Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World

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Basic to Advanced on How to Play Charge Blade, a Comprehensive Guide for Player with Keyboard and Mouse
De către ﷽ DavidLonglivelle
*USE CHROME IF STEAM DOESN'T SHOW THE GIF EVEN AFTER YOU REFRESH THE PAGE* This guide is for people who have trouble on how exactly do you play Charge Blade with the Keyboard and Mouse? While many of you might learn it faster than others, some still have trouble even remembering the simplest moveset of Charge Blade. I know it's kind of personal preference, but with this guide i hope people would reconsider that playing Charge Blade with KB+M in MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD PC is easy.
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*DISCLAIMER* This guide is originally made, published by me and should not be copied, duplicated, translated, or otherwise distributed without my specific consent.

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New player who have just taken interest with using Charge Blade in MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD PC might feel overwhelmed by how the control works or discouraged by others who told them that Charge Blade is hard to play. Some people even consider not playing the game if they don't have a controller rather than learn how to play it with Keyboard and Mouse. Fear not, i will try my best to tell you how to use Charge Blade with KB+M here.

Basic - Introduction
*For those looking for basic combo, you can visit Misc - Tips and Tricks section. Because for this part i really need to explain some important aspect of Charge Blade before doing combos and stuff.

Charge Blade is one of the five technical weapons in MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD. Charge Blade
have two weapon form,

The mobile and versatile Sword and Shield mode,

And the long reach Axe mode that can unleash powerful attack and deal high damage.

Like the name implies, the main focus of this weapon is to charge your weapon whether its your phial or shield, and even imbue your sword with Element Discharge to strengthen both your attack and your defense. After you reach a certain condition, you can then unleash the most devastating moves of Charge Blade called Super Amped Element Discharge. Before you do that, you need to understand the basic on how to Charge Phials and how to charge your shield with Element Boost first.

Basic - Charge Phials
Quickly charge your phials.

The first thing you need to know is how to charge your phials. Before you do it, you need to gather energy to charge your sword by attacking monsters.
This is your charge gauge.

There are four state of charged sword,
  • first is empty/low energy state indicated by white charge gauge,

  • second is half charged state indicated by yellow charge gauge.

    Starting from this state, you can now use the energy you've gathered in your sword to charge your phials by holding/press Ctrl and press Right-Click. Notice that you only get 3 phial filled in your charge gauge,

  • the third one we got the full charged state indicated by red charge gauge.

    This is the best state to charge your phial.

    When you charge your phials, it will fill all of your phial.

  • and last we got the overcharged state indicated by glowing red charge gauge AND your sword.

    That's definitely not glowing red flame from hell.

    While it still fills all of your phial, you don't want to reach or stay for too long in this state, because your attacks in Sword and Shield will be deflected, regardless of your weapon sharpness. To get rid of this, you need recharge your phials by by holding Ctrl and press Right-Click.

In short, all you need to do to charge your phials is make sure you get your sword to full or half charged state and then press:


Basic - Element Boost
Don't forget to use Element Boost.

When you have at least one phial, you can use it to charge your shield with Element Boost. In my experience, Element Boost will give you stronger shield, enough to block most attack and roar, but be careful when guarding monsters with stronger attack and louder roar. To charge your shield, you need to cancel your Axe: Amped Element Discharge or Axe: Super Amped Element Discharge into Elemental Roundslash. The fastest way to do this (assuming you're in Sword and Shield mode) is by pressing:

Left-Click -> Left+Right-Click -> Left+Right-Click -> Ctrl

While in Axe mode you only need to press:

Left+Right-Click -> Ctrl

Use both of them depending on your timing and situation.

After you use the Elemental Roundslash, all of your phial will be transferred to your shield and now you have the Element Boost indicated by the glowing red shield icon:

Each phial will give you Element Boost for about 30 seconds. You can only stack it up depending on how many phial you have in your charge gauge, so if you have the usual 5 phial, you can stack it to 150 seconds(2 and half minutes) of Element Boost at max. When your red shield icon start blinking, that means you only have 30 seconds(or less) left. Also, charging your shield with Element Boost will give you extra 10% damage to your Axe mode attacks.

Comparison of blocking an attack with normal shield and Element Boost:

Guard with normal shield.

Guard with Element Boost, notice that there is huge difference in knockback and stamina consumption.

Basic - Sword Strengthening
Strengthen your sword whenever you can.

