Return of the Obra Dinn

Return of the Obra Dinn

135 ratings
SPOILERIFFIC: Full Explanations and Deductions
By whythecynic
Read this account ONLY IF YOU ARE FINISHED WITH THE GAME! The Return of the Obra Dinn is an exquisite game that should be experienced for all it is worth to you. Only when you are done, after multiple playthroughs, and still have lingering questions, should you turn to this review.

I present an account of the fate of every crewmember aboard the Obra Dinn. Identities and fates are solved as soon as they are possible to unambiguously determine- that is, as soon as their faces become unblurred. All deductions are presented.
A quick guide: where partial fates are found, they will be marked ID, COD, CUL- Identity, Cause of Death, and Culprit. Where a full fate is discovered, it will be marked FATE.

As soon as we get the book, even before we pick up the pocketwatch, we are able to put "faces" to two names- the Helmsman and the Artist, because of their unique roles.

Yep, this is that kind of game...
X: The End
This chapter serves as a tutorial. The memories are easy to find, one after the other, starting with the skeleton outside the Captain's Quarters. It is possible to miss the Captain's skeleton and go directly to Abigail's.

1: Outside the Captain's Quarters

In this memory, 4 people are present. We can identify one person and one cause of death:

  • ID <1> Captain Robert Witterel, who bursts out of his quarters, identified as such by the men trying to break in. They shout "Captain! Open the door".

  • COD CUL The deceased, shot with a gun by Captain Robert Witterel. While the game does not think we can identify him yet, we can make an educated guess. He is one of the four Mates wearing a hat, and his thick brogue identifies him as Scottish; there is only one Scottish Mate, William Hoscut. No matter; he will be identified in 3 memories.

2: Inside the Captain's Quarters

We can only identify one cause of death. If we head around the back, we see another person jumping down from above; his familiarity and confidence with a moving ship suggest that he is a Topman, or other such experienced sailor. He can be seen going up top in the previous memory, and dies in the next.

  • COD CUL The deceased, knifed by Captain Robert Witterel.

  • The unidentified Topman.

3: Inside the Captain's Quarters

Our mystery topman is clubbed to death by the good Captain. In the next room we see a dead woman.

  • COD CUL The deceased, clubbed by Captain Robert Witterel.

4: Inside the Captain's Quarters

The good Captain commits suicide. From his last words we identify the dead woman beside him, as well as the man he shot in X-1. This gives us two full fates, two COD/CUL fates, and one ID at the end of The End.

  • ID <19> Abigail Hoscut-Witterel, lying in her bed.

  • FATE <1> Captain Robert Witterel shot himself.

  • FATE <2> First Mate William Hoscut was shot by Captain Robert Witterel.
VII: The Doom
8: On the Main Deck

From Abigail's skeleton inside the Captain's Quarters we gain access to this chapter. She is crushed by falling rigging after calling out to Martin.

In the same scene are two other Caucasian women, the only other two on the ship. One wears a wedding ring, allowing us to identify the other as the unmarried Miss Jane Bird, and therefore the former as Emily Jackson.

In this scene as well the Helmsman appears; we can identify him in the sketch from his position holding the ship's wheel. He is being dragged away by the Kraken. However, we won't get to pencil in his fate until later.

Towards the bow, we see two men struggling with the Kraken; one has his right arm in the clutches of a tentacle, the other has sunk a spear into the beast. Remember them for later.

A Chinese Topman climbing the rigging is grabbed by the Kraken.

  • FATE <4> Passenger Abigail Hoscut-Witterel was crushed by rigging.

  • ID COD CUL <17> Helmsman Finley Dalton, identified by his position at the ship's wheel, was carried away by the Kraken.

  • ID <4> Third Mate Martin Perrott is identified by his Mate's hat and Abigail calling to him.

  • ID <22> Passenger Miss Jane Bird is identified as the Caucasian woman without a wedding ring.

  • ID <21> Passenger Emily Jackson is identified as the other Caucasian woman, since she has a wedding ring.

  • COD CUL A Chinese Topman climbing the rigging is grabbed by the Kraken. He is actually not yet identifiable here, but I missed this picture earlier and went back to grab it.

  • INFO These two men appear to be close. One of them has his arm in the grasp of the Kraken; the other has sunk his spear into the beast.

  • INFO This man is holding two pistols and aiming one at the Kraken.

