Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

425 Bewertungen
Hotel de Marville RICO
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Assets: Park
4.844 MB
1. Okt. 2018 um 7:15
1 Änderungshinweis (anzeigen)

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Hotel de Marville RICO

In 1 Kollektion von Feindbold
110 Inhalte
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :)

-Triangles: ~11k main, ~200 LOD
-Textures: 1024x1024, 256x512 LOD texture
-RICO: L3 High Commercial, 150 Jobs
-Find it: Search for "Hotel"

I love to model buildings but it takes a lot of time, if you really like my buildings/mods and you are feeling generous, you can donate me a few dimes using the paypal link below :)

14 Kommentare
macluk 29. Sep. 2023 um 3:54 
... and could I also do the same with this asset? :)
cassitea 4. Nov. 2022 um 10:43 
Wonderful, thank you! Just subscribed, can't wait to add it to my city!
Feindbold  [Autor] 2. Nov. 2022 um 1:51 
Yes, it will simply work as a park
cassitea 1. Nov. 2022 um 11:56 
Can this be used without RICO? If so, would it be functional (perhaps as a Unique Building?)
Feindbold  [Autor] 13. Okt. 2018 um 12:12 
Commercial (High)
BillyShabindigo 12. Okt. 2018 um 23:08 
What does it show up under in RICO? Cause I don't see it when I search the name
sebesams 4. Okt. 2018 um 13:44 
Thank you! it looks very nice. It needs some buildings with the same height arround it :)
Skin Link 2. Okt. 2018 um 13:40 
i am rico
Feindbold  [Autor] 2. Okt. 2018 um 5:33 
mjm92150 1. Okt. 2018 um 23:30 
C'est magnifique et merci de l'avoir fait partager.