Now you know how to use Charge Phials and Element Boost, next you need to know how to imbue your sword with Element Discharge. While it's true you're not necessarily need it, but you'll gain certain advantage if you do it. The most important is that it will give your sword natural Mind's Eye, and that means all of your attack (in Sword and Shield mode) won't be deflected even if you have red sharpness or overcharged sword state. This is really useful for fighting monsters with hard skin/shell like Lavasioth. Your sword also gain the Element Discharge effect depending on your weapon phial type(which i'll explain more later). So if you have Impact phial type weapon, your sword will gain the ability to release a small phial burst that could stun/KO monsters. To do this, you only need to Hold Left-Click after Charge Phials, and then Release it. The timing is kind of tricky for beginner because if you release the Left-Click a little bit faster or slower you'll do the weaker Sword: Return Stroke instead of Sword: Condensed Element Slash.

In short:
Ctrl+Right-Click -> Hold Left-Click -> Release

Notice that there is an aftershock phial burst.

Sword: Condensed Element Slash have the highest damage from all Sword mode attack. Most of the time i played online with others, almost 60% of Charge Blade user doesn't want to use it because it's useless they said, so don't be like them. Now you know how to do it, please make use of it to the fullest.

Advanced - Axe: Amped Element Discharge & Axe: Super Amped Element Discharge Pt.1
How do i use Super Amped Element Discharge?

Before, i already mentioned about Axe: Amped Element Discharge and Axe: Super Amped Element Discharge (from here on, i'll shorten it to AED and SAED respectively) in The Basic section, specifically in Element Boost part, but i didn't tell you how to use it. While it's true that doing this moves considered to be basic knowledge for using Charge Blade, but how it actually works, what skills affect phial damage, and how to effectively use it is definitely NOT a basic knowledge. In here, i'll try to give you in-depth explanation about it and how to do it, hopefully without the math parts, because there's already a bunch of video tutorial about it, and because i'm bad at math.

You can use AED anytime. The fastest way to do it, like i told you before just press:

Left-Click -> Left+Right-Click -> Left+Right-Click

Using this only consume one of your phial and the Axe will release a strong phial burst that have high stun value. Very useful for targeting specific monster parts like head, legs, tail, etc.

And if you're in Axe mode, just press:


To use SAED, make sure you have Element Boost first. Just press the same combo as AED and voila:

Left-Click -> Left+Right-Click -> Left+Right-Click

Using SAED will consume all of your phial and release Element Discharge on the ground.

You can readjust where your SAED or AED will land, within certain angle by pressing W,A, or D(relative to the direction where your character is facing), so that you won't miss your target.

First i was aiming for right side of the pole and then readjusted it to land my Axe on the left side of the pole.

You can also cancel your SAED into AED by holding Back(relative to the direction where your character is facing) and press Left-Click, at the start of SAED Axe swing animation, so if your camera and your character is facing forward then all you need to do is:

Left-Click -> Left+Right-Click -> Left+Right-Click -> Back+Left-Click

And if your camera is facing forward, but your character is facing left, just press:

Left-Click -> Left+Right-Click -> Left+Right-Click -> Back+Left-Click

Advanced - Axe: Amped Element Discharge & Axe: Super Amped Element Discharge Pt.2
How can i increase SAED phial damage and use it effectively?

There are two kind of phial type for Charge Blade, Impact phial type and Power Element phial type. The difference between the two is that when doing Element Discharge, Impact phial type have consistent damage regardless of where your phial burst hit. It also have the ability to stun/KO and exhaust monsters.

Impact phial have linear Element Discharge. All of the phial burst have same damage modifier. So it doesn't matter where your Axe hit.

On the other hand, Power Element phial type Element Discharge does elemental damage which is affected by monsters hit zone value. The higher the hit zone value, the more damage you'll get.

Power Element phial have spread, triangle-like Element Discharge. The three phial burst close to the Axe mostly have the highest damage since it's close to where your Axe land. Aim your Axe carefully, make sure that the phial burst hit monsters parts that have high hit zone value

Both type of phial have fixed damage multiplier, so no matter what you do, phial CANNOT deal critical damage. Impact phial type damage is highly affected by weapon raw damage, that's why most people use Diablos Tyrannis II. If you're planning to use Power Element phial type Charge Blade, choose the one with high raw and base elemental damage for each type of element.

When you're using SAED, your damage came from two source, the Axe and phial. Intrestingly, whether you have phial stored or not can also affect your SAED's Axe hit. Your Axe swing will deal 3-hit combo if you have any phial(even if you have only 1 phial) stored:

First Axe hit with low damage modifier.

Second Axe hit with high damage modifier.

Third Axe hit with highest damage modifier.

And if you don't have any phial stored, your Axe swing only deal the first and second Axe hit.

You need to optimize both Axe and phial damage to effectively use SAED, depending on your playstyle. For example, if you're planning to spam SAED your priority should be your phial damage first(since it has a fixed damage multiplier), then you can optimize your Axe damage later.

With that in mind, here's the list of skill to maximize you phial damage with description, from top to low priority:
  • Artillery
    For Impact phial type Charge Blade. Increase your phial damage.
  • Elemental (Fire, Water, Thunder, Ice, Dragon) Attack
    Recommended for weapon with high elemental damage and Power Element phial type Charge Blade. Increase your weapon elemental damage.
  • Capacity Boost
    Increase your phial gauge by one, so it will add one more tick damage for SAED
  • Non-elemental Boost
    For Charge Blade with locked Element/Status. Increase base attack.
  • Focus
    Your sword will charge faster, that means reduced time for charging your phial. Focus 3 is recommended. Better drop it completely if you're not planning to use it.
There was a weapon balance patch (Patch 2.0) that change how Impact phial type damage calculation works with other skill that increase damage like Non-elemental Boost, Attack Boost, Peak Performance, Agitator, etc. Non-elemental Boost is the only 1 level skill that increase phial damage by 3, while skills like Attack Boost, Peak Performance need certain level to even add 1 phial damage. That's why i didn't put them on the list here, because those skill are less significant now. I'm not saying you can't use them, but you might want to consider which one you'll be using with your Axe damage in mind. You can also use Attack Augment to increase phial damage.

And here's the list of skill to maximize your Axe damage with description, from top to low priority:
  • Weakness Exploit
    Level 3 Weakness Exploit is obviously top priority, since you'll get 50% affinity when landing hits on weakpoint. In case if anyone was wondering what affinity is, affinity is what you call critical chance in other games. Higher affinity means higher your chance to deal critical damage.
  • Handicraft
    High sharpness level have higher damage modifier.
  • Non-elemental Boost
    For Charge Blade with locked Element/Status. Increase base attack.
  • Elemental (Fire, Water, Thunder, Ice, Dragon) Attack
    Recommended for weapon with high elemental damage and Power Element phial type Charge Blade. Increase your weapon elemental damage.
  • Maximum Might
    Easy way to gain 10%-30% affinity when your stamina is full. When Charge Blade is used properly, you barely use stamina.
  • Critical Boost
    Increase your critical damage. Default critical damage is 1.25x of your base damage, and each level of Critical Boost will give you 5% more, so at level 3 Critical Boost will raise your critical damage to 1.4x of your base damage. Use this when fighting monsters that have high dependency on your Axe hit rather than your phial. Make sure you have positive affinity, since using this with negative affinity will render this skill useless.
  • Attack Boost
    Increase your attack and affinity (when you reach level 4 Attack Boost). Level 4/5 is needed for effectiveness.
  • Critical Element
    For Charge Blade with high elemental damage, allows your elemental attack to deal critical damage.
  • Critical Eye
    Increase your affinity. Level 4/5 is needed for effectiveness.
  • Agitator
    Increase your attack and affinity when monsters enraged.
  • Peak Performance
    Increase your attack when your HP is full.
I know it's a matter of personal preference, but things i stated above is just the base guideline for people who doesn't know which skill they should choose for more SAED damage. "Why QoL skill is not listed here?", well this is not a matter of good DPS or survival, i just wanted to tell you which skill can increase your phial and Axe damage based on effectiveness.
Advanced - Guard Reaction & Guard Point
Guard Reaction & Guard Point is the key.

Guard Reaction

When you block an incoming attack, you can immediately dodge or do a counter-attack during Guard Reaction.

Charge Phials after Guard Reaction

You can even use SAED right after a Guard Reaction, but in order to use it effectively, you need to learn on how to use a Guard Point.

Guard Point

When you're using Sword and Shield mode, sometimes you see an animation where the character put their shield in the front. This is called a Guard Point. Using Guard Point allows you to block stronger attacks, reduce your knockback, and stamina consumption.

Here is comparison when blocking with normal shield and Guard Point:

Blocking with normal shield.

Blocking with Guard Point.

When you have Element Boost, it also make your shield have the Element Discharge effect, so blocking attacks with Guard Point will release a small phial burst, that could even stun/KO monsters(if you're using Impact phial type) with your shield.

The easiest and most common way to do it is using Sword: Morph Slash animation as Guard Point. All you need to do is hold Ctrl and press Left-Click at the right time. The timing is kind of tricky for beginners since the window is small, but once you've mastered it you'll unconciously block any incoming attack with Guard Point.

So, the easiest one is to use:


Now you know how to use a Guard Point, you can now combine it with Guard Reaction like this:

Ctrl+Left-Click -> Left+Right-Click

Ctrl+Left-Click -> Left+Right-Click -> Back+Left-Click

Remember, every time your character put their shield in the front, that's a Guard Point. For example, using Sword: Spinning Slash that has one of the longest Guard Point window:

And some moves with Guard Point:

Using Sword: Sliding Slash is really cool.

