Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2


您想要這套物品出現在 Counter-Strike 2 內被官方接受並支援嗎?

I started working on the penguins a long time ago. The design fits well the pistol's shape : the beak, the eye... But the berettas are not so easy to skin. The additional AO is not so beautiful so I tried to place my lines to hide them.
There is an easter egg on the emperors : frozen bullets in the ice magazine. It wasn't easy to skin the magazine because the UVs are not good.

The recent addition of subzero to the game has motivated me to finish this skin. I really love this map (and I know, penguins are from the south pole but Subzero is on the North pole).

I created a second version of the skin, more sober and dark, aimed for the mil-spec rarity : the dual scavengers. I only changed the beak and the colors. And removed the bullets from the magazine.
I'm working on other versions, they will come later, just for fun!

項目 (2)
已標記為不相容 ]  Dual Emperors
建立者 MGBazz
I have been working on this skin for a very long time. The recent admission of Subzero to the game motivated me to finish this skin. I hope you like! Thank you for voting and sharing :) Click on the image link below to see the wear animation in HD quality ...
已標記為不相容 ]  Dual Scavengers
建立者 MGBazz
New version of my Dual Birds after my Dual Emperors. Colors are aimed for the mil-spec rarity. Darker version, looks nice in Cobblestone. Hope you like it! Thanks for sharing and voting! Click on the image link below to see the wear animation in HD quality...
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