7: On the Main Deck

This scene shows the grisly death of our victim, the Topman Maba, torn apart by a terrible beast. He is identified by his extensive and characteristic body and facial tattoos- he's the topman from New Guinea.

In the background, a boat containing three men is upended into the water. This detail becomes important later.

  • FATE <43> Topman Maba was torn apart by a terrible beast.

  • COD CUL Three men in a boat were thrown into the water by the Kraken.

6: On the Main Deck
A hapless sailor is blown apart by a gunpowder explosion. On deck, his fellow sailor, who has been urging him to hold on and drop the powder, looks on in terror. A man coming on deck with an armful of flintlock muskets is knocked off balance. On the opposite side of the ship, another sailor falls into the ocean.

  • COD CUL This sailor meets a grisly fate, blown up by an explosion in the grips of the Kraken.

  • INFO His fellow sailor looks on in terror. His efforts to save the victim have been for nought.

  • INFO This sailor was knocked off balance while carrying an armful of firearms.

  • COD CUL This sailor fell into the ocean.

We are now able to access the Gun Deck. The First Mate's cabin still remains locked, as does the bow compartment of the Gun Deck. A corpse can be found in the Midshipmen's cabin, but we'll leave that for later.

5: On the Gun Deck

Our hapless victim is crushed by a loose cannon as the Third Mate looks on in fear, helpless. 4 others are present, and one corpse can be recognized. A sailor attending to the corpse turns around to look at the commotion.

This scene is extremely important as it shows hammock numbers of sailors still alive:
  • <36> Topman Omid Gul
  • <41> Topman Wei Lee
  • <43> Topman Maba
  • <44> Topman Lewis Walker
  • <45> Topman Leonid Volkov
  • And who is in "X"?

  • COD CUL This sailor was crushed by a loose cannon.

  • Third Mate Martin Perrott looks on, helpless.

  • A sailor attends to a corpse.

4: On the Gun Deck

A sailor meets a grisly fate, blasted by a cannon at point-blank. Another sailor dies in this part, but his corpse is nowhere to be seen. It is unknown who lit the cannon's fuse, though nearby a corpse lies crushed under another cannon.

  • This sailor was blown to smithereens.

3: On the Gun Deck

Our victim is crushed by the Kraken against the cannon, touching off the fuse in the process. Two men are seen wrestling with the cannon, both victims in VII-4. It becomes clear that they were blasted by the cannon after it was touched off by our victim. Someone is shouting orders to the men; it seems probable that it is the officer present, wearing a hat in the sketch and dying in VII-4 after being blasted by a cannon.

  • COD CUL The victim is crushed against a cannon by the Kraken, setting off the fuse in the process.

  • The two victims in VII-4 are wrestling with the cannon. They die gruesome deaths.

The bow compartment unlocks.
VII: The Doom, Part 2
2: On the Bow

Our victim is E.S., the artist of the sketches; he is plainly Edward Spratt, crushed by a terrible beast. This is a very important scene that lets us identify two other sailors and get hints for many more.

A sailor is shown walking beside Third Mate Martin Perrott, carrying two meals; he is identifiable as the Third Mate's Steward, Roderick Andersen. We already know his fate from earlier- he was crushed by a loose cannon.

One of the Chinese Topmen is eating with another sailor. The hammock above him, #41, is empty; he is thus identifiable as Wei Lee. We saw him in VII-8 grabbed by the Kraken, and thus also know his fate.

The sailor Wei Lee is drinking with cannot be identified yet, but we know his hammock is in the same section as Wei Lee.

Walk around looking at the hammocks, noting who is awake and who is not, and which hammocks are still around, suggesting that their owners are still alive. Pay attention to the scimitar hanging from the hammock of #36, Topman Omid Gul.

We have 36, 41, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49, 56, 57, X, and one unknown.

  • FATE <18> Artist Edward Spratt was crushed by a terrible beast.

  • FATE <31> Third Mate's Steward Roderick Andersen can be identified because he is walking beside Martin Perrott holding two meals. He will later be crushed by a loose cannon.

  • FATE <41> Topman Wei Lee would later be grabbed by a terrible beast. He may have drowned or been eaten.

  • INFO An unknown sailor bunks with #41 Wei Lee. Notice his hammock's position.

Head up to the Main Deck to find the corpse slumped by the rail.

1: On the Main Deck

The Dane is accused of killing a brother. The surviving brother kills him. Someone else says it was an accident- they were there. Two other people are trying to escape in the boat.

