Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

288 arvostelua
Prop Pack: Steel Frames for Ads
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Assets: Prop
10.239 MB
17.9.2018 klo 23.51
1 muutos ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi
Prop Pack: Steel Frames for Ads

2 kokoelmassa, tekijä Feindbold
Central Europe
181 luomusta
Brooklyn Reworked
114 luomusta
Please leave a vote if you like my assets, it helps a lot :)

Use the Prop Snaping mod to place them on Buildings

I wanted to make a vintage ad pack too but, no time, im sure you will find a way to decorate them
6 different props, all use the sametexture.

-Triangles: 3 Eggplants, maybe a moldy apple too
-Textures: 1024x512, 128x256 LOD texture
-Find it: Search for "frame"

I love to model buildings but it takes a lot of time, if you really like my buildings/mods and you are feeling generous, you can donate me a few dimes using the paypal link below :)

10 kommenttia
orion 27.11.2018 klo 19.56 
Superbe. Thumbs up.
girlfromverona 18.9.2018 klo 22.45 
Very cool! Thanks for sharing. 18.9.2018 klo 13.18 
THAT IS COOL! Instantly subscribing.
sebesams 18.9.2018 klo 12.13 
Looks promissing....
EvametryE 18.9.2018 klo 10.04 
Perfect. I give it 8 downvotes
itsKAZU0 18.9.2018 klo 9.48 
I think Flux will love this! ;D
AmiPolizeiFunk 18.9.2018 klo 9.34 
clever :medkit: I'm getting a Brooklyn vibe
(1st Cav) Morvalistan 18.9.2018 klo 6.57 
Is there anyway to convince you to make a few vintage ads for these frames at a later time?
SonOfNitrous 18.9.2018 klo 4.49 
too nice
fix pls
Lascivia 18.9.2018 klo 4.22 
@_@ so useful, thank you very much