Welcome to the Game II

Welcome to the Game II

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A final complete guide to beating Welcome To The Game 2.
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                                           Welcome to Welcome To The Game 2
                                                            - Every youtuber

Welcome To The Game 2 has been created with as little information from the developer as feasible, leaving several important game mechanics up to the player's speculation and growing experience. Thankfully, if you're playing it now, you're late to the party and that means the community effort has already grown enough fruits for you to harvest, allowing you to make the game a breeze.

However, before you continue, it's definitely not impossible, or all that unlikely, to beat the game without external help. It's perfectly plausible to do so with nothing more than the information available in the ingame computer and extravagant amounts of trial and error. If you're a masochist, give that a few tries before this guide, otherwise, read on.

If you already have a basic understanding of the game, please skip "Game Basics".
Game Basics I - The Computer

                                                            Welcome to The Basics

If you already have a basic understanding of this game, please skip to "False Rumours".
It's long and necessary but there's nothing particularly useful here for experienced players.

Still here? Welcome. I should warn you that a decent attempt at completion can take up to 3 hours while the game will be extremely unforgiving by deleting your save file entirely on death. Good luck.

Please make sure you've watched the full tutorial with Adam.
  • There's a call at the beginning of the game.
  • There's a call when opening the Market.
After you've watched the tutorial once, you can start declining his calls in other playthroughs.
You can also right-click to step away from the monitor, and once more to get up and start roaming.

The Computer - Interactions
First of all, you should know what you can do in the computer before you start playing.
  • Left-Clicks work, as well as keyboard shortcuts, such as Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V.
  • The top menu has the following icons:
    • DOS Coins: Click to see your placed Remote VPNs.
    • Backdoor Hacks: Buy Backdoor Hacks in the 0day Market.
    • VPN: Once you've bought VPN upgrades you can switch between VPN levels here.
    • Motion Sensor: Once you've bought Motion Sensors, you can click here to see their state.
    • Wi-Fi: Use this to connect to different Wi-Fi networks or disconnect entirely.
    • Sound: Turns off Website Sounds and Motion Alert.
    • Power Off: Turns off the Computer.
  • A.N.N. - The Browser
    • Home: Always Deep Wiki I.
    • Refresh: Remember to use if you've disconnected at Home as the Home button won't work.
    • Bookmark Save: Use this to save Deep Wiki II, III and websites you want to check later.
    • Source Code: Necessary for some keys and the link for Deep Wiki II.
    • Bookmark Bar: Self-explanatory. Use this to access your saved bookmarks.
  • Notes: Avoid using entirely as successful hacks and Lucas can erase them.
  • Noir Tunnel: Once you've gotten all 8 hashes and 250 DOS Coin, use this to finish the game.
  • Shadow Market: Order shipments from here with your DOS Coins.
    • WiFi Dongle Upgrades: Faster connection for more efficient browsing.
    • Motion Sensor: Placeable device around the building to detect Lucas.
    • Remote VPN: Placeable device around the building to make DOS Coins.
    • Police Scanner: Access police comms giving you time to hide if they come after you.
    • LOLPY Disc: Used to hack the lobby computer for the Doll Maker quest.
    • Blue Whisper: Hear sounds from the computer when away from the PC.
  • 0day Market: Buy software with your DOS Coins.
    • skyBREAK & libs: Use to hack onto other networks.
    • Backdoor Hack: Buy to make money out of blocking hacks.
    • Motion Alert: Buy to hear an Audio Cue when a motion sensor triggers.
    • VPN Levels: Upgrade your personal VPN to avoid hacks.
    • Key Cue: Get a notice in the bottom right if the webpage you're visitting contains a key.

The Computer - Browsing
Once you're comfortable playing in the ingame computer, it's time to start finding hashes.
Refer to Website Details in Cheat Sheets to make this task easier.

There's unfortunately too many different places for hashes to be in any webpage and as such there's no point compiling a list where keys could possibly be found at. You'll have to do all the work.
  • Hashes are never found in the "Unable to connect" page appearing from dead links.
  • Hashes can be found anywhere else except the 3 "Deep Wiki" main pages, such as Home.
  • Hashes can be found in the source code of any webpage in the website you're scavenging.
  • Hashes are almost always in hidden links in any letter, space or even parts of an image.
  • A Hash Link doesn't appear in the Source code, you have to look for it with your mouse cursor.
  • If you click a Hash Link (hearing a Ding), a Hash will appear either on your desktop, or somewhere in the page and it's source code.

Your goal is to find Deep Wiki II, unlock Deep Wiki III and finally scour every website for hashes.
The URL to Deep Wiki II is only ever found in the source code of a random website's front page.
The URL to Deep Wiki III is always shown after solving the Rule of Three puzzle.
The Doll Maker website triggers a new enemy into the game, save it for last.

The Rule of Three website has a clickable puzzle where you have to guess the correct combination of clicks in images containing groups of 3 circles. Clicking the right circle in an image will fill it and allow you to progress, clicking the wrong circle will unfill every circle and force you to start over. Use notes to keep track of the combinations (i.e., 321 123 321 231 132 123) until you fill every circle.

If you have the Key Cue from the 0day Market, the webpage will let you know there's a hash in it through a key icon at the bottom right of your browser. Remember to check every individual webpage in a website, not just the front page.
Game Basics II - Cracking
The Computer - Cracking
You'll have to switch networks reasonably often to avoid detection by The Police.
Refer to Network Details in Cheat Sheets to make this task easier.

You can start cracking Networks by opening skyBreak after acquiring it from the 0day Market.
You'll need to master the software in order to multi-task cracking networks while searching for hashes.
Remember you can type "help" [enter] at any time to get ingame assistance with using skyBreak.

Based on what libraries you have available, enter the type of networks you'll start cracking:

"WEP" [enter]
WEP networks are incredibly easy to hack, but are the most vulnerable to The Police.
Stay on them for as little time as possible.
  • "scan" [enter]: It'll give you a list of available WEP Networks at your dongle's position.
    Take note of the Channel and BSSID of the network you'd like to crack.
  • "probe <BSSID> 1 1000" [enter]: Replace <BSSID> with the BSSID of your target network (i.e.: probe DA:34:F3:F1:AC 1 1000).
    Once it succeeds, take note of the Port it gave you.
  • "crack <BSSID> <Channel> <Port>" [enter]: Replace <BSSID> and <Channel> with the corresponding information of your target network, replace <Port> with the Port number given by your probe, and start cracking (i.e.: crack DA:34:F3:F1:AC 6 493).
  • Take note of the password it gave you and you can connect to the network whenever you want to.

"WPA" [enter] or "WPA2" [enter]
WPA networks are harder to crack than WEP, but are less vulnerable to The Police.
WPA2 networks can take an exceedingly long time to crack, but offer the longest time of safety.
  • "scan" [enter]: It'll give you a list of available WPA Networks at your dongle's position.
    Take note of the Channel and BSSID of the network you'd like to crack.
  • "inject <BSSID> <Channel> 50" [enter]: Replace <BSSID> and <Channel> with the corresponding information of your target network (i.e.: inject DA:34:F3:F1:AC 2 50).
    Repeat this process after a few seconds delay between injections until you get a message stating the network is ready to be cracked.
    If the network crashes, it'll come back soon, you'll have to lower the injection amount (i.e.: from 50 to 25) if it goes down in the first injection, otherwise simply wait longer between injections.
  • "crack <BSSID> <Channel>" [enter]: Once you get a message stating the network is ready to be cracked, replace <BSSID> and <Channel> with the corresponding information you got from the scan on your targetted network, and start cracking (i.e.: crack DA:34:F3:F1:AC 2).
  • Take note of the password it gave you and you can connect to the network whenever you want to.

For more efficient injections, check the WPA networks in Network Details in Cheat Sheets.
    - The first number is the maximum injection value (replacing the 50 in the example).
    - The second number is the amount of seconds to wait after a completed injection before retrying.
    - The third and final number is the amount of minutes you're safe in the network from The Police.

Switch between WEP, WPA or WPA2 cracking by restarting the skyBreak app.
Game Basics III - Hacking
The Computer - Hacking
Every once in a while you'll suffer through a hacking attempt.
Make sure to practice the hacks through the documents in your desktop before playing the game.

Hacks are noisy, but they aren't considered a threat. Threats don't pause through hacks and may still be coming after you during one, while you're possibly blinded and/or deafened by the hack itself.

If a hack makes you miss the Lucas lockpicking audio cue, tough luck.
If you do hear the Lucas audiocue, get out of the computer and hide in the shower.
During a hack, try to find time to look at the Window to check for Noir before continuing.

As enemies get more aggressive, hacks may cause dangerous distractions.
Buy VPN Levels with your extra DOSCoins to prevent lategame hacks.

