Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Оценок: 84
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Achievements [ENG]
От germundson
This is an English guide to the achievements in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It lists all the achievements and the information provided by the game about them, as well as some more help on how to unlock each of them. If you find this guide helpful, it would be greatly appreciated if you would rate it.
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Main Game I - exploration and collectibles
This section is dedicated to achievements related to exploration of the game and the gathering of collectibles.

Note: I will be making a guide with the locations of all archivist maps and explorer backpacks in the future, so stay tuned.

Treasures from the Past
Decipher a Monolith

More help: Increasing Lara's language proficiency will allow her to decipher monoliths to find hidden items nearby. There are a multitude of monoliths in the game, and translating any one of them will unlock the achievement.

Stele Hunter
Complete 3 Challenge Tombs

More help: The challenge tombs are considered completed when you interact with the stele. Interacting with stele will unlock new skills or provide recipes for herbal remedies.

Note: Are you writing a guide to the challenge tombs? Let me know! I would love to link to a good challenge tomb guide.

Tomb Raider
Complete all Challenge Tombs in the Main Game

More help: The main game has nine challenge tombs;
Peruvian Jungle (Underworld Gate)
Peruvian Jungle (Judge's Gaze)
Kuwaq Yaku (Howling Vaves)
The Hidden City (Path of Battle)
The Hidden City (Temple of the Sun)
The Hidden City (Ancient Aqueduct) NOTE! I am currently stuck in this one and cannot seem to find my way out, so if anyone knows the way out, I would appreciate it very much if you would tell me.
Cenote (San Cordoba)
Mission of San Juan (Tree of Life)
Mission of San Juan (Thirsty Gods)

Note: Are you writing a guide to the challenge tombs? Let me know! I would love to link to a good challenge tomb guide.

Treasure Hunter
Find and open all Conquistador Treasure Chests

More help: Conquistador chests are large treasure chests found throughout the world. You need the lockpick to open them, so you first have to get to The Hidden City and purchase the lockpick from a merchant (one of the outcasts you talk to in the side-mission "Dice with the Dead"). Note that the chests in the "Sunken treasure" challenge do not count towards this challenge, as these are not Conquistador chests.

Untold Riches
Gather 40 gold ore

More help: Gold ore can be found throughout the world, but a fast way to get this achievement is to explore challenge tombs and crypts, where you will often find gold laid out as sacrifice. There is also a bit of a game-breaking "glitch" which allows you to get infinite money; when you fast travel from one location to another, resources in the first location will be replenished. This means you can fast travel back there and gather the same gold and jade ore over and over.

Resting Places
Uncover 3 Crypts' secrets

More help: The secrets in crypts refer to the sarcophagi, where you can find ancient artifacts or vestige outfits. Open the sarcophagi to uncover the secrets.

Complete an Artifact Collection

More help: Artifacts found throughout the world belong to collections of artifacts. You can see all the collections by clicking [tab] and accessing the "Artifacts" tab. The easiest artifact collection to complete is "Mystery of the White Queen" in Croft Manor (because it consists of only 7 artifacts, all gathered in a very small game hub).

Dr. Croft
Complete all Artifact Collections

More help: All artifacts are divided into collections. The collection is complete when you have found all artifacts in one collection. You can see your artifact collections in the [TAB] menu. Your progress with each collection is indicated by a percentage, which again indicates how many artifacts are in that collection.

Note: Are you writing a guide to the artifacts and artifacts collections? Let me know! I would love to link to a good guide.

Underwater Archeologist
Collect 5 underwater artifacts

More help: Lara can now move freely in a multitude of underwater areas. In some of these areas, you can find artifacts. Collect five of them to unlock this achievement.

Note: Are you writing a guide to the artifacts? Let me know! I would love to link to a good guide.

Asking Price
Buy an item from a merchant.

More help: The first opportunity to do this is in Kuwaq Yaku, but any merchant will do. Purchase an item from the merchant to unlock the achievement.

Better Equipped
Get 3 pieces of equipment

More help: Equipment can be purchased from merchants. Equipment includes quivers, ammo pouches, lazer sights, rope ascender and more.

Point of Interest
Learn of 5 interesting locations from civilians

More help: When walking around a hub, talk to NPCs with a speech bubble icon. These NPC glow ehn using survival instinct. Not all of them reveal points of interest, but simply keep talking to all the NPCs you encounter, and you will eventually unlock the achievement.

Collect 20 critters

More help: To unlock this achievement, simply collect from various animals throughout the world. As far as I know, spiders, bugs, frogs and capybara count towards this achievement. I would love some confirmation on this.

