Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

143 beoordelingen
UK Road Project: Road Signs Prop Pack
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2 jan 2019 om 8:24
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UK Road Project: Road Signs Prop Pack

In 1 verzameling van Macwelshman
UK Road Project Collected
21 items

UK Road Project
All assets created for this project have been put together in the 'UK Road Project Collected' collection.

Road Signs Prop Pack
Welcome to the UK Road Project: Road Signs Prop Pack.

This pack has been created as an extra asset collection for the UK Road Project.

The pack contains, not all, but most of the additional road signs that can be used to further detail the roads in this project.

I have aimed to keep the file sizes as small as possible but in order to give you the best UK roads the size may appear large. It's important to note that this pack contains 40 assets.

This pack contains:
Far too many signs to list here. I recommend looking at my renders of the signs at the top of the page.

Textures vary depending on sign shape.

Each sign shape shares textures allowing the Loading Screen Mod to share them in game and therefore reducing the load on your computer.

All files in this pack use the same naming structure to speed up Find It searches.
UKR (UK Road Project)
P (Prop)
S (Sign)
D (Decal)

So, for example, a search for 'UKR S' will find all the signs from all the packs listed above.

Please try this pack out and let me know, in the comments below, if you have any problems or suggestions.


Click below if you have any commissions for me to consider.
16 opmerkingen
Netties001 14 sep 2023 om 16:13 
Hi there. Many thanks for your hard work :) one question? Where do these props appear for me to place them? Can't find them on the UI? Have I done something wrong other than just subscribe? Cheers
Pixelclone 24 jul 2021 om 9:25 
Hi. Are you still creating workshop content? I was wondering if you'd consider adding the following:
BUS, TAXI, CYCLE ONLY (plus combinations with/without cycle, taxi)
70MPH SIGN (used in Scotland and on secret motorways elsewhere in the UK)
80MPH SIGN (not in use irl)

Thank you.
Pixelclone 7 feb 2021 om 15:38 
Hello. I can't find a stop sign in this pack. Would it be possible to make a stop sign please? I've tried others on the workshop but they don't fit the rest of your wonderful pack. Thank you.
PurpleDrazi 2 jun 2019 om 1:41 
As someone who was responsible for a load of UK content back in the Sim Cities days, I'm always on the lookout for good UK content in Cities Skylines - between rik4000's buildings and your great UK Roads content, my cities are looking much more like home. Thanks a lot.
leftbehind 9 mei 2019 om 0:10 
I'm about 80% through using all the signs :)

Found some glitches though - the keep left/right icons produce turn left/right signs []
jarix 2 mei 2019 om 18:46 
can you add signs that are like this

fake name - 80 kilometres
fake name2 - 92 kilometres
leftbehind 29 apr 2019 om 16:42 
A couple more sign requests :) I've been using the 'bend' and 'bend with junction' like crazy on the rural roads snaking through the mountains, but sometimes there's a junction on the "inside" of a bend rather than outside. Would it be possible to get left/right versions of this sign []?
Macwelshman  [auteur] 29 apr 2019 om 14:23 
@aubergine18 That sounds terrifying!
leftbehind 29 apr 2019 om 13:42 

My current quest is the Toad Crossing. I am terraforming part of the map to create the ideal toad empire from whence they will lay siege to the humins in their mobile tin cans.
Macwelshman  [auteur] 29 apr 2019 om 11:09 
@aubergine18 I'll add it to the list. Good luck with using all the signs, some of them are a bit obscure. For your info, I've found a fix for both motorway problems - working on them now.