Here are my top 50 games
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"They are in order of year of release because I simply could never put some of these titles above each other. Enjoy! 2017 is my last year of great games that mean a lot to me. Not that 2018 doesn’t have any, I just haven’t discovered them yet."
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Sigmar's Sausage  [autor] 16 grudnia 2018 o 5:25 
What Remains of Edith Finch -

I love walking sims. Love them to death. I was there holding Dear Esther’s hand while what felt like the whole gaming world mocked her. I tiptoed through her world and unravelled her story at the pace of the slow condensation of water trickling down her stalactite caves. When people marvel and flip out at how amazing, and quite rightly so, What Remains of Edith Finch is, I now hold both my girl’s hands and we walk forward together with big grins on our faces. Edith Finch is an absolute masterpiece in storytelling and takes the walking sim to the next level.