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How To Fix: Level Select Screen - Time Resetted
De Nordanix
If you suddenly realize that all of your times are seemingly gone, at least from the Level Select Screen, then this is a way to fix it.
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What's The Issue?
If you suddenly realize that all of your times are seemingly gone, at least from the Level Select Screen, then this is a way to fix it.

It will look something like this:

You might think, why is this a big deal?

Well if you get any time on a level that has no local time, the ones seen on the Level Select Screen, then ANY time, even if slower, will replace your record on the in-game leaderboard. Obviously you can see how this is an issue.
Why and How Does This Happen?
All times on the level select screen are locally stored and then compared against leaderboard stats on Steam's side, when there is no local records, any new records set are automatically sent to Steam.

As stats are stored locally, you would be able to go through the Game.ini file and manually fill in records that way, unfortunately there's no automatic way to do this.

Records in the Game.ini file are multiplied by 1000, so a 30 second record would be 30000.

Game.ini can be found here: Appdata\Local\Inertia\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Game.ini
- Developer ”Loneminded”
Step-by-Step: How To Manually Add Your Times
Step 1. Go to the folder "C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\Inertia\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor"
  • NAME → Replace with whatever you use on your PC
Step 2. Open Game.ini
Step 3. Under [Records] input like this:

For example if your time on Classics 1 is 1.234 you input it like this:
• 1=1234

You just remove the Decimal and that's it.
Numbers Corresponding To Each Level
  • Clasics: 1-32
  • Annex: 35-44
  • Unify: 50-55