Sunrider Academy

Sunrider Academy

36 ratings
What The Stats Actually Do
By CrazyIvan
This guide will help you gain a basic understanding of what the stats are actually doing in Sunrider Academy.
Hello there fellow players of Sunrider Academy. If you’ve found yourself in this guide then you were probably like I used to be in that you have only a vague idea of what each of the stats are really for or confused why you keep failing certain tasks as the game isn’t very good at telling you how most of them work. I couldn’t find anywhere myself that had clear solutions to these problems so I’ve done some digging into the game files and can now share with you what I’ve found.

I won’t go into the exact equations for each and every different check or tell you how to play the game, but will just give you an explanation of what each stat is actually doing. Hopefully this guide will then allow you to make better and more informed decisions in game instead of just clicking things and hoping for the best.

If you want to look up the precise numbers yourself then simply open the “activities.rpy” and “conversation.rpy” files in the folder “game” in Notepad and have a scroll through. I would strongly advise anyone that does this to NOT tamper with the files.
I can’t stress enough (haha) how important this stat is. Almost every check in the game has a Stress modifier attached to it and it’s always bad. In most cases Stress is added to an equation as its value, whereas a lot of other stats will often be divided to give relatively smaller values. As an example, one of the more extreme cases is the equation for the Museum job success check. In this check Stress is multiplied by 2.5 and your Intelligence is divided by 3. This means that just 2 points of stress cancels out 15 points of Intelligence in this scenario.

In most cases lowering your stress by even just 1 is the equivalent of increasing pretty much all of your other stats, sometimes by several points. Essentially, you’ll probably want to always keep your Stress as close to zero as possible.

The only tasks that aren’t affected by Stress are increasing Club Morale, playing at the Arcade and going Home, making these the best tasks to do if your stress is getting too high. Competitions are also unaffected by Stress. Every other task IS affected by stress, including the other tasks that relieve stress (visiting the museum or going for a stroll at the park), conversations with any of the girls and praying at the shrine.
> The Roll
To give a quick explanation of what’s happening in the background, for basically every action you perform in the game a random number from 1 to 100 is generated. Another random number is then generated dependant on your Luck; the range being from 0 to your Luck value. This is then added to the previous number to give your “roll”.

Essentially this means that, on average, you’re adding half of your Luck to basically every roll in game making luck a very strong stat. Stacking too much Luck has it’s downsides however, which I’ll explain towards the end of the guide in the Sleep Loss section.

In game this “roll” would then be checked against a value determined by an equation for the specific task you’re trying to do. In most cases the value of the equation will be reduced by having a larger amount of the relevant stat and increased by stress. If the “roll” is higher than this value then you pass the check, meaning you are more likely to pass with a higher value of the stat and lower stress.

The roll is also affected by the difficulty level you are playing on with harder difficulties lowering the roll, easier ones increasing it and the regular difficulty being unaffected. Being sick also lowers the roll.
> Earning Luck
Obviously you gain Luck by praying at the shrine and as you may have guessed a larger donation increases the chance of success. What you may not know is the possible outcomes for each donation value, which I’ll list for you here.

+2 Luck
-1 Luck, +1 Stress
+2 Luck
+1 Stress
+2 Luck
+1 Stress
+4 Luck
+2 Luck, +1 Stress

The most important thing to note here is probably that a 5 credit donation guarantees that you gain Luck.
All the other main stats have more specific uses so to make things simple I’ll just show a list of ALL the activities that are helped by having an increase in each of the stats.
> Fitness
• Stress threshold for when you become sick and feel well again
• Kendo Club practice
• Swim Club practice
• Work at the park
• Work at the shrine
• Conversation about Sports
> Intelligence
• Class work
• Science Club practice
• Studying, homework and tutoring at the library
• Progress Report at the council room
• Visits to the museum
• Work at the museum
• Exams and final exams
• Conversation about Politics or Science
> Charisma
• Club practice (all 3 of them)
• Club recruitment (all 3 of them)
• Progress Report at the council room
• Work at the shops
• Conversation about any topic
> Money
Money is very straight forward. Simply you earn it by working and you spend it at the shop, shrine, museum or arcade. The only other thing it affects is conversation about Jobs where having more money is better.
> Homework
Homework is also very obvious. Not doing homework has a negative impact on your exam results as well as the result for the first day of each set of final exams. Other than this it does nothing.
> Prestige
Prestige is also fairly simple. It’s simply gained from doing well in competitions and used to beat the monthly target level.
> Affection
Each girl (including Maray) has an affection level that can be checked by getting Intel from Maray. (though it doesn’t show Maray’s stat herself). Maray’s affection level has to be increased in order for her to show the levels.

This stat is affected by conversations you have with the respective girl. An increase in affection will also increase the chance of success for any conversation you have with them and allow certain events to trigger. Certain topics are more likely to succeed with different girls and reward/punish you slightly differently from girl to girl. Winning competitions also gives affection to the respective club leader and doing well in exams increases affection with Ava.
> Time
This can be checked by using the calendar. A lot of tasks in the game get progressively harder with time; usually only counting the number of months and weeks. Bear in mind that this means you’ll need to also be increasing the stats that make these tasks easier more as time goes on to counter the effects of increased time.

