Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

33 rating
HINO S'elega HDS - Generic (Prop)
Batalkan favorit
Assets: Prop
Ukuran File
9.099 MB
8 Okt 2018 @ 11:10pm
1 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )

Berlangganan untuk mengunduh
HINO S'elega HDS - Generic (Prop)

Dalam koleksi 2 dari REV0
(B) REV0's Bus Stuff
Item 52
HINO S'elega: Busses, Props
Item 37
Generic, Prop

Recommended Mods
  • Find It, to find and use props in-game.
  • search tag: "REV0, REVO, bus, hino, selega, generic, japan, prop, high, decker, short"

Downvote Fairy
There is a downvote fairy in workshop, who is downvoting every vehicle asset that gets released not done by him. If you like this model, make sure to upvote it.

  • From the house
  • Team EX / Ryuichi Kaminogi for blueprints
  • konno_1gouten for wheel textures
Tris info
  • Engine: 0.35 / 0.016 carousel ¦ 4200 / 200

Keywords for Workshop search: Japan, HINO, S'elega, Selega, bus, generic, model, high, decker, short, left hand traffic, right, hand, drive