Train to Zootopia
"Train to Zootopia is a 2019 American 3D computer-animated zombie apocalypse action thriller film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures, Valve and Scott Cawthon. It was directed by Byron Howard, Mike Harrington and Rich Moore, co-directed by Jared Bush, Gabe Newell and Scott Cawthon, and stars the voices of Mark Fischbach, Teresa Gallagher, Rick May, Grey Griffin, Mehdi Sadaghdar, Grant Goodeve, Amber Lee Connors, Dennis Bateman, Gary Scwhartz, Ashley Burch, Brendan Fraser and Stacy Hinojosa. The film mostly takes place on a train to Zootopia, as a zombie apocalypse suddenly breaks out in the country and compromises the safety of the passengers.

Train to Zootopia Soundtrack (2019)

From the creator of Zootopia, Frozen and Ralph Break the Internet
Thank to Scott Cawthon, Capcom, Pixar and Valve

Cast: Mark Fischbach - Robert Skywalker (Withered Foxy), Teresa Gallagher - Nicole Skywalker (Toy Foxy), Rick May - Foxy Skywalker and Crowd of Soldier, Grey Griffin - Megan Skywalker (Funtime Foxy), Gary Schwartz - Chica F. DeGroot and Puppet Pootis and Crowd of Demoman and Heavy, Dennis Bateman - Kevin Buttseck and Crowd of Spy and Pyro, Mehdi Sadaghdar - Freddy Buttkiss, Grant Goodeve - Bonnie Wesker Bacon and Crowd of Engineer, Amber Lee Connors - Karen Blake (Toy Chica), Robin Atkin Downes - Crowd of Medic, Nathan Vetterlein - Crowd of Scout, John Patrick Lowrie - Crowd of Sniper, Daniel Middleton - Dan (Toy Freddy), Elizabeth Dwyer - Lizzie (Toy Bonnie), Joseph Garrett - Stampy (Nightmare Foxy), Stacy Hinojosa - Stacy Plays (Cindy the cat), Brendan Fraser - Rick Plays (Candy the cat), Ashley Burch - Cassie Rose (Nightmare Toy Foxy), Jordan Maron - Captain Sparklez (Golden Freddy), Adam Harrington - TorqueDawg (Withered Golden Freddy the KTX attendant), 정석용 - Funtime Freddy the KTX conductor, 한성수 - John Harrington (Withered Freddy the KTX attendant), 우도임 - Mary Harrington (Phantom Toy Foxy the KTX attendant), Jason Bateman - Nick Wilde, Jennifer Lawrence - Skye Winter and Idina Menzel - Elsa Birkin the infected girl"
10 件のコメント
Tenno 2019年3月12日 2時50分 
I'm watching him rn XD
Emily Sharkess 🦈  [作成者] 2019年3月12日 2時42分 
Yes 👍
Tenno 2019年3月12日 2時41分 
Mark Fischbach? Isn't that Markiplier?
Mr Freddy Fazbear 2019年3月1日 23時10分 
I like it.
Emily Sharkess 🦈  [作成者] 2019年2月8日 14時14分 
♥WHITE WINE POWER♥ 2019年2月8日 10時48分 
Is my prifile nice?
♥WHITE WINE POWER♥ 2019年2月8日 10時47分 
I love it:call_soulmate:
♥WHITE WINE POWER♥ 2019年2月8日 10時47分 
Emily Sharkess 🦈  [作成者] 2019年2月1日 4時59分 
Ohhhh.......... 🤔
Cheffurry519_DE 2019年2月1日 4時59分 
Scott Cawthon is currently working on a Fnaf movie