Lords Of The Fallen

Lords Of The Fallen

198 ratings
Lords Of The Fallen (+DLC) - 100% Achievement Guide
By 老公不在家 找一个男朋友
This is an achievement guide designed to help players 100% unlock every achievement in the game.
DLC: Ancient Labyrinth required!
This is a guide designed to help players fully complete this game and unlock all achievements. For this guide i will assume that readers either do not care about story or already know it so watch out for spoilers. I recommend using this guide after completing or nearing the end of one play through. All of lords of the fallens achievements except for the endings and one new game plus achievement can be completed in the same play through. There are no alternative options that you need to be concerned about. I also recommend knocking off all your exploration of the maps before defeating the 8th boss(annihilator) as it can be annoying to be exploring after wards. Only the one DLC(the ancient labyrinth) is required to earn achievements the rest in my opinion are pretty useless. This guide is split into several sections including story and boss, collectables and exploration, portals, Endings, Misc, side quests and DLC.

Would like to thank Brachragon for his contributions to aiding in the readability of the guide in order to improve user experience.
Bosses & Story Progression (Part 1)
These are achievements related to the story and boss fights of the game. All of these are unmissable as there are no optional bosses or dialogue choices until the end of the game which will be covered in the endings segment. i will also provide small tips for each boss as well as the special challenge for unlocking the more powerful variants of their drops. I have placed them in order that you should unlock each one

So that's a Lord!
Defeated First Warden

Location: Keystone Citadel tutorial(requires giant key)
Challenge: Kill the boss without taking damage
Being the first boss that players come against he is not terribly difficult for players to defeat. He is not that tanky, doesn't hit hard, well telegraphed and has a very punishable sword slam attack. As the fight goes on he gradually sheds his armour until the final stage where he loses all of it including his shield. In this stage he will do a deadly but easy to avoid spin attack before sword slamming. The challenge on this boss is easy to obtain as all you need to do is stay at medium range and force him to use his sword slam. Then punish him and repeat the process. you may want to remove your armour so you get full movability. If u get hit let him kill you and restart the fight.

Now we're talking
Found the Gauntlet

This achievement is unlocked when you pick up the gauntlet located on the bridge before the commander fight. Simply walk up to it and interact with and a short cut scene along with the achievement should pop.

Hard shell, soft core
Defeated the Commander

Location: Keystone Monastery(Square of Heroes)
Challenge: Kill the boss without blocking with your shield or weapon (don’t press the block button at all)
Weapon: Commanders shield(Tower Shield)
This boss is not very hard. He may be even easier than the first boss. The trick with this boss is to stay relatively close and sneak in hits where you can. Your gauntlet can also hit him through his shield. You need to defeat his summons quickly otherwise he will get up and have to worrying about multiple units. All of his attacks are easy to dodge so you will have no need block and should find this challenge easy to complete.

Only after Disaster
Defeated the Worshipper

Location: Keystone Monastery(Graveyard)
Challenge: Kill this boss after he kills 2 of his own summons
Weapon: Clawfinger(greataxe)
This boss is one of the hardest in the game especially on ng+. This boss deals a lot of damage has fairly high health and summons annoying enemies. Shields can be used to block most of his attacks which allow you to punish him. The 5 shrines dotted around the arena have several uses in this fight. if you stand in them when he goes to stun you he will destroy the shrine and stun himself for a very long time. They are also used to protect you from his insta kill move. The challenge itself is not hard to do as almost any of his attacks can hit and kill the golems. Simply stand near him and let him swing his weapon at them and you should earn it in no time.

The real Lords starts here
Entered the Rhogar realm

To earn this achievement you have to go through the portal in graveyard after killing the Worshipper boss and talking to Kaslo. Once you load in the achievement should pop.

He speaks in riddles
Met the Blacksmith

To earn this achievement you need to speak to the blacksmith in the Rhogar Realm. Once you enter all you need to do is walk a little forward and you should meet him and earn this achievement.

Seal the gate
Defeated the Infiltrator

Location: Abandoned Temple(The Portal)
Challenge: kill the boss before all the fire goblets are lit by a Rhogar
Weapon: Uras(polesword)
This boss doesn't have high health but can deal a lot of damage so therefore he can be fairly tough for inexperienced players. The best way I found to kill it is to stay at medium range and wait for it to do its 3 move combo. After the 3rd move, heavy attack its leg armour to remove so you can do bonus damage. Repeat until its dead. Also fire damage weather it’s on your gauntlet or weapon seems to be extremely effective against it. This boss is quite buggy as it sometimes can fall through the floor and die, randomly die at 1/3 health and the special challenge always completes even if you take a long time to kill it.