We see the boat tossed into the ocean later in VII-7; these are the three men, drowned by a terrible beast.

  • FATE <48> Nathan Peters. There are only two people onboard who share the same surname- #48 Nathan Peters, and #60 Samuel Peters. Returning to VII-2, we see that only hammock #48 remains- so Nathan must be the living Peters brother. He is later drowned by the Kraken when the boat is tossed into the air.

  • FATE <49> Lars Linde was clubbed by Nathan Peters.

Completing this part allows us to fill in two more fates, marked under Disappearances: Topman Wei Lee and Helmsman Finley Dalton who were grabbed by the Kraken in VII-8.

We also can fill in the remaining disappearances: the turban-wearing sailor who fell overboard in VII-6, and two other sailors who were drowned when their boat was overturned. Only one fate remains entirely uncertain- the last disappearance.

There is nothing more to do here for now. Head to the Midshipmen's Cabin and examine the skeleton there.
IX: Escape
6: In the Midshipmen Cabin

Our victim tells our Scottish First Mate, Hoscut, to convey his regrets to Pete's mother- he tried pulling Pete back, but could not. This is the same sailor looking on distraught in VII-6, while the victim has fallen overboard, tied to a rope- we can identify that victim as Pete. There is only one Peter aboard- #33 Midshipman Peter Milroy. This allows us to pin down Peter's fate in VII-6.

Hoscut calls for Brennan to bring him the surgeon's bag. Outside, a sailor motions with his hand as if to hear better- this is clearly #56 Seaman Henry Brennan.

  • FATE <33> With his dying words, our victim allows us to identify Peter Milroy as the sailor who was blasted in VII-6, as well as suggesting that he himself is a Midshipman.

  • INFO <33> Our victim appears to be another Midshipman. Hoscut says he has been cut, but we have no clue whether by sword or knife. When you exit the memory, a knife can be seen outside the room, but that is hardly conclusive evidence of a cause of death.

  • FATE <56> Seaman Henry Brennan, as identified by Hoscut, is the sailor who was knifed by Captain Witterel in X-2.

This brings us to 12 fates at the end of this Part.

5: On the Aft Gun Deck

Our victim is clubbed by Seaman Henry Brennan. He drops his pistol. Behind him, our wounded Midshipman in IX-6 crawls away, a knife in his back.

  • COD CUL Our victim was clubbed by Henry Brennan.

  • COD The victim in IX-6 was knifed.

The next corpse is right beside his.

4: On the Aft Gun Deck

Our mystery mutineer stabs someone, then is shot by whoever dies in IX-5. His killer seems to be an officer, judging by his Mate's hat; at this point we still have the Second Mate and the Fourth Mate unidentified.

Up top, a corpse is thrown overboard.

  • CUL Our victim in IX-6 was knifed by the mutineer, who dies in this part.
  • CUL Our victim in this part was shot by the victim in IX-5.

3: On the Stern Deck

Our victim is shot by Emily Jackson from the boat. In the boat with her are Miss Jane Bird and an unidentified man. Boarding the boat is another unidentified sailor.

Belowdecks, our mutineer prepares to stab our Midshipman, while his co-conspirator is still stunned. The door to the Midshipmen's Cabin is open, further reinforcing the theory that our victim in IX-6 is a Midshipman.

  • COD CUL Our victim was shot by Emily Jackson.

  • INFO Passenger Miss Jane Bird and two men appear to be boarding the boat.

  • Belowdecks, our mutineer prepared to stab our poor victim of IX-6.

The next corpse is beside his.
IX: Escape, Part 2
2: On the Stern Deck

Our victim, Paul, is killed with a sword by the victim in IX-3. Belowdecks, our Midshipman listens in on a conversation between the mutineers that decides his fate.

  • ID COD <29> First Mate's Steward Paul Moss was killed with a sword.

  • INFO Belowdecks, our Midshipman listens in on the mutineers' conversation. A corpse lies slumped in the Aft Gun Deck.

1: In the Officers' Mess

Our victim asks for his Frenchman and the squid, then curses in German: Verdammt! We learn that his Mate was torn apart. This allows us to identify him as #6 Bosun Alfred Klestil- an Austrian with a French mate. His left arm has been torn off. We see him in VII-8 as well, where the Kraken has its tentacle around his left arm- the man fighting beside him is likely his French Bosun's Mate, #7 Charles Miner, but we cannot yet be certain.

