Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

Ocen: 170
Map Position - Red version
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Features: Features
Map: Map
Interface: Interface
Tagi: UI
Rozmiar pliku
141.269 KB
24 października 2018 o 1:29
24 października 2018 o 12:47
Listy zmian: 2 ( zobacz )

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Map Position - Red version

Player Map Position Icon changed color for better perception.


First mod trial with the Dev Kit - a simple and convenient icon color change.


Changed color to red to make it even more clear.


Mod ID:1546705524


Komentarzy: 27
SivartStoneheart 29 maja 2021 o 12:51 
So few interesting mods. Might as well grab this, it is mildly helpful.
SGC-Mirax 29 października 2020 o 3:36 
Compatible with 2.1 ?
Nekilot 27 października 2020 o 3:38 
Yes it's working for me in a private server of siptah map.
Priapus Morningstar 15 września 2020 o 17:11 
Anyone can confirm if this mod still works on a private server?
Zalizzar 12 czerwca 2020 o 9:55 
Outbrake Gaming Community

Server Name: Outbrake Gaming-REVAMPED-PVE-C/AoC/50+mods/RP-Lite/+Rates/Active Admins


Steam Connect: steam://connect/

Features: Many building related mods
Magic Mods
Many Lite-RP Deco mods
Events with lots of great prizes. (treasure hunts, jousting, hand to hand, maze, racing, axe throwing)
Unlimited /home command usage for teleporting back home (with a /return command available for sever Elders).
Up to 6 following thralls
Level 300
Extensive Marketplace
Crafting Hall
Jousting Arena
Player booths for player vendors
Conan Sexiles Mod for you fucks who like to get freaky.
PVP Hours - TBA

NO DOWNTIME due to out of date mods! Our custom launcher will automatically update server mods as soon as the mod developer releases it on Steam Workshop.

Mod List:
PCGNeurotic 8 września 2019 o 7:24 
So are we. :bigups: :steamhappy:
Some_Warrior  [autor] 31 sierpnia 2019 o 13:21 
Glad the mod still works!:steamhappy:
PCGNeurotic 5 czerwca 2019 o 3:27 
Absolutely essential! Many thanks. :)
Malum In Se 24 stycznia 2019 o 11:35 
The best quality of life mod for Conan given how much u use the map. Can’t live without it now. Thanks for sharing.
The God Emperor of Mankind 8 stycznia 2019 o 8:36 
i think ur mod fights with Niflheimr - MiniMap steam id 1389908968 when i put it at the top of my load order it did nothin but when i put it last it worked it seems to work so long as its befor Niflheimr