No time for losers
Defeated the Champion

Location: Catacombs(Monster Prison)
Challenge: Kill this boss without letting him enrage(scripted rage doesn't count)
Weapon: Sting(Fists)
This boss is very tanky and this fight can feel like it takes a while. His attacks are quick and hard to punish so you will want to keep away from him to make avoiding them easier. If you use the prayer spell against him he will spend a while trying to destroy it which leaves him open to attacks. Use prayer after a charge for maximum effect. If timed right using the tower shield special ability when he is charging will cause him to be stunned and leave him open to attacks. He builds up his rage when he is damaged or he deals damage. However is slowly decreases over time so to preventing him from raging up you should stop hitting him when the bar is nearly full and stay away. If you are struggling you can cheese him with ranged attacks on your gauntlet however this can take a very long time but should prevent him from raging up. Please note that after each third of his health he changes phase and automatically rages up. These are unavoidable but do not count for the challenge.

He who protect us
Met Antanas

To earn this achievement you have to speak to Antannas in the citadel after killing the Champion. fight your way through the location and speak to him in the planetarium for the achievement to pop.

Anger is a gift
Defeated the Beast

Location: Keystone Monastery(Square of Heroes)
Challenge: Kill this boss without stepping in the poison it spits.
Weapon: Stain(Hammer)
This boss is very large and has large defence ratings on his legs. However like many large bosses in any games the beast takes bonus damage from hits to his head. You should avoid his high damage swings of his clubs and hit him to build up the yellow bar. Once it’s full he loses balance and his head become vulnerable to melee attack. He often spits out poison which forms patches on ground which you need to avoid. If you remember their locations you should have no trouble with the special challenge.

Bosses & Story Progression (Part 2)
Thousands of Candles
Defeated the Guardian

Location: Abandoned Temple(Eternal Flame)
Challenge: Kill this boss without knocking over a fire brazier.
Weapon: Firewalker(Shortsword)
This boss can be very difficult. He has fast but long combos that can deal large amounts of damage. He also leaves little opening for you to attack or heal. He does leave a slight opening when summons fireballs or attempts the kick attack which you should be able to get a few swings in. If you wish to make this fight easier there are a number of things you can do. You can convince the deserters to fight him which will lower his health. You can shield bash the braziers which will extinguish them. This weakens the fireball attack and the guardian will attempt to relight them which leaves him open. it also costs him some health as well however it will forfeit the challenge. If you are really struggling feel free to cheese him with the gauntlet like every other boss.

Not a question of can or can't
Defeated the Annihilator

Location: Chamber of Lies(Cave of lies)
Challenge: Kill this boss with an attack from a lightning based damage source.(you only need to land the final blow)
Weapon: lightning(hammer)
This boss can be fairly hard. He is quite tanky and also hits very hard. Most of his attacks also deal lightning damage so a high resistance to this will help. You will quickly notice that he leaves large openings between his attacks. In particular with hammer throw attack he leaves a very large opening allowing for you get many swings in. After the boss reaches his second stage you will need to run far away from his massive aoe damage attack. You can use the gauntlet to snipe some extra attacks in. On the most part this boss isn't too difficult he just has large chunks of health hand hits hard. This means that one or two mistakes could see your fight end early. If you don’t have a lighting weapon for the challenge you can either use a rune or fight him again on new game plus with his own drop as that is lightning based.

Shout at the gods
Met Adyr

To earn this achievement the player must meet and talk to Adyr after slaying the Annihilator. After killing the boss you will travel through a portal and go through lengthy talk with the evil God. After you return to Keystone the achievement will pop.

