Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

Ocen: 658
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 special ops: 69 stars.
Autorstwa: Gold Eagle
In this guide I will teach you how to easily get 69 stars on modern warfare 2's special ops.
For some of these it would be recommended to have a friend with you, but we'll see what we can do.
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You are about to begin the first mission, good luck!

THE PIT is the training level of the game, I suggest using the MP5K as your primary weapon and the USP.45 as the secondary weapon to get through this on 3 stars (Which we are going to do on every mission).

SEMPER-FI basically requires you to stay in the same location for the entire duration of the mission. Take the predator drone as soon as it's available and destroy large groups of hostiles, as well as trucks and cars. Use your sniper rifle to take out any remaining hostiles.

O CRISTO REDENTOR is a bit harder, you might require a few tries for this one because even with a strategy things can go wrong, anyhow...Take the AA-12 from the pick-up truck as your secondary weapon, now assault the building on the left side. Once you're in you should take out everyone you can around the house until you notice that there's 40 enemies remaining, now you should hear the dogs approaching, once you see the dogs you should jump over the window of the house that you have assaulted, the dogs will have to go all the way around which gives you time to take out your shotgun and blow them to hell, continue doing this and everything will be alright. (2 dogs will attack after every 10 hostiles (40, 30, 20, 10 and the last 2 around 1-3 hostiles)

EVASION. For evasion I would suggest watching the video bellow-

SUSPENSION is the final mission from Alpha, for this one I would suggest getting a friend to help you.
1 Player: Take the ACR as the primary weapon and any weapon of your choice as the secondary weapon, you will have to line up with either the left or right side of the bridge, this is where the ropes will be thrown down and hostiles will come out of, once you've taken out one line of hostiles take cover behind a car of your choice (making sure it's not on fire) and shoot all the hostiles coming from the other side, at this time another assault will commence, so you should quickly shoot the line of hostiles coming down with the rope and also shoot the other hostiles, now select the grenade launcher on your ACR and shoot the big green truck, the huge explosion should clear out any hostiles taking cover behind or near the truck.
Head over to the second area where the hostiles will come from helicopters but at the same time an attack chopper will try to kill you, pick up and RPG or use the grenade launcher to take down the chopper, once the chopper is dealt with take cover behind the barricades and shoot the incoming hostiles, destroy the 2nd big, green truck with your grenade launcher too just because.
2 Players: Go to the left or right side of the bridge and line up to kill everyone coming down with ropes, tell your friend to do the same with the oposite side of the bridge, this way you will clear them out before they even get to solid ground. Now run over to the second area where either you or your friend will deal with the helicopter while the other one shoots the incoming hostiles.
Welcome to the Bravo missions, here there are 2 Co-Op ONLY missions, so you'll need a partner.

OVERWATCH. Yes, this is the first Co-Op mission you (And your friend) will have to face, The key strategy to this one is simple, Communication. After you take the weapons of your choice (I would suggest taking one with a grenade launcher) All you will need to do is run to the bridge, take cover under it and wait for your partner to kill everyone and say: "Clear", "Safe" or any other term you two will agree upon, next up you will notice the house from which 3 hostiles will come out of, select the grenade launcher (If you have taken it) or shoot them all when they come out of the house, now you will notice the huge field filled with hostiles, you might also notice some helicopters bringing in new hostiles, if you have a grenade launcher shoot every helicopter you see down if not, get your partner to do so by marking the helicopters with your laser. Once you run through the field you will have to go through the house, throw a flashbang in every room you're about to go into and you'll be fine, from here you will run into an ambush right before the fence, just take cover when you notice the hostiles. Now you should be entering the last area which are the greenhouses, but in front of it there's another field filled with bales of hay, take cover behind the bales of hay and wait for your partner to take care of the hostiles, now run into the greenhouses, throw grenades and flashbangs in every corner you're about to go into and then run into the barn to complete the mission.

BODY COUNT is pretty easy when you know what to do...Words might not be good enough to describe it so please enjoy the video!

BOMB SQUAD, is a fun mission. Just take the M240 as your primary weapon and keep the G18 as your secondary weapon. Go to the bomb site on the right side of the spawn point, Take your G18 or M240 out and shoot everyone, everywhere. Rush to the bomb and defuse it, run over to the spawn point again and when you look right in front of you, you'll see an alley that takes you to the side of the street leading to the 2nd bomb site, take your M240 out and shoot everyone you see, use the cars and walls as cover, when entering the building with the bomb throw a flashbang and take out your G18, when you start defusing the bomb hostiles from the building nearby will throw a flashbang and enter the room, stop defusing and shoot them at once, now you can defuse without anyone interrupting. After that you can choose between the two paths leading to the last bomb site, throw as many grenades/ flashbangs into the area as possible BEFORE entering, most hostiles will either be blind or dead, shoot the remaining hostiles and defuse.

RACE is generally a fun mission, it's very easy and there's nothing to explain about it. You can also do it with your friend!

BIG BROTHER is the final mission from Bravo, this is another Co-Op only mission so wake your friend up and tell him to come over immediately! Enjoy this video!
These missions are hard, Let's get right to it.