Legendary Hunter
Hunt 5 rare animals

More help:This achievement will unlock when you have killed five rare animals. The rare animals are albino capybaras, black wolves and empress jaguars (any animal that has a sparkle surrounding it's map legend icon).

Como Te Llama
Pet 5 llamas.

More help: The llamas can be found scattered throughout Paititi. When you walk up to them, a hand icon will appear. Press [F] to pet the llama. Llamas available for petting will glow yellow when using survival insticts.

Shoot a turkey with a flare round

More help: To get this achievement, you must first purchase the "Serpent's Glint" skill from the Scavenger part of the skill tree. Craft flare rounds for your pistol, and travel to the Mission of San Juan, where you can find turkeys, more specifically near the Ruined Tower basecamp.

Reach 100% game completion

See "Main Game IV - difficulty and completion".
Main Game II - combat and crafting
This section of the guide is dedicated to achievements related to combat, crafting and skills.

Look, Over There!
Kill 3 enemies while they are distracted.

More help: Enemies are distracted when they are talking to each other, or when they are investigating something (like an object thrown by Lara). This achievement is very difficult to miss when playing through the game.

First Blood
Perform a Stealth Takedown from a mud-covered wall.

More help: Your first chance to do this is in Kuwaq Yaku. After having entered the ruins Abby pointed you to, follow the path and eliminate the soldiers to arrive at a mud puddle. Cover yourself in mud and proceed through the hole in the wall, where you will have the opportunity to get this achievement. The game heavily suggests this approach, so this achievement is very difficult to miss.

Like a Shadow
Stealth Takedown 25 enemies

More help: Perform stealth takedowns by killing enemies while undetected. Hide in bushes or against vine or mud covered walls to remain undetected. You can only stealth kill enemies that are glow yellow when using survival instincts. Trying to stealth kill an enemy that is glowing red will alert the nearby enemies.

Turned Tables
Kill 5 enemies while they are searching for Lara

More help: If the enemies become alert to a danger being present, they will start looking for you. You can make the enemies start searching for you by throwing a molotov, detonating explosives, letting them see you and then lose them again, and more. Most enemies will have special dialogue indicating that they are looking for you. Kill them while they are at it.

Last Known Position
Lose the enemy 10 times

More help: To get the achievement you have to let the enemy notice you, then lose them again by breaking line of sight.

Playing with Fire
Burn 2 enemies simultaneously

More help: Your first opportunity to unlock this achievement is in Kuwaq Yaku. After having entered the ruins Abby pointed you to, follow the path and eliminate the soldiers while remaining undetected. The path will take you to two bottles, which you can turn into molotov cocktails and throw at two nearby enemies to unlock this achievement.

Total Party Kill
Kill 5 enemies with friendly fire

More help: This requires the abilty to craft hallucinogenic arrows, which will unlock at a certain point in the story. Once you have the hallucinogenic arrows, shoot one of them into an enemy to make this enemy attack his fellow soldiers. Keep doing this until you have taken down five enemies by proxy.

Perform 20 headshots with the bow

More help: To get this achievement, simply get 25 headshots with the bow. If the bow is your primary weapon, this achievement will be hard to miss. If you find it difficult to get headshots, I suggest purchasing the [?????] skill, which will provide a special headshot reticle when aiming.

Makeshift Arsenal
Fully upgrade a weapon

More help: Upgrade weapons when sitting at a basecamp. Note that this achievement does not require you to purchase the skill which allows for upgrade level 4.

On the Go
Craft special ammunition 50 times

More help: Special ammunition includes fire arrows, lure arrows, poison arrows, poison grenades, concussive shells and flare rounds. The ability to craft fire arrows is unlocked through playing, the other types of special ammunition has to be unlocked by purchasing skills.

Sixth Sense
Hunt and kill 10 enemies while Perception is active

More help: This feature requires you to have the Eye of the Eagle skill. Lara can harvest from certain plants and craft a herb remedy which enhances her perception. Activate the feature using [F4], then hunt and kill your enemies.

In the Moment
Kill 10 enemies while Focus is active

More help: This feature requires you to purchase the Scales of the Serpent skill, which allows Lara to use focus plants to craft a herb remedy which increases her focus. Activate this feature by clicking [F3], then kill your enemies.

Made to Endure
Takedown 10 enemies while Endurance is active

More help: This achievement requires you to purchase the Heart of the Jaguar skill, which allows Lara to use endurance plants to craft a herb remedy which increases her endurance. Click [F2] to activate it, then kill your enemies.

Perform 5 Eagle's Talon Takedowns

More help: This achievement requires you to have the Eagle's Talon skill, which is unlocked by playing through the story. When perching on a tree branch you can hold [F] to shoot a rope arrow into an enemy and string them up in the tree.