Two against one
Defeated Lost Brothers

Location: Keystone Citadel(Flooded Halls)
Challenge: Kill the fire or lighting brother last for their version of the shield \
Weapon: Defender(Buckler)
This boss can be hard on the first play through as this is the only gank boss that appears in the game. Those of you that have played recognise similar mechanics from the demon prince boss fight as their will for the most part be only one brother fighting the player at one time. For the most part the brothers have simple melee attacks if you stay close. They also have a variety of elemental attacks that can be annoying to avoid. When you kill one the remaining brother will become stronger and infused with the first brothers power. However he does not regen missing health so a useful strategy is to wait until they are both very low before killing one of them. Like most bosses this one can be cheesed with the gauntlet. The challenge simply depends on which you to leave to last so therefore you always complete it. If you leave the fire brother alive you will get a fire version of the shield. Both shields count as separate weapons towards the challenge. Also I found this boss does not scale with new game plus so he was very easy on my other play throughs.

Final Boss & Endings
These are the achievements related to the endings of the game and should appear after killing the final boss if you have done the correct steps.

Only 1 achievement of each of the two groups of 3 can be done per play through,
but they can done on new game plus as well. You could save scum the rune achievements but there isn't a point as you can’t save scum the class ones.
  • Boss: The Judge
    Location: Keystone citadels(spire)
    Challenge: Kill the boss without letting him kill the infected with his fire attack.
    While there is no achievement for the Judge you need to kill him to earn the endings achievements so i will cover him here. This boss is hard and gets way harder on ng plus. Many of his attacks are hard hitting but very difficult to dodge. He has high health and can reduce your health bar for the duration of the fight so avoid the red orb at all costs. He also begins spawning infected in his 2nd stages which should be killed ASAP. If left alive to long they will heal the boss and make all your hard work for naught. However when he summons the infected he leaves himself vunerable to attack. Most players should be able to handle him after the first couple tries but when on new game plus he can become very powerful. His attacks can do major damage and his summons can be very hard to clear in time.

  • There is a bug which causes the judge to lose his AI and allow the player to hit him freely. After you have died to the judge once use prayer (doesn't matter the class) in left pillar that is closet to judge when facing him. Then hop down as quickly as possible and the judge will attempt to destroy the pillar. He will fall through the ground and respawn without his AI allowing for a trivial fight at best. This is still working as of the latest patch.

Group 1:
  • Whole world in his hands
    Bring balance to both realms

    Give the rune of Adyr to the blacksmith or do nothing with it and then kill the judge.

  • God is dead
    Led humans to victory

    Place the rune of Adyr on your armour and wear this armour when killing the judge.

  • Faith is weakness
    Led Rhogar to victory

    Place the rune of Adyr on your weapon and use this weapon to kill the judge.
    Note, that wielding the weapon while killing him with your gauntlet or a skill does NOT unlock this achievement.

Group 2:
  • Way of the warrior
    Completed the game as Warrior

  • Way of the rouge
    Completed the game as Rogue

  • Way of the cleric
    Completed the game as Cleric

    To earn these achievements you need to finish the game at least 3 times, each time with a different class. You don't have to use any abilities, and subsequent classes can be chosen on new game plus. The achievements should pop when the judge dies.

Also note:
  • There's an achievement from the Ancient Labyrinth DLC, described in more detail in the respective chapters at the end of the guide, which is also related to killing the final boss:
    Ancient tool, new purpose
    Defeated the Judge with a weapon dropped by the Keeper

    Sadly, this can't combined with "Faith is Weakness", since the DLC weapons don't have slots.
    Note, that wielding the weapon while killing him with your gauntlet or a skill does NOT unlock this achievement.
    Also note, that this achievement might pop up on screen after the cutscene, while the base game achievement pop up right after the kill.
Side Quests (Missable!)
In this section I will cover achievements related to completing all the various side objectives in the game. Most of these a fairly straight forward so with some decent exploration you should have no trouble earning these.

Extra strong
Upgraded the Health Potions

Take my hand
Cut off Monk's arm

The Injured Monks Side Quest
After killing the First Warden and leaving the Monastery you will encounter an injured monk in a gate house who has been poisoned. You must save him so choose to cut off his arm(earns take my hand) and then give him a health potion otherwise he will die. Once you gain access to the citadel find him in one of the rooms near the top and he will ask you to clear his laboratory. Head to the tower just before the Commander/Beast Arena and kill the giant spider who doesn't re spawn(You may have done this already). Return the monk to tell him and then travel back to the lab where the monk now resides. He will then ask for 4 Tyrant Hearts to upgrade your health potions. Handing in these Hearts unlocks Extra Strong.

Note* that handing over the hearts does not effect earning Go Breaking My Heart.