As he is talking, an unidentified sailor comes up from the hold.

  • FATE <6> Bosun Alfred Klestil was torn apart by a terrible beast.

The door to the First Mate's Cabin unlocks. A leg is hanging outside his window.
III: Murder
3: On the Main Deck

Our victim, while climbing up the side of the ship, is shot by an unidentified Mate, who is kidnapping one of the Formosan royalty. One of her retainers is being dragged into a boat. On deck, the Helmsman, Midshipman Peter Milroy, and Seaman Lars Linde have been attacked as well. In addition to the Mate, there are 5 co-conspirators. Two captives, three injured, and one death make up 12 dramatis personae.

Be sure to check out the accomplice in the starboard boat- he is smoking a pipe, a fact that will become important.

  • COD Our victim is shot by an unidentified Mate while climbing up the side of the ship. This suggests he is comfortable in the rigging, a Topman. Note the distinctive tattoo on his right arm!

  • INFO One of the accomplices is smoking a pipe- the one in the starboard boat.

The next corpse is the one hanging over the starboard deck.

2: On the Main Deck

This one is a dense part, but break it down and it makes sense.

Hok-Seng Lau was convicted of the murder of Nunzio Pasqua, and sentenced to death by firing line. The Captain gives the order; Mr. Wolff gives the command to fire. While four men shoot, only one hits- it is Seaman Henry Brennan.

The Formosan lady's retainer calms her down, calling her Ms. Lim, identifying her as #23, Bun-Lan Lim. Note that the translation is inaccurate! The Min Nan / Hokkien simply refers to her as "Miss". If you understand the original dialogue, this might throw you for a spin!

Pay attention to the shoes of the Chinese Topmen in the background.

  • FATE <26> Passenger Hok-Seng Lau was shot with a gun by Henry Brennan. Note that only one of the four sailors hits him.

  • ID <14> Gunner Christian Wolff gives the command to fire.

  • ID <23> Bun-Lan Lim is addressed by name in the translation.

  • INFO The Chinese Topmen wear different shoes.

  • INFO Standing off to one side are two people not featured in the Justice at Sea sketch, because they appear elsewhere. These appear to be the Butcher and the Cook, just because of how they're dressed. One has a roasting spit fork over his shoulder- a very specific piece of equipment that suggests he's the cook.

  • INFO Note the two unidentified seamen here. They become very important later in determining the identity of another mystery seaman. Their faces appear unblurred because I went back to grab their portraits- they'll be unidentifiable until much later. One is dark-haired, and one is bald.

The next corpse we see is that of Nunzio Pasqua.

1: On the Cargo Deck

Nunzio Pasqua is stabbed by a Signor Nichols- someone we can identify as Second Mate Edward Nichols. In the back, Hock Seng Lau lies unconscious with a club next to him, and a chest in the Passenger Cargo compartment has been opened, revealing a glowing shell. Nichols likely coveted the shell and framed Hok-Seng Lau for Pasqua's murder.

  • FATE <20> Passenger Nunzio Pasqua was knifed by Second Mate Edward Nichols.

  • ID <3> Second Mate Edward Nichols is identified by name.

  • ID <30> Second Mate's Steward Samuel Galligan is identified by his Steward's uniform, as well as accompanying the conspirators in III-3.

  • INFO As a result, the Fourth Mate and Fourth Mate's Steward can be identified by a process of elimination and an educated guess: there is only one unidentified sailor left with the fancy Mate's hat, and the Steward standing next to him is most likely his Fourth Mate's Steward. You can't ID them yet though!

So much for that. On to the Orlop Deck.
II: A Bitter Cold
We could have gone with the corpse in the walkway. But let's do II first and take a look at the cow's skull.

3: On the Orlop Deck

Someone is directing a body to be brought to the Carpenter's. Probably the Surgeon or his Mate. A cow is being slaughtered for its meat. Charlie isn't used to it, and vomits. Someone is directing the slaughter- almost certainly the Butcher. One of Charlie's two buddies laughs at him.

There are two sailors named Charles aboard the Obra Dinn- the Bosun's Mate Charles Miner, and the Midshipman Charles Hershtik. If we examine how he's dressed, we notice that the other two (who aren't the Butcher) are dressed alike. We've already identified Midshipman Peter Milroy- the other two must therefore by Midshipmen Charles Hershtik and Thomas Lanke. Besides, we already have a working candidate for the Bosun's Mate.