Chain Gang
Perform the Serpent's Fury 3 times

More help: This achievement requires you to purchase the Serpent's Fury skill, which allows you to do a stealth takedown on two enemies quickly after one another. When two enemies are close together, you will see the regular stealth takedown icon over one, and a stealth takedown icon with two faces on over the other. Click [F] to attack the first one, then as soon as you're done with him, click [F] again to take down the next one. The icon showing the button [F] will prompt you when it is the right moment. This might take a little time to finesse, but it is very fun once you do.

Get 3 headshots with the pistol in 3 seconds

More help: This is easiest to achieve when the enemies do not have helmets. An easy way to get this would be in one of the early run-ins with Trinity during a New game+.

First steps
Buy a skill

More help: When sitting at a basecamp, you can upgrade Lara's skills. Use your skill points to purchase any skill to unlock this achievement.

Earn all skills in one category

More help: Lara's skills are divided into three categories now; warrior (red), seeker (blue) and scavenger (green). To earn all skills in one category, you have to obtain the necassary amount of skill points. I can confirm that this achievement also counts skills unlocked through story and challenge tombs, meaning you need to complete different tombs depending on which skill tree you want to max out (or just complete all the tombs, they are fun, promise).

To the Nines
Restore and equip a matching vestige outfit.

More help: Vestige outfits can be found in sarcophagi or purchased from merchant. Sit at basecamps to spend resources to restore them. Each outfit consists of two pieces. Pieces belong to the same outfit have the same name.

Thread the Past
Restore 5 vestige outfit pieces

More help: Vestige outfit pieces can be found in sarcophagi or purchased from merchants. They have to be restored before you can wear them. To restore an outfit, you have to sit at a basecamp, access the inventory and choose the outfit tab. You will see the option to restore, which will require certain resources. Restore any five vestige outfit pieces to unlock this achievement.
Main Game III - challenges and side-missions
This section of the guide is dedicated to achievements realted to challenges and side-missions.

Note: I have a separate guide to all the challenges.

Note: Are you writing a guide to the side missions? Let me know! I would love to link to a good guide to the side-missions.

Up to the Challenge
Complete 5 Challenges

More help:Completing any five challenges will unlock this achievements. If you need help with the challenges, I have a separate guide dedicated to challenges.

Help thy Neighbor
Complete a Side Mission

More help: Complete any side mission to unlock this achievement. The first chance to complete this is in Kuwaq Yaku. Find Omar and follow the directions of the side mission to complete is.

That's a Knife!
Fully upgrade the Makeshift Knife

More help: You can get this achievement by completing a side-mission in Paititi called Stay of Execution. If there are other ways to get it, please let me know).

Good samaritan
Complete 8 Side missions

The game has a total of [] side missions.
Kuwaq Yaku: Invasive species
Paititi: Dice with the dead
Paititi: Hearts and minds
Paititi: Stay of Execution
Paititi: Freedom
Paititi: Widow's tears
Paititi: Ancient studies
Mission of San Juan: Star crossed
Main Game IV - difficulty and completion
This section of the guide is dedicated to achievements related to difficulty settings and completion of the game. Achievements which are story-related and cannot be missed, are aslo listed here.

New Heights
Complete a climb using found Overhang Climbing Gear

More help: This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

Quite the Adventure
Complete the Game

More help: This achievement will unlock when completing the game on any difficulty. Completing the game means playing through the whole story.

Smart and Recourceful
Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on Smart and Resourceful difficulty

More help: This achievement will unlock when completing the game on the Smart and Resourceful difficulty, the easiest of four difficulty settings.

Rite of Passage
Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on the Rite of Passage difficulty

More help: This achievement will unlock when you complete the game on the Rite of passage difficulty level, the second easiest of four difficulty settings.

One with the Jungle
Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on One with the Jungle difficulty

More help: This achievement will unlock when you complete the game on the One with the jungle difficulty setting, the second hardest of four difficulty settings.

Deadly Obsession
Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on Deadly Obsession difficulty

More help: This achievement will unlock when you complete the game on the Deadly Obsession difficulty setting, the hardest of four difficulty settings.

Note: The achievements for completing the game on a certain difficulty stack, meaning that if you complete the game on Deadly Obsession, you will unlock all the other difficulty-related achievements too. Thanks ot users Nikenemesis and MYTHRIZ for confirming this.

Reach 100% game completion

More help: This achievement requires 100% game completion, meaning each area in the game has to be 100% completed. To see your progress in each area, zoom out on the map and place your mouse over them. To see your overall competion, hold your mouse over "Continue" on the start menu. IMPORTANT NOTE: The only area in the game you cannot fast travel back to is Lara's dream of Croft Manor, so you have to be extra careful to explore this area fully before proceeding with the in-dream quest.