She was the last woman here
Showed mercy to an imprisoned monster

Yetkas Side Quest
Just before the Commander boss Arena you will find a women holding down a monk. Your choice on the monks fate does not matter. Yetka asks you if you have found a dagger in your travels and will trade you a key for its return. Head to the watchtower behind you and progress to the place called the northern watch tower where you will find the dagger. Return the dagger and she will hand over the key and leave. You meet her again after killing the worshipper where she will follow you to the Rhogar Realm. When you get to the big gate she will ask you for some Ancient Tablets. Find them in the nearby Rooms and bring them to her for some shards. Progress Along the main quest line. After killing the Beast Boss and head back to the Rhogar where you will meet her on the bridge. She will ask you to ignore the Guardian boss fight(Important. Do not fight the Guardian Yet it breaks the quest) and follow her. Do so and solve the various leaver and gauntlets puzzles along the way. Eventually above the area where a extremely large monster is located. Pull this leaver and go back to kill the guardian as normal. Once you enter you will find her reading the writing on the walls and she will give you the ability to do so. Head over to the large monster(don't go up to the next boss fight) where you start a cut scene. Choose to spare the monster and the achievement will pop.

I feel lucky
Purified the sword of the unlucky grave robber

Grave Robbers Quest
Once you gain access to the citadel head over to the old quarters in the sewers near it. In here you find curse located on the corpse of a soldier. Next head to the graveyard where you killed the worshipper and find the open grave near the tree. Interact with the grave to place the sword with in it. This will spawn a ghost who is immune to physical damage. Use your gauntlet, spells or magic damage on your weapons to kill it. Then collect the sword and the achievement should pop.

Collectables and secrets
These are achievements related to exploration for the player. All exploration should be completed before killing the annihilator except for the gardens which can only be done afterwards. I have seen some notes saying the portal achievements are broken on new game plus. As I finished them all before ng+ I cannot confirm this.

Found a note that someone left behind

By the book
Find 60 audio notes

Audio notes appear as floating orange scrolls and provide background lore or helpful hints for upcoming fights. In all major areas there will be a number of scrolls sometimes hidden or sometimes in the open. Some notes require you to backtrack and others only appear on ng +. There are more than 60 in the game so you do not need to collect them all. I don't think the DLC notes count but I am not sure on that. If you are having trouble finding enough the wiki may help:

Good with weapons
Collected all weapon types

To earn this achievement you must collect all weapon types in the game. there are eleven weapon types. Many can be earned from bosses and few can be picked up off the ground. Shields do not count as a weapon. The weapon types are as follows:
  • Fist
  • Dagger
  • Shortsword
  • Sword
  • Greatsword
  • Polesword
  • Hammer
  • Greathammer
  • Axe
  • Greataxe
  • Staff

My private stash
Got 12 special weapons

To earn this achievement you must collect 12 special or orange weapons. These weapons are strongest in the game and often have special effects. For this achievement shields count as weapons. There are 15 in the game however only 14 can be collected in one play through see lost brothers for more info. 10 of these weapons are boss drops for completing their challenges and each of these weapons cannot be collected again. Down below I will list the 5 that are not boss related. The boss ones have been spoken about in their respective fight in boss fights and story section.
  • Weapon: Blocker
    Type: Buckler
    Location: catacombs(cell circle)
    How to obtain: It is one of the cages in the cell circle area past the hunters and dogs. Explore the area and you will find it.

  • Weapon: Bloodlust
    Type: Shortsword
    Location: Catacombs(Pit)
    How to obtain: Bloodlust is located behind a lock door in the pit area. You need to head over to the left side in order to find a pressure plate. Use Prayer on the plate and now sprint to door. The door will be open now if you were fast enough and inside is the sword. However it’s not orange so it may not count. In order to make it orange you have to upgrade it by killing enemies. It will level up after about 26 kills to max level in which it should be orange.

  • Weapon: Bloodsick
    Type: Shortsword
    Location: Catacombs(collapsed tunnel)
    How to obtain: Bloodsick is located behind a boarded door in the Collapsed tunnel. Simply attack the boards to break them. Travel on through and you should find a chest with the sword located inside. Unlike Bloodlust you don't need to upgrade this weapon.