  • ID <35> Midshipman Charles Hershtik is being ribbed by his fellow Midshipman, allowing us to identify him via his uniform.

  • ID <34> Midshipman Thomas Lanke is identified by a process of elimination.

  • ID <13> Butcher Emil O'Farrell is identified by his leading the slaughter of the cow. His Irish brogue gives him away from the other possibility, the Cook, who is an Englishman.

  • INFO Outside the Surgery, a man with a monkey directs the removal of a corpse; this is likely either the Surgeon or the Surgeon's Mate.

  • INFO INSIDE the Surgery (who'd have thought to go in!) you can see someone making the bed. He's definitely not the Surgeon himself- he'd be standing outside otherwise. But they might both just be passers-by, roped in to help.

  • INFO Now we can identify the man standing beside the Butcher in III-2 as the Cook, <12> Thomas Sefton. In retrospect, the roasting spit fork should have been a dead giveaway! However the game does not unblur his face yet.

2: In the Surgeon's Room

According to the Surgeon- or his Mate- two fellows have died from the same lung disease. He suspects they picked it up at the Lascar house, a place where Indian / British colonial sailors lived. Outside, two Indian-looking sailors are watching over a wrapped body.

  • FATE <8> Surgeon Henry Evans is alive in Africa, and can be identified conclusively. He determines the cause of death of our unknown sailor, and prescribes laudanum, two actions that only the Surgeon would be authorized to do. The other man must be his Mate then. We know he is alive in Africa because your journal is sent to you by him from Morocco! He must have successfully escaped alongside the other three we see in IX-3.

  • FATE <21> Passenger Emily Jackson is alive in Africa.

  • FATE <22> Passenger Miss Jane Bird is alive in Africa.

  • RES Our unknown Steward in IX-3 is alive in Africa.

  • ID <9> Surgeon's Mate James Wallace can be identified by his hanging around the Surgery, and performing menial tasks for his boss.

1: The Big One
This is a major scene that lets you identify:
All the Indian seamen
Two of the Chinese topmen
The Russian seamen / topman
Two of the English seamen

  • FATE <54> Seaman Soloman Syed succumbed to a tragic illness. He is addressed by name, and is also lying in his hammock- number 54. This is the first direct confirmation that the hammock numbers correspond directly to the crew and passenger manifest.

  • FATE <51> Seaman Renfred Rajub, identified by his hammock number, died of the same illness.

  • ID <53> Seaman William Wasim is identified by the empty hammock- he is out of bed, looking at Syed.

  • ID <52> Seaman Abraham Akbar is identified by being the only Indian sailor left. Identifying Abraham allows us to determine two more fates: that of the Gunner and the as-yet-unidentified sailor who died in VII-4.

  • FATE <14> Gunner Christian Wolff was blasted with a cannon by Seaman Abraham Akbar.
  • CUL The unknown sailor in VII-4 was blasted with a cannon by Seaman Abraham Akbar.

  • ID <38> Topman Huang Li is the Topman on the left in the Justice at Sea sketch- he is one of the two sleeping Chinese Topmen wearing Chinese-style shoes, but his legs are untattooed, as we saw in III-3.

  • ID <40> Topman Li Hong is the Topman on the right in the Justice at Sea sketch- he is wearing the same shoes to bed, and has untattooed legs. We do not need to differentiate him from #41- we have already identified that Topman!

  • INFO This means we only have one Chinese Topman left to identify, #39 Jie Zhang, who has legs tattooed all the way to the feet. He is actually recognizable from his shirt in the sketch. Note how the sketch covers his legs! That is a cool touch.

  • ID <47> The distinctive pouch and pipe are hanging beside hammock 47, allowing us to identify our mystery conspirator in III-3 as Seaman Alexei Toporov. Now we have two Russians left to distinguish- one Topman and one Seaman.

  • FATE <45> Topman Leonid Volkov was shot by Emily Jackson. He is identifiable since, by the time of VII-5, his hammock is the only Russian hammock left hanging: both his compatriots have perished. This allows us to identify the remaining Russky, and put a name to Paul Moss' killer.

  • FATE <29> First Mate's Steward Paul Moss was killed with a sword by Topman Leonid Volkov.

