Primal Carnage

Primal Carnage

253 vurderinger
Spinosaurus Guide
Af Jurassic
Here is a guide that will tell you about the exclusive Spinosaurus class in Primal Carnage. This guide will tell you Spino's abilities, how it differs from T-Rex, and some tricks and tips on how to use him.
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Hello, and welcome to the Spinosaurus guide. This guide will tell you about the Spinosaurus class in Primal Carnage. Spinosaurus is kind of like T-Rex, but it does have some differences. Now, the Spinosaurus can only be played in the game mode Get to the Chopper.
Bite: The Spinosaurus clamps its jaws down on an unlucky human. Like the T-Rexes bite, the Spinosaurus regains health from this attack.

Claw Swipe: The Spinosaurus swipes its claws at humans below it. This knocks the target back, and it does a minimal amount of damage. This attack also drains your stamina.

Trample: The Spinosaurus' huge size makes it easy for it to crush humans by underfoot. Its feet can at times be a bigger problem than its jaws.

Roar: The Spinosaurus does its ground shaking roar. This roar gives nearby dinosaurs an adrenaline boost, much like the T-Rex.
Your objective as Spinosaurus in GTTC is to stop large groups of humans from getting to the chopper. You are the biggest dino around, and you have the most health out of all the dinosaurs. Use this to your advantage to start wiping out the humans. You have to wait until the humans get the final objective before you can spawn Spinosaurus. However, in The Falls, you can spawn Spinosaurus at the start of the match.
Differences from T-Rex
One difference between Spinosaurus, and T-Rex in Primal Carnage is that the Spinosaurus is much bigger. Your huge size intimidates the humans, but this is also a disadvantage. Being bigger in size means that you're a bigger target. Another difference is that Spinosaurus has a greater bite range. The bite range is longer than T-Rexes thanks to its huge crocodile shaped jaws.

However, unlike the T-Rex, you have to aim more precisely with the Spinosaurus' bite. The Spinosaurus' eating animation is also longer than the T-Rexes.

This might be a problem if you're losing health quickly, and you need to eat someone. Spinosaurus also has more health than T-Rex. Spinosaurus has 2500 health, while T-Rex only has 2000. This greater increase in health is a great advantage to Spinosaurus. This means you will be able to stay in combat longer. Another difference between the two is that Spinosaurus actually has a secondary attack.

This secondary attack involves it swinging its claws at humans. Spinosaurus is also faster than the T-Rex. This means that it will be able to get out of dangerous situations quicker. However, Spinosaurus has a slower turning speed than the T-Rex. That means it will be hard for the Spinosaurus to make sharp corners while charging. The last difference between the two is that Spinosaurus has a huge sail on its back. This sail is a disadvantage because it makes Spinosaurus easier to hit.
Map Stratgies
There are 4 different maps in GTTC that the Spinosaurus can spawn in. Those four maps are Downpour, GTC-Docks, Ruthless, and GTC-Falls.

Downpour: This map is a rainforest, and it rains all of the time here. This map has a lot of trees and foliage, but this map has the least objectives to capture out of the four maps. When you spawn Spinosaurus in this map, you will spawn in between two buildings. In this map, it is best to stick in the trees. The trees will provide you great cover, and the humans won't be able to see you coming.

Its also a great place to wait as the humans will walk on a trail near the spawn, and to the chopper. Here you can easily charge out of the trees, and eat the humans. You really don't want to go out in the open on this map, unless there are very few humans. If there is a large group of humans, do not charge into them. You will die very quickly if you do, and you probably won't get a lot of kills. Disadvantages for Spinosaurus on this map, is that there are roofs that the humans can camp on. On these roofs the Spinosaurus can't get you.

GTC-Docks: This map is pretty much like the TDM version of Docks, but it has some changes. One change is that the map is taken place at night, and another one is that certain areas of the map are blocked off. When you spawn as Spinosaurus on this map, you will spawn on the boat. It is best not to charge into humans in this map as there are a lot of crates. These crates will get in your way, and there are also a lot of sharp corners in this map as well. This map is actually the worst map for Spinosaurus.

The best thing you can do is hide behind some crates, and wait for some humans to come near you. Another good thing to do is to go out in that open area in the map. Once the humans have captured that shortcut to the boat, it is best to stay near there as the humans will most likely take it. The disadvantages for Spinosaurus on this map is that there a lot of crates that get in your way, many sharp turns, and there isn't a lot of space to attack anyone.

Ruthless: This map is located high up in the mountainous peaks of the island where the temperature plummets. It is hard to believe how a dinosaur or human can survive in these harsh conditions. When you spawn as Spinosaurus on this map, you will spawn near the chopper. This map has plenty of room for you to attack humans, but this can also be a disadvantage.

