Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

56 beoordelingen
LED Information Board
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Assets: Prop
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3.878 MB
6 nov 2018 om 3:39
7 nov 2018 om 2:25
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LED Information Board

In 1 verzameling van Monocle Gentlesir™
Taiwan Traffic Series (TTS) 臺灣交通系列
18 items
LED Information Board for Highway

Required MOD: Move it!Prop & Tree Anarchy

Recommended Assets / Mods: Truss Gantry NetworkMonotube Gantry Network
Procedural Objects
This package has two Assets.

If this Item has any issue, please leave a comment below or send e-mail to me

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9 opmerkingen
a5146243 1 dec 2018 om 16:29 
請問要如何完整使用? 我用Procedural Objects做出的物件上面警示燈不會閃爍
Monocle Gentlesir™  [auteur] 25 nov 2018 om 1:16 
@bmw50427 Procedural Objects Mod 不支援中文
鑫Felix-GG Da 25 nov 2018 om 1:05 
glarcfan 11 nov 2018 om 8:49 
台灣人給推!! 已訂閱!!
ROC226 9 nov 2018 om 4:01 
takaoila 7 nov 2018 om 7:55 
dpinna 7 nov 2018 om 5:37 
Great!! thank you!
Monocle Gentlesir™  [auteur] 7 nov 2018 om 2:31 
@dpinna updated
dpinna 6 nov 2018 om 5:36 
Can you make it compatible with Procedural Pbjects? So we could write informations ourselves.