Axe: Morph Slash, Both Axe and Sword morph slash have Guard Point.

Elemental Roundslash, if you're not confident with your SAED.

Sword: Spinning Slash after Aerial Attack.

You can even do it when your weapon is seathed. You only need to press:


Draw with Axe: Smash, this one is my personal favorite. Be careful when using this, because the window is very small

Just ignore my unncessary remarks, use the most useful for you. For starters, you can learn how to use the Guard Point in Sword: Morph Slash first, and thenSword: Spinning Slash after.
Misc - FAQ
Everything relevant for Charge Blade, FAQ, including tips and tricks will be listed here
*This part is still work in progress, i'll try to add more when i have the time

Why Focus 3?

Using Focus 3 will charge your sword faster. Attack like Sword: Charged Double Slash and Sword: Condensed Element Slash also benefit from Focus. If you want to compare how fast the basic combo can charge your sword, take a look at these:

Left-Click -> Left-Click -> Left-Click -> Hold Right-Click -> Release -> Left-Click

Focus 0 and 1.

Left-Click -> Left-Click -> Left-Click -> Hold Right-Click -> Release

Focus 2.

Left-Click -> Right-Click -> Release -> Left-Click

Focus 3.

Left+Right-Click -> Right-Click -> Release -> Left-Click

Alternatively using Sword: Forward Slash with Focus 3.

If you have level 0, 1, and 2 Focus, i recommend you to use this combo:

Hold Right-Click -> Release -> Left+Right-Click -> Hold Right-Click -> Release

It's the fastest way to charge your sword. You can also use this even if you have Focus 3.

Why Guard 1?

Like i said before, even if you have Element Boost and use Guard Point, blocking monsters with stronger attack and louder roar would still gives you knockback, which makes you unable to dodge or do a counter-attack with Guard Reaction. By putting one point on Guard skill, almost every attack can be blocked without the huge knockback while also reducing health chip damage, and stamina consumption. Element Boost+Guard Point+1 Guard skill is roughly the same as normal shield with +5 Guard skill.

Normal guard + Element Boost + Guard 1

Normal guard + Guard 5

Guard Point + Element Boost + Guard 1

Why Can't I Use Flashpods After Sheathing?

Charge Blade have the longest weapon sheath animation compared to other blademaster weapon, even longer than Gunlance, Lance and Switch Axe sheath animation.

Misc - Tips and Tricks Pt. 1
Triple Hit Combo is Your Bread & Butter

If you're not sure about which attack you should use, you can always use:
Left-Click -> Left-Click -> Left-Click in Sword and Shield mode,

Sword: Weak Slash -> Sword: Return Stroke -> Sword: Spinning Slash

And Right-Click -> Right-Click -> Right-Click when you're in Axe mode.

Axe: Element Discharge I -> Axe: Element Discharge II -> Axe: Amped Element Discharge

Shield Thrust in Combos

Pressing Left+Right-Click after every attack moves will let you use Sword: Shield Thrust. You can always use it for animation cancelling, connecting or reset your combos.

Shield Thrust have 2-hit combo, when your character thrust their shield upward and when the shield thrust its front blade then retract it. If you have Element Boost, your shield thrust can also release a small phial burst.

Utilize Your Shield

When you can't dodge an attack, remember that you always have a shield. Your shield can block attacks(including friendly fire), roar, wind, and tremor. If you're not sure about the directon where you should put your shield to block incoming attack, you can use the Aim button for precise adjustment.
Hold Ctrl + Hold C

Press W, A, S, or D to move and keep you mobile.

You can also raise your shield when you slide down a slope. Very useful when you don't know what will monsters do after moving/entering to new area(quick example, Kulve Tarroth stray lava beam shots to the area 2,3, and 4 entrance).
W + Hold Shift + Hold Ctrl

Holding Ctrl when sliding down a slope will unseath your sword and raise your shield.

Use Axe: Element Discharge

Be careful if you use your Axe swing deliberately, because your attacks will be deflected if the monster have a hard skin/shell, even if you have Element Boost.

If you have phial stored and use Element Discharge by pressing Right-Click instead, your Axe hit won't be deflected.

You can also change from Sword and Shield mode to Axe mode using Element Discharge after Charge Phials by pressing Right-Click.
Ctrl + Right-Click -> Right-Click -> Right-Click

Utilizing Sword: Shield Thrust and Element Discharge.

Guard Point -> Guard Reaction(Charge Phials) -> Axe: Element Discharge I -> Axe: Element Discharge II - > Axe: Super Amped Element Discharge.

