Pirates, Vikings, & Knights II

Pirates, Vikings, & Knights II

67 ratings
[unfinished] PVK II - 100% Mega Achievement Guide
By Leeson
Welcome to this Achievement Guide for Pirates, Vikings, & Knights II! This guide will explain how to do every single achievement in the game. It will be updated as more achievements get added to the game. Any questions post below!
About This Guide
  • This guide will serve as a walkthrough for you to get 100% achievements in the game "Pirates, Vikings, Knights II".
  • This guide will use a large amount of console commands for achievements, alongside a few custom maps. In the next section of the guide I'll explain enabling the console, and downloading the relevant maps/cfgs.
  • Some achievement's will require ~5-12 people to be present for some tasks. A majority of the achievements though are unlockable with just 2-3 people.
  • It is highly recommend for you/or coop partner to be able to host your own server, so you can use the commands listed in this guide.
  • If the gravity is messed up on any map apart from cos_farm_kill_ berserker,knight,pirate use the command "sv_gravity 800" to fix it.
  • In each achievement I mention the commands "map" and "exec ----" feel free to not do this for the achievement's which use the same map, cfg of commands. Instead just follow on in the same session unless something isn't working then retry from the start of the commands for the achievement you're trying to do. Instead of using map once you're server is up you can use changelevel instead.
  • Information regarding each custom map, and cfg for use will be descriped in the "Setup" section be sure to read through it for knowing what each is used for, and also for downloading them.
  • If you run into any issues with the method I mention for an achievement not working as intended or if I miswrote the instructions for the specific achievement please comment below or add me to let me know so I can update it. This guide has many achievements, and I may have messed up on some without knowing.
Setup (Console, Maps, CFGs)
What is ___ and how do they help out
  • The console allows us to execute commands to change specific values for us. The majority of the commands we will be using in this guide will be server related such as changing the end game requirements to speed up wins, setting a infinite time limit with no autopickup of trinkets for being able to carry out overnight point/damage grinding. To assit in overnight grinding the alias command can be used to auto repeat a action so that the game doesn't need to be active for auto killing your coop partner or alt account on the custom farm maps.
  • The Custom maps
  • The CFGs

Enabling the Console
When you first launch the game you will want to enable the console which is done by going into "Options", "Keyboard", "Advanced", "Enable developer console".
(advanced is a button underneath the keybind box)

Importing the Maps

Importing the CFGs

Download Links (choose one)
Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ls845cyilz07k40/PVK2%20Maps%2BCFGs.7z?dl=0
Catbox.moe: https://files.catbox.moe/nx65d6.7z
Mixtape.moe: https://my.mixtape.moe/usppey.7z
Credit to Cos for the maps, and Spatvark for the cfgs
Guide - Server Hosting In Game
Heavy Knight
Class Info
Team: Knights
Two-handed Sword

Total achievements: 10
2 player
3 player
4 player
5 player

2 Player Achievements (4)
Block N' Poke - As Heavy Knight, Kill 25 enemies using the sword and shield
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Knights -> Heavy Knight
Coop partner join as Pirates -> Skirmisher
exec farmd
Kill your coop partner 25 times with the Sword/Shield weapon.

Heavy Knight - Play a full round lasting at least five minutes as a Heavy Knight
map bt_island
Join as Knights -> Heavy Knight
Coop partner join as a different random class or one that they need (different team)
exec def
mp_roundtime 5
mp_restartround 1
Wait the full five minutes for the round to end.

Pinned Down - Block 10,000 ranged damage with the shield
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Knights -> Heavy Knight
Coop partner join as Pirates -> Sharpshooter
exec farmk
While holding the Sword/Shield hold mouse2 to block. Now your coop partner shoots at your shield with the "Artisan's Flintlock" (this weapon is the one with the quick firerate). When the shield is deplinished either quick suicide via a hotkey (bind k kill), or stand in a ammo replenish spot, same for the Sharpshooter.

Pris De Fer - Kill 100 enemies using your two-handed sword's parry counter attacks
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Knights -> Heavy Knight
Coop partner join as Pirates -> Skirmisher
exec farmd
Block with the Two-handed sword next to the Skirmisher spawn point so that the sword is blocking upwards at the top. Then your coop partner needs to swing there Cutlass at you, and you just need to swing back with mouse1 to get a kill on them.
{img} {video}
This method also works for these from general:
Parlor Tricks - Perform 25 perfect parries against your enemies
Art Of Defense - Kill a total of 50 enemies with a counter-attack by perfect parrying them

3 Player Achievements (2)
Blitzkrieg - Gain 250 assists in which the killer is an Archer
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Knights -> Heavy Knight
1 Coop partner join as Knights -> Archer
1 Coop partner join as Pirates -> Skirmisher
exec farmk
sk_player_arm 9999999
Hit the Skirmisher once with the Sword/Shield on the legs, then the Archer finishes the Skirmisher off with the Bow aiming for one of there arms to take advantage of an instakill due to the sk_player_arm command.

Only Got One Stone - Kill 2 enemies with a single swing of the two-handed sword
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Knights -> Heavy Knight
2 Coop partners join as Pirates -> Skirmisher
exec farmd
Both Skirmishers stand next to each other, and then you then need to move to the left as you swing to cause a left hand swing instead of an over the head swing.

4 Player Achievements (3)
Get To The Choppa - Kill 3 enemies with a single twirling two-handed sword special
Mad Jack Churchill - Kill 3 sharpshooters in a single life with your two-handed sword
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Knights -> Heavy Knight
3 Coop partners join as Pirates -> Sharpshooter
exec farmk
Charge up the power meter first in the bottom left (orange ring) until it's full. Now you need to damage all the Skirmishers to "About to be pushing daises". Next all the Sharpshooters gather up together around the Heavy Knight, and the Heavy Knight activates his special with "F".

Coup de Grâce - Kill 4 enemies affected by a single Man-at-Arms special
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Knights -> Heavy Knight
2 Coop partners join as Pirates -> Skirmisher
1 Coop partner join as Knights -> Man-at-Arms
exec farmd
The Man-at-Arms needs to charge up his power meter first in the bottom left (orange ring) until it's full. Next the Skirmishers have to go into the Pirates spawn box, and then the Man-at-Arms activates his special attack with "f" which will make him fart, and this will start damaging the Skirmishers. Following this you need to keep killing the Skirmishers when they are green with your Sword/Shield to get 4 kills during the Man-at-Arms special is affecting them.

Grind Achievements (1)
Crusader - Amass 1,000,000 points of damage against your enemies using the two-handed sword
Refer to "Grind" section for this achievement.
Class Info
Team: Knights
Short Sword

Total achievements: 11
2 player
3 player
4 player
5 player

2 Player Achievements (9)
Archer - Play a full round lasting at least five minutes as a Archer
map bt_island
Join as Knights -> Archer
Coop partner join as a different random class or one that they need (different team)
exec def
mp_roundtime 5
mp_restartround 1
Wait the full five minutes for the round to end.

Butterknifed! - Kill 25 enemies using the short sword
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Knights -> Archer
Coop partner join as Pirates -> Sharpshooter
exec farmd
Kill your coop partner 25 times with the Sword/Shield weapon.

Clay Pigeon - Kill 20 enemies while they are in mid-air using either your longbow or crossbow
Phluck You! - Kill 75 Sharpshooters using your longbow
Legolas - Kill 3 enemies with the Longbow within 10 seconds
War, War Never Changes - Dominate an enemy Sharpshooter
Spamalot - Land 15 consecutive arrows
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Knights -> Archer
Coop partner join as Pirates -> Sharpshooter
exec farmd
Aim down your Crossbow or Longbow, and as your coop partner jumps shoot them in the air. After getting Clay Pigeon, counting killing with the Longbow for the other achievement's listed, and your coop partner won't need to jump anymore.

Cornish Game Hen - Hunt down 15 enemy parrots with the longbow
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Knights -> Archer
Coop partner join as Pirates -> Captain
exec farmd
Aim down with your Longbow, now your coop partner pulls out the parrot, and deploys it with mouse2. Try to hit the parrot with your bow.