Countering hacks is the most efficient method to make DOSCoin.
Buy Backdoor Hacks from the 0day Market and aim to always keep a spare, as they're very cheap.

Remember that countering a hack through ZoneWall gives 0 DOSCoin.
The amount of DOSCoin you make is correlated to the hack's difficulty.
Increase the hack's difficulty by failing all ZoneWalls on purpose.

Hacks have the highest odds of happening while trying to visit dead links.
Trigger a hack yourself by refreshing a dead link repreatedly.

Use the following trick to force a hack faster:
  1. Make your A.N.N. browser tiny and line up it's refresh button with the Wi-Fi for convenience
  2. Place Dongle by the Window.
  3. Connect to an Open Wi-Fi.
  4. Refresh a dead link.
  5. Connect to a different Open Wi-Fi.
  6. Refresh a dead link.
  7. Repeat 3-6 until hacked.
  8. After a few hacks, disconnect from these networks to avoid triggering The Police.
Game Basics IV - Roaming
The Desk
(Right-click from the computer)
You can peek the Window at your left from here, as well as Turn ON the PC by clicking it on your right.
You can click the monitor to return to the computer once it's turned on.

The Room
(Right-click from the desk)
Finally we're up and about, roaming the world freely.
  • Desk Chair: Left-Click to return to the desk.
  • Closet: Next to the Balcony Door there's a closet you can hide in.
    (Not recommended, Lucas and The Police can kill you in the closet, use the Shower instead)
  • Flashlight: There's a flashlight by your bedstand, pick up with Left-Click and press F to toggle it.
  • (Flashlight has a limited irreplaceable battery, avoid prolonged use)
  • Bathroom Door: There's a door that leads to the bathroom.
  • Bathroom Shower: There's a shower inside the bathroom that you can use to hide.
    • Left-Click to enter the shower.
    • Left-Click again to peek outside the shower (never recommended).
    • Right-Click to exit the shower.
  • Balcony Door: There's a door that leads towards your balcony.
  • Balcony: There's access to fire escape stairs here used to place Remote VPNs.
  • Light Switches: There's 5 total lights in the room.
    (Lights off makes Noir more aggressive, Lights on makes Lucas stay longer)
    • Light Switch inside the Bathroom (recommend keeping it always off).
    • Light Switch next to the Bathroom Door (recommend keeping it always on unless hiding).
    • Light Switch next to the Fridge.
    • Light Switch next to the Exit Door.
    • Light Switch next to the Balcony Door.
      (When hiding, recommended order: Turn Off PC>Balcony>Exit>Kitchen>Bathroom>Hide)
  • Exit Door: There's a door that leads to your hallway.
    • Peephole: You can Left-Click the peephole to peek to the hallway, Right-Click to exit.
      (Noir can spawn just outside your door, so you should peek before leaving)
      (The Doll Maker will show in the peephole after its' music starts playing)
      (Don't peek if you hear Lucas' sound cue, as he will kill you)
    • Left-Click Handle: Open the door to the hallway.
    • Right-Click Handle: Lock or unlock the door.
      (Always keep the door locked in order to survive Lucas)

The Hallway
Remember that your room is in 805, right side of the hall.
Walls in every hallway can be good for Remote VPN placements.
After Lucas spawns, any Hallway that you enter has a very low chance of him killing you.
For safety against Lucas while in your room, you'll be placing Motion Sensors in both ends of this hall.
    - One in a wall next to the Stairwell Door
    - One in a wall next to the Elevator

The Stairwell
As you exit the Hall towards the Stairwell, you have the Maintenance room in your left.
Walls in any part of the Stairwell can be good for Remote VPN placements.
After Lucas spawns, entering the Stairwell has a low chance of death.
Floors with available hallways: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10.
The Lobby is located in Floor 1.

Maintenance Room
When the lights go out, you need to head here with your Flashlight and turn them back on.
There's no risk from Lucas killing you in the swift trip to turn the power on.
You can find Noir on the way here or back to 805.

There's a computer by the reception that you can hack with the LOLPY Disc for The Doll Maker.
There's access to the Alley at the end of the Lobby, straight in front.

There's a room in the middle of the Alley that you need to use to avoid dying to the Breather.
You can grab two packages by Left-Clicking them at the end of the Alley after each shipment:
    - One on top of some boxes at the left.
    - One just at the right of those same boxes, that you need to crouch (CTRL) to pick up.

You return to the Lobby by just heading back towards the main street.
Game Basics V - Enemies
Now that you know the layout of the game area and what you can do...
It's time to talk a little about the threats you'll be facing throughout the game.

The Enemies I - The Noir
                                                                           The Noir
                                                               - "Did you check the w..."

The main antagonist of the game is mostly easy to avoid, simply turn around and count to 15.
15 real time seconds corresponds to 30 ingame seconds and I believe that solves the inconsistency with his mechanic and his document, if for some reason you count too fast and he's still there, repeat.

Going back to your computer counts as turning around as long as you've looked at him
This is a very important piece of advice that will save you a lot of time throughout the game.

The Noir will open your room's Window once you visit a website that contains a Hash
Use this as a make-shift Key Cue to get your first Hash, then be on the lookout for Noir.

The Noir gets more aggressive in the lategame and by keeping the lights off
As easy as he may be to avoid, he'll most likely be the main cause of your non-RNG deaths.
Make it easier by keeping all lights on as soon as your Motion Sensors are up.

The Noir can show up at any moment while roaming outside.
Simply turn around and let him despawn, then continue as usual.
You'll die if you get too close to him, so take special care running straight forward from doors.

However, inside the room you need to worry about the following:
  • Anywhere inside your room as you get up from your desk.
  • At your Balcony (walk towards the Exit Door and look towards the Balcony to see him).
  • At your Window (Right-Click from your computer to look at the Window from your desk).

If The Noir spawns around you and you haven't left your PC to look at him, you will be killed.
To avoid that, remember to check the Window during page loads once it's open.
Get up to check the balcony and behind you on occasion.

The Enemies II - Lucas
                                                               - "F#$* LUCAS S#!$ F*%$"

Your worst nightmare... as well as the culprit for needing to play this game with the volume maxed.
After you've browsed a while, simply assume Lucas has spawned and you need to start listening.

If you're inside your room, Lucas triggers the Lockpick sound cue
As soon as you hear it's faint sound on the handle, you don't have time to turn off all the lights.
Run: Turn Off PC > Light Switch by the Bathroom > Hide in Shower.

If you leave your Exit Door unlocked, he can insta-kill you at any point with no warning
Remember to lock the damn door.

If he triggers the Motions on your hall, you have enough time to turn everything off and hide
The Motion Alert software gives the Motion Sensors an impossible-to-miss audio cue.
Do make sure the volume on your ingame PC is on so you can hear the Motion Alert.
If you've placed 2 Motions at the ends of your hall, Lucas triggers them on the way.
Run: Turn Off PC > Turn Off Light Switches (Balcony > Exit > Kitchen > Bathroom) > Hide

If you're outside your room, just hope for the best
Lucas is the RNG Killer. Once he's roaming the building, especially lategame, you can open any door to the Stairwell or Halls and die. As soon as you see Lucas, there's nothing your character can do but stare at his bullet travelling towards its' head.

For this reason and this reason alone, we avoid leaving our appartment. Get the shipments as early in the night as you can, and always in doubles in order to reduce the amount of times we have to leave, then lock yourself in the appartment and avoid mistakes.

The sound cues as he enters your appartment are in this order:
  • Lockpick
  • Door open
  • Steps
  • Door closes
  • Steps (Multiple...)
  • Possible: Bathroom door opening
  • Possible: Loud steps
  • Possible: Bathroom door closing
  • Steps (Multiple...)
  • Door open
  • Steps
  • Door closes
Count to 15 (just as with Noir!) and if you don't hear any steps, exit the shower and continue.
There's a very low chance you'll die regardless if you've left some lights on, as he'll be waiting.
If you are slow getting in the shower, he'll wait with no sound and kill you instantly on your way out.

The Enemies III - Breather
                                                                           The Breather
                                                      - "I've never focused so much in my life"

The Breather only attacks in the Alley. There's a sound cue for his presence, laughter.

If you hear The Breather's sound cue, or you're unsure, sprint to the door in the middle
Once you're inside, Right-Click the door to take position.
Count to 15 (just as with Noir!) and if you don't hear footsteps, you can leave the room.

If you hear the footsteps approaching your room, the Breather minigame starts
Simply hold Left-Click when the door opens slowly, release as soon as it closes again.
It's a reaction-based minigame, if you're a little bit too slow, he'll barge in and kill you.
Repeats 7-8 times before you hear him leaving.
Count to 15 and leave as well.