Use Sword: Forward Slash for Wall-run Attack

Using Sword: Forward Slash while facing certain wall will let you do a wall-run attack.

Very useful if you want to mount a monster.

You can also do it when your weapon is seathed.

Using Sword: Jumping Morph Slash in mid-air.

Misc - Tips and Tricks Pt. 2
Cancel Charge Phials with Sword: Return Stroke

If you pressed the wrong button and accidently use Charge Phials in the middle of your combo, you can cancel out your charge animation with Sword: Return Stroke. If your sword is charged, all you need to do is press Left-Click after Charge Phials.
Ctrl+Right-Click -> Left-Click -> Ctrl+Left-Click

Hold Left-Click after Charge Phials and then Release the button as fast as possible when you have empty/low energy sword state, so that it will cancel out your Sword: Condensed Element Slash into Sword: Return Stroke.
Ctrl+Right-Click -> Hold Left-Click -> Release -> Ctrl+Left-Click

Release Left-Click when your character is trying to turn their shield back into its compact size.

Sidestep Instead of Roll-dodge

After every attack or moves in Sword and Shield mode, evading to the left and right(relative to where your character is facing) will let you do a Sidestep instead of usual roll-dodge. If your character is facing the front and you want to do a Sidestep to the right, just press Right + Space after an attack.

Just like roll-dodge, Sidestep will consume your stamina.

Another example for using Sidestep anytime before and after an attack or moves:

Sidestep after Charge Phials.

Sidestep to the right and then use Sword: Sliding Slash to the left.

Sidestep to the right and then use Sword: Sliding Slash to the right.

Using Aim button while guarding allows you to use Sidestep

Keep in mind that Sidestep has shorter distance covered, but has faster animation when compared to roll-dodge, perfect for when you need to dodge while keep close to the target and connecting one move to another. It also have the same invincibility frame as roll-dodge.

Repositioning and Guard with Sliding Slash

Sometimes you need to get close and personal with monsters, maybe get some space for landing that perfect hit, or avoid getting cornered by monsters. So move, don't get caught in attack, and fight back. Sword: Sliding Slash will let you reposition yourself without consuming stamina and also have Guard Point. You can use Sword: Sliding Slash to all four direction(relative to where your character is facing).

Forward Sword: Sliding Slash and backward Sword: Sliding Slash, mostly used for SAED.

Sword: Sliding Slash to the right.

Using Sword: Sliding Slash to the sides will also let you adjust where your character put their shield. The key to do it is simply adjust your camera to where do you want to attack/guard and hold W after you input the Sword: Sliding Slash.

I adjusted the camera to face forward.

I adjusted the camera towards the bomb.

And if you understand, where and when you should use your guard, you can drop the camera adjustment and go straight to pressing the direction where the attack come from. For example, here i know that the bomb will explode on the left side after i slide, so immediately hold A after using Sword: Sliding Slash.

Here is a rough sketch depicting the shield adjustment angle.

Keep in mind that you have less than 90° to adjust where you should put your shield.

That's why Sword: Sliding Slash is the best for this, because it can be used as repositon, attack, and guard at the same time.

Repositioned myself so i can hit the pole with my third Axe hit.

Guard Point -> Guard Reaction(Sidestep) -> Sword: Sliding Slash -> Guard Point

Misc - Tips and Tricks Pt. 3
Assisted Charge Phials

In certain situation when you're playing in a party, the target monster is going to sleep, no small monster nearby, and you're the only player with high wake up hit, but you don't have any phial or Element Boost. You can actually ask your friend to help you charge your weapon. You just need to guard and ask them to hit your shield 16 times.

Bow with Mighty Bow skill can do 1+2+3+3+1+2+3+3 hit. You need 10 hit to reach half charged state, additional 6 hit with total of 16 hit to reach full charged sword state.

Remember that even knowing this doesn't justify you to force your teammate to assist you. If your teammate doesn't want to do it, then just leave it.

Charge Phials Guard

If you use Charge Phials with a perfect timing just before you receive an incoming attack with normal guard, you can perform a Charge Phials Guard to block and charge your phials at the same time.

The window is really tight, so it's really hard to master. Please note that his does not count as a Guard Point, so your health chip damage and stamina consumption should be the same as when you use normal guard.

Remember that this is just a safe way for Charge Phials, and most of the time it's best to not use this as counter like when you use a Guard Point.

Not the best example to use Charge Phials Guard.
Misc - Role in Extreme Behemoth Pt. 1, Special Tips and Tricks
If you need to know basic knowledge on how to beat Behemoth and Extreme Behemoth, check out Arekkz Gaming 6 Tips to Help You Take Down Behemoth and Extreme Behemoth Guide video, also check out NCHProductions do's and don'ts for Normal and Extreme Behemoth.