TIME TRIAL is a race mission, play it with a friend if you want. Not much else to say.

HIDDEN (as the name implies) is a stealth mission. It is set in the Call of Duty 4 All Ghillied up mission map.
Take any secondary weapon of your choice and use it to kill the two guys at the beginning, once they are dealt with you'll see the two guys in the middle area, if you line up the shot you can take them both down with one shot. Now you will enter the first sniper area, you will know you are there when you get a bloody shot right in your face. Shoot the guy on the right side of the lake, right behind the shipping container and the other one on the other side of the lake. Advance to the field, you will notice a guy shooting you from behind a destroyed tank, kill the guy and walk over to the last piece of cover that is another destroyed tank. There will be one guy next to a small tree right in front of you, another guy will be up on the hill of the field, also, there's a guy on the other side of the tanks (cover), jump and shoot him. Go over to the pipeline, crouch behind it, you will notice a hostile walking up on the road, DON'T shoot him, there will be 2 others following him, shoot the one in the back and progress to the one in the front, now go to the church, look up on the tower. You will notice a sniper looking down from up there, shoot him and then go into the church yard. Here you will see 3 hostiles, one will be mobile most of the time as he's going in and out of the church very often, shoot the two hostiles when he's in the church and shoot him when he exits out of the church. Get into the church and climb the ladder leading up to the tower where the sniper used to be. Shoot the two hostiles walking near the statue, and shoot the other two walking the other way. Now take a look at the building with the two hostiles in front of it, shoot them both and then take a look at the windows, you will notice a guy patrolling inside of the building. Take him out. Now go back down and run into the last area, shoot the guy looking out of the window, and then take out the other guy who's going out for a walk. Inside the barn there will be 2 hostiles and behind the planks there will be another two hostiles, take the ones behind the planks out then the ones inside the barn. You will approach the last area, the second sniper area, take cover behind something because you WILL get shot. Locate the snipers, shoot them all and sprint to the finish.

BREACH & CLEAR. Take the AA-12 as your secondary weapon and then start breaching with the primary weapon which you will have from the beginning, kill everyone you can see in the slow-motion breach mode, you can also equip your grenade launcher and upon breaching, shoot the large group of hostiles gathered in the middle. Look at the upper levels, you will notice some people with lasers aiming down, locate the source of the lasers and take them down while at the same time keeping an eye out for incoming hostiles from the other room. There will be 3 deadly rooms, you are currently in the first room which SHOULD be clear, when entering the second room throw a flashbang and then shoot the people with shields with your grenade launcher. Now you can take a shield for yourself. Pick it up instead of the primary weapon, now take out your AA-12 and kill the remaining enemies in the 2nd room, when entering the 3rd room you should take out your shield and try making a run for it OR you could kill everyone using your AA-12 and shield.

HOMELAND SECURITY is a 5 wave survival mission, take the M21 EBR as the secondary weapon and choose any weapon of your choice as the primary weapon then take the Sentry at the starting point and put it behind the counter of the diner, now take the sentry inside the diner and put it right next to the first sentry turret, there are 4 turrets located around the whole map. The first two you have already found and the other two are in the bank and on the roof of nate's sports bar, both are on the other side of the map so if you wish to take them be EXTREMELY CAREFUL. Otherwise, two will be enough. Take out your sniper rifle and shoot everyone in the smoke. Continue this until round 3, now the attack chopper will be arriving...Take an RPG and try to take it out AFTER all the hostiles are dealt with. Wave 4 will consist of a BTR, kill all hostiles BEFORE taking it out.
Now the Final Wave will commence, the epic music will start and one BTR, two attack choppers and a total of 40 hostiles will arrive. Kill all hostiles before taking out either the BTR or the attack choppers, don't stay outside for too long as there is a predator drone that can take you out.

SNATCH & GRAB will be the final mission in Charlie, you have completed 3/5th of the special ops by now, CONGRATULATIONS! Let's get to it because I am getting tired...Take out the first juggernaut with the intervention, then get into the wrecked plane, throw flashbang all around and take cover behind pieces of wreckage, make sure you take out EVERYONE before hacking the laptop or whatever it is he's doing...once you're finished you will have to jump down onto the hill of doom, to avoid getting killed at the start take out your sniper and shoot as many hostiles as you can, once you think it's safe to go down, jump down and make your way towards the next area, you will definitely face some hostiles here so be prepared, but you can also try and make a run for it (not recommended).
Congratulations, you have completed the easy missions, now you are going to suffer...or at least without my guide that is.