The following is a list of all the tasks that get harder to succeed at with time:
• Class work
• Science Club Practice
• Studying, homework and tutoring at the library
• Progress Reports at the council room
• Museum visits
• Work at the museum
• Work at the shop
• Competitions
• Exams and final exams

The one thing that is helped by an increase in time passed is when you choose Reminisce as a conversation topic.
These stats are only hidden in the sense that the game doesn’t show you the numbers itself. You could however manually keep track of all of these numbers in some way if you wished to, but for this guide it’s more the idea of what the stats are doing that’s important than the exact figures.
> Club Prestige
Club Prestige is slightly different from regular Prestige in that each club has its own Prestige level (which it gains by placing in competitions) unlike regular Prestige which is simply the total of all 3 clubs’ individual Prestige combined for a given month. Regular Prestige resets each month whereas the Clubs Prestige carries over, accumulating with time. An increase in a particular club’s Prestige increases the chance to successfully recruit new members for that club.
> Shrine and Arcade Visits
These stats are simply the number of times you’ve visited the respective place. Working at either of the places does not count as visiting. Buying Charms also doesn’t count as a visit. For the Shrine the number of visits helps checks for work at the Shrine and conversations about Religion. For the Arcade it is similar with visits helping checks for work at the Arcade and conversations about Games.
> Conversation Topic Count
Basically trying to use the same conversation topic on the same girl multiple times makes it harder for that topic to succeed. The count is unique to each girl and for each topic. You will want to pick a variety of topics that you think the particular girl you are talking to will like not just the same one over and over again.
I’ve gone over how some of the stats help or hinder the Club Stats, but haven’t said how they interact with each other or what they actually do. Knowing how competitions work first will help give an understanding to this.
> Competitions
Before looking into the game files the tutorial text for some reason made me think that each of the competition rounds was a check against each of the three club stats one at a time, which turns out to not be true. In practice each round uses all three stats. Basically, the number of members is multiplied by the club’s readiness and morale is added on afterwards making morale actually a lot worse than the other two. Each subsequent round is then made more difficult to pass. This means that if you get a Silver award you probably lost in the third round, which has little to do with morale as I previously thought.
> Readiness
It also turns out that increasing a club’s Readiness has no connection to its number of Members or Morale. Increasing Readiness is made progressively harder as the current value of Readiness increases. If you pass a Practice check, but lose morale this means that you’re probably close to failing the check and need to increase your Fitness, Intelligence or Charisma not the number of members or morale.
> Members
You do need more members, however, to act as the multiplier for Readiness for competitions as described before. Recruiting is made progressively harder as the number of members increases.
> Morale
The reason Morale is then needed is to help prevent your members from leaving. It also helps prevent the loss of Readiness while sleeping. Interestingly choosing the Boost Morale task doesn’t require a check and simply always succeeds.
Sleep loss is the series of checks that happen when you go to sleep and determines whether or not you lose stats while you sleep. A loss check is made for every hour you sleep. The stat is determined by a random number generated from 1 to 10 with each number representing a certain stat, which looks like this:

1 - Fitness
6 - Luck
2 - Intelligence
7 - Kendo Club Readiness
3 - Charisma
8 - Science Club Readiness
4 - Luck
9 - Swim Club Readiness
5 - Luck
10 - Intelligence

You can see that this means you are more likely to have Luck or a club’s Readiness chosen than anything else, with Fitness and Charisma being the least likely. The stat chosen is then checked to see if you actually lose the stat or not. The check is made harder with more stress and a higher value of the chosen stat. As you further increase your stats they will eventually reach a point where the check is impossible to pass (other than a club’s Readiness, which can be countered with the same club’s Morale).

For every stat you will only lose 1 point if you fail the check, with the exception being Luck. The higher your Luck is the more Luck points you will lose if you fail the check. As the check also gets harder to pass with more Luck you can see why it’s not a good idea to stack too much Luck as I mentioned much earlier in this guide.
> Memory Foam Mattress
For those that are interested, the way the Memory Foam Mattress works is to change the random number generated to 1 to 14 instead, where 11 to 14 are not assigned a stat so you can't lose a stat if they are rolled. Those more mathematically astute people will realise that this means that you won’t get the 40% reduction in loss advertised and only actually get about a 29% reduction. To be more accurate the range would have to actually be from 1 to 17, though this would still make the reduction just over 41%. A better way of doing this is if they'd simply added an extra check before the regular stat selection that generated a number from 1 to 5 with 1 and 2 ending the check and 3 to 5 carrying onto the next step as usual. A slight mistake by the developers.
I know this guide is probably a bit late in this game’s life so might not get much attention, but I’ve only recently started playing the game myself after getting it in a Humble Bundle earlier in the year. When attempting a few runs on Space Whale difficulty I quickly found that my lack of knowledge for the game was working against me, which is when I looked out for some basic stuff to point myself in the right direction. I didn’t really find anything, which is why I did some digging and thought I may as well share what I found on here. Hopefully this information will also help some of you guys out as well as myself. Good luck with your future runs and thanks for reading. Now time to get that Space Whale achievement!
7th Boss 17 Jan, 2021 @ 7:46pm 
I'm more astounded by how much of this I had guessed correctly, still, a helpful guide.
El (DOMADO) 31 Dec, 2020 @ 9:32am 
Excelente guía, muchas gracias.
CrazyIvan  [author] 7 Dec, 2018 @ 6:51am 
You're very welcome. Good luck with your runs!
poopyoldhag 7 Dec, 2018 @ 6:03am 
Thank you for this guide! I came back to this game for the first time in 3 years just to try for the Space Whale Achievement and it just surprised me the fact that this wasn't even made a month ago. Talk about excellent timing!