*REMINDER* Most of you play games for fun(which is the most important) and challenge. Not everyone can play at speedrun level. If you're looking for effective farming and such, you can find plenty Youtube videos for reference, and also look for/bring friends that intrested in doing it. Do not force your casual player friends to do it.

Personally, when doing Behemoth/Extreme Behemoth, it doesn't matter what your HR is, IF:
  1. Make sure you're not undergeared.
  2. You have fully Upgraded and Augmented all armor.
  3. Understanding your Role in quest, whether it's TANK, DPS, or SUPPORT.
  4. Mastered or at least understand Behemoth moves and behaviour.
Which is mostly impossible for low HR(less than 100) to have point 1 and 2 checked. Also, when Behemoth change area, DO NOT stop halfway through the entrance of each area(especially entrance to area 12 from camp 16, just drop down already). Behemoth have pretty far line of sight and will regain it's health IF he noticed you when you're in another area beside where he was waiting. He won't regenerate his health if he doesn't notice a player, so if you want to sharpen your sword, reload etc. do it before you reach the entrance/connector of each area.

So that's basically things you need to know about Behemoth/Extreme Behemoth quest, now let's get into Charge Blade specific role.

Charge Blade role in Extreme Behemoth
*I will add neccessary GIF later, since i forgot to record all of my runs :(

Most of you should've guessed it, yes Charge Blade is so versatile that you can choose one of the 3 roles depending on your build. Of course, by weapon design it's best suited for DPS role, but as a Charge Blade player, you always need to prepare and be ready to fill other role when you have to. Below, i will give each role description and an example of build i used for beating Extreme Behemoth.

DPS Charge Blade

Role Affinity : ★★★★★
Role Difficulty : ★☆☆☆☆

The easiest role for Charge Blade, since you should've used standard build which was made with DPS in mind. You can always slot in Health Boost skill for survivability. You can use any mixed build you want with skills like Tremor Resistance, Earplugs, Evade Extender, etc. as long as you could give damage as much as possible. Behind Behemoth foreleg is the perfect spot to hit the foreleg and deal high Axe damage. For safer playstyle, you can target the hindleg or tail and spam SAED as much as you can, severing its tail will give you additional advantage in the fight. Always aim your SAED to the body and not the head because it could give you enmity, unless your team needed a stun/KO.

Build example:

This is one of my flexible DPS build i recommend for others. Guard Up is used for safe aggresive play, allowing you to block unblockable attacks like Eruption or Body Slam as an emergency and keep you close to Behemoth.

Recommended Food:

Felyne Bombardier will increase your phial damage while Felyne Riser extends the invulnerability period when getting up. Disregard the Felyne Provoker since it's random daily skill.

Remember that when you knocked out after an attack, DO NOT immediately get up. You have invulnerability period after getting knocked out, so stay on the ground and ALWAYS assess the situation first and LET YOUR SUPPORT HEAL YOU. The only exception is when Behemoth drop the Comet at you when you're knocked out in the corner or when he sent you flying after pin attack and Body Slam.

Misc - Role in Extreme Behemoth Pt. 2, Special Tips and Tricks
TANK Charge Blade

Role Affinity : ★★★★☆
Role Difficulty : ★★★☆☆

Easy to moderate role for Charge Blade, depending on how you play it. As a TANK, your main objective is to gain Behemoth enmity as fast as you can, so that he won't cast Charybdis that restrict your team movement. Always aim for the head, use attacks like Sword: Charged Double Slash, Sword: Shield Thrust, AED, and SAED when Behemoth cast Comet or Charybdis to gain his enmity. After you got his enmity, restrict your movement to guard only. No need to counter attacks or circling the area, just pick one corner/spot and raise your shield. Make sure you stay in front of Behemoth or under his head(use precise guard adjustment), so he doesn't use the 360° Tail Sweep or any moveset that could hinder your team DPS. Enmity will last for about 90 seconds. Check your surrounding environment for Comet, and Charybdis. Lure Behemoth into boulder traps or Gajalaka Shelling(this won't KO or even flinch him), bring him not too close to Comet since he could shatter it, and not too far from the Comet so you can still run to behind it when he cast Ecliptic Meteor.

Build example:

Guard 5 + Guard Up + Health Boost is a must. Skill like Recovery Speed, Recovery Up is optional for your survivability and you can slot in the skill if you want to, but i really recommend using this build because it still have the necessary skill for DPS in case of emergency. Evade Extender is also useful for repositioning.

Recommended food:

Felyne Medic is an alternative for Recovery Up.