  • Weapon: Curse
    Type: Shortsword
    Location: Keystone citadel(Old quarters)
    How to obtain: Curse is located in the old quarters in keystone citadel. It is the first door on the right when entering from the square of heroes. The old quarters have breakable walls and a pressure plate trap which you will need to pass in order to find the sword. If you fully explore this area you should find it. You can upgrade curse by burying it in the graveyard however you do not need to do this for the achievement.

  • Weapon: Stance
    Type: Kite Shield
    Location: Abandoned Temple(Portal)
    How to obtain: Stance is given by the maimed Rhogar after giving him 15 human skulls. You meet this NPC after killing the 3rd boss. Skulls are found all over the place. You can find plenty in the catacombs. If you kill him beforehand he will only drop a non-special variant of Stance which does not count. If you give 30 skulls at once it will trigger a special event but you should still earn the shield.

Harkyn collection
Collected 20 Armor sets

To earn this achievement you must collect 20 full item sets. A set is made up of 4 items, a helmet, chest armour, gloves and boots. There are 25 armour sets in the base game and 4 more in the DLC though I am not sure if DLC sets count. Since there are 29 total sets there is way too many to go through here so if you need help i recommended using this link:
However if you spend plenty of time exploring you should find most of them.

Go breaking my heart
Collected 9 Tyrant Hearts

To earn this achievement you must collect 9 Tyrant hearts from the Tyrant jars. Tyrants are the big polesword Rhogar that only appear in the Rhogar Realm. They are among the harder enemies in the game. Tyrants cannot be killed until you collect their heart from the jar which always be nearby. Jars look very different from normal jars, will emit a heartbeat sound effect and if a tyrant is brought to 1 hp he will heal via a red line to the heart. There are 10 in the game (2 tyrants appear later but they don't have hearts as they are in special portals). The tyrants are pretty much always blocking the way forward so you shouldn't have a problem finding them.

Human skull
Collected 25 Human Skulls

To earn this achievement you must collect 25 human skulls. There are 30. Humans skulls are found in the catacombs, graveyard and keystone monastery. They appear as items on the ground. You can hand skulls in to the maimed Rhogar for rewards however this will prevent this achievement from unlocking. You need to have 25 skulls at once so if you hand too many away you cannot obtain 25.

Killing monsters
Killed all types of enemies

To earn this achievement you have to kill each non boss enemy at least once. There are about 18 possible enemies in the game however there could possibly be 21 as I am not sure if it counts the small version of spiders and the hounds. The enemies are as follows
  • Demonic Spider (small and large)
  • Infested (weak)
  • Rhogar Bulwark
  • Rhogar Marauder
  • Rhogar Vanguard
  • Rhogar Tyrant
  • Rhogar Infested (stronger)
  • Rhogar Forger
  • Rhogar Hound
  • Rhogar Ghost
  • Rhogar spellcaster
  • Poison Hound (small and large)
  • Fire Hound (small and large)
    -> You have to land the killing blow and not let them explode.
  • Dimensional Beast
  • Human archer
  • Human swordsman
  • Human Axeman
  • Human rouge

I saw everything
Entered 15 secret rooms

To earn this achievement you have to enter 15 different secret rooms in a play through. Any room that requires you break them via shield charge, place runes or some hidden ones( possibly via pressure plate) should count. If you thoroughly explore each area you should earn this fine. If you are having trouble this link might help you:

In this section I will cover achievements related to completing all the various portals in the game. There are 3 types of portals and each portal type has 3-4 portals. Each portal is linked to a nearby boss fight who must be killed before they can be entered. These can be done at any time before the final boss and should be done on the one character. However to make it easier i suggest clearing most of them out before killing the last Rhogar lord.

Treasure left alone
Looted all Treasure Chambers

To earn this achievement you must loot all 3 of the treasure chambers. You must simply open the three chests that spawn to "loot" the chamber
  • Portal 1 (First Warden)
    This portal is located near where players had to find the key to open the doors to the first boss.

  • Portal 2 (Infiltrator)
    This portal is located next to the checkpoint just before the boss fight.

  • Portal 3 (Annihilator)
    This portal is located outside of the boss room down the double stairs, opposite the checkpoint.