There is nowhere to sneak up on the humans in this map, so the best thing to do is to charge into a group of 2-3 humans. Anymore than that, and the humans will most likely kill you. Another good tactic to do on this map is to wait near the chopper. Since there are no trees, or objects blocking your way, you can easily pluck the humans that are trying to get to the chopper. The disadvantages for Spinosaurus on this map is that it is a wide open map where humans can easily fire at you, and that there is no way you can sneak up on the humans.

GTC-Falls: This map is a lot like the TDM version, but it has a couple of differences. One difference is that this map is taken place at a sunset, and another one is that there are domes added into this map. In the big dome, there is a medium sized dome in which the humans have to capture. Another small dome is located outside of the big dome, and the humans also have to capture this dome. This is the only map in which you can spawn Spinosaurus at the beginning of the match. When you spawn as Spinosaurus on this map, you will spawn near a dinosaur carcass. This map has tight spaces, but it also has an wide open area.

The best thing to do is not run out into that wide open area because you will easily get yourself killed if there is a large group of humans there. Instead, wait behind some of the large rocks for some humans. The humans will have to pass you in order to get to the objective. Also, don't try and eat the humans if they are in the generators. You won't be able to reach them, and you will just take a lot of damage. Another good tactic to do on this map is to roar a lot. Since its best not to go out into that open area, let the other dinosaurs handle it. Buff them up as they pass by you with your roar. The disadvantages for Spinosaurus on this map is that there is a wide open area in which you can easily get fired upon, and there are some tight spaces where it will be hard to attack humans. Once the humans have captured the first objective on this map, you won't be able to spawn Spinosaurus anymore.
Tips and Tricks
Tip #1: When you see other dinosaurs heading to the chopper, you should buff them up with your roar. This will help those dinosaurs greatly since you can't get to the chopper.

Tip #2: Never stay idle as a Spinosaurus for too long. If you do, you will most likely take a lot of damage very quickly, and you won't have time to regain your health.

Tip #3: Don't stay in a huge group of humans for too long. You may have a huge amount of health, but a well organized group of humans can easily dish out your health really fast.

Tip #4: Use your secondary attack to knock humans back. This is good for when there is a large group of humans in front of you. Also, it makes it easier for you to eat them.

Tip #5: When charging into a group of humans, try not to turn. Spinosaurus has a very slow turning speed, and it will make it hard for you to trample the humans. Most of the time when humans see a Spinosaurus charging straight towards them, they will just easily sidestep out of its way. Instead stop sprinting when you get close enough, and then step on them.

Tip #6: You should at least have a Carno, or a pair of Novaraptors following you. They will assist you greatly in battle, and help you wipe out the humans. They can also get the humans in areas where Spinosaurus can't get them.

Trick #1: Use your claws to knock humans back that are circling you. This will make it easier for you to eat them, since Spinosaurus has a slower turning speed than T-Rex.

Trick #2: Act like you're low on health, and run away from a group of humans. Then hide behind a crate, or some other object and wait for the humans to follow you. Then just eat the human that came around the corner, and then trample the other ones.

Trick #3: Don't charge straight into a large group of humans. Instead, run towards the side of them, or run from behind them. This will make it so you can kill them more quickly, instead of them killing you.
It looks like we have come to the end of the guide. I hope this guide helps you in being a pro Spinosaurus player. Remember your objective as the Spinosaurs is to kill, and destroy all the humans in your path. You also need to stop them from getting to the chopper. I hope to see some great Spinosaurus players in the future because of this guide.
57 kommentarer
Jurassic 1. feb. kl. 23:34 
epic guide
Ilovdinoscuswhynotbro 19. dec. 2018 kl. 6:02 
spiosaurs is mean to a T-REX and we will kill the spinosaurs
and kill so more like
Ilovdinoscuswhynotbro 19. dec. 2018 kl. 5:59 
guys this spinosaurs we have to put this thing to have the spinosaurs or done the game or end it and you will get a spinosaurs or you put this thing to get it
Бродяга 13. juli 2018 kl. 9:03 
Bella 30. juni 2018 kl. 3:06 
micenium 22. mar. 2018 kl. 23:10 
how man how to get spino???
Icing 8. mar. 2018 kl. 15:32 
how do you get a spino
walter_moreno_ 26. jan. 2018 kl. 16:24 
how cdo you get spino or other dinos
jamjam 24. jan. 2018 kl. 17:24 
Link to download?
walter_moreno_ 21. jan. 2018 kl. 16:22 
Thanks. Do you know da wae?