Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

36 évaluations
Scoundrel Skills - Any Melee Weapon
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Type: Add-on
Game Mode: Story
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7.635 MB
18 sept. 2018 à 16h44
26 sept. 2018 à 15h36
3 notes de changement ( voir )

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Scoundrel Skills - Any Melee Weapon

What is does
This mod simply allows you to use any melee weapon with any Scoundrel Skill. Projectile skills can use any weapon.

Possible Conflicts
Any mod that also modifies scoundrel skills will cause a conflict. This is unavoidable.
24 commentaires
Ry 19 mai 2019 à 14h41 
will keep an eye on this until the lag issue is resolved. This would be such a life-changer!
Shimazu 25 févr. 2019 à 11h15 
Lag fixed yet?
Eros 6 janv. 2019 à 20h18 
This is a great mod, I was looking for a mod that would enable me to use scoundrel skills if dagger is in off hand (not just main hand)....However, the lag time between exectuting the attack animation and the release of the attack/dmg is bothering me too much to continue. Aside, from that, great mod!!
g0jira 16 oct. 2018 à 0h26 
ok so i have a question, as some skills like Corupted Blade receives bonus from FIN.so how it works now? now dmg bonus from stat? it is disabled? or maybe you added some more % dmg from weapon? https://divinityoriginalsin2.wiki.fextralife.com/Corrupted+Blade
JojolionTooruBoomerofU 6 oct. 2018 à 9h36 
is there any possible way to make this mod compatible with Umbra skill mod?
SimranZenov  [créateur] 26 sept. 2018 à 15h39 
I think it may be fixed now.
Lorimbars 23 sept. 2018 à 5h54 
Hi, just made some test with the Scoundrel skills. Every Soundrel skill on the Player are out of sync. You have to wait 1-2 sec to see the Dmg (only on player skills). If an NPC uses Scoundrel skills it works normal. Backlash does no Dmg only for Player. Hope that helps ( only your mod Activ by the tests)
TheHippie 22 sept. 2018 à 8h44 
Oh that's interesting. Would recommend loading up popular mods untill it breaks. If you can't recreate it, then it must be an incompatibility issue. This is my modlist https://i.imgur.com/ZbEOPZz.jpg
SimranZenov  [créateur] 21 sept. 2018 à 15h54 
Does anyone have a save file I can use? I have tried everything to make it stop working, but backlash always works for me. It's impossible to troubleshoot if I can't recreate the issue :(
TheHippie 21 sept. 2018 à 11h32 
Backlash doesn't do any damage for me either. Hope you manage to find a fix!