@Ninjamammoth It should still work, however I haven't tested it in quite some time. I don't imagine anything short of a big rewrite of how Kenshi handles dialogue packages would break it, however.
Vadim 24 gen 2023, ore 23:52 
does this still work?
Goose 23 gen 2023, ore 11:36 
Is this safe to add mid playthrough?