Again, DO NOT immediately get up when you knocked out after an attack. Stay on the ground and ALWAYS assess the situation first and LET YOUR SUPPORT HEAL YOU.

SUPPORT Charge Blade

Role Affinity : ★★☆☆☆
Role Difficulty : ★★★★★

Obviously the hardest role for Charge Blade. It requires build that always include Widerange 5 and Quick Sheath 3 skill. Your priority is to backup your teammate with any item they need whether it's Potions, Astera Jerky, Booster, Dash Juice, Cool Drink etc. You also have the responsibility to decide whether you should use flashpods or not(in case there is no leader on your team), but remember you can only flash Extreme Behemoth 2 times. Always remember to look for your teammate health, status and signal/ping, because the easiest way to tell your teammate needed something is when they sent a signal/ping. Beside recovery or healing item, you can also use Mega Barrel Bomb for extra damage so bring as much as you can. Keep your distance and do not stay in front of Behemoth since it's basically TANK only zone.

Build example:

I recommend using this flexible SUPPORT build. You can use Charge Blade with status effect like Poison and Blast, or Sleep and Paralysis for CC. I'm using this one because it still have necessary skill for DPS in case of emergency, but you can always change skill like Artillery, Guard, Elementless and Capacity Boost to suit your needs.

Recommended food:
Personally, using the TANK food is much better for survivability, but you can use both DPS for phase 1 and 2,

And TANK for safe play in phase 3 and 4.

As a SUPPORT, you need to react fast and mobile on the field. Dodge or guard every unnecessary attack(like roar, tremor, etc.), run into and hit anyone who get stunned or locked in tremor, immediately HEAL anyone who got knocked out, and help the DPS when you have the chance.

Misc - Charge Blade for Ancient Leshen, Special Tips and Tricks
Check out Weiss Gaming's Ancient Leshen Quick Strategy Guide for more general tips to beat Ancient Leshen.

*I will add neccessary GIF later, since i forgot to record all of my runs :(
Honestly, this is the hardest monster I've ever faced in MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD. Why? Because it has large health pool, can one or two-shot you and worse, lock you to death. Just like Extreme Behemoth, having dedicated roles for the fight could help you defeat Ancient Leshen. So,what about Charge Blade? Don't worry, because we still have DPS role as our priority and SUPPORT as alternative. Unfortunately TANK role is gone, because tanking Ancient Leshen attacks is not really good. Here are some useful tips for Charge Blade players:

Keep Moving
One of the most fatal attacks is the one where it locks you with root and drain your health to death, so try not to stop in one place when fighting this monster. Also, use superman dive when it unleash Revolture Nova.

Use Your SAED for Jagras
Watch for the flock of Jagras, make them gather one place and clean it in one fell swoop.

Change Your Play-style
Anyway, what makes me really excited with Ancient Leshen fight is change of play-style. Of course you can use the usual SAED spam, but i really don't recommend it because most of the time, you'll get punished for that. Since Ancient Leshen have small body, it means that we have to use our Sword and Shield more than usual, yep the Sword and Shield play-style. Use Sword: Condensed Element Slash and maintain your Sword Strengthening, since you don't want your attacks to be deflected.

Build example:

As for food buff, either Felyne Moxie or Felyne Medic will do. Also, grab Felyne Insurance if you can.

Misc - FAQ (Control, UI, Settings)
My Mouse Movement Feels Weird, How Do I Fix It?

By default your mouse movement simulate how analog in controller works. Go to in-game settings and change Mouse Camera Control Type to Type 2.

Is There Any Way to Change How The Camera Moves?

If you're feeling sick with the way default camera works, go to in-game settings and turn off Dynamic Camera. You can also adjust your Camera Distance, if you think your camera is too close to the character.

I'm Having a Hard Time Preparing SAED in Axe Mode for Wake Up Hit, Any Tips?

Go to in-game settings and change your Sheathe Setting from Auto Sheathe to Manual Sheathe so your character doesn't sheathe weapon after every 5 step.

Are You Using Macros?

No, i'm using 100% pure Keyboard and Mouse. I have 7-button mouse, but i only use the default regular mouse settings, but if you have 5-button mouse and want to slot in the remaining 3, the game also support it, just make sure you have it configured in Control Settings. The default control (excluding keyboard shortcuts radial menu) for this game is pretty good, and i've been playing with the same settings with some tweaked key to suit my liking(for example, i switched my Aim button with One-key Aim button) since the game release. But if you feel that using regular mouse is not practical, too hard, or whatever, you can use macros if you want to.

My Killscreen Is Blurry, Any Way to Fix It?

If you have turned off all settings like motion blur and still getting blurred killscreen, try turning off Screen Vibration.

My Head Armor Looks Silly, Can I Hide My Helmet?