There's a chance the Breather kills you after you pick up your package
If you're ever unsure of the Breather's presence, simply go into the room and count to 15.
Play it safe and he's an easy enemy to avoid.

The Enemies IV - The Police
                                                                           The Police
                                                              - "It's the Police Department!"

Check Network Details in Cheat Sheets for the amount of time you can stay in any given Wi-Fi.

There's no reliable sound cue alerting The Police is coming for you, and if you're not in the shower when they arrive it's an immediate Game Over - if you're outside, they'll wait in your hallway.

Easily avoidable by hopping networks consistently, use a timer based on your network.
Make sure to Turn OFF your computer when you leave.
Make sure to Disconnect Wi-Fi when not browsing.

Note: When triggering manual hacks in the two open networks, remember that a particularly lengthy hack could bring you over the timer and bring in The Police at the end of it. Remember to disconnect, and if necessary, switch to a safer network and trigger hacks the slow way for a few minutes.
Game Basics VI - The Doll Maker
Finally, to complete the enemies list, we have an easter egg as a completely optional enemy.

The Enemies V - The Doll Maker
                                                                           The Doll Maker
                                                                               - "Uhh..."

The Doll Maker only spawns after you visit The Doll Maker's Website.

In a good playthrough, you'll never meet this enemy, as you save his website to the very end of your search - if it contains the last key, you can finish the game before he becomes a problem.

However, if you do spawn him by accident or out of sheer curiosity, these events will follow:
  1. The Doll Maker's music will start playing.
  2. Check the peephole, his doll is there.
  3. He'll grab the doll and leave.
  4. Power goes out.
  5. As you go fix it, the Doll Maker will grab you.
  6. Ship the LOLPY Disc and get it's package.
  7. Grab LOLPY Disc from your desk.
  8. Doll's Head is now in your appartment door.
  9. Take the LOLPY Disc to the Lobby's PC.
  10. Search for the room # of young women.
  11. Place Doll's Head in one of their doors.
  12. Resume gameplay as normal.
  13. Hear your neighbour's screams...

You need to make sure you have 135 DOSCoin.
Otherwise, you won't be able to hack the lobby PC.

Steps 8 through 13 will keep repeating.
Don't fail or take too long in any of these steps...
False Rumours
Unfortunately, when you have a community effort decoding several game mechanics, you also have the distracted or arrogant gamers shouting out their own unconfirmed speculations as if they programmed the game themselves. In fact, the biggest timewaster researching this game - including some of the guides here -, is filtering through the misinformation.

Due to these rumours, players tend to wait far longer for their safety than they need to, whilst hiding more often as well. Odds are that by the time they stop hiding a new threat is also about to show up. Making the game unnecessarily dull and frustrating. Let's fix this.

Here are some important examples of misinformation you may already have subjected yourself to:

1. There's sound Cues for Noir
Wrong. Noir is silent.

2. Sirens mean Police is coming
Wrong. Sirens never have anything to do with the player. Don't waste your time hiding. Deal with the police by paying close attention to your Wi-Fi Timers.

3. Two car honks indicate Lucas spawning
Wrong. Information about Lucas spawns based on sound cues remains speculative. To play it safe, you can always assume Lucas is an active threat.

4. Footsteps means Lucas is coming
Wrong. The only sound cue you have for Lucas is the lockpicking noise. Don't waste your time hiding. Deal with Lucas by using two motion sensors.

5. You can stop and listen on the stairwell doors for Lucas
Wrong. If he's roaming the building, simply accept your fate on the only RNG Kill this strategy has.

6. X sound means Y
Most of this information is speculative. Background sounds in this game are rarely related to threats.
Concerning sound cues are as follows:
  • Lockpicking: Lucas is entering the appartment within seconds.
  • Loud Steps while hiding: Lucas is looking for you.
  • Door opening>steps>closing: Lucas has entered/left the bathroom or appartment.
  • Laughing in Alley: Breather is present.
  • Footsteps while hiding in Alley: Breather minigame is starting.
  • Doll-Maker Music: Doll-maker event. D'oh.
  • Female neighbour screams: Doll-maker satiated for now.
I've noticed unrelated tunes playing at short bursts, don't be alarmed, it's nothing.
Any other sound you may hear that's not on that list, you can safely ignore and keep browsing.

7. You can stay on Open/WEP/WPA networks for X Minutes
You can't put a timer based on network encryption type. Each network has a different amount of time you can safely stay in it, consult the Network Details in Cheat Sheets to stay clear of The Police.

8. Leaving all lights off except the one by the bathroom is the best strategy
You can do this for the first hours of the game to avoid any unlucky Lucas encounter taking longer than it has to (though it's really just a minute), but by far your biggest threat in the lategame is going to be The Noir. Instant kills by the PC on good runs with no warning is the most frustrated you'll ever be in this game. So do yourself a favor, and as soon as you have a motion sensor, turn on every light.

9. Motion Sensors need to be placed in Green
Red is just the placement highlighter for these. Don't go looking for other colors.

10. You need to wait 5 minutes for Lucas to leave
Wrong. Don't waste time, pay attention to his sound cues and don't mistake bathroom/exit doors.
Count to 15 before leaving the shower to be safe, if you die then, you were going to die regardless.

11. You need to wait 5 minutes for the Breather before/after package
Wrong. The Breather doesn't show up without the sound cue. Hide in the Alley room.
If you're unsure whether or not the sound cue has fired, you'll hear his footsteps within 15s.
If after 15s there's no footsteps, you can safely assume the Breather hasn't spawned this time.

12. You need to wait 30s turned around for Noir to despawn, keep flashlight on
15 seconds will do. Going into the PC counts as being turned around. Keep flashlight off.
Strategy I - Cheat Sheets
Before we begin, our community effort has resulted in a spreadsheet analyzing Websites and Networks in this game for all their useful details. See it below.

However, for the purpose of completing this game, I've made two useful one-pagers based on it.

Cheat Sheets
  • Website Details: PDF Link[drive.google.com]
    List of websites with their timers and # pages.

  • Network Details: PDF Link[drive.google.com]
    List of networks on the 3 useful dongle locations.


Printing or otherwise keeping this information close to you during your gameplay is essential.

If you're having difficulties finding all the keys with Key Cue
Print and mark over each website in the "Website Details" Sheet after checking.
Make sure to check all pages within a website while looking for the Key Cue icon in the bottom right of the browser before marking the website as checked - the number of pages each website contains is in parenthesis after it's name when it has more than one.

If you're having difficulty or wasting too much time cracking networks
Do nothing else but aim for DOSNET immediately after you've gotten all your shipments, you can stay in it for the rest of the game while aware that each ingame hour you have a 5% chance to get arrested.
Strategy II - Checklist
Let's revise, below is what I recommend you have at hand before you begin playing this game.

  • (Cheat Sheet) Website Details
  • (Cheat Sheet) Network Details
  • Pen & Paper
    • (Paper) Section for Wi-Fi Passwords
    • (Paper) Section for Hashes
    • *(Paper) Section for help with Memory hacks
    • *(Paper) Section for help with Rule of Three
  • Multiple stopwatches
    • (Stopwatch) Time spent connected to this Wi-Fi
    • *(Stopwatch) For Injection Cooldowns
    • *(Stopwatch) For all the "Count to 15"s

If you have multiple monitors or available PCs nearby:
    - A very viable alternative to Pen & Paper is just alt-tabbing to Notepad.
    - Can use websites such as these[stopwatch.online-timers.com] for the stopwatch(es).
    - Cheat Sheets needn't be printed, but open Website Details in an app that allows you to mark it.
Strategy III - Walkthrough

                                                            Welcome to The Strategy
                                                           "The game has just begun"

Make sure you've gotten everything from the Checklist above on hand and let's begin...

22:00 - The Beginning
Keep in mind the "False Rumours" section above, don't hide unnecessarily, too much nor too long.
The steps in this section should be memorised and quickly executed at the beginning of every attempt.
When placing Remote VPNs, the bottom right corner has a DOSCoin symbol also indicating color.
(No lines above it = Red; 1 Line = Yellow; 2 Lines = Green) - You still need to aim at the wall.

    - Get a Green Remote VPN.
    - Prepare for Lucas.

    1. Reject Adam's call.
    2. Click on Shadow Market.
    3. Reject Adam's call again.
    4. Turn off PC.
    5. Grab the flashlight.
    6. Turn off Light Switches by the Balcony, Kitchen and Exit.
    7. Turn off Light Switch inside the Bathroom.
    8. Make sure you always leave the Light Switch next to the bathroom entrance on.
    9. Fetch your free Remote VPN package from the Alley.
    10. Go back to your room to pick up your VPN.
    11. Get back outside and don't give up until you find a Green placement for your VPN.
    12. Get back to your room and lock the door.