These are the things that count towards completion:
- basecamps
- challenge tombs
- challenges (not confirmed)
- concquistador chests
- crypts
- artifacts
- documents
- stele
- caches
- monoliths
- side missions (not confirmed)

Note: If you can confirm which things actually count towards completion, it would be greatly appreciated.
Main Game V - Hidden achievements
This section of the guide is dedicated to the hidden achievements in the game. This section is full of spoilers, so I have decided to cover the whole thing in pieces of spoiler tape to make sure no one accidentally comes across some information they did not want. Holding the mouse over one section of spoiler tape will only reveal that one little section. Proceed at your own risk ;-)

About the hidden achievements:

All the hidden achievements are related to either the story or a side-mission, and will be unlocked as you progress. The hidden achievements related to the story are unmissable if you complete the entire story arc of the game. Not all side-missions have hidden achievements connected to them.

As most of these achievements are impossible to miss when progressing through the story arc, I have not added any extra hints to these achievements.

Name of the achievement: Beast of Legend (side-mission)
Description: Defeat the Nahual
Note: It does not unlock when you defeat the Nahual, it unlocks when you return to Uchu with the bow.

Name of the achievement: Unwelcome guests (side-mission)
Description: Get rid of the pillagers outside of Kuwaq Yaku

Name of the achievement: I Believe Hakan Fly (side-mission)
Description: Rescue Hakan from the cultists

Name of the achievement: Hearts and Minds (side-mission)
Description: Retrieve Manko's necklace

Name of the achievement: Path of the Stars
Description: Decipher the Path of the Stars

Name of the achievement: Día de Muertos
Description: Remove the dagger from the Temple of the Moon

Name of the achievement: Recipie for Disaster
Description: Survive the flood

Name of the achievement: Survival Insticts
Description: Defeat the Empress Januar

Name of the achievement: Fire of Life
Description: Enter the Temple of Life's inner chamber

Name of the achievement: The Hidden City
Description: Find Paititi

Name of the achievement: The Underworld
Description: Get out of the Cenotes alive

Name of the achievement: Family Ties
Description: Free Unuratu from prison

Name of the achievement: Heart of the Serpent
Description: Find the Mission of San Juan

Name of the achievement: The Chosen One
Description: Find the Silver Box of Ix Chel

Name of the achievement: Back to Where We Started
Description: Return to Paititi

Name of the achievement: Queen of the Damned
Description: Make an unlikely ally
Комментариев: 9
BaraBara 20 фев. 2021 г. в 21:25 
I started on 'Deadly Obsession' Difficulty on my first playthrough. I was worried I'll have to play four more times just to get the achievements of other difficulties but this guide clears my doubts.
germundson  [создатель] 13 ноя. 2018 г. в 20:26 
@HectorDuenas86 Hi! Sorry to hear the achievement didn't unlock. I haven't played a NG+ or completed the game on deadly obsession myself, so I can't give you any definitive answers, I only know what other people have reported, which is that the achievement should unlock even when playing on a NG+. I hope you hear from game support soon, and that you report back with updates when you do. All the best to you!
Kunizial 5 окт. 2018 г. в 16:32 
Also "Complete game on xxx difficulty" achievements work for NewGame+ too, when Deadly Obsession seems too hard to do on a fresh run.
Saeko 19 сен. 2018 г. в 2:35 
@germundson , ye got it thanks anyways , and that moment when you've completed the game for 99,54% feelsbadman
germundson  [создатель] 19 сен. 2018 г. в 0:03 
@Twitch/SaekoStreams It's a story-related achievement, so just play the campaign story arc to the end and you will achieve it :-)
Saeko 18 сен. 2018 г. в 16:42 
Queen of the Dammed , how do i obtain it , where do i obtain it ?
MYTHRIZ 18 сен. 2018 г. в 3:03 
Completing the game on higher difficulties will award the achivements below aswell.
MELISANDRE 17 сен. 2018 г. в 17:48 
about Ancient Aqueduct you leave that place from the point where u came there, there are 2 solutions for this, when i get to the top of the pyramide, there is a rope which will get you to do base camp from there you just go back :)

second solution is to jump in water and then jump on the wooden floating platforms, from those platform you can easily get to the base camp after that just go back from the way u came there.
Nikenemesis 17 сен. 2018 г. в 6:47 
The difficulty achievments are stacked, I got the other two when I finished the game on one with the jungle, also you get the finished campaign achievement. So I got 4 in total in one playthrough. Im sure if anyone did the hardest diffculty, they would get all of it in the first playthrough. :cta_emo1: