

45 rating
[PvE] Galaxy War
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4 Sep 2018 @ 8:42pm
12 Nov 2018 @ 10:56am
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[PvE] Galaxy War

Dalam koleksi 1 dari Paraakie
Paraakie's Single Player mods
Item 4
Defend against hords of robots, until you are strong enough to defeat Galactron.

How to play
-> Click Subscribe!
-> In-game click Play->Custom
-> Select 'GalaxyWar' map/level
-> Use 'GalaxyWarSettings' gamesettings
A) Choose Team Red to join the Order of Zeroes
- Goal is to defend to get upgraded and to level 20, when fight back and kill Galactron, hidding behind turrets
- Or simply survive for 20 minutes
B)Choose Team Blue to join Galactron & his Robot Army
- Only play when your group is 4+ people (majority of player should be on red)
- Goal is to destroy Red base
-> Use portals to swtich between lanes

Backstory of 'Awesomenauts: Galaxy War':
Galactron grew in strength, he stole DNA from Awesomenauts members and cloned there complex minds into equally strong robot bodies. While Voltar engineered the turrets to be more powerful then ever before. Trying to turn the tides Galactron offered the fighting factions to join him, anyone who would join him would accept him as a ruler, but be allowed to live on selected planets in piece. While also accepting AIs as an intellegant life form. The just re-united Awesomenauts had split opinions on this issue and so the Free Ones joined Galactron. While the Order of Zeroes kept fighting Galactron, all except one Ted he betrayed them and joined the Free Ones. Fulled with anger by this betrayal the Zeroes started the Great Galaxy War!

In this mod choose either side and bring glory to your faction of choice!

(This mod, takes place in the same universe, as Gnaw Story does.)


Like this mod? Check out another PvE mod I created:
Diskusi Populer Lihat Semua (1)
7 Nov 2018 @ 7:30am
I think rae still op in this mode.
16 Komentar
Paraakie  [pembuat] 18 Jan 2019 @ 12:32am 
Great to hear it.
If you guys are keen for more PvE stuff look up "Rise of Galactron"
Jontej 16 Jan 2019 @ 9:46am 
This was a fun mod with friends :)
Hefesto 24 Nov 2018 @ 10:33pm 
Paraakie  [pembuat] 24 Okt 2018 @ 8:10pm 
@andrej and @unikatmon
Happy to hear you guys are enjoying it
gamer 21 Okt 2018 @ 12:04am 
after a probably long time the droids were jumping in a corner but it is actually fun
unikatmom 17 Okt 2018 @ 4:25pm 
Fun game
Paraakie  [pembuat] 3 Okt 2018 @ 12:10pm 
Would love if you could be more specific.
I added you to talk about this and hopefully we can come out with me being able to fix the error.
Paschoal 3 Okt 2018 @ 11:33am 
bug !?
playing for 40 minutos, endless map...
after 20 minutos looks like my droids are jumping in the corner
Awesome map!
Paraakie  [pembuat] 3 Okt 2018 @ 4:55am 
@Shoham First Click Subscirbe
Secondly launch your game and click play.
Select Custom and then select the map called: "Galaxy War"
A prompt should pop asking you if want to change your gamesettings, click yes as these settings were specifically designed by me to be used for this map.

From there you are in a custom lobby and can invite as many friends as you want.
After that you can click ready and play.
|GB| Shoham 3 Okt 2018 @ 4:19am 
how can i download it?