  • ID <46> Seaman Alarcus Nikishin is thus identified. If he is familiar, it is because he is also one of the accomplices to kidnapping the Formosan lady.

  • FATE <37> Topman Timothy Butement was shot with a gun by Second Mate Edward Nichols. He is identifiable in hammock 37, with his right arm hanging out and a distinctive tattoo on it. This leaves us two European Topmen- #42 and #44. Remember our mystery Topman who was killed by the Captain in X-3? He can only be either one of these two. And if we look back at VII-5, we see that only one of these hammocks is still around...

  • FATE <44> Topman Lewis Walker was clubbed by Captain Robert Witterel.

  • FATE <59> Seaman George Shirley was blasted with a cannon by Abraham Akbar. Remember the man drinking with Wei Lee in VII-2? We can see his hammock position and number clearly now- it is 59.

And that concludes the list of deductions for this chapter! For now, at least. Head around the back of the Orlop Deck to the end of the Port Walkway for our next chapter.
VI: Soldiers of the Sea
7: In the Port Walk

Take your time to look around this scene, there's a lot going on. Peek into the left peephole to see two men working in the Gunner's Store. One of them is Christian Wolf, and so the other must be his Gunner's Mate. If we go along the other way, we see the Purser cowering in his Office.

Our victim was shot from across the room by a bald sailor wearing a striped shirt- the very same whom we suspect to be the Bosun's Frenchman.

  • FATE <16> Purser Duncan McKay was drowned by a terrible beast. He was part of the escaping boat in VII-1 that was tossed into the ocean in VII-7.

  • ID COD <27> Zungi Sathi was shot with a gun. He is identified by his Steward's uniform, and his dark skin. We've also already eliminated three of the Mates' Stewards, and we have a good candidate for the Fourth Mate's Steward. Note that his description says he is depicted in Under Way- he's actually in Justice at Sea. His killer is our favourite baldy.

  • ID <15> Gunner's Mate Olus Wiater can be identified by his work in the Gunner's Store under the supervision of the Gunner. Identifying him allows us to put a name to the Midshipman's murderer in IX-6.

  • FATE <34> Midshipman Thomas Lanke was knifed by Gunner's Mate Olus Wiater.

6: On the Orlop Deck

The fate of our Butcher becomes apparent- he was spiked to death.

  • FATE <13> Butcher Emil O'Farrell was spiked by a terrible beast.

5: On the Orlop Deck

  • FATE <35> Midshipman Charles Hershtik burned to death.

4: On the Orlop Deck

Our two crewmembers meet a morbid end- decapitation. Upstairs, Omid Gul rushes in with his scimitar- first seen beside his bunk in VII-2. One of them we already know to be the Surgeon's Mate. The other is the only Chinese Topman left- #39 Jie Zhang.

  • FATE <9> Surgeon's Mate James Wallace was decapitated by a terrible beast.

  • FATE <39> Topman Jie Zhang was decapitated by a terrible beast. His heavily-tattooed leg is visible.

  • FATE <36> Topman Omid Gul fell overboard.

  • Fun fact: the Artist Edward Spratt can be found hiding in the Starboard Walk.
VI: Soldiers of the Sea Part 2
3: On the Gun Deck

Our brave victim tells his boss to come on, then throws an axe at the beast; unfortunately he is spiked through his chest. His weapon of choice suggests that he is a carpenter or lumberjack-wannabe. Note how "boss" is a characteristically American word. We learn that Nick is already done for; if we go topside, we see two corpses, but we already have identified one of the Chinese Topmen.

  • COD CUL Our victim is spiked by a terrible beast.

  • INFO His boss is staying low in cover close by.

  • COD CUL <42> What is likely to be Nick- Seaman Nicholas Botterill- is already done for, topside, impaled by the spear of a terrible beast.

  • INFO The corpse of Topman Huang Li lies nearby.

2: On the Main Deck

Nick is run through mercilessly while the Bosun's Mate directs a haul.

  • FATE <42> Topman Nicholas Botterill was speared by a terrible beast.

  • FATE <7> Charles Miner was torn apart by a terrible beast. He can be identified by his leading the operations on deck, as a qualified person- the Bosun's Mate.

  • FATE <27> Ship's Steward Zungi Sathi was shot by Charles Miner.

