Dan's (Zoomkins), Acrol, Bushino, Daggz, and others Phase2 Collaboration of World First Strategy Prior to Revisions

In 2012, It had been seven years since a US guild had taken the throne from European dominance in the Sport and post BL it has been untouched by nothing but European dominance. Drama was the last US guild to hold the throne back in July of 2005 during BWL. Post 2012 as the battle for WoW PvE future dwindles away, Method has capitalized almost all of its revenue no doubt, it's rather unfortunate that Blizzard themselves didn't offer any incentive for the scene that would be their next Titan... Given it was, and it is, now currently called Overwatch. Where the NFL, NBA, ESPN, Disney, and a ludicrous amount of other execs with production budget revenue that have now put their money into Esports. That being said, the Esports scene is now a billion dollar industry thanks in part to Blizzard."