22:20 - The Computer
We now have our VPN growing our wealth, our lights are off so we can quickly hide from Lucas and not waste much time turning them all off, it's time to get comfortable on our desk and get to work.
This step is about mastering skyBreak and being on the lookout for Lucas' sound cue.
Disconnect from networks at least a minute before endtime to be safe.

    - Find Deep Wiki II.
    - Find our first Hash.
    - Make money for shipments.

    1. Turn the PC back on.
    2. Connect to the open Wi-Fi.
    3. (Timer) Start your Wi-Fi timer - You have 16 minutes in this network (confirm in Network Details)
    4. Purchase skyBreak.
    5. Purchase 2 Backdoor Hacks.
    6. Every time you get hacked, purchase another Backdoor Hack.
    7. Use skyBreak to get the passwords for the two WEPs here while multi-tasking the next steps.
    8. Open A.N.N. and make it bigger.
    9. Open Source Code and make it bigger.
    10. Check "Website Details" for help with your browsing.
    11. Look only at the front page of all currently available websites, starting from the top.
    12. Look at the Source Code of all front pages, your goal is to find Deep Wiki II.
    13. Check the Window, if it opens between Websites, it means it contains your first Hash.
    14. Once the Window is open, be on the lookout for Noir.
    15. Browse until you have 80 DOSCoin, then buy Remote VPN and Motion Sensor.
    16. Remember to switch networks and restart your timer when necessary, once you've used up the open and 2 WEP networks here, take the dongle to bed and start cracking again.

23:00 - The Alley
We should have found the first hash and Deep Wiki II by now, but if not, continue afterwards.
We don't solve the Rule of Three (found in Deep Wiki II) immediately because disconnecting or refreshing restarts the puzzle into a completely different combination, watch your Wi-Fi Timer.

Motion Sensors will be on top of the piece of furniture to the right of our apartment door.
Remember that Lucas is likely active now and can kill you on the way.
Remember to be careful with the Breather when heading to the alley.

    - Grab our second Remote VPN and place it in Green.
    - Grab our first Motion Sensor and place it by the Stairwell door.
    - Solve the Rule of Three puzzle for Deep Wiki III.
    - Make money for more shipments.

    1. Make sure the purchases read "Shipped" with no progress bar.
    2. Remember to Turn OFF the PC before leaving.
    3. Head towards the Alley to grab our two packages, you need to crouch for the second.
    4. Head back to our room to grab our VPN, place it somewhere Green.
    5. Head back to our room to grab our first Motion Sensor, place it in the wall next to the Stairwell.
    6. Get back in our room, lock the door and turn on the computer.
    7. Continue searching for Deep Wiki II and your first Hash if you haven't found them already.
    8. Browse until you have 80 DOSCoin, then buy Remote VPN and Motion Sensor.
    9. Try to trigger slow manual hacks to make money for the next shipments if necessary.
    10. Once you switch to a fresh network, use the time you have there to solve Rule of Three.

00:00 - The Last Trip
Be wary that Lucas and the Breather are more likely to appear as a threat now.
We should have all 3 Deep Wikis available and at least one hash.

    - Grab our last VPN and place it in Green
    - Grab our last Motion Sensor and place it by the Elevator.

    1. Make sure the purchases read "Shipped" with no progress bar.
    2. Remember to Turn OFF the PC before leaving.
    3. Head towards the Alley.
    4. Whether or not you heard a sound cue, I recommend hiding and counting to 15.
    5. Grab the packages and hide again, let's play this extra safe, count to 15.
    6. Leave and now be ready for annoying Lucas RNG.
    7. Fetch our last Remote VPN and place it in Green.
    8. Fetch our last Motion Sensor and place it on the wall next to the Elevator.
    9. Lock yourself in the room again.

00:30 - The Grind
You're never leaving the apartment again, as Lucas and the Breather pose unnecessary risks.
Blackouts never get you killed by Lucas, but watch out for Noir on the way to fix them.

    - Get a Motion Alert for your sensors.
    - Turn ALL light switches on except the one inside the bathroom to fend off Noir.
    - Get enough money for Key Cue and WPA lib.

