Arma 3
116 valoraciones
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Equipment
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5.675 MB
20 OCT 2018 a las 3:35 a. m.
17 FEB 2020 a las 6:00 p. m.
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This is my Multispectral (MS) IFF strobe - it strobes in Thermal (MWIR - Medium Wave IR) and Nightvision (NIR - Near IR). My intent is to emulate real-life multispectral strobes such as the offerings from Steiner and Wilcox Industries.

The strobe shows up in inventory as a grenade with the name of "MS IFF Strobe".

This addon no longer requires ACE3. The strobe can be thrown or used with the ACE Attach system.

This strobe will last for 5 hours before the battery dies.

This also modifies the vanilla IR strobes (IR Grenade) to be lighter and last 5 hours instead of 5 minutes.

The effects are built into the configuration files of the model so they *should* have better performance than script based solutions.

If you'd like to use any part of this mod for your own work please contact me on Steam or the BIs forums - I'd love for a better coder to make this better (hint hint ACE Team).

You MAY use this addon as part of an addon package. You MAY also pull out the .pbo files and include them in your own addon.

PLEASE: if you rate this item negatively, leave a comment so I know what to fix.

For comments/requests/questions please follow the link below to the BIS forum.

BIS Forum:

Please Rate! Thanks

-The Thermal effect doesn't seem to "stick" to the strobes if they're moving fast
-The thermal flash shape is a bit ugly - I plan on trying to come up with a nice round circular flash
-The effect of the -2 strobe lags behind moving objects. This strobe is best for marking static items
-ARMA2 trees seem to be able to knock the strobe off - Fixed

-Reduce weight of strobe - Done
-Remove ACE as a requirement while maintaining compatibility - Done
-Create new item instead of overwriting vanilla IR grenade - Done
-Add Multiple flash patterns - Done
-Update NIR strobe pattern to match the MWIR pattern - This appears to be an engine limit
-Configuration screen for strobes? I'd love some help on this - On hold until I find a way to make the NIR flash match the MWIR

-Bohemia Interactive Studios for the vanilla ARMA 3 content
-The ACE3 team for their awesome work
-super-truite and his awesome Particle Editor addon
-SzwedzikPL for sharing his script-based solution on ACE3 GitHub

102 comentarios
Inferno | M.D.F 20 NOV 2024 a las 6:04 p. m. 
Is there a way to get this working with A3TI? I've tried to take a look but my c++ knowledge is dogwater
Jake Carpenter 19 JUN 2024 a las 10:57 p. m. 
@Tic Use IR Chem Lights from ACE
Inferno | M.D.F 6 DIC 2023 a las 9:25 a. m. 
Fairly sure this mod is broken, keep getting disappearing strobes on MP
Tic 4 NOV 2023 a las 3:59 p. m. 
Is it possible to make an Epilepsy-friendly option? like a consistent, constant IR instead of flashing?
Zapp Brannigan 25 OCT 2023 a las 7:48 a. m. 
Any way to get this to work with A3 Thermal Enhancement? They mention you in their credits, but then your strobe doesn't work with their improved thermals.
Fat_Lurch  [autor] 4 MAR 2023 a las 5:10 p. m. 
Timey, yes, that should be possible. Honestly I don't know when I'll get to it though. Someone had developed their own strobe system, you may want to see if it has the feature you're looking for.

Timey 1 MAR 2023 a las 8:44 a. m. 
Is it possible to make a strobe that flashes only thermally so that when night fighting near peer factions only our air assets can see us with thermals?
飞龙岩山 9 DIC 2022 a las 10:23 p. m. 
Can you add the function of switching mode (flashing and constant light)? and please add A3TI compatibility if possible, it would really help
KJW 16 MAY 2022 a las 1:25 p. m. 
"supposedly" heh, doubt BI are going to give any significant information in the slightest -- lets hope im wrong
Fat_Lurch  [autor] 16 MAY 2022 a las 12:59 p. m. 
We'll supposedly find out tomorrow, eh? Lol