Robin Hood - Kill an enemy with the crossbow or longbow from 100ft
map lts_cathedral
Join as Knights -> Archer
Coop partner join as Pirates -> Skirmisher
exec farmd
Have yourself on one end of the catherdral, and your coop partner on the other side, as seen in the screenshot below. Now aim for the other player with the longbow, and try kill them.

3 Player Achievements (1)
It's Like Weakness Water Three! - Kill 2 enemies with a single longbow special
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Knights -> Archer
2 Coop partners join as Pirates -> Skirmishers
exec farmd
Both Skirmishers need to be in a line next to each other, and then you need to activate your special with "f" on them from the side (so you are aiming inbetween them both).

Grind Achievements (1)
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter! - Amass 100,000 points of damage against your enemies using the short sword
Refer to "Grind" section for this achievement.
Class Info
Team: Vikings
Big Axe

Total achievements: 11
2 player
3 player
4 player
5 player

2 Player Achievements (8)
Berserker - Play a full round lasting at least five minutes as a Berserker
map bt_island
Join as Vikings -> Berserker
Coop partner join as a different random class or one that they need (different team)
exec def
mp_roundtime 5
mp_restartround 1
Wait the full five minutes for the round to end.

Angry Bare Shirt - Kill 3 enemies with a single berserk special
Chop Chop - Kill 200 enemies using the big axe
Lawnmower - Mow down 100 enemies with the axe/sword combo
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Vikings -> Berserker
Coop partner join as Pirates -> Skirmisher
exec farmd
Kill your coop partner 200 times with big axe, then 100 times with axe/sword combo. Make sure to activate special attack with "F" whenever it's charged (orange ring bottom left full). You can also use the berserker-ak script with "exec berserker-ak" in console, and use the "p" key to toggle it.

Cling, Clang, Clunk! - Kill 4 Heavy Knights with your axe/sword combo in a single life
Go Berserk! - Destroy 3 shields in one life as Berserker
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Vikings -> Berserker
Coop partner join as Knights -> Heavy Knight
exec farmk
Kill coop partner 4 times with the axe/sword weapn.
Coop partner puts up shield with mouse2 then attack it with axe/sword weapon. When the shield is destroyed coop partner can replenish with ammo pickup, and then you can repeat 2 more times.

Meat Carver - Kill an enemy of each class using your axe/sword combo in a single life
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Vikings -> Berserker
Coop partner join as Pirates -> Skirmisher
exec farmd
Kill coop partner with axe/sword combo. Coop partner then switch class with "n", after killing each class from pirates coop partner switches to Vikings team with "m", and then kill all those classes the same way.
(May need to get killed after killing each class for it to unlock)

Weakling! - Die from Berserker rage
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Vikings -> Berserker
Coop partner join as Pirates -> Skirmisher
exec farmk
Drop trinket with "g" then build up your special attack (bottom left orange ring). Once full get coop partner to damage you until "About to be pushing up daises". Then you activate your special attack with middle mouse (mouse3), and during your berserker rage get your coop partner to damage you a bit more. After the berserker rage finishes you should lose more health then what you had before, and die due to berserker rage.

3 Player Achievements (1)
Green Streak - Kill 3 enemies in a fart cloud using your dual wield
map cos_farm_tw_box
Join as Vikings -> Berserker
1 Coop partner join as Pirates -> Skirmisher
1 Coop partner join as Knights -> Man-at-arms
exec farmd
First the Man-at-arms needs to get his special attack built up (bottom left orange ring) then next to the skirmishers (at skirmisher spawn point) he uses his special attack with "f", and the berserker keeps killing the Skirmisher when they turn green to get the three kills with his Sword/Axe weapon.

Grind Achievements (2)
Iron Clad Axemower - Amass 100,000 points of damage against your enemies using the axe/sword combo
One Does Not Simply Walk Into Valhalla - Kill 1000 enemies while enraged
Refer to "Grind" section for these achievement.
Class Info
Team: Vikings
Two-handed Axe
Throwing Axes

Total achievements: 11
2 player
3 player
4 player
5 player

2 Player Achievements (8)
Axed By The Arc - Kill an enemy with a throwing axe from 60ft

Axes Of Evil - Kill 100 enemies using your thrown axes

Belle Of The Ball - Don't drop the soap
This is for getting damaged by each class

Huscarl - Play a full round lasting at least five minutes as a Huscarl
map bt_island
Join as Vikings -> Huscarl
Coop partner join as a different random class or one that they need (different team)
exec def
mp_roundtime 5
mp_restartround 1
Wait the full five minutes for the round to end.

