Cities: Skylines
Оценок: 854
2 IN 1 | Underground + Underwater Invisible Power Lines
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461.333 KB
29 окт. 2018 г. в 10:57
30 окт. 2018 г. в 9:18
Обновлений: 2 (просмотреть)

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2 IN 1 | Underground + Underwater Invisible Power Lines

В 1 коллекции, созданной Killusions
Killusions: Cities Skylines
Предметов: 9
^^^ Old Russian versions in my collection ^^^

Have a look at all assets and maps I’ve created! -> ^^^In my collection^^^
From the creator of the original underground and underwater power lines, now comes the all-in-one solution, which works both underground and underwater.

A 1x1 invisible underground + underwater power line


Update 1: Reduced the file size of the new version from way too big 8MB to just under 0.5MB, while still keeping all the icons at a size optimized for all 4K players without losing any quality.

Important Statistics:
Size: 1x1

--- Invisible
-- No future incompatibilities or issues, always keeps working
-- Cool icons, which are optimized for 4K players.
- No changes to the game or game save, helps performance
- Small Footprint at just under 0.5 MB

-- Not as flood- and strong current resistant as the underwater power lines (which are still available in my collection and on my profile)
- You can't place other things there [Very small spot] (except with anarchy)

Size: 1x1

Construction Cost: 100
Fire Hazard: 0
Fire Tolerance: 1000
Garbage Accumulation: 0
Maintenance Cost: 1

Electricity Consumption: 1
Electricity Production: 1

Noise Accumulation: 0
Noise Radius: 0
Pollution Accumulation: 0
Pollution Radius: 0

Sewage Accumulation: 0
Water Consumption: 0

Educated Workers: 0
Highly Educated Workers: 0
Uneducated Workers: 0
Well Educated Workers 0

Resource Capacity: 0
Resource Consumption: 0

I think it's really useful. What do you think? Let me know in the comments and if you like it feel free to share this asset with your friends and have a look at the other things I uploaded. Also feel free to subscribe me to see what I create next. Have fun with the underground and underwater power line and I'll hopefully hear from you in the comments. Bye!
Комментариев: 135
misterpajama 8 июн. 2024 г. в 9:51 
what anarchy mod should i use
Killusions  [создатель] 12 сен. 2023 г. в 11:43 
@Lefty, they are asset-based so if you want to overlap them with roads, use anarchy.
Lefty 17 авг. 2023 г. в 9:36 
Do these block roads? I cant place them under a road and it appears I cant build a road over them either.
Killusions  [создатель] 29 июн. 2023 г. в 14:38 
@Urutaraman No, you need to manually place it.
Killusions  [создатель] 29 июн. 2023 г. в 14:38 
@Oniwolfin it still works like it always did
Urutaraman 21 июн. 2023 г. в 8:45 
Does it replace the vanilla power poles?
Oniwolfin 18 июн. 2023 г. в 23:31 
is the mod current?
Killusions  [создатель] 29 мая. 2023 г. в 10:41 
@A | Issac MOREAU what doesn't work? I'm pretty sure that's not true.
Gabriel Mertens 28 мая. 2023 г. в 11:41 
don't work ?
Killusions  [создатель] 1 ноя. 2022 г. в 12:39 
@Soraya I'm sorry I don't, sounds like an interesting idea though.