WARDRIVING. Having a partner with you would make this easier.
Mark the first house on the left with your laser and throw a flashbang into the garage,run to the side of the house and climb through the window, there will be some hostiles so throw a flashbang before entering. Once the house is clear take the thumper as the secondary weapon and then activate the laptop. Go up the stairs and defend the house. Plant claymores around, equip the thumper and mark the area in front of the house with the laser. Once it's clear go over to the next house, DON'T go in from the front door, go in through the garage of the house on the right side of it and Resupply with the ammo box if you need to. Breach and Clear the house by throwing flashbangs and grenades. Now go upstairs, there will be one guy up there, take him out, take the sentry and put it in front of the window on the second floor where you have killed the guy. Plant claymores around the house, now activate the laptop and find a good piece of cover, don't forget to use your laser. Once the download is finished take your sentry turret and put it on the street, mark the last house and clear it out. Once it's clear take the turret and put it behind the counter of the last laptop which you will have to hack, there will be 2 more sentries, put each on one side so the laptop is secure. Again, plant claymores all around the house and commence the download. When the download is complete, there will still be some hostiles, particularly large groups on the street. Use the laser to mark them, you can also get your sentry turrets and put them on the street. Run back to the vehicle

WRECKAGE A.K.A. Michael Bay: The Mission.
Yeah, explosives and explosions everywhere. Take all the weapons of your choice and make the cars go BOOM. It's literally THAT simple.

ACCEPTABLE LOSSES is a stealth mission.

TERMINAL is a fun mission.

ESTATE TAKEDOWN is similar to O CRISTO REDENTOR. Kill the first juggernaut with the Barrett 50. and any other hostiles around the house, kill everyone in the basement, throw a flashbang when entering the ground level floor, and kill everyone there as well, now you do the same for the second floor. Good job! You have Breached & Cleared the house, now all you need to do is defend the house using claymores and shoot everyone around the house using your barrett 50.! Juggernauts can easily be killed by being stunned by a flashbang and then shot in the head 3-5 times with the barrett 50.. There shouldn't be more to this mission than what I've said, just don't go outside to explore or whatever, there are A LOT of snipers out there.
You've reached Echo, the final 3 missions await you...Let's do this.

WETWORK is pretty fun. So you are going to breach the first room full of hostages. Once it is breached and cleared, go over to the gate, equip your grenade launcher and kill the incoming dudes. Kill the hostiles coming down the stairs and get up there, use the grenade launcher on your weapon in order to take out the helicopter then focus your attention on the highly explosive containers full of oil, blow them up with the grenade launcher and then run into the room on the right side, hold your position until they show up, give them hell with your secondary (Shotgun) and then proceed to the next area, this area simply requires you to throw flashbangs and assault their positions, now it's time for the last part which is the smoke filled area. Take a thermoscope weapon instead of your secondary and wait by the stairs, slowly advance to the breaching door and then take a deep breath and choose a weapon that is controllable yet powerful. Breach it, shoot all the hostiles and give yourself a high-five!

HIGH EXPLOSIVE is THE HARDEST MISSION of them all. You have to run around a lot and make sure you don't get trapped. After you're done with ONE juggernaut they will be attacking with bigger groups such as 2 juggernauts, 3 juggernauts or EVEN MORE! Shoot them using your thumper or grenade launcher. Throw a lot of flashbangs in order to keep them stunned. Resupply often.

ARMOR PIERCING. Take the Barrett 50. as the primary weapon and keep the thumper as the secondary weapon, proceed as the path takes you to face your first juggernaut, he might scare you as you might see him around the corner but as soon as you throw your flashbang he is doomed. This is the same map as wetwork, and remember the 2nd breaching room? Well, get to that room. There will be some juggernauts along the way depending on how fast you are moving, go up to the helipad and stay there. Plant some claymores at the door and find a nice sniping spot, as juggernauts die and time passes more juggernauts will come in groups, use the thumper on big groups then use the barrett 50. to take them out separately. Keep moving around your camping spot so they won't get a clear shot. If anything goes wrong then throw a flashbang and run back out of there and find another spot or run around and come back when they chase you out.
Komentarzy: 215
SammyWhammy 17 lutego o 15:47 
partner right here if anybody needs 1 :steamhappy:
Heil_YT 9 stycznia o 13:29 
si alguien está interesado en hacer los logros de las spec ops manden solicitud y nos ponemos de acuerdo
CJ 26 grudnia 2024 o 15:51 
alguien que desee jugar o me ayude a configurar mi NAT, por alguna razon me sale que es estricta y no me permite jugar con amigos, alguna solucion que puedan brindarme o que deseen ayudarme en las misiones que requieren cooperativo?

Someone who wants to play or help me configure my NAT, for some reason it says it is strict and does not allow me to play with friends, any solution you can provide me or would you like to help me in the missions that require cooperative?
no se usar tank 9 września 2024 o 13:17 
algun español pa que me ayude en spec ops solo me falta 7 logros
76561199558166461 5 września 2024 o 1:14 
if someone needs help doing spec ops im here to help add me
Stream Live. No Slurs. 19 sierpnia 2024 o 19:34 
If anyone wants to run these. Add me. I'll stop whatever I'm doing if I'm on to get these done.
aldairrev 18 sierpnia 2024 o 2:26 
someone for making the missiosn coop? add me pls
Shiro 14 sierpnia 2024 o 1:26 
need help for spec ops mission
Sapun 12 sierpnia 2024 o 9:39 
i want to make the missions with someone, add me and lets goo:cupup:
Rafc 7 lipca 2024 o 7:30 
hit me up for spec ops missions, im in korea