Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

221 Bewertungen
Corpse Party Soundpack [1/2]
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Survivors: Nick
Infected: Special Infected
Game Content: Sounds
Inhaltsindex: Allgemeine nicht jugendfreie Inhalte, Häufige Darstellung von Gewalt, Blut oder Verstümmelung, Gelegentliche Darstellungen von Nacktheit oder sexuellen Handlungen, Häufige Darstellungen von Nacktheit oder sexuellen Handlungen
118.361 MB
28. Juni 2013 um 22:20
1 Änderungshinweis (anzeigen)

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Corpse Party Soundpack [1/2]

In 1 Kollektion von Gelisor
Corpse Party Soundpack
2 Inhalte
This is a musical replacement for L4D2 utilizing Hanamoto Mao's Original Soundtrack for Corpse Party: Blood Covered for the PlayStation Portable.

This addon is part 1 of 2.

Tank songs
Safehouse song
Special Infected attack songs
Scavenge - gascanofvictory
Ending Ques
Survivor Downs/Deaths
Nick's falling voice ques.


** Both parts of this soundpack will consume 215 MB of HDD space total. **

Metadata of most of the songs was left intact inside of the .vpks.
83 Kommentare
F 18. Jan. 2020 um 12:38 
Gelisor  [Autor] 18. Jan. 2020 um 10:59 
No plans, I uploaded this 7 years ago.
F 17. Jan. 2020 um 17:51 
Are you planning on making a part 3?
Gelisor  [Autor] 10. Feb. 2019 um 9:56 
Impossible to fix, sorry. L4D2's sound/music engine is really broken for addons.
- S H I K I - 10. Feb. 2019 um 1:35 
The mod is cool, but why the music on the Tank ends in the middle of the song? How to fix?:yellowjelly:
DS-OP Marcia V. 22. März 2018 um 14:32 
But what if i wanted without Nick falling ques or the Ending ques, what should i do?
Richling 23. Aug. 2017 um 0:53 
Nagahri 10. Juli 2017 um 1:15 
Muy buena!
Hex Maxxing 22. Juni 2017 um 18:56 
i cried at the end of it
KDHRAIAI 6. Juni 2017 um 21:24 