  • FATE <57> Seaman Alexander Booth, drowned by a terrible beast, is identifiable by a process of elimination. We know he is a seaman because he is performing brute work, not skipping in the rigging. Looking at the hammock numbers in VII-2, we notice that the only Seamen left are 56, 57, and two unknown hammocks. We've already identified #56 Henry Brennan, we identified X in II-1, and the other mystery number is 59, also identified in II-1, which leaves 57: Alexander Booth as the Seaman tossed into the ocean in VII.

1: In the Rigging

This is an interesting part, in that on your first playthrough you would have identified most of the Topmen here. But as we are, we only have one's fate left to identify: Huang Li was electrocuted.

  • FATE <38> Topman Huang Li was electrocuted.

8: In the Cargo Hold

  • COD CUL Our victim was speared by a terrible beast. Technically we can identify him by the end of this chapter- the only two people left in a boss - subordinate relationship are the Carpenter and his Mate!
I: Loose Cargo
1/2: In the Cargo Hold

The crushed Seaman is none other than Samuel Peters, the other Peters brother; we know it from Lars' and Nathan's presence.

This also allows us to identify the Seaman from Sierra Leone- #55 Hamadou Diom (perhaps earlier), who is present doing manual labour, but whose hammock number is missing in VII-2. He's also the only other black sailor onboard, since we've already identified Alexander Booth and the Carpenter, which differentiates him from both Patrick O'Hagan and John Naples.

At the same time, remember the two mystery seamen in III-2? Notice how the old baldy is missing from II-1. The only unidentified seamen hammock numbers left in II-1 are those of Patrick O'Hagan and Hamadou Diom, which means the shooter in III-2 with dark hair must be hammock number #55 or #58.

Now let's go back to III-2 and take a good look at the mystery seamen's shoes. They both have shoes on- while in this chapter, Diom is wearing boots. And if we look at II-1 again, we notice the sailor in #58 is wearing shoes. That lets us identify Diom. We also get to quite confidently identify Patrick O'Hagan (not-old-baldy) and John Naples (old-baldy), but no rush- they'll be unblurred very soon.

  • FATE <60> Seaman Samuel Peters was crushed by falling cargo.

  • ID <55> Seaman Hamadou Diom.
V: Unholy Captives
4: In the Cargo Hold

The Captain berates his steward for madness; nearby, his victim John, leg lopped off, sword nearby, bleeds out. Upstairs, the seamen are bringing the cursed chest down below.

  • FATE <50> Seaman John Naples was killed with a sword by Captain's Steward Fillip Dahl.

  • ID <28> Captain's Steward Fillip Dahl is bound and taken towards the Lazarette.

3: On the Orlop Deck

Our victim is already known to us, William Wasim, crushed by falling cargo. Behind the accident, the Carpenter leaves his workshop to investigate the disturbance, while his Mate is still working inside; we can finally identify our feisty Americans.

  • FATE <53> Seaman William Wasim was crushed by falling cargo.

  • FATE <10> Carpenter Winston Smith was speared by a terrible beast.

  • FATE <11> Carpenter's Mate Marcus Gibbs was spiked by a terrible beast.

2: On the Gun Deck

Our dear Cook, Thomas Sefton, is struck by a beast's tail. Up top, the carnage of Episode IV is examined by the crew.

  • FATE <12> Cook Thomas Sefton was struck by a beast's tail.

1: On the Main Deck

We see Hamadou and one of the Formosan guards spiked by a beast. Easter egg: the Chinese interrogator doesn't speak Hokkien throughout! He has no idea how to say "everything", so he uses Mandarin for those two words. It's the little things that count.

  • FATE <55> Seaman Hamadou Diom was spiked by a terrible beast.

  • COD CUL The Formosan dude was spiked by a terrible beast.
IV: The Calling
6: Off the Port Side

Second Mate Edward Nichols is shot by the last Formosan alive. Fourth Mate John Davies looks from the side- we know who he is from his hat, a matter of elimination, and that he is in his quarters. His Steward can consequently be identified.

  • COD Second Mate Edward Nichols was shot with a gun.

  • FATE <5> Fourth Mate John Davies was clubbed by Henry Brennan.

  • FATE <32> Fourth Mate's Steward Davey James is alive in Africa.

4: On the Open Sea

A lot is going on in this part, be sure to look at all the corpses.

Our Formosan man dies when he unleashes some unearthly power. Beside him, Topman Li Hong has been speared, while Second Mate's Steward Samuel Galligan has been knifed. Another unidentified sailor in the other boat has been speared as well. However, we can't enter any of them yet. We'll do so later.