    1. If you've already gotten all the Deep Wikis and your first hash, it's time to grind.
    2. Finish browsing or triggering slow hacks on your current network's timer.
    3. When your time is up for that network, or there's a blackout, put the dongle by the window.
    4. Make A.N.N. tiny and use the trick for manual hacks (Game Basics III).
    5. Remember to disconnect after a lengthy hack to avoid The Police.
    6. Play it safe by going back to slower hacks in a trusted network if you're unsure about the timers.
    7. Remember to faill every single ZoneWall for the hardest hacks.
    8. Use pen and paper to help you with Memory hacks if you're having issues.
    9. Once you've made 405 DOSCoin, disconnect and take a breather.
Strategy IV - Lategame

01:00 - The Hikikomori
Stay calm, but be on the lookout for Noir. Check the Window repeatedly.
Get up from your chair and look for Noir behind you and in the balcony.
Leave the Doll Maker's website for last.
Don't get distracted.

    - Get several WPA/WPA2 safe networks.
    - Upgrade Personal VPN to avoid hacks.
    - Browse the Deep Web with the Key Cue.
    - Get all 8 Hashes.
    - Beat the game.

    1. Connect to a safe network to download WPA lib for skyBreak if you haven't had to already.
    2. Once it's installed, disconnect, put dongle in your desk and crack a new WPA network.
    3. Connect to one of the new safe networks, start installing the Key Cue.
    4. Keep cracking more networks while watching your Network timer carefully.
    5. With the Key Cue, start browsing and scratching out visitted Websites from your sheet.
    6. You'll keep getting money generated from your VPNs and the occasional hack.
    7. Use that money to get the WPA2 lib and crack safer networks.
    8. Finally, use your remaining money to start upgrading your Personal VPN.
    9. Remember to click on the Personal VPN icon to switch to higher levels to avoid hacks.
    10. Try to get the "Sometimes Available" websites out of the way as soon as possible.
    11. Be very careful when writing down hashes, the Os and 0s and other similarities.
    12. Once you have all 8 hashes, I recommend pausing the game and taking another breather.
    13. Check for Noir, don't get distracted. Do a lap around your apartment before continuing.
    14. At the end of another Lucas event, check for Noir and put the dongle by the window.
    15. Turn off your personal VPN and start triggering hacks for the 250 final DOSCoins.
    17. Disconnect immediately after you have the 250 DOSCoins or close to.
    18. Put the dongle by the desk and switch back to a safe network.
    19. Scout your apartment for Noir one last time.
    20. Type in the hashes in order at the Noir Tunnel.
    21. If you succeeded, Adam will tell you to go to the lobby.
    22. Head down towards the lobby to exit the building, there's no threats anymore.
    23. Enjoy the endgame.
Strategy V - Ending

                                                              Welcome to The 1%

                                     We hope you enjoyed the game and the guide
31 kommentarer
CraftyDiggun 28. des. 2024 kl. 2.27 
Holy crap that’s crazy handy and dang do I want to play this but like with my therapist on the phone so I don’t gain depression :pug:
Mad Watcher 26. nov. 2024 kl. 21.16 
I'm just reading this guide, and yeeeeah i'm not even going to attempt to play this game. It just sounds super tedious.
Jester Satanas 16. nov. 2024 kl. 15.54 
two things:
one: balcony wifi
two: is the amount of time for switching wifi.... IN GAME MINUTES??? OR REAL LIFE
Rented 18. okt. 2024 kl. 13.27 
this guide is great and incredibly helpful, got very decently far. However unfortunately, what was not accounted for was me panicking and fumbling to get the bathroom door open while i made a sad attempt to turn off the lights (i only got the one near the bathroom). otherwise this guide works really well :3
lamuterne 28. mai 2024 kl. 2.28 
After 10:20 u could Open a dead page And try to get hacks meanwhile cracking networks
and then only buy WPA2, 2 motion sensors, motion alert and finally the key cue and then u can just go on the grind, get deep wikis and find keys
FierceThundr_ 19. mai 2024 kl. 12.59 
@Iamuterne Yeah that particular note in that comment was wrong. They can co-exist. I'm not 100% sure what I was trying to say there because I believe I did know they could co-exist at that point.
lamuterne 19. mai 2024 kl. 11.13 
@FierceThundr_ I found the link for wiki 2 and a key on a website
Dingus 1. mai 2023 kl. 4.40 
the breather timer is wrong i just had heard his footsteps at 30 seconds not 15 seconds
FierceThundr_ 18. mars 2023 kl. 9.43 
@Mr.Secret No there can't. It IS however possible that a wiki link on wiki 1 and a key are on the same site or page.
Mr.Secret 18. mars 2023 kl. 3.32 
Can there be 2 keys on one website?