Yes. You can hide your helmet from in-game settings.

Well that's all i could tell you. I hope it really does help and encourage those who wanted to use Charge Blade with Keyboard and Mouse. You can also ask me directly by Steam chat for tips or help about this game or other games though.

I'm sorry if this guide isn't perfect, but if you'd like to help me correct my guide or want to add things that i missed you can tell me via email and send it to .

Thank you very much for reading to the end. Dont forget to rate, comment, and add this guide as your favorite.

Special Thanks To
Below is the list of those who helped me in creating this guide, made me discover something new, and also create an amazing experience when playing MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD. Here, i would like to say THANK YOU to all of you.
- GamiTenshine
- Glixonia
- Ophelia
- FarrelG
- RoxasTZ
- RukaFurie
- Akira
- Anonymous Reddit User

I will write any important changes/updates for this guide here.

New change/updates will be marked with *

Update 18/08/2019
- Added Charge Phials Guard to Misc - Tips and Tricks Pt. 3.*

Update 11/07/2019
- Added Misc - Charge Blade for Ancient Leshen, Special Tips and Tricks section.
- Fixed some minor text error.

Update 25/01/2019
- Added Misc - Role in Extreme Behemoth, Special Tips and Tricks section
- Added DPS Charge Blade guide in Misc - Role in Extreme Behemoth Pt. 1; TANK Charge Blade, SUPPORT Charge Blade guide in Misc - Role in Extreme Behemoth Pt. 2.
- Moved Cancel Charge Phials with Sword: Return Stroke to Misc - Tips and Tricks Pt. 2; Assisted Charge Phials to Misc - Tips and Tricks Pt. 3.

Update 18/01/2019
- Fixed Power Element SAED phial burst damage explanation after doing another test.
- Added Misc - FAQ (Control, UI, Settings) section.

Update 16/01/2019
- Added Cancel Charge Phials with Sword: Return Stroke in Misc - Tips and Tricks Pt. 1; Assisted Charge Phials in Misc - Tips and Tricks Pt. 2.
- Moved Sidestep instead of Roll-dodge guide to Misc - Tips and Tricks Pt. 2.

Update 15/01/2019
- Added as an indicator for GIF images and put spoiler tags to (hopefully) lower the page load.
- Added Utilize your Shield guide in Misc - Tips and Tricks Pt. 1; Misc - Tips and Tricks Pt. 2.
- Moved Sliding Slash guide to Misc - Tips and Tricks Pt. 2.

Known issue:
- I'm still looking for workaround for Mobile user, since there is no hover option.

Update 14/01/2019
- Added Changelog to make it easier for reader to keep tracks of important changes/updates.
- Added Sidestep instead of Roll-dodge, Sliding Slash guide in Misc - Tips and Tricks Pt.1.
- Fixed Elemental Boost duration after doing another test.
- Fixed Sword Strengthening advantages after doing another test.

23 comentarii
pyvru 25 mai la 22:44 
Thank you for the time and effort you gave on this guide, it was very helpful.
Dragonbearwizard 21 febr. 2023 la 12:47 
the more i know the less i like it :3
| SirAster | 31 ian. 2023 la 1:38 
Spam Y and B trust its fun (for controller)
CylindricalCow 7 mai 2021 la 12:06 
For Iceborne players, you can do savage axe mode with doing the elemental discharge combo (left click + right click), then press "c" at the beginning of the animation. It took me so long to find the answer.
Golianther 16 apr. 2021 la 22:06 
too complicated for me but good guide
time to ditch this weapon
Salacnar 31 dec. 2020 la 12:06 
With the release of Iceborne and Update Ver. 10.12.00 the Mouse Camera Control Type has been removed

''The "Mouse Camera Control Type" setting has been removed and the setting that was formerly "Type 2" has been applied, which has no mouse acceleration and is easier to use.''
Kapakc 15 oct. 2020 la 9:30 
DOs anineon know the bindings of keys when user usb steer wneel?
Kuja Feralus 25 febr. 2020 la 3:55 
Really good guide, now I know how to charge my shield and some more in-depth components of Charge Blade play.

Hope you have fun now that Iceborne is out and I hope you can enlighten us on more of what Iceborne added to CB, like Savage Axe mode (More like circular-saw mode, right?)
Njola 9 febr. 2020 la 19:12 
I love the guide, it is very in depth and put together, However would you please add powered axe mode/Savage axe mode?
TeRrOrDaCtAl 25 oct. 2019 la 23:59 
dude, Ive learned so much from you guide, I'm going to give my buddys too cos they didnt know bout shield charges and novaburst (saed) peas and carrots from the UK (MaNcHeStEr)