Quake Live
How to Auto-Walk in any match
作者: Xeres と 1 のコラボレーション
Wanna auto walk?

Well its still better than standing still when you are AFK.

So lets begin!
Steps Involved
Make sure that you have your steam overlay enabled in game.

1. Launch Quake Live™
2. Open any server.

If you are the only one in the server & too bored to wait...you can use it to trick incoming players while you are afk.

3. Now while moving forward (with W/arrow key up), open the Steam overlay by pressing shift+tab
4. Press Esc

&.... you are done!

You can now walk without touching the keyboard!

You can change directions only with your mouse like a joystick.

Enjoy Auto-Walking :)
1 件のコメント
Stephen 2019年8月11日 10時06分 
or you can just bring down the console by pressing tilde key - type +forward, press enter and then boom done. to stop just repeat above but do -forward instead