3: On the Open Sea

This is another busy scene; take the time to look at things. Bun-Lam Lim is being strangled. O'Hagan has been speared. Aleksei Toporov is being dragged into the ocean. Again, we won't be able to input the obvious fates yet- so wait until the end of this Chapter.

2 / 1: On the Open Sea

Finally; we can identify the remaining Formosans and the fates of the remaining seamen.

  • FATE <23> Passenger Bun-Lan Lim was strangled by a terrible beast.
  • FATE <24> Passenger It-Beng Sia was electrocuted / burned / poisoned.
  • FATE <25> Passenger Chioh Tan was spiked by a terrible beast.
  • FATE <58> Seaman Patrick O'Hagan was speared by a terrible beast.
  • FATE <3> Second Mate Edward Nichols was shot with a gun by Chioh Tan.
  • FATE <30> Second Mate's Steward Samuel Galligan was knifed by It-Beng Sia.
  • FATE <46> Seaman Alarcus Nikishin was drowned by a terrible beast.
  • FATE <47> Seaman Aleksei Toporov was drowned by a terrible beast.

This completes the solvable list. In fact, you can input the final two fates- Nikishin and Toporov- before you even exit the memory. The game glitches out a little and flips to the Conclusion page, where their disappearances would normally be recorded- except since you haven't exited the part yet, the Conclusion page is still empty!
oleoay 27 Dec, 2024 @ 10:06pm 
Thanks for the walkthrough and thought process, it really helped me see some of the clues I kinda brute forced my way through. I ended up unlocking everything then going back to try to find the pieces to put together. I didn't realize that multiple causes of death were possible. The thing that probably took me the longest was thinking the surgeon was the surgeon's mate and the gunner was the gunner's mate. I also, ironically, forgot about the preface and didn't know who the surgeon was until I had over 45 fates done. I didn't know about the wedding ring, I just knew Miss's were unwed and it was pretty easy to tell visually which woman was younger. I also did a lot of elimination by similar outfits. One side note, in VII-5, you can see the seaman George Shirley in silhouette outside the window as the gunner gets obliterated by the cannon, so thrown overboard is a sufficient response for him as well.
Reyquiem 1 Oct, 2023 @ 1:51pm 
I actually figured out Jie Zhang first out of the Chinese topmen, solely because of his legs. Nice to know I theoretically could have identified them in a different order.
[RG]Guerdan 12 Sep, 2023 @ 5:30am 
very cool explanation for the missing things i deduct with elimination. For carpenters, we can see work in worshop during a scene.
Misericordel 7 Apr, 2023 @ 7:18am 
I didn't know there are multiple acceptable causes of death, in some cases I ended up with slightly other then author mentioned, for example in my story gunner Wolff was blasted with a cannon by terrible beast and not by Abraham Akbar
Sweatshack 24 Feb, 2023 @ 12:17am 
Good to know there is in fact a logical way to figure out who everyone is... I brute forced my way through some deductions...
Never would have noticed the ring on the woman to differentiate them
My eyes started to gloss over when reading how to differentiate the Chinese topmen :steambored:
identifiedasbeingdisrespectful 18 Feb, 2022 @ 6:37am 
Isn't Emily Jackson African British or African American? She doesn't really look Caucasian. The manifest says England, but that doesn't mean she's Caucasian.
Amoliski 8 Jan, 2020 @ 9:51pm 
Thanks for this guide- it let me see that I could have spent a year trying to figure out everything and I still wouldn't have gotten far. I feel like the resolution is too low for me to notice 90% of this stuff without help
Driver2900 1 Jan, 2020 @ 6:36pm 
I owe this guide for helping me get the last 4, because I A)didnt notice the gunshot in VI:8, and B)I wasn't sure if the thing riding the crab monster counted as an enemy.
Po_otato 28 Sep, 2019 @ 11:05am 
I think that the information about the survivors being in Africa can be found out from the conversation of the gunner and one of the cap's mates (when the dude shouting mutiny is stabbed), as one of them mentioned stealing a ship and sailing east. Afterwards the whole ordeal of the surgeon and the women escaping happened (and I assumed that the man was planning to escape with them). Looking at the map, they were to the west of Africa, so I assumed that's where they escaped to.
Folly 5 Jun, 2019 @ 10:55pm 
I dunno if I missed it but is Martet Perrott fate missing?