Are you not entertained?
Completed all Proving Grounds

To earn this achievement you must complete all 4 proving grounds. You must simply open the treasure chests that spawn after defeating all 3 waves of enemies. These enemies should be around what you were fighting at point of unlock.
  • Portal 1 (Worshipper)
    This portal is located about half way down the stairs to the boss arena from the monastery.
    Wave 1: One Rohgar bulwark and One Rhogar Marauder
    Wave 2: One Rhogar Vanguard, One Rhogar Hunter and One Infested
    Wave 3: One Rhogar Knight and One Infested

  • Portal 2 (Champion)
    This portal is located at the entrance to the catacombs. Head down to the pits and watch out for the knights. Take 2 lefts in a row to find it in a small room.
    Wave 1: One Rhogar Vanguard and Four Infested
    Wave 2: One Rhogar Beastmaster and Two Rhogar Hounds
    Wave 3: One Rhogar Knight and One Infested(stronger)

  • Portal 3 (Annihilator)
    This portal is located just before the lost brothers fight. After speaking with Adyr you will be teleported into a room. The portal is on your right.
    Wave 1: One Rhogar Tyrant(No Heart), One Rhogar Hunter(Flame) and One Human Archer
    Wave 2: Two Rhogar Vangaurds and One Human Great Shield Wielder
    Wave 3: One Fire Hound(Large) and One Human Great Sword Wielder

  • Portal 4 (Lost Brothers)
    This portal is located just past the boss fight. After going up 2 flights of stairs the portal will be on your left.
    Wave 1: Three Giant Spiders
    Wave 2: One Ghost and One Human Rouge
    Wave 3: Two Rhogar Spell casters and One Human Great Shield Wielder

No one can hear you scream
Completed all Infinite Voids

To earn this achievement you must complete all 3 Infinite Voids. You must simply open the treasure chests that spawns after following the light orb. These enemies should be around what you were fighting at point of unlock.
  • Portal 1 (Commander)
    This portal is located just after the boss fight at the top of the stairs.

    This portal is the simplest to complete. Simply follow the light to the next pressure pad and repeat till the chest appears.

  • Portal 2 (Beast)
    This portal is located next to the graveyard near where the portal to the Rhogar realm is.

    In this portal you need to follow the light while avoiding the various poison traps on the ground. Eventually you need to defeat the 2 Rhogar Bulwarks that spawn near the chest and you are finished.

  • Portal 3 (Guardian)
    This portal is located to the left of the arena. You may need to head to the upper level and drop down to access it.

    This portal is a little difficult. First of all you should head to your right and ignore the camp site. You will see some light so head there. Eventually a fire wall and 3 mobs should spawn. Avoid the fire and kill them to receive a chest. Next head to the campsite and kill the infested. Look on the left side and you will see the symbol. Remember it for later and move on to the glowing light in the distance. It will be a second symbol so remember it and move onto the third light which is also a symbol. After clearing the thirds symbol out the next bit of light will contain 3 chests marked by symbols. Open them in order you found them to spawn an orb. If you open them incorrectly a fire hound will spawn and after its death the orb will spawn. Follow the orb back to the camp site and defeat the last mobs for the chest to appear.
These are the achievements that don't relate to any of the other categories and only require one action to complete. Most of these are simple character related achievements that are easy to unlock.

All in
Defeated a boss with at least 20000 unspent experience

This achievement is earned by defeating any boss with at least 20,000 unspent experiences. This can be earned on any boss however it can be very grindy to try and achieve this during the early game. However once you unlock the catacombs this can become much easier. I recommend grinding for the champion fight and remember if you die you can easily collect your experience and try again.

Do unto others...
Killed the First Warden with the Warden Greatsword

To earn this achievement you must kill the First Warden with the Greatsword "Persistence", which has a strength requirement of 15. As this sword is only obtainble from killing the First Warden you must enter NG+ or later to complete this. It is not needed to complete the boss's special challenge on either runs and you do need to use the sword for the entire fight, just the killing blow. Therefore you can fight the boss with your chosen weapon and then as he gets low just switch to his greatsword.

Against all odds
Defeated a Boss without taking damage

To earn this achievement you must kill any boss without taking any damage during the fight from anything. This includes the boss himself as well as any summons or AOE attacks. This is most easily done with the first boss The First Warden as he has few attacks and can be dodged easily. See that section for more details in the boss fights and story part.

Give him power
Bought your first Attribute or Spell Point

Once you have enough experience banked up simply spend it on a spell point or Attribute point. This should be earned in the tutorial/

Strong with this one
Unlocked all spells for one class

Simply Unlock all spells for one class. Each class has four spells which you only need One point placed into them. If you rush this you can achieve this by level 18.

It's bound to take your life
Died for the first time

Myself again
Retrieved lost experience by collecting your ghost

This is earned by recovering your ghost from your corpse. Simply return to where you die and press your action button.

This! is! Keystone!
Kicked an enemy into his death

Fool of a Tuck
Throw a corpse down the bottomless pit in Catacombs

To earn this you must throw(kick) a corpse down the bottomless pit in the Catacombs. To find the pit enter via the graveyard. Keep going until you reach the Well of Death. Head left through the royal tomb and jump over the gap. Then go right until the room and you will find a corpse next to a gaping hole. Simply kick the corpse and it will fall in.
After that, search out the nearest enemy, kick it once, and lure it into the pit, which you kicked the corpse into.

DLC: Ancient Labyrinth - The Keeper
These achievements are related to the final Boss of the DLC.

Don't burn yourself out
Defeated the Keeper

Location: Ancient Labyrinth Centre
Challenge: Weapon dropped is determined by his magic school
Weapon: Between(School: fire Weapon type: Faith great Axe) or Scalpel(School: Magic Weapon type: agility polesword) or Lithic Rising(School: Lightning Weapon type: Strength fist)

The only boss of the DLC is the Keeper and this is the achievement you earn for bringing this beast down. The keeper is located in the middle of the maze. If you want to run straight to the boss and skip exploration follow this guide from playstationgrophies.org (i didn't do this as i explored first)

1.Pull the 1st lever three times. The door should display what looks like a 'W'. This is the 4th position of the 1st ring.
2.Enter the door and run all the way to the left. There is a switch at the end.
3.Pull the 2nd lever three times. The door should display what looks like a 'W'. This is the 4th position of the 2nd ring.
4.Enter the door and run all the way to the right. There is a switch at the end.
5.Pull the 3rd lever two times. The door should display what looks like a 'V' but with 2 slashes for the left side of the 'V'. Basically it shows 3 slashes which means this is the 3rd position of the 3rd ring.
6.You now have access to the middle of the ring. There is a save spot to the right, just before the southern entrance of the middle of the maze. The boss fight starts immediately after you enter the door.

The keeper isn't a hard boss but does require some patience. You will notice that he has four sections in his health bar. This clearly marks four separate stages. To progress fight you must remove the keepers shield. As his shield gets low he becoming charging up an instant kill attack. Once you have broken his shield quickly either hide behind the book cases he summons or use prayer and hide to avoid. Keep up the same strategy and avoid as much of his attacks as possible.
Once he is down to his last health bar he will lost his shield and act like a normal boss. Simply avoid his attacks and attack when he leaves openings to bring him down.

Psychological warfare
Manipulated the Keeper's magic schools

To earn this achievement you must manipulate the keeper’s magic school. To do this finds a special lever in the labyrinth on the third ring. This leaver is obvious once you find it and shouldn't be too hard to find. Any school is fine for this achievement however fire is needed for another one and each different school drops a different weapon for a different attribute.

Played with fire
Defeated the Keeper after changing his initial magic school to the fire type

To earn this achievement you must change the Keepers school to fire and then kill him. Check above for tips about how to do this. If the fire weapon is not what you desire then you may quit as soon as you killed him. This will not save the fight allowing you to change his school and kill him to get the weapon you want.

DLC: Ancient Labyrinth - Miscellanious
These achievements can only be obtained, if you've bought and installed the Ancient Labyrinth DLC.

Met a strange person in a strange place

Once you enter the DLC area for the first time you will see the Mysterious Stranger. Talk to them to earn this achievement.

Real men don't need a map
Just in case you picked up a shielding map

After killing the keeper return to the starting area. You will see 3 skeletons and after defeating them you can now pick up the shielding map that you saw at the start of the game.

Chose a perfectly fitting armor

After killing the keeper return to the start and speak Stranger and loot the Fading Fragments. Speak to blacksmith and choose any armour to earn this one.

I kill dead people
Killed 40 ghosts in the Ancient Labyrinth

To earn this achievement you need to kill 40 ghosts in the Labyrinth. While this achievement states ghosts all the skeletons also count. ghosts work the same way they don the base game and are fully immune to physical damage. There is no way to keep track of the amount of kills in game however this should unlock naturally.

He knows what they did last era
Found all eight audio notes in the Ancient Labyrinth

To earn this achievement you must collect all eight audio notes in the labyrinth. They are not very hard to find and you should be able to find them before needing to fight the Keeper boss.
  • Audio Note 1 "The Little things” after using the first lever it will be next to a ghost on your left
  • Audio Note 2 "Consecrated” after using the first leaver 2 more times it will be next to a skeleton archer
  • Audio Note 3 "Initiation” after the second pressure plate you will find two skeletons and the note.
  • Audio Note 4 "First Anxieties" after the last note you will reach a crystal and the note.
  • Audio Note 5 "Law of the Jungle" after you fight your first large vanishing enemy its right by the doorway
  • Audio Note 6 "Humanity's Advocate” after you defeat the 2nd big guy ignore the next door way and instead travel along the path.
  • Audio Note 7 "Grim Legacy" after the previous note there is a normal doorway next to the leaver head inside to find this note.
  • Audio Note 8 "Dead End” after reaching the boss instead of going into his arena you go through 2 rings. Find the first leaver and pull it 3 times then head back and take a right. Go through a doorway and find the open door with the large guy with the note.

Respect for the dead
Plundered all four resting places

To earn this achievement you must plunder all four resting places(loot coffins) and collect their piece of the Consecrated Set.
  • Piece 1 "Consecrated helmet” Early on just before Note 2 you find a unopen able door. After finding the 2nd note you will a pressure plate. Stand on this and continue. Soon after you will find another plate. Stand on this and now backtrack to the door to find it open and first piece.
  • Piece 2 "Consecrated wrist armour" after finding note 6 you will find a rune door. Open this door with a rune and you find this piece.
  • Piece 3 "Consecrated Leg armour” after fining note 8 you find a pressure pad. Use prayer on this pad and follow the wall to your left. Use the lever you find and follow the corridor. Head into the ring and the on your right through a now open door to find this piece.
  • Piece 4 "Consecrated Chest armour" after killing the keeper you must loot his grave key. Leave the ring and go to the next ring. Use the leaver twice to reveal a door which your key will unlock. Head down the corridor to find the last piece.

Ancient tool, new purpose
Defeated the Judge with a weapon dropped by the Keeper

To earn this achievement you must kill the judge with any weapon dropped from the keeper. It doesn't matter what NG this is done as long as the final blow is dealt with a keeper weapon. All three should work perfectly fine. If you need help with this boss fight i have provided some hints above in the boss section.

Thank you for using my guide. If you found my guide helpful or unhelpful please provide a rating and comments down below. If you find it useful favouriting helps me out as well. Happy Hunting

[RKC]Heigou 15 Sep, 2024 @ 5:51am 
real men don't need a map is bugged for me. I've spent multiple hours trying to clear everything in the labyrinth yet I can't get the skeletons to spawn. Maybe it's because I took a break in the middle of the labyrinth and cclosed the game.
LordKaelan 10 Jun, 2024 @ 8:54pm 
Thanks for the guide. :bonfire2:
Nature Sync 1 May, 2023 @ 6:18pm 
Thanks :btd6thumbsup:
老公不在家 找一个男朋友  [author] 12 Apr, 2023 @ 7:08pm 
@Khonsu yes it does count. i personally beat the game with all 3 unlocked on ng ++
Khonsu 12 Apr, 2023 @ 1:57pm 
if i put a cleric skill tree after i won the game as a warrior (brawler) will it count as if i finished the game with cleric?
Alan Sleep 24 Jun, 2022 @ 1:24am 
Yea, I also noticed that this achievement is missing.
Other than that a great work, mate
angmarets 17 Nov, 2021 @ 2:37am 
Great guide, using it on my playthrough.

But noticed It's missing an achievement: 'Couldn't have done it myself'.
Calvin 16 Oct, 2021 @ 9:07pm 
Thank you for the guide! Got my 100% after 4 years later back into this game!
Slava Ukraini 7 Feb, 2021 @ 4:45am 
thanks :fiery_heart:
It's a trap!™ 27 Jan, 2021 @ 10:32am 
Ancient tool, new purpose and Faith is Weakness can be done in one go. If you play as cleric and beat the Keeper, you get Between Greataxe which has rune slot :P. Probably worthy to mention that I changed his starting magic to fire :) and did this on 1st playthrough before going into Rhogar realm for 2nd time.

But great guide mate <3