Arma 3
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ANZACSAS Napalm and WP Smoke marker rockets
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5 Apr 2019 @ 5:46am
21 Sep 2023 @ 10:45pm
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ANZACSAS Napalm and WP Smoke marker rockets

Dalam koleksi 2 dari ANZACSAS Steven
CAS troop defence missions
Item 7
CAS Module Mods
Item 8
Napalm and Smoke Marker rockets by ANZACSAS Steve.

v2.0 Improved And Expanded!!

- This is a port of my work from Arma 2 and Unsung but updated to Arma 3 specs and standards.:)
- Napalm bomb and White Phosphorus Smoke marker rockets.
- Napalm fire gives damage for full length of time for AI and players.
- AI cannot see through smoke and fire efx.
- AI Suppression effect added.
- Works on US and Independent faction fixed wing aircraft.
- Comes with example mission for Support Module airstrikes.Found in your @ANZACSAS Napalm and WP Smoke marker rockets Mod folder!

- Comes with CAS Modules for instant airstrikes!

- Heres a link to my other CAS Modules utilizing this napalm mod.CUP,F-16 ,F15 and Enhanced BI Module -

- CUP aircraft compatible.
- RHS compatible.
- Unsung compatible.
- Firewill addons compatible.
- USAF mod compatible.
- F/A-18 Super hornet compatible and many more.
- May work for addons that use default naming system for pylons etc.
- If your favorite aircraft isnt compatible then leave a comment with a link to the addon and i will see if i can add it in to
the next patch.
- Big thanks to Viper1zero for the demo vid.:)

- Optional but recommended to be used with my other Particle efx mods -
here -
and here -

Hit the rate button with a thumbs up if you like this addon and if you would like to see more content like it!

- Update v1.4.
- Pfx optimised!
- Adjusted low altitude cas strike.More practical.
- Updated the carrier ops mission.Actions for recruit ai are now on the helicopters and boats aswell as the Blackfish Tiltrotor.
- Reintroduced the 8rnd Napalm mag for firewills F-15 mod

- Update v1.3.
- Major Graphical update!
- Napalm efx and damage approx 3x bigger.
- Airborne napalm efx and damage will travel in the direction of the strike!!
- Now has CAS modules to add into your missions for instant napalm airstrikes!
- Secret weapons mod and SAB's military aviation pack compatible.
- Firewills A-10,F-14,15,16,18 compatible.

- Update v1.2.
- Fixed an uglypart in the particle efx.Tweaked many things.
- Comes with two MultiPlayer Missions with the MK77 Napalm added to aircraft.
Altis - Save the Platoon,
Tanoa - Carrier Ops day3 .

- Update v1.1.
- Napalm Cannister/bomb texture now looks correct colour.(grey/silver/metallic)
- Reflective surface for cannister/bomb.
- added a touch more AISuppresion.
- Fire on the ground gives more damage.
- Reworked the WP effects.
- Added compatibility for RHS,Unsung and NZDF mod.
- Fixed Dynamic view distance scripts in MP Missions.
- Anyone wanting to use this addon /code in their addon or mod just ask.:)
- If you like this addon hit the rate button with a thumbs up.:)
- Thanks to bis and the community.
- Enjoy.:)

Mission editors see below -
- Class names -
- Napalm -
Weapon - "ANZ_Napalmlauncher"
magazines - "ANZ_1RndNapalmMag"
Ammo - "ANZ_NapalmAmmo"

- White Phosphorus -
Weapon - "ANZ_WPLauncher"
magazines - "ANZ_7RndWPMag"
Ammo - "ANZ_Hydra_WP"

Support module code class names -
Weapon - "ANZ_Napalmlauncher_Module_CAS"
Magazines - "ANZ_2RndNapalm_CASModule_Mag"

To make ai drop napalm in a specific spot without using the supplied CAS Modules, use this code in a trigger for an ai plane to fly through -
driver casplane2 forceWeaponFire ["ANZ_Napalmlauncher","ANZ_Napalmlauncher"];casplane2 setVehicleAmmo 1;casplane2 setFuel 1
see here for more info -

- Credits -
- Code,Particle Efx and Sounds by ANZACSAS Steve.
- Model and Texture by Mondkalb.Big Thank you.:)
- Model and Texture modified file paths and alignment to Arma 3 by Firewill.
- Dual Rail bomb mount model and Texture by Firewill.Thanks bud,nice one.:)
- RVMAT Reflective surface for napalm cannister by DustSabre.

Copyright 2019[ANZACSAS Steven].This item is not authorised for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named ANZACSAS Steven.
124 Komentar
Eagle Soldier 3 Sep 2024 @ 10:28pm 
is this mod compatible with Blastcore compiled by neetch?
Jubilant 20 Jul 2024 @ 5:38pm 
Hey is this firewill compatible, has the pylons been updated ?
amzingdxge 27 Sep 2023 @ 7:29am 
You should make Willy Pete grenades. There seems to be a lacking of White phosphorus grenades on the workshop sadly.
$hitDemon 22 Sep 2023 @ 10:12am 
Sweet, Thanks.
ANZACSAS Steven  [pembuat] 21 Sep 2023 @ 10:50pm 
Fixed unsung dependency for missions.
ANZACSAS Steven  [pembuat] 20 Sep 2023 @ 7:39pm 
ANZACSAS Steven  [pembuat] 20 Sep 2023 @ 9:36am 
No m8,I screwed it...I gotta fix it..
Chops 20 Sep 2023 @ 6:33am 
Mate with the latest update the weapon to drop the Mk77 doesn't show up at all. The physical bombs are there under the hardpoints, but they don't show up when cycling through the plane's weapons - not with Wipeout or Black wasp. Nothing but this and CBA loaded. Is it just me?
ANZACSAS Steven  [pembuat] 11 Sep 2023 @ 5:49am 
ANZACSAS Steven  [pembuat] 6 Sep 2023 @ 3:17am 
Sry guys ,i missed these comments.I will have to fix the missions.The unung dependency must have slipped in somehow.

Chops, i was sure that i fixed that issue.Will have to take another look.
Thanks for the feedback.:steamthumbsup: