Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

473 évaluations
Urban Target
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30 mars 2019 à 6h14
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Urban Target

Dans 1 collection faite par KingLeno
Big Box & Beyond
34 objets
Target by KingLeno

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This is like my 100th Target. I don't even like them like that. I guess I need to make a couple of more Macy's. This is a newer design for Target and this one is based specifically on the Target in South Philadelphia. [] It's a tad bit smaller than my last Target so it works better in more dense compact areas.

It has included RICO settings for level 2 high density residential

Triangles <2500
Texture 1024x1024
Custom LOD
Lot size: 11x16

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50 commentaires
Filthy Wish Dragon 4 sept. 2023 à 4h17 
This asset created an unusual issue for me. The amount of traffic this business generated was insane. I went from 85% flow without public transport (40k pop) Down to gridlocked at 22%. At first I didn't know what was causing my problem. I implemented a bus system figuring I had stretched my city to the point of needing it. But it did nothing. In fact, it seemed to make it worse. As soon as I bulldozed Target, my roads cleared up and my traffic sorted back out to 85%. I've never had this problem before. I have multiple large shopping centers that hold a variety of big box stores. None of them have caused this issue. Not sure what the deal is with this particular one seen as every other asset I have used from you has been nothing but awesome.
mauricenj 22 aout 2023 à 15h30 
I love but where is the included parking lots? also the red balls?
ConureGuy_411 14 juil. 2023 à 20h00 
If one of my cims buys something at one of your targets or one of your walmarts, can they return it to any of your other targets or walmarts? Or does it have to be the exact one they bought it at?
Caronz32 12 juil. 2023 à 4h52 
Love the target in the game, my wife loves it in real life. LOL
coolperson 10 juil. 2023 à 10h42 
Can you do an amazon warehouse please
Williamthegreat 2 juin 2023 à 13h34 
this will be nice in my urban collection
eddielarue 3 févr. 2023 à 18h57 
The back half of the store does not accumulate snow in the winter themes.
coolperson 25 janv. 2023 à 17h01 
I love how top-notch your mods are.
coolperson 25 janv. 2023 à 16h56 
I love these mods. You are the best at modding
coolperson 23 janv. 2023 à 20h10 
Before the closure in 2013