I'll Be Blunt - Kill an enemy using the blunt end of the Huscarl's axe

Kills First, Aim Second - Use your shield dash special as you fall to your death

Well Rounded - As a Huscarl, kill with each of your weapons in a single life

Woodsman - Amass 100,000 points of damage against your enemies using your throwing axes

3 Player Achievements (3)
Do The Hot Sauce - Kill 2 enemies with a single shield dash special

Equal Opportunity Eviscerator - Kill a pirate and knight enemy with a single swing of the two-handed axe

House Of Wolves - Assist 100 kills with throwing axes
Class Info
Team: Vikings

Total achievements: 11
2 player
3 player
4 player
5 player

2 Player Achievements (8)
Agrianian Javelineer - Kill an enemy with the javelin from 80ft

Fifty Shades Of Gestir - As Gestir kill a single enemy by using all of your weapons on them
map bt_island
Join as Vikings -> Gestir
Coop partner join as a different random class or one that they need (different team)
exec def
mp_roundtime 5
mp_restartround 1
Wait the full five minutes for the round to end.

Gestir - Play a full round lasting at least five minutes as a Gestir

I'm Too Old For This - Kill 7 enemies with your spear in a single life

Puppeteer - Impale the bodies of 5 enemies to a wall using your javelins

Retirement Fund - Capture 100 chests as a Gestir

Seaxmachine - Kill 50 enemies using your seax and shield

Shish Kebab! - Kill 15 enemy parrots with the spear

4 Player Achievements (1)
Souvlaki - Kill 3 enemies with a single spear dash special

5 Player Achievements (1)
Old Age Doesn't Come Alone - Conquer a territory with 4 other Gestirs

Grind Achievements (1)
Pride of Odin - The pointy end goes into the other man
Refer to "Grind" section for this achievement.
Pinegrove Pack
Sandstorm Pack
Cara Pack
Tortuga Pack
Townsquare Pack
Fort Pack
Desertruin Pack
Total achievements: 1
2 player
3 player
4 player
5 player

2 Player Achievements (1)
YeeHaa! - Win 10 rounds in Desertruin
map tw_desertruin
Join as any team+class
Coop partner as any other team+class
exec farmd
mp_trinketwars_maxkills 1
mp_trinketwars_minkills 1
Kill coop partner to insta win the round. Repeat 5 times.
Frostbite Pack
Total achievements: 1
2 player
3 player
4 player
5 player

2 Player Achievements (1)
Once Bitten, Frost Shy - Win 10 rounds in Frostbite
map tw_frostbite
Join as any team+class
Coop partner as any other team+class
exec farmd
mp_trinketwars_maxkills 1
mp_trinketwars_minkills 1
Kill coop partner to insta win the round. Repeat 5 times.
WDMZJSTWXAHHH 26 Mar, 2024 @ 11:16pm 
where is this list of instructions?
m_x 7 Jun, 2020 @ 11:52am 
@Willyhelm Wankinshire, f*ck you from here
Dildo Tree 27 Apr, 2020 @ 1:05pm 
or just download achievement manager and unlock them instantly
LonerD 11 Nov, 2019 @ 6:12pm 
To be continued? Now with bots...
🐧 Femboy Enjoyer 🐧 1 Jan, 2019 @ 5:52am 
Shrodu 3 Dec, 2018 @ 1:04pm 

alias attack "+attack; wait; -attack; wait; +attack; wait; -attack; attack;"

Then type: attack
Catalyst 8 Nov, 2018 @ 12:34am 
What a cringe in the comments....
Shank 3 Nov, 2018 @ 3:18pm 
Thank to this guide I've become best player in the world, found amazing absulutely stunning girlfriend and started to earn 50 grand a month, ty Leeson:2017meatball:
Mercury 20 